In Another World With My Smartphone_Volume 5

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In Another World With My Smartphone_Volume 5 Page 1

by Patora Fuyuhara

  Chapter I: The Founding Party

  Once, the two great powers of the continent’s western sector were the Regulus Empire and the Kingdom of Belfast. Upon the border of these two nations, a new sovereign state was born. This new state was collaboratively backed by both superpowers.

  The Duchy of Brunhild.

  The territory of the state was minimal, composed of tiny land contributed by both larger nations. The grand duke who reigned over this territory was a man named Mochizuki Touya. He was a brave and mighty adventurer, one who had done the unprecedented. His rise to the guild’s Silver Rank was the fastest in the history of the world.

  Eventually, that man... and the name of his tiny nation, Brunhild, would have a far greater meaning in the context of world lore and history.

  But that, dear listener, was a story yet to be told...

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  The three who had arrived to become the Duchy of Brunhild’s first military agents were definitely skilled in the art of combat. It was no surprise, given that Leen had thought them worthy enough to bring.

  Lain was skilled with a standard sword, Norn was a twinblade wielder, and Nikola wielded a halberd, which was a long hybrid of spear and axe. I had them demonstrate their skills against Yae, and they held their own fairly well. I was a little surprised, honestly.

  “Milord, are there no horses within the castle grounds?”

  “Horses?” Nikola brought up a fair point, which was starting to become habitual, and it made me realize that there were no horses in my little duchy. We got around using [Gate] mostly, so there was no need. And whenever we were back at Belfast’s capital, I got around on a bike.

  “Do we need horses?”

  “I’d consider them a necessary part of any military cavalry. True, I don’t expect to see combat any time soon, but it would be very valuable if we could have some to train how to fight on horseback.”

  That made sense. My soldiers were here to fight for me, so I probably had to spend a bit more time investing in their training.

  Regulus and Belfast were on either side of Brunhild, so I wasn’t really worried about seeing any military action... Still, there was no guarantee that bandits or rogues wouldn’t appear in the nearby mountains or something.

  “If we had horses we could begin patrolling the territory, and we’d also be able to chart and scout certain areas of interest in the region.” Lain brought up another bonus to having some equine reinforcement.

  Come to think of it, her voice really is boyish... Can I really be blamed for mistaking her for a man?! That aside, horses...

  “I’ve got an idea, I’ll summon you something way better than a horse.”

  “Pardon?” I ignored Nikola, who was now looking at me with a bewildered expression, and focused my magic on the ground.

  “Come forth, Darkness! I seek that which rules the skies, [Griffon]!” Once the smoke cleared, the magic circle vanished and a Griffon stood in its place.



  “What is this?” The three of them reacted very differently, but their bewilderment was all the same. They simply stared at the Griffon before them.

  “Well... you’re, uh, Paul? No, you’re John, right? Okay, John? From now on, you’re Nikola’s partner, got it? Please get along with each other.”

  “CAW!” John let out a small noise and trotted off to Nikola. Nikola seemed apprehensive at first, but tentatively reached out to pet John on the head, then on the back.

  “Wow, he seems pretty obedient. Can he understand what you just said?”

  “Yeah, he can’t talk, but he can understand you just fine. I think he’ll be much better to train and take care of than a regular horse. Wanna try riding him?” Even though there wasn’t a harness attached to John’s back, Nikola boldly straddled him. In response, the creature began to walk around.

  At Nikola’s command, John picked up his pace. The walk slowly developed into a small trot, and then a fully-fledged run. Before long, John fluttered out his wings and leaped high into the air. After flying for a small bit, not too high mind you, John landed back on the ground with an amazed Nikola in tow.

  “Well, how was it?”

  “It... It was incredible. The height is certainly something I’ll have to get used to, but I’m certain I’ll conquer such things in time.” As he spoke, he had John fly upward again. Nikola looked extremely happy with himself. I didn’t have a rope or anything to moor them in, so I was a bit worried about them floating away...

  “Milord! What about me?! I’d like one too!” Norn suddenly shuffled closer to me. I was surprised an unruly girl like her had taken to calling me something so polite, but it seemed that was just how it was in this world. Lain, though a bit more subdued, was also exhibiting a similar look of excitement.

  Sheesh, I was gonna summon something even without you guys getting all excited about it. Hmph... it’d be boring if I just called in another Griffon, though... These two are girls, so I know exactly what they’d like!

  “Come forth, Darkness! I seek a skyhorse, [Pegasus]!” After the fog cleared and the magic circle disappeared, two pure-white horses with magnificent wings appeared from nothing.

  “Whoa! Amazing! They’re so pretty!” Norn ran up to one of them and started brushing its back. Lain, ever-reserved, timidly touched one of their wings.

  “Ah, these two are called Anne and Diana. Anne, you pair up with Norn, and Diana can go with Lain.” The Pegasi wiggled their heads in affirmation. Anne lowered her head immediately and prompted Norn to get on. Just like Nikola, Norn straddled the horse and slowly warmed up by trotting around. After a short amount of time, they leaped high into the air.

  After a few moments of apprehension, Lain climbed up onto Diana and flew high up into the sky.

  The three of them finally landed after circling the castle a few times. I ignored their overexcited actions and took some of the harvested monster leather from [Storage]. I used that to make saddles, stirrups, reins, and so on. Then, I handed them over to the three of them.

  I told them to spend some time flying overhead and checking on the territory of the country itself. They’d be able to practice controlling their mounts at the same time, so it would all work out quite nicely. I told them not to worry if trouble occurred, because the summoned beasts could telepathically link to me and alert me of any danger.

  I said they could have the afternoon off, but Nikola seemed to readily accept his job and wanted to spend the whole day scouting the region out. That guy was stoic and extremely dutiful.

  As for myself, there were things I had to do that didn’t involve my soldiers. On the first floor of my castle, I redesigned the interior of a small room. It now had a huge mirror on the wall, big enough for a person to pass through. I also installed a metal plate nearby.

  “Touya, bruv. Wot’s all this, then?”

  “If you touch the metal plate, a [Gate] should open, and it’ll record who the last person to go through was. Only authorized personnel can use this, too. It’s a way of verifying your identity.” Renne was staring at the mirror, eyes wide with wonder, so I gave her a little explanation. There weren’t any touch sensors in this world, and it wouldn’t really work if I enchanted it with [Search] or something similar. If someone decided to use transformation magic to disguise themselves, then it was possible that they’d be able to pass through without any issue. In the end, I decided to apply a [Program] to an iron plate that scanned the fingerprints and magical wavelengths of people that touched it.

  “On top of that, you can set the destination. But right now we only have Belfast.” I had set up similar mirro
rs back at my Belfast home.

  Should I buy small properties in Mismede and Regulus, maybe? Nah, better to wait until the kings grant me formal embassies there or something... Hm... I think it’d be fine with the Emperor of Regulus, but the Beastking doesn’t really know about my [Gate] spell... Well, I’ll work that out later.

  “So, Renne. Wanna help me test it? Touch that metal plate.”

  “Like this?” Renne did as she was told and raised a hand up to the plate. I think I might’ve placed it a little too high. The moment Renne touched the metal plate, it let off a shimmer and her name appeared on it.

  In turn, the mirror began to shimmer and shine as the [Gate] warmed up.

  “Alright, and where do you wanna go?”

  “Huh? Uh... the mansion at Belfast!” The mirror let out an even more dazzling sparkle in response to Renne’s words. Renne then walked into it and vanished from the room. Great, guess it works.

  I touched the metal plate and quickly followed after her. I set it so only the last person to touch the metal plate could pass through the portal, which meant that people would need to touch the plate one by one as they passed through. It was just a security measure. That way bad guys couldn’t pass through after us or anything, either.

  After I passed through the mirror, I came out in the Belfast mansion. The first thing I noticed was that Renne wasn’t there.

  I opened the door and went out into the hall, then I faintly heard Renne’s voice coming from the home’s main entrance. I wondered if we had a guest or something.

  “Something up, Renne?”

  “Oh uh, bruv— Er, sir... A letter’s gone and come from the royal palace.”

  Tom, our gatekeeper, was at the entrance. He handed the letter over. Tom and the others manning this place were currently living in the old area that Julio and Crea lived in before they moved to the castle.

  I looked over the letter, and it said I was needed immediately at Belfast’s royal court. I wondered what they wanted.

  “Oh goodness gracious me... You must be the young man everyone’s abuzz about, Mochizuki Touya! Or, er, Grand Duke, I suppose!”

  “Yeah...” His Majesty the King of Belfast introduced me to a bald-headed man. He kind of looked similar to that one Hollywood actor who played the world’s unluckiest detective. More importantly, this baldy was actually Rig Reek Refreese, the Emperor of the Refreese Imperium. Of course, that also made him the father of that annoying author. You know, the one who wrote those things.

  “The king of Belfast has told me of your exploits. I can’t possibly believe that you quelled an entire coup alone.”

  “Ah, well, I mean, it’s not like I...” I didn’t know why, but I suddenly came off as a little defensive and apologetic. In response to that, Refreese’s emperor simply grinned.

  “...I see, then. It is as the good king said! You don’t seem to have any impure aims.”

  “Sorry, but, uh... I don’t quite know what you mean.”

  “You are a man who singlehandedly took down a trained army and a legion of monsters, and you’re also engaged to marry princesses from both Regulus and Belfast. From the perspective of my nation, you’re a considerable threat.”

  Ah... I guess I didn’t consider how it might look to an outsider. That was probably inevitable though, despite my intentions.

  “I’m not sure about the situations of the other countries, but they’re probably keeping their heads down for the time being. They may end up fearing that if they anger you, you could come and collapse their governments.”

  “I don’t plan on getting involved in politics like that, though.” Well, that’s only true to a certain extent. If a country dispatched an assassin and killed Yumina for political gain or something, I’m not sure if I could forgive that... I’d definitely drag the mastermind behind something like that out and hurt him so bad he’d wish I’d killed him. But for the most part, I definitely have no plans to do anything right now. That doesn’t necessarily mean anyone will believe that, though.

  “We at the Refreese Imperium would like to deepen our relationship with you, Grand Duke. Normally, we would ask for you to take my daughter as your bride...”

  “No, that’s not necessary! No, really, honestly. No thank you!” I do not want that woman near me. I seriously don’t.

  “Fret not, I’m saying that we would ask, had I not already promised her to another foreign kingdom. I’m afraid I can’t rescind that engagement, it’s quite a shame.”

  More like a stroke of luck. I already feel bad for her husband-to-be. I hope he’ll be alright. Come to think of it, her novel-writing is a secret even to her father, right? Guess she’ll keep it under wraps with the hubby, too.

  “At any rate, I’ll get to my point. Your castle was recently completed in Brunhild, was it not? If so, I’d request an audience with you there. A friendly gathering, of kings and emperors. What say you? No political agenda, simply a night of merrymaking.”

  “So wait, you want me to invite over the rulers of the western states or something?” Does he mean just himself, or everyone...? As I mulled the proposition over, the king of Belfast turned to me with a smile.

  “Hmhm... Belfast, Refreese, Mismede, Regulus... I think all four leaders of these nations should converge upon Brunhild for a night of festivities.”

  “...You want to do this?”

  Both men suddenly spoke up in unison.

  “Even a ruler needs time off now and then!”

  Oh dear.

  “Every so often we need time to relax, play, and forget our royal positions. I’m sure you can prepare something to help ease our weary minds, my boy.”

  Well, it was true that I came from a country that specialized in entertainment, and this world didn’t really have much to compare it to, but... Wasn’t inviting every one of these rulers a pretty big deal? I’d have to go all-out on the food, the entertainment, and the defenses.

  “Don’t overthink it, understand? Simply invite us as you would invite a regular set of friends.” The emperor spoke up, but it didn’t really change the complexity of the situation.

  What kind of implications will this have, anyway? It’d be good to improve my standing with the other nations, but still... I could just deny them, but why do they have to glare at me with puppy-dog eyes?! I guess you just went and decided without me, huh?

  “Very well, then. I’ll invite you all formally. But please, no politics in my home. No in-fighting, or agreement drafting.”

  “We understand. Might we bring our families as well?”

  “That’s reasonable, but please only bring five people per monarch, yourselves included. I don’t have a lot of staff in the castle just yet.”

  Ugh, I can see this going poorly... I hope their whole families don’t show up. Looks like things are gonna get real busy real fast...

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  Alrighty then... Inviting them was one thing, but working on entertainment was another. They said they wanted to relax and play, so I started there. I decided to create something within the realm of reason and simplicity.

  The first thing I created was a pool table. That game was simple enough to enjoy both indoors and outdoors.

  Next up came the installation of a bowling alley. I set up a basic [Program] to return the bowling ball and pick the pins back up, so it wasn’t especially difficult to automate. After I made it, I considered that it might be a little too intense for the kings. They were getting on in age, after all.

  Next, I created an automated mahjong deck. It would definitely take them a long time to memorize the rules properly, but I had a feeling they’d come to enjoy it if they got used to it.

  And then, I created a bunch of classic indoor entertainment games like pinball, air hockey, and table tennis. I also made a bunch of automated massage chairs so they could relieve some tension.

  I made this myself, but... I totally deserve a go, right? A-Ahh... it’s so good... I’m soothed already. Guess I was more worn out than I thought...<
br />
  “Touya, Touya!”

  “Hm?” I was suddenly called from my euphoric daydream by Elze, who was seated at the mahjong table. She was pointing at the tiles in front of her.

  “This one’s a win, right?”

  “Let me see here... Wait, what?!” Dai suuishi, Tsuiisou, Suuankou, and a single wait...

  “So that’s a win by drawing? A tsumo, was it?”

  “Yep, that’s a tsumo. That’s a triple, no a quintuple yakuman. And since you’re the dealer that’s eighty thousand points from everyone.”

  “WHAT?!” Lapis, Rosetta, and Linze, who were playing against Elze, all threw up their arms in despair.

  How horrifying... I made a mental note to never play with Elze.

  “Hey, boss... Between a flush and a straight, which is better?”

  “Uhh... a flush, I’m pretty sure.” Sylvie and Belle were both sitting at the poker table, learning the rules.

  I had the girls from Moon Reader come over to help with tending to the guests, since the castle was short staffed. Sylvie, Belle, and Shea all came over to help out. Sylvie was the head waitress, Belle manned the reception desk, and Shea was a real wiz in the kitchen, so we covered all our bases.

  I had Sylvie and the others play the games with the maids from our home, since I figured it was the fastest way for them to get a grasp on the rules.

  “Siiir, please remove Cesca from the poool table. She won’t let me have the cueeee.”

  “Silence! I’m calculating the angle of reflection, the incidence level, and meting out how much force I should apply. As I work those out, it should be a paltry task to win!” Cecile spoke up in a concerned tone, but Cesca simply replied to her matter-of-factly.

  I might’ve sent her to the wrong game... If she keeps pocketing balls without missing, then it’ll become a break and run out situation, and Cecile will never get a go...

  I left the game room for a bit and went to the dining room and kitchen. Crea and Shea were both working hard, while Renne was offering them assistance.

  “Ah, good sir. Your timing is perfect as ever, please give this a try.” Crea passed me a freshly baked and piping hot dessert, so I bit into it. Ooh, that’s good!


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