Head of the Class

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Head of the Class Page 4

by Cyndi Weatherhead



  CAJA shifted restlessly in her seat as the meeting dragged on endlessly. It’d been a while since she’d spent an entire weekend making love, and now she was paying for her enthusiasm. Despite her serious dedication to fitness, Michael’s attentions had left her with a delicious tenderness between her thighs that constantly reminded her of their decadent weekend. She crossed her legs again , forcing herself to pay attention. Considering that she’d requested the meeting, it would hardly be good form to fall asleep in the middle of it, but she could think of nothing else she’d rather do. Turning Brickhouse into a chain had taken every bit of energy and savvy she had. Now the grand opening of her Madison location was only a few days away. She listened as each of her new managers gave her a rundown on the progress and problems in their individual areas.

  She paid particularly close attention to the instructors and their reports. A mixture of personality and know-how were crucial components for their line of work. Though confident that she’d chosen the best, they had to be evaluated constantly. To most of her clients the instructors were Brickhouse, and they had to be top-notch. She had spent a lot of time finding the best in the area, and had even succeeded in recruiting a few from other markets. The yoga instructor, Delby Jensen, was a definite coup. She’d lured him away from Atlanta where he had quite a reputation and following. Though thrilled that he’d agreed to join her, she’d briefly wondered why he would relocate from such a lucrative gym. There had even been talk of a video and maybe even a spot on a cable network, but he explained that he simply preferred the slower pace of life that he’d find in Huntsville. Having lived briefly in the much larger city after college , she too had found small town living much more to her liking and accepted his explanation. His clean background check notwithstanding, she still had a few misgivings,.

  Caja stood as the last of her staff wrapped up their reports. She glanced at the clock on the wall of the small meeting room. She had another meeting with her project manager in less than fifteen minutes so she moved quickly through her speech. Designed to motivate and energize her team , the talk drew an enthusiastic response. She smiled and spent a few brief moments shaking hands and talking to her employees before she returned to her office for the meeting with the construction company.

  Fortunately that meeting went more quickly than her staff meeting. After weeks of agonizing delays over issues such as water pressure to the saunas and hot tub, and a wiring catastrophe that had taken forever to straighten out, they were finally ready to do a punch list on the new facility. Caja made a note in her iPhone to make sure several of her managers, and especially Kit , accompanied her on the walk-through. She didn’t want to miss something that would ruin the opening weeks of the new fitness center. Competition was cutthroat and it didn’t take much to make a client abandon a gym. Brickhouse had a reputation for personal attention and the latest in cutting edge technology. Unfortunately, upkeep on the electronic gadgetry required a full-time technician and a level of attention she doubted could be found outside a nuclear power plant. One broken treadmill could be the difference between someone signing on for a three-year membership or going to the competition, and telling everyone within a 500-mile radius that she ran a crappy gym. Worse, they tended to exaggerate so one broken treadmill became a whole plethora of ills. Breakage had to be kept to a minimum or the new venture wouldn’t survive.

  After the project manager left, she scrolled quickly through her phone, ensuring that she didn’t have any appointments left. Just to be sure, she checked with Kit who assured her that she hadn’t left any details hanging. Only then did she change quickly into her workout clothes and head upstairs to the gym she kept reserved for her private clients. It was constructed in such a way that most of the regulars there had no idea that the facility even had a second floor. The decor replicated the same high-tech look as the first floor, but she’d softened it with more natural wood and cozier colors. They’d used the same floor plan with the new facility as well. With a secluded entrance, her private clients, most of whom were morbidly obese, were able to come workout away from other members without fear of being mocked.

  As she worked her way through her weight training routine Caja tried to focus, but found her mind wandering to the previous weekend. Much as she hated to admit it, she knew she’d be deeply hurt if she didn’t hear from Michael again. That morning he’d gotten up before dawn, and after kissing her awake told her that he’d call. She sighed as she pushed down on her heels and rose from another squat. Of course, that’s what they all said. Must be imprinted on male DNA or something. Tell her you’ll call, then get the hell out of Dodge. It was probably for the best. She groaned as her thighs burned from the punishing regimen she was putting them through. She’d lost count of the reps during her musings, and lowered the weight bar when she couldn’t do even one more with good form.

  After that she focused totally on the workout and managed to get through it without thinking about Michael again. After a quick shower, she returned to her office on the first floor, to find Kit standing next to her desk holding a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolate. She handed them to Caja.

  “Looks like somebody had an interesting weekend. I didn’t know men still sent candy,” she sniffed.

  Caja grabbed the gifts from her assistant, trying to contain her delight that he hadn’t ditched her after all. “It’s no big deal , Kit. You knew I was going out with Michael.”

  “There’s going out, and then there’s going out. Most casual dates don’t end up with a delivery of champagne and chocolate.” She shook her head. “Anyway, you’re a big girl, and I’m out of here. This has been a crazy day what with all the meetings and all.” Kit stalked off, clearly annoyed that Caja hadn’t told her about her weekend with Michael. She couldn’t blame her friend for being miffed, she usually told her most of the details of her love life. She didn’t really know why she had been disinclined to do the same this time.

  Caja stared at her assistant’s departing back for a long moment, then unable to resist any longer, she took her precious gifts into her office, only then daring to read the card.

  Thought I owed you a bottle.

  Hope you’ll enjoy it with me this evening. MSF

  Caja studied his initials, wondering what the S stood for , a ll the while struggling mightily against the urge to squeal like a schoolgirl. Finally, after ensuring that there was no one left in the office suite she gave in to the impulse. Tempted to pop the cork right there, she contained herself by picking up her telephone instead. More than any other beverage, champagne definitely had to be shared.

  * * * * *

  The champagne was light, crisp and delicious, but Caja couldn’t believe they were enjoying it in the middle of a hockey game. And what was more, she found herself having an incredible amount of fun. Michael was a great companion who didn’t mind frequent interruptions to inquire about the finer points of the game. He had explained early on that hockey was fairly easy to follow, especially if she’d ever seen a basketball or soccer game. Having grown up as an athlete with two older brothers who were sports fanatics, understanding hockey didn’t take long at all. Soon she was berating the refs in fine form and shouting ‘drop the puck’ with the most rabid fans.

  The arena reverberated with the roar of the crowd and the enthusiastic play-by-play from the loudspeaker. Caja’s heart thrummed in rhythm with the players on the ice as they battled valiantly to score in the last seconds of a power play. All their efforts were to no avail, and Caja couldn’t contain her disappointment when the game ended with the Havoc losing a heartbreaker to the Cottonmouths.

  * * * * *

  Michael watched Caja’s growing enthusiasm for the game and couldn’t believe his luck. After their incredible weekend he hadn’t wanted to lose one moment before seeing her again, but he also hadn’t wanted to miss his favorite team’s play-off game. He’d grabbed the phone on the first ring when she called to thank him for the champagne
and chocolates. He’d spent far more than was reasonable on a teacher’s salary for both, but thanked the heavens that he had. After they’d exchanged greetings and she’d thanked him for the present, he jumped right into his tentative plans for the evening.

  “Do you like hockey?” Michael asked, knowing that if she said no, he’d cancel his plans in a heartbeat.

  “I don’t really know. I’ve never actually watched a game. We were big basketball and soccer fans growing up. And absolute football fanatics, but aside from the Olympics, we didn’t follow hockey much.”

  “You know it’s really big around here? UAH has won several national championships.”

  Caja murmured affirmatively.

  “I’ve got tickets for the Havoc play-off game and thought you might want to go. I’ll understand if you don’t want to...we can always do something else.”

  “No, no. I’ve just had an absolute bitch of a day. I’m not sure if I’ll be great company.”

  “Hockey is the best stress reliever in the world. You can scream your head off, and nobody thinks anything of it. So you’ll come?”

  “No problem, but I’ll have to make a pretty early evening of it. I’ve got meetings all day tomorrow too,” Caja said.

  Now he wrapped an arm around her shoulder in a congenial hug. Only Caja would be perfectly at ease sipping obscenely expensive champagne while screaming her heart out at a hockey game. He had to get his sister something really nice as a thank-you for this bit of matchmaking. Usually her choices left him wondering if she knew him at all. She’d finally gotten it right, and she hadn’t even been trying. Watching Caja watch the game had been far more entertaining than the game itself, and somehow he didn’t even mind losing.

  “Come on Sprocket,” he yelled to be heard above the capacity crowd, “let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

  Caja rose in agreement, but hung back for a moment and stood facing him her hands on her hips, “Sprocket? What the hell is a sprocket?”

  Michael chuckled in return. He had no idea where he’d gotten the nickname, but with her diminutive stature and tenacious nature, it suited her. “I dunno. Sort of like “pocket rocket” only blended together. If you don’t like it, I won’t use it again.”

  Caja shrugged and took his hand as they made their way out of the arena. “It’s okay. My brothers have certainly called me worse. Just don’t call me that when we’re in bed, okay? I’m pretty sure I’d kick you out.” Caja chuckled at the prospect of him calling out “Sprocket” in the throes of passion. She couldn’t imagine anything less erotic.

  Michael nodded his head in agreement. Gearshifts were the last thing on his mind when he had this bit of silken sexiness between the sheets.

  They weren’t the only fans that tried to wedge their way through the capacity crowd at the nearby brewpub after the game. The first floor was standing room only. Caja and Michael managed to find a table on the slightly quieter second floor.

  “So is the grand opening of the new center still on for Monday?” Michael asked after they’d placed their orders.

  Caja nodded. “I really shouldn’t be out tonight. You wouldn’t believe all the stuff I still have left to do. Seems like I’ve been working on this forever, and I’m going nowhere fast.”

  “What’s left for you to do?” Michael asked.

  “Mainly checking off other people’s work, but also unpacking boxes of merchandise, making sure equipment works, that type of thing.”

  “I don’t guess I could check other people’s work, since I don’t anything about it. But I can certainly run the equipment through its paces and unpack boxes,” Michael said.

  Caja’s eyes widened. “Really?” She thanked the waitress for delivering her drink order.

  Michael nodded, accepting his beverage as well. “I think it’ll be fun : I’ll get my workout in, hang out with you, and the gym isn’t that far from my house, so it’ll be all good.” He waggled his brows suggestively.

  “You are the biggest horn dog ever in the history of western civilization.”

  “Yep.” Michael took a long pull from his beer. “And you wouldn’t have me any other way.” At least he hoped not.

  Caja nodded in agreement, sipping her martini.

  “What time do you want me at the gym tomorrow?”

  “Anytime you can drop by. I’ll have my whole crew there, and if I have to leave , Kit will let you in. Are you sure you want to spend your evening basically doing scut work?”

  “Caja, I teach second grade. If had a problem with scut work I would’ve found a different job a long time ago. Do you have any idea how much time I spend wiping noses and patching assorted boo-boos?”

  Caja laughed in return. “Okay, but be warned, I’ve been told I’m a bit of a tyrant.”

  * * * * *

  Michael groaned as the technician instructed him to begin running again. Caja certainly hadn’t lied about her tyrannical leanings. He’d arrived at the fitness center in the early evening and she’d immediately handed him over to the electronics technician; a man who looked as though he lived for nothing but the calibration of machinery. Michael had spent most of his time on the Stair Master, treadmill and elliptical machines. Though physically fit, it’d been a while since he’d run for hours. The technician looked equally exhausted, but seemed satisfied that the treadmills were finally set to his satisfaction. He dismissed Michael with a wave of his hand, and Michael made good his escape before the taciturn man changed his mind. Having lost his towel some time ago, he pulled his t-shirt over his head and used it to wipe the sweat dripping from his forehead. Then, still dressed only in a pair of gym shorts, he walked into the small employee break room to get a bottle of water. He stood drinking the water in the empty room, when suddenly he felt arms wrap around his waist. He knew immediately from the shiver that arced down his spine that it was Caja and placed one hand over hers to hold them in place.

  Michael hissed and his groin tightened immediately when Caja began alternately kissing, then taking sharp nips out of the flesh on his back.

  “Michael,” she whispered, “everybody is gone home. We’ve got the whole place to ourselves.” Michael exhaled with a hiss as his whole body, not just his cock, but his whole body, sprang to immediate erectness at her suggestive whisper. “But you’ve been working so hard,” she continued in a kittenish tone pulling one hand free to stroke over the sweat-slickened contours of his muscular back, “I’ll understand if you’re too tired...” she trailed off with one final nip and attempted to move away.

  Michael turned, lifting her off the floor into his embrace. “Too tired? I remember a certain young lady crying “uncle” just a few days ago.”

  Caja wrapped her legs around his waist. “Let’s see who gives in first tonight,” she said, pulling his mouth down to meet hers. Their tongues entangled in a lascivious kiss that left Michael gasping for breath. He groaned into Caja’s mouth as he ground her pelvis into his own. The thin knit shorts she wore were no barrier to his throbbing erection, and he could feel the heat of her flesh against his own as though they were naked. He hadn’t felt so close to coming just from kissing since he was a horny fifteen-year-old trying to get Johna Weston to give up her prized cherry in his mom’s gazebo. He set her down on the countertop, then pushed her shorts and panties aside for access to her steaming pussy. He immediately shoved two fingers inside her, while his tongue he continued to mate with hers in a matching rhythm with his fingers. He knew she loved to be finger fucked and he’d brought her to orgasm that way more than once in the short time they’d known one another. He thrust his fingers as deeply as possible inside her, then circled his thumb gently over her clitoris. When he felt her clench her thighs even more strongly against his hips he knew she was close to coming. He continued the pressure, speeding up the thrusts as he began to suck even more strongly on her tongue.

  Suddenly Caja arched her back, crying out as her pleasure reached its peak. He snatched her bottoms off her hips with one swift mot
ion. With her legs spread as widely as possible, Michael placed her thighs across his biceps leaving her totally open for his thrusting cock. He shoved his gym shorts down, not even bothering to remove them. He couldn’t hold back long enough to tease, and suspected the whole building vibrated with the force of his first stroke into her channel. Jesus!

  “So good. So hot and tight,” he ground out, gathering her even more firmly into his arms. He couldn’t think of anything else except how good it felt to have her soft wet sheath grasping his cock so tightly. Blind and deaf to everything except the excruciating pleasure that engulfed him, it took a long moment before Caja’s voice penetrated the lust-filled haze.

  “Michael, you forgot the condom,” she whispered in an urgent tone.

  Michael gritted his teeth , doubting his ability to stop at such a crucial point. He lowered his head to the crook of Caja’s shoulder, inhaling the tangy scent of her arousal. Then he forced himself to withdraw from her tantalizing warmth, amazed that he could compel his body to do so. He quickly located the condom she directed him to find in her bag, sheathed himself, then sank his almost painfully erect cock back into her steamy depths once again.

  Caja cried out against his throat, then grasped the flesh there between her teeth. The sharp pain only heightened Michael’s pleasure, and he began to slam in and out of her ferociously. Each of his thrusts were met with a return motion from Caja’s hips as she neared another orgasm, her fingers digging forcefully into his sweat slickened back. Michael continued pounding, insensible to anything but the ecstasy that hovered just over the horizon. Then Caja slipped one hand between their writhing bodies and began stroking her clitoris. Watching her pleasure herself was more than he could take, and with one last roar he sank even more deeply into her wetness than he had previously, almost losing consciousness as he surged into her. With his last bit of strength, he lifted her buttocks from the counter so that her clit ground against his pelvis, triggering an explosive orgasm that left Caja limp in his arms.


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