by Monroe, Mallory

  She looked at him. She didn’t quite know how to say it, except to just say it. “It’s big,” she said.

  Daniel smiled. “You’ve never been with a man my size?” he asked her.

  Nikki swallowed hard. “Any size,” she replied, and then looked into his eyes.

  Daniel, at first, continued to rub the side of her face. He was expecting an answer, but he wasn’t expecting that answer. When he realized what she had said, his hand stopped rubbing her. And he, too, stared in her eyes. And it was as clear as day. How could he have missed it? This girl was no pushover. She wasn’t about to fall for some smooth lines and give up her virginity that easily. She was a survivor. She was the one those insecure Foster Care ladies used to claim were after their husbands and boyfriends. When it was undoubtedly the other way around. When all she was after was a place to lay her head. But for some reason she trusted Daniel. For some reason she believed in him.

  He got into bed with her and pulled the coverings over both of them. And he pulled her naked body into his arms. She was still reeling as he held her, and he felt the weight of this moment unlike any he had ever felt before. It wasn’t about the size of his dick, or even the fact that she was a virgin. He’d broken his share of virgins in his day, and knew how to handle that. But it was about her being Nikki, this woman who held his attention from the moment he met her. And how he was going to handle her.

  He placed his fingers under her chin and lifted her face up to his. She wasn’t crying, but she was still apprehensive. “What did I say to you,” he asked her, “before we came up here?”

  Nikki stared at him. “You said you weren’t going to hurt me.”

  “That’s right. And I meant it, Nikki. I won’t hurt you. And I don’t just mean in bed, either. I won’t hurt you period. I promise you that.”

  Nikki felt a swell of emotions when he said that. And she believed him. Even though it felt like falling and relying on him to catch her, she believed him.

  He kissed her. Gently at first, and then with that passionate kiss she enjoyed before. And just like that she knew why she had agreed to this. Just like that she wanted him again.

  He began rubbing her bare ass as he kissed her. It was so tight. A dime could bounce off of it. And rubbing her ass led to rubbing her thighs. And then he laid her on her back, opened her legs, and slid his fingers slowly, gently, inside of her. His kisses moved downward, to her breasts, as he fingered her. Nikki felt that relaxation return when his lips began to lick and suck her nipples, and his free hand began to squeeze her mounds.

  But it was the way he was fingering her that had her emotions on high. She loved the feeling. It felt like a kind of trembling euphoria when he fingered her.

  But then he turned her sideways, toward him, as he continued to devour her breasts, making them swollen with his suctions. And then he took his raw penis and began to rub it on the lips of her vagina. She felt the rub. She felt it as if it was entering her. But he continued to finger her, as his penis rubbed her. Until rubbing and fingering weren’t enough.

  He sheath his penis and then slowly entered her. She had never felt this kind of feeling inside her pussy in her life. It felt wonderful. And she was surprised how she was actually able to bear it.

  But Daniel knew he was barely in. He was only skimming the surface. He knew the pain was about to come. He stared at her as he stroked his penis along the margins of her cunt. He had to get her unawares. He had to get her when she was in euphoria, where her mind was relaxed and reveling in the feeling.

  So he studied her. He was beginning to enjoy even the feel of her margins when she hit ecstasy. And that was when he shoved it in with a push that tore through her and ignited him. She screamed out, and looked at him in horror, as his big, thick dick tore through her maidenhood.

  “It’s all right, baby,” he reassured her. “It’s all right.”

  He pulled out of her, with her blood now on his sheath penis, but he slid back in again. “Look at me,” he said as he slid back in. He knew it was the oddest feeling in the world to her, and it wasn’t a good feeling either. “Keep looking at me, baby,” he continued talking to her. “Keep thinking how good I’m going to make you feel. And it’s going to feel good. It doesn’t feel good now for you, but it will. The more I do this, the better it’s going to start feeling.”

  And he kept doing it. He kept fucking her. He kept sliding in and out of her in steady strokes that picked up in rhythm with every thrust. She was so tight and felt so sweet to the touch that he was afraid he was going to ejaculate prematurely. But he was able to maintain his control. He pushed further and further in with each and every stroke.

  He knew what he was doing. He knew that this would be the last time he would be this gentle with her, because he was determined to break her in right. That was why he didn’t stop. That was why he kept fucking her despite her discomfort. He had to get her accustomed to his size, and to him, inside of her. He was her very first, and he loved that he was. He loved that he was the only man who had ever experienced this. He was her first. But as he continued to fuck her, as he continued to hold her in his arms and devour her pussy and suck her breasts, he somehow knew that he was also going to be her last. No other man was touching her. She was his. Somehow he knew it even then.

  And soon, as he continued to fuck her, she began to feel a change. No longer was she reliving that traumatic breakthrough. No longer was she focusing on the discomfort of having such a massive thing inside of her. She was now feeling the sensuality of that massive thing. She was taking all of that manhood inside of her and feeling every inch of him. She felt it with every stroke. Her passageway was so tight, and so fraught with friction, that it felt as if steel was pushing into her. And suddenly steel never felt so good. And the spots he was rubbing against and sliding against, began to come alive.

  He wrapped her tighter in his arms when he realized she was there, that the pleasure had arrived. He began to accelerate his thrusts. She was feeling it, every touch of every inch of it, and now he knew they were on one accord. They were together in this. She was feeling the sensations and he was living the sensations. And he was determined to make her cum. He didn’t want her to just survive their first mating, he wanted her to ride with it.

  “You feel that?” he asked her as his mouth kissed her ear.

  “Yes,” Nikki replied, holding onto him as he thrashed into her. “I feel it.”

  And she felt it, she felt every spot he hit, and she rode with it. She rode with it for the longest time. The bed was rocking and her body was rocking and he was fucking the shit out of her. She was almost off of the bed he was fucking her so hard. She’d never felt this way before in her life. He nailed her, at just that right spot, and it made her feel intoxicated with passion. And he kept on nailing her, and thrashing her, over and over until he hit that one spot one time too many. And an explosion occurred. Her feelings changed yet again and her vaginal muscles clenched around Daniel’s dick so hard and with such force that her entire body ignited with ripples of sensation. She arched her back, lifting high off the bed, as the pleasure ripped through her. She’d never felt this way before.

  “Oh, Daniel!” she cried as she held onto him. And he was telling her to experience it, to not quench the feeling. And he was fucking her. He was not letting up. Her body arched against his and quake with trembles as she came. And she experienced that cum as hard as he was telling her to. He was screaming for her to experience it, to ride with it, and she kept arching and experiencing and riding it so hard, refusing to quench the feelings, until they nearly quenched her. The ripples finally slowed, but they still would not cease.

  And as she was easing up, Daniel was spilling out. He thrashed into her and thrashed into her until his spigot released spunk all over her pussy, and caused every muscle in his body to tighten up, and to tremble too.

  By the time they both stopped trembling completely, and came back to themselves, something had shifted between them. They were breathing ha
rd, and looking into each other’s eyes, and knew that a shift had happened. This was their first mating, and already a shift had occurred.

  For Daniel it was a heightened sense of ownership. It was as if he was seeing something, and he knew it would someday belong to him, although it didn’t belong to him yet.

  For Nikki it was a sense of attachment. Of belonging to someone. It was as if she had been flying solo all of her life, with no one on ground to catch her if she fell. But now there was a safety net. But it was going to require an awful lot of trust, because that net might close at any moment, and she could fall.

  There was a shift.

  Afterwards, after Daniel ran water in his Jacuzzi tub, he and Nikki, with her back against his front, bathe together. Her vagina was battered, he knew he had put it on her, and would probably be more sore later on if it wasn’t handled right. That was why, although she bathe herself, he took charge of bathing her pussy.

  “Do you have classes tomorrow?” he asked her as he bathe her.

  “Yes,” she said, finding sensuality even in his wipe.

  “What times?”

  “Only one, and it’s from ten to eleven.”

  Daniel continued to rub her vagina, loving the tightness of it and still pleased that he was the first one. And he decided something he had never decided with a date before. “You’re staying the night with me,” he told her. “I’ll take you home in the morning.”

  Nikki smiled and leaned back against him. If she had any doubts that he was treating their coupling as a one-night stand, his statement just now completely alleviated it.

  Daniel, too, knew it was true. This was another first for him. Especially after his marriage, he hated to wake up with some woman in his bed. But he was looking forward to sleeping, and then waking up, with Nikki.

  The next day, after Daniel drove her home and Val joked about “the glow” she now had, Nikki had a long phone conversation with Miss Newsome, who couldn’t stop thanking her for getting Daniel to help her sons. Nikki tried in vain to explain to her that Daniel helped because he wanted to, not because of her, but even Val, after she hung up, told her to knock it off.

  “Just quit,” he said to her. They were in their apartment, at the small kitchen table, having breakfast. “Daniel Crane is helping her because of you.”

  “That is so not true,” Nikki said. “He decided to help her because he agreed those boys need better representation.”

  “Oh, sure. And you aren’t glowing, either, are you?”

  “That’s exactly right. I’m not glowing!”

  “You’re glowing,” Val insisted. “That man put it on your butt last night. He broke you in.”

  “Ah, forget you,” Nikki said. She and Val were close, but she wasn’t about to dig that deep, even with him.

  “But you know what that means,” he said with a smile, as he bit into his toast. “You’re his now. If you hear from him again, and that’s a big IF, then he’s going to try and put a claim on you. Especially if it was good. If it wasn’t so good, that’s different. But if it was good, and if he calls you again, you’re going to be his. You’re Daniel’s girl now.”

  But Nikki dismissed such talk and got up to get dressed for class.

  But as she walked to class across the sprawling college campus, she kept thinking about what Val had said. IF he called her again, he had said, as if there was some doubt that Daniel would phone. But Nikki fully expected to hear from Daniel again, even though a part of her felt foolish for expecting it. He got what he wanted, after all, and most men would take their winnings and go home.

  But he had promised her that he wouldn’t hurt her. That had to account for something. She knew she wasn’t experienced in matters of the heart, and she knew men would lie to get into a female’s panties all day long, but she saw the sincerity in Daniel’s eyes when he spoke those words. She saw the conviction. Besides, a man who would help Miss Newsome the way he had agreed to help her, couldn’t be a bad man. He just couldn’t. So she fully expected Daniel to get in touch with her again.

  But what she didn’t expect was that he would call her cell phone as soon as her class had ended, as if he had timed it. And it wasn’t his secretary who phoned her, either. He phoned her. He told her to meet him in front of the administration building on campus in twenty minutes. He was taking her to lunch.

  Nikki beamed with joy as she hung up her phone. The administration building was in the very front of the school and was one of the more popular pick up locations. Nikki knew she could get there in a matter of a couple minutes, but she was too thrilled to be laid back. So instead of taking her time and scrolling over to the admin building, she practically ran.

  “Hey, hey, Nikki, hey! What crusade do you have today?” The three girls sang this cheer in unison, and then giggled. Like Nikki, they were waiting to be picked up in front of the admin building too. But unlike Nikki, they were bored with waiting and needed entertainment.

  They chose her.

  “Hey, hey, Nikki, hey! What crusade do you have today?” they repeated.

  Nikki ignored them both times. To her they were nothing more than typical mean girls with nothing better to do. All three were small and pretty and were leaders on the cheerleading squad. One of the girls dated the captain of the football team, or either used to date him. Nikki didn’t exactly have time to keep up with that kind of news. But they, like many of the students who saw Nikki around campus, were always teasing her. She needed to give those crusades a rest, they would say. She needed a makeover, she needed a life, and she particularly needed a man.

  “So tell us, Nick,” the football captain’s girl said. “What’s the cause today? Are you saving the chia pets, or are you collecting lunch money for the panda bears?” The other girls giggled.

  “But seriously, Nick,” the leader continued. “Why don’t you come to our sorority house tomorrow night? We’re having a fab party and we would absolutely love to have your exceptional personality in attendance.” Giggles again.

  Nikki could see Daniel’s pearl-white Jaguar turn onto the campus, driving fast, which seemed to be the only way he knew how to drive, as he headed her way.

  “Come on, Nikki, you’ll love it,” the leader went on. “We’ll play all the Frank Sinatra songs you want to hear. And you can even do the Carlton dance.” Even more giggles. “But ooops, what in the world am I thinking? I completely forgot! You can’t come stag at our parties. You have to bring a date. And what man on the face of this earth would take you on a date?”

  The girls really laughed at that one as Daniel’s Jaguar stopped in front of the building. He got out of his car and walked around it, toward Nikki.

  “So tell us, Nick,” the leader asked again, “what sane man would take you on a date?”

  Daniel was dressed in a periwinkle blue Armani suit and rounded the car looking pristine, Nikki thought. His hair had dropped down along his forehead, giving him a youthful appearance, and his muscular body, a body she now knew so well, seemed to strain the fabric of the suit. He kissed her on the lips when he made it up to her, to the amazement of the cheerleaders, and opened the car door for her. Nikki then turned around, and looked at her stunned college mates.

  “This man would,” she said, and was about to get in the car.

  But the football captain’s girl only had eyes for Daniel. She could see that sugar daddy doing all kinds of wonderful things with and for her. Nursemaid Nikki certainly didn’t deserve a man like that!

  “So you’ll come to the party then?” the leader asked, eyeing Daniel as if he was a steak to eat. “You can come, and you can bring him too,” she added with a sweet, innocent smile. “Will you come, Nikki? Please? Pretty please?”

  Nikki looked at her as if she was an airhead personified. What, did they think Nikki was stupid? Did they really believe that she would all of a sudden want to belong to a group like theirs? “Let me think,” Nikki said, as if she was actually giving the invite some serious thought. “Do I go to your part
y and bring my date? Or do I stay home and put needles in my eyes? Umm,” Nikki said as if she was actually weighing her options. “What to do, what to do.” Then she smiled. “Ooops, the needles won. Sorry, girls,” she said, dropping the smile that was as fake as theirs, and got into the car.

  Daniel smiled too and shook his head. The silliness of youth, he thought, as he closed the passenger door, rounded the car, and got back in. Nikki was laughing as they drove away.

  The leader looked at the other girls, who were staring at her. “What y’all looking at me for?” she snapped.

  Over the next few weeks, there would be many lunch dates and dinner dates for Daniel and Nikki. Every day, in fact, they had some form of contact. But it was usually brief, a lunch here, a dinner there, as Daniel often had to be out of town or attend some major meeting or entertain some out-of-town business associates. She even spent the night with him a few times.

  But as the third week of their courtship was drawing to a close, and he was set to leave town, yet again, on business, he picked her up after class, in front of the admin building once again, to take her, she thought, to lunch. But instead of taking her to lunch, he first took her to a car dealership. To a Lexus car dealership.

  As soon as his Jaguar came to a stop in the parking lot, Nikki looked at him.

  “What’s this?” she asked him.

  Daniel already felt odd about making this big a leap. But he didn’t feel it could be helped. He had business meetings in California tomorrow and throughout the weekend, and then he had to leave there and be in China all next week. He didn’t feel this was a matter that should wait until he returned.

  “This is a car dealership,” he said.

  “I know that,” Nikki said with a smile. “But why are we at a car dealership?”

  “You need transportation.”

  “I have transportation. I catch the city bus wherever I have to go.”

  Daniel didn’t even realize he was holding her hand, until he was just now about to reach for it. He squeezed it. “That’s not going to work, babe,” he said.


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