Begin Again (Saint Lakes #5): A M/M Fantasy Romance about Shifters and Vampires

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Begin Again (Saint Lakes #5): A M/M Fantasy Romance about Shifters and Vampires Page 14

by April Kelley

  He shook his head, trying to get the smoke out of his throat. He didn't see the vampire until it was on him, claws digging into his flesh. Ramsey tried to bite him away but he clung at an odd angle, and he couldn't get to him.

  Instead, he focused on the vampire coming at him from the front. He had just bent down to bite it, but Fane stabbed it through the heart. The body crumbled to the ground, making a sick thudding sound. Fane moved onto the vampire clinging to Ramsey's back.

  Fane yelled in such a way that spoke of what he thought of Ramsey getting attacked. It was a sound Ramsey had never heard coming from his mate before.

  The vampire didn't stand a chance. Fane sliced his sword through the air, and the vampire's head rolled from his body. The rest of him clung to Ramsey for a second before Fane grabbed the back of the body’s shirt and pulled him off, claws leaving his flesh, providing him with some relief.

  When Fane looked up at him, splotches of blood covered him.

  Fane gave another war cry and attacked another vampire coming his way. "Mine!"

  Ramsey turned, focusing on the vampires pouring in. So many they'd be overrun soon. He bit at one and moved onto another, emptying his mind to everything once again.

  Ramsey came back to himself when he heard Lucas cry out. They needed to protect Lucas above anyone else. They couldn't let Stavros get to him. If that happened, it could mean the end of all shifters.

  Ramsey turned, frantically looked for Lucas. He found him kneeling beside Gabriel, who was in wolf form. Lucas had tears on his face and a ball of light on his hand. He pushed it into Gabriel's prone body. Lucas was so focused on Gabriel he didn’t see the vampire make its way to him.

  Ramsey roared, trying to get Fane's attention. He was slow on land and wouldn't get to Lucas in time.

  Fane looked at him and then in the direction Ramsey’s gaze had been. Fane ran, his body a blur when he grabbed Lucas.

  Ramsey shifted and ran to Gabriel, the ground cold under his bare feet, the air biting his skin. As soon as he got to Gabriel, he shifted back quickly. Gabriel lay there, his breathing heavy and unresponsive.

  He killed anyone who came within a foot of Gabriel. He barely paid attention to Shawn when he threw himself on top of his mate, protecting him with his body. Ramsey bit at anyone who came close in human form, vampire or not. When Angel came over and fought next to him, Ramsey nearly bit him but caught himself at the last minute. The only reason he didn't was because Angel smelled like Forrest.

  He changed his focus slightly, getting the one off to his right, while Angel went for the ones on the left.

  "Get up, Gabe. By the gods, get up already." Between each word, Angel swung his sword, panting and grunting as his blade hit the next body.

  They were getting overrun right where they stood. A cougar shifter came up from behind some of the vampires, going for the kill even as he kept coming. When he stood in front of Gabriel and Shawn, Ramsey realized it was Tim. He guarded them from the front, not allowing anyone near them.

  Ramsey saw Ladon go down at about the same time Fane came out of nowhere, cutting down the vampires attacking Ladon.

  Ramsey roared and fought harder, needed to get to his other brother.

  "Gods, we're not gonna win this, man. Get the fuck up." Angel's voice hitched, and his gaze met Ramsey's for a second before he watched the scene playing out with Fane and Ladon.

  Fane stood on Ladon's back, fighting anyone who came close.

  Ramsey realized too late that Ladon and Fane were both going down.

  Ramsey shifted quickly, running to them, but halfway to Fane a blast went off, and the sword fell from Fane's hand. His face screwed up in pain, and he put a hand to his side. Ramsey cried out when he saw blood covering Fane's palm.

  Fane straightened and held his hands out in front of him, ready to fight. Owen, circled overhead a couple of times before diving in, going for the gunman, who stood off to the side with a rifle in his hand. He was sure it was that Stavros bastard but Ramsey didn't pay enough attention to care.

  Owen’s clawed feet dug into gunman’s arm. The act stunned him enough that the gun fell to the ground. Owen turned to leave and fight someone else but the gunman picked up the gun. He swung it at Owen and actually hit him. Owen fell to the ground, his wings outstretched. The gunman stood hold the gun up to Owen’s head. He was about to pull the trigger when a vampire came through the barrier and shot a handgun at the gunman, who fell down to the ground again.

  The vampire stood over Owen in a protective way. While the vampire’s behavior was confusing, it was also very welcome, and it gave Ramsey time to focus in his mate and other brother.

  Ramsey made his way over to Fane just as his knees buckled. Ramsey caught him. Fane's chest heaved against Ramsey's, and he groaned. He lay him against Ladon, who lay unconscious but breathing.

  "Monster." The word came out laced with pain.

  Ramsey stopped breathing as grief lodged in his throat. "You stay alive, sweet. Promise me."


  Ramsey lay Fane against Ladon's big leg, kissing him once before letting him go. Ramsey shifted, and with it, his brain shifted too. He bit at the air, threatening anyone who came close.

  Dragons littered the sky like giant birds and several were on the ground, taking out the vampire's one at a time. Bear shifters fought right alongside the dragons and vampires fought against vampires. They must be the reinforcements Hacen mentioned. The bear shifters were the most efficient. It was clear they had specialized training.

  Ramsey shifted back to his human form when he realized the dragons didn’t need him. He turned to Fane. Fane had passed out. His body going limp against Ladon. Blood covered his lower right side. Darker blood flowed from a small hole in his skin.

  Ladon's body shifted slowly at the same time he groaned. Fane upper body rolled to the ground when Ladon's green scales became pink flesh.

  Ladon was still out of it enough that he growled and snapped his teeth at Ramsey when he got close to Fane. Ladon crawled to Fane as if he were still in his dragon form, standing over him in a protective away.

  "It's over, Ladon."

  Ladon growled at him again, but he blinked his eyes as if it were difficult to see. He shook his head.

  "Fane is mine. Let me take him."

  Ladon straightened and when he did he held his head. It was then that Ramsey saw the blood coating his hair on one side. "Ramsey?"

  "Yeah, brother."

  Ladon sat down then as if his legs couldn't hold him anymore. Thankfully, he avoided landing on Fane. Instead, he sat beside him. "What about the others?"

  "I don't know. Need to get Fane inside. Someone shot him."

  Ramsey lifted Fane into his arms. His body hung limply in Ramsey’s arms. "Can you walk, Ladon?"

  "Think so." Ladon stood slowly, holding his head, and swaying on his feet. Suddenly, Bennett was there, lifting Ladon in his arms. Garridan circled overhead. He seemed to zero in on something off to Ramsey's left.

  Ramsey carried Fane across the yard, Bennett right beside him, carrying Ladon. Bennett grunted at the strain. "Heavy brat."

  "Big asshole." Ladon's head lulled on Bennett's shoulders. "Is the family okay?"

  "We're not sure about Owen. Stavros took him down, but some vampire came to his rescue. Garridan is going to check. Angel has a bite wound that will heal soon enough." Bennett answered.

  Ramsey saw the same vampire who had saved Owen’s life, carry Owen to the house, Garridan circling above him.

  "What about Kristin and Josh?" The fact that it was Ladon asking about everyone said more than anything could what kind of Alpha he'd make.

  "They're okay. A few scratches and exhausted but that's it."

  "Jules?" Ladon asked without opening his eyes.

  Bennett hesitated, his eyes darting to Ramsey and their gazes met.

  "What about Jules?"

  "Hacen and Thomas took off with him about fifteen minutes ago."

  "By the gods. Why didn
't anyone stop them?" Ladon asked.

  "He was passed out but Hacen had him in his arms. He was protecting Jules, not trying to hurt him. If Jules is hurt, Thomas should have a spell or two that could help. When Lucas is done helping the wounded here and he’s rested, I’ll take him over to Magnus’ cabin. I’m sure that’s where they’re head. We needed to make sure you and Fane were okay first. You two are the worst off I think. Maybe Owen too." Bennett’s plan worked for Ramsey.

  Ramsey carried Fane into the house. At the same time, the vampire entered with Owen. The vampire's eyes glowed blue, and he held Owen as if he were the most precious thing. Still, Ramsey growled at him. "Put him down and get out."

  "He's cool, Ramsey. He's on our side." Angel, who sat on the kitchen island with his pants off, hissed out in protest at whatever Forrest did to him. Forrest knelt in front of him with a cotton ball, wiping at some bloody wound on his legs. "Ow. Damn, Forrest."

  "Stop being a damn baby. It's a little scratch."

  "It's a bite. On my leg. Near my manhood. It could have been bad for both of us."

  Forrest chuckled and shook his head. "You're an idiot."

  Lucas came running over to Bennett's side and instantly started crying.

  "Where's my mom?"

  Mom came from behind several people and walked to him.

  "He's slipping away. I can feel it." When he said the words, his voice broke. He had to clear his throat and blink away the tears that came to his eyes before he could speak again. "The bullet's still inside."

  Mom nodded. "Take him to your room." She looked at the vampire. "Follow him up."

  Ramsey didn't wait for anything else. He did what his mother told him. He heard her talking to Lucas when he left, asking him to go up with her.

  He heard the vampire on the stairs behind him. Ramsey went into his room and lay Fane gently on the bed.

  "You can lay him beside Fane," Ramsey spoke without looking at the guy.

  He fell to his knees beside the bed, taking Fane's hand. Fane's skin was pale, and his hand lay limp inside Ramsey's. Ramsey brought Fane's hand to his lips and kissed it.

  The vampire stood holding Owen in his arms. Ramsey didn't have enough energy to make an issue out of it.

  "Who are you?" Ramsey couldn't make himself speak above a whisper. If he did, he would shatter into a million pieces.

  "Name’s Damien. I’ve been searching for my mate for a long time. Had a vision about him so when I heard about Stavros starting a fight in Saint Lakes I came. I just hope I wasn’t too late."

  "You're not with Stavros?"

  "No. I defected even before Angel did."

  "Thanks for saving my brother."

  “I would do anything for him.”

  Ramsey lifted up just enough to kiss Fane on the cheek. "I'm Ramsey. Alpha. For now."

  "Nice meeting you. Wish it was under different circumstances."

  "Intentions with my brother?"

  "Taking him with me while I look for my siblings. We were separated long ago."

  Ramsey smiled. "Good luck getting him to leave the family. And you'll have two fighting you because Kristin will throw a fit."

  "You'll let him go?"

  "I'm not that kind of Alpha. Owen can do what he wants. He knows that."

  Mom came into the room, Lucas following behind her. Bennett and Ladon behind him.

  "Put Owen down. I can heal him, but you can't be touching," Lucas said and started over to Owen, but Bennett growled, not wanting Lucas close to the vampire. Ramsey couldn't blame him. He wouldn't let Fane close to the guy either, even though he seemed like a decent guy. He could be full of shit for all they knew, and Ramsey wasn't in his right mind. Even he knew that.

  Damien did as Lucas ordered, laying Owen next to Fane on the bed. The second his hands left Owen's body, a ball of light went into Owen. Owen's body jerked, and he gasped before laying so still he could have been dead for all Ramsey knew.

  Mom pushed Ramsey on his shoulder which redirected his focus. "Move out of the way."

  Ramsey stood, giving Mom room to work.

  She put something in the hole on Fane's side, chanting the whole time. Whatever she used smelled faintly of some type of flower, although what type Ramsey had no idea. His heart pounded in his chest when Fane's eyes flew open, and he screamed.

  Ramsey growled and went over to him. He might have caused physical damage to anyone else. Thankfully, it was his mother.

  Ramsey went to his knees again, staying out of Mom's way. "Shh. It'll all be over soon. Mom and Lucas are gonna fix you." Ramsey ran his fingers through Fane's hair. "You promised you'd stay alive, sweet."

  Fane settled again at the same time Ramsey couldn't feel him anymore. Ramsey wasn't aware of anything but the fact that Fane wasn't breathing. "No, sweet. Please. Please keep your promise."

  "Move." Lucas pulled on his arm, pulling him away from Fane. "Move back, Ramsey."

  Ramsey jerked his arm out of Lucas hold.

  Someone lifted him away from Fane, and he fought with everything he had. His elbow connected with flesh and he heard Bennett grunt. "Let me go. I need him."

  "Shit he's getting ready to shift." Bennett was the one who spoke from right behind him.

  He saw Ladon, blood still covering one side of his head. Ladon growled at him right before his lips moved as if he spoke, but Ramsey couldn't make out the words passed the pounding of his heart in his ears. "I need him."

  Ramsey could feel part of his body shifting, and then he settled when he realized he could feel Fane within him again.

  "You can let him go." As soon as Lucas said it, Bennett released his hold.

  Ramsey went right over to Fane and lifted him off the bed, away from everyone who might keep them separated again.

  "Oh, jeez. You're worse than anyone feral," Lucas spoke.

  Ramsey ignored him as he carried Fane to a chair that sat in the corner.

  Lucas came over to him, and Ramsey growled. "Get away."

  "Just want to tell you that he'll need blood when he wakes up."

  "Okay. Now go. Please."

  Lucas smiled. "I won't keep you separated anymore. He's healed completely. Just exhausted now."

  Ramsey could feel Fane's heart beating steadily as their chests pressed together. "Thank you."

  "Yep. I gotta crash now. Fading fast after all that healing." Lucas turned and went to Bennett, who practically carried him out of the room.

  Ladon went over to the bed and laid down next to Owen. Damon growled at him. "We're brother's, idiot. Plus, I already have a mate. One I need to find now that I shifted. Anyway, I don't know you, so you're not staying in here alone with any of my family members."

  Mom looked at Ladon. "You're bossy now that you shifted."

  "I'm gonna be Alpha. I think."

  Mom met Ramsey's gaze, but he still couldn't talk about anything coherently. The last couple minutes came to Ramsey as if through a tunnel.

  He closed his eyes and held Fane to him as tightly as he could without causing pain.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Fane knew he was safe because he could feel Ramsey surround him. Ramsey’s chest moved up and down in a steady rhythm, and his heart beat, just beneath Fane's cheek.

  Ramsey wrapped his arms around Fane, holding him close, his grip firm but not painful. There was no way Fane could get away, not that he was eager to leave anyway.

  Still, Fane wondered what happened. The last thing he remembered was getting shot and Ramsey coming to get him. Before that, he had been keeping Ladon safe because someone had hit him in the head and he fell unconscious.

  He had to find out if Ladon made it. "Monster."

  Ramsey didn't even stir.

  "Ramsey." Fane poked Ramsey in his side.

  That seemed to get his attention. He came awake with a start. The next thing Fane knew, Ramsey was growling in his ear, holding him in a corner. Ramsey had his back to the room, protecting Fane from anything that came at them.

would have looked to see if there was a threat but Ramsey wasn't letting him get even that far away. "Monster."

  As soon as the word was out of Fane's mouth, Ramsey's body shook, and it took Fane a second to realize Ramsey had tears on his face.

  Fane's arms came around Ramsey, and he gave him as much comfort as he possibly could. "Monster."

  Ramsey let out a watery laugh and kissed him on the top of his head. "Thank the gods."

  "What happened? Is Ladon okay?"

  The springs of a bed mattress squeaked. "I'm good, thanks to you." Ladon's voice sounded husky. "A little weirded out because I'm in bed with a stranger and my brother. So emotionally scarred for life, but otherwise peachy."

  "What?" Something about what Ladon said didn't quite register as making sense in Fane's brain.

  "Ladon's just being a whiny dick." Okay, why was Owen in their room?

  "I'm not the one snuggled up to a complete stranger." For that matter, why was Ladon in there?

  "He's my mate, asshole."

  "You know what. When Ramsey makes me Alpha, I'm gonna totally make you do all the chores for calling me names."

  "That day hasn't come, so shut up."

  "Do you two always argue like this?" That voice he didn't recognize, and he stiffened.

  "That's Damian. Owen's mate." Ramsey reached up and wiped at his cheeks.

  "Who died?" Someone had to if Ramsey was crying like that. Fane knew his mate well enough to know that.

  "You did. For about a second but Lucas saved you."

  "Oh. I don't remember that."

  "No, sweet. You had passed out by then."

  "You're not hurt?"

  Ramsey chuckled. "You would ask that next. Fane, I'm fine. Everyone in the family made it through, although Lucas had to save three of you and a few of the clan. Several more are still injured, and we lost some. We won this battle. Had a few casualties. Nicolono got away, but he was injured. For now, it's over."

  "Where's the sword?"

  "On the dresser. Josh brought it in a while ago, found it in the yard."


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