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by Jonathan W. Jordan

  9 HLS, 9/17/41 (“boom”), 12/16/40 (“marvelous”).

  10 “Army: The Problem,” Time, 10/23/40; Bureau of Naval Personnel, Negro in the Navy, 1–2; Lee 42, 47, 69; Goodwin 165, citing Jean Byers, “A Study of the Negro in Military Service,” War Department Study, June 1947, 67; MacGregor, ch. 3 (“bellhops”).

  11 Stenographer’s Log, 9/27/40, FDRL.

  12 FDR, conversation, 9/27/40, at

  13 Frances Perkins, interview, part viii, 64, COHP; “Fragments on Back-Room Politics and Civil Rights,” in R. J. C. Butow, “The Story Behind the Tapes,” American Heritage (February/March 1982), 24.

  14 GCM to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., 9/27/40, MP 2:336–37.

  15 HLS, 9/27/40, 1/24/42 (“crime”); Bundy, Active Service, 461–64; Morison 555.

  16 Frank McCarthy to Edwin Watson, 5/6/43, GCML (McCarthy Papers, box 27).

  17 Lee 76 (“The policy”).

  18 Goodwin 171, citing Press Release, 10/9/40, and NAACP release, 10/11/40 (“stab”), FDRL; “Army: The Problem,” Time, 10/29/40 (“Jim Crow”).

  19 Goodwin 171, quoting White House statement, FDRL.

  20 “Army: Blunder & Precedent,” Time, 11/4/40; HLS, 10/25/40; 10/28/40.

  21 HLS, 10/23/40 (“There is”).

  22 HLS, 10/22/40; Lee 79–80.

  23 HLS, 3/5/41, 10/25/50, SP (“I had”); William Hastie, interview, 1/5/72, HSTL, 23–24.

  24 “Promises Broken,” NYT, 10/25/40 (“count”).

  25 “Mr. Lewis for Willkie,” NYT, 10/26/40; Sherwood 190, 192–93, 198; Goodwin 182–84, citing Matthew and Hannah Josephson, Sidney Hillman: Statesman of American Labor, 488 (“scared”).

  26 “Peace in Strength,” NYT, 10/30/40.

  27 FDR, address, 10/29/40, FDR-PP, 1940, 510–11 (“forced”); “Peace in Strength,” NYT, 10/30/40; Newsreel, 10/29/40 (“one-fifty-eight”).

  28 Rosenman 240 (“Any”); HLS, 10/29/40.

  29 FDR, speech, 10/31/40, FDR-PP, 1940, 517 (“I have said”).

  30 Sherwood 191; Rosenman 242 (“attacked”).

  31 Smith, Thank You, 76; “Roosevelt Looks to ‘Difficult Days,’” NYT, 11/6/40 (“demeanor”).

  32 Reilly 66.

  33 Sherwood 200; “Roosevelt Looks to ‘Difficult Days,’” NYT, 11/6/40; Congressional Quarterly, Presidential Elections, 113.

  34 “Roosevelt Looks to ‘Difficult Days,’” NYT, 11/6/40; Sherwood 200 (“Safe”); Goodwin 189.

  35 Congressional Quarterly, Presidential Elections, 113; Sherwood 200; “Roosevelt Rests in Hyde Park,” NYT, 11/6/44.


  1 “Treasurer to the Democracies,” NYT, 6/22/41.

  2 HLS, 12/10/40; FDR to Cordell Hull, 1/11/41, FDR-PL 2:1103–04; Hancock and Gowing 232.

  3 Pogue 2:68–69.

  4 Goodwin 190.

  5 “Log of the President’s Inspection Cruise Through the West Indies, 3–14 December, 1940,” FDRL (Tully Papers, box 7); “President and His Dog, Falla, Sail on 15-Day Rest Cruise in the Caribbean,” Life, 12/16/40; Goodwin 191.

  6 “Log of the President’s Inspection Cruise Through the West Indies, 3–14 December, 1940,” FDRL (Tully Papers, box 7); Sherwood 223.

  7 WSC to FDR, 12/7/40; “President and His Dog, Falla, Sail on 15-Day Rest Cruise in the Caribbean,” Life, 12/16/40; Sherwood 222–23.

  8 WSC to FDR, 12/7/40, FDRL.

  9 Sherwood 224.

  10 FDR, press conference, 12/17/40, FDR-PP, 1940, 607 (“Let me”).

  11 Sherwood 224 (“convincing”); Goodwin 193 (“clairvoyant”); Sherwood 224.

  12 FDR to Russell Leffingwell, 3/16/42, FDR-PL 2:1298; FDR to Mary Norton, 3/24/42, FDR-PL 2:1300; Casey 35, citing Hooper Ratings Chart, FDRL, and McIntyre to Hassett, 3/16/42, FDRL (Office File, box 857); FDR, fireside chat, 12/29/40 (“arsenal of democracy”).

  13 HLS, 11/25/40 (“short of war”), 12/16/40, 12/29/40, 12/31/44.

  14 Stoler 4–5; Watson 103.

  15 Stark to Knox, 11/12/40, FDRL; Pogue 2:126; Morison 1:42–44; Morton, Fall of the Philippines, 61; Watson 122–24; Stoler 29–33.

  16 Leighton and Coakley, 1941–1943, 43, 77.

  17 HLS, 1/17/41; “Rotten, Dastardly,” NYT, 1/15/41 (“plow”); “President Angered by Sen. Wheeler,” Ludington (MI) Daily News, 1/15/41; Goodwin 210.

  18 “Kennedy Says Democracy All Done,” Boston Globe, 11/10/40; Goodwin 211.

  19 White House Usher’s Log, 1/16/41, FDRL; Nasaw 512–13; Goodwin 211.

  20 FDR to WSC, 1/19/41; “Mr. Willkie Lands,” Time, 2/3/41; “Mr. Willkie’s Testimony,” NYT, 2/12/41 (“He was”).

  21 FDR to HLS, 2/25/41, FDR-PL 2:1128; “Roosevelt Signs Aid Measure,” NYT, 3/12/41; “Final Swift Step,” NYT, 3/12/41; WSC, speech, 4/17/45, “Churchill Eulogizes Roosevelt,” NYT, 4/18/45 (“unselfish”); Pogue 2:70.

  22 Watson, Chief of Staff, 122–23; Pogue 2:127, citing Joint Planning Board to Joint Board, 12/21/40.

  23 HLS, 3/14/41; Smith, Army and Economic Mobilization, 441; Goodwin 217, citing Fortune, May 1941, 58, 62.

  24 HLS, 4/15/41; Lee 43; Millet 5; Pogue 2:108.

  25 HLS, 4/15/41.

  26 HST, interview, 11/14/60, PL; Pogue 2:109, quoting GCM to Deputy COS, 4/18/41 (“patriotic”).

  27 HST, interview, 11/14/60, PL; Robert Dennison, interview, 82, KP (box 10); Charlotte Pihl, interview, 3/16/74, 2, KP (box 10); Pogue 2:108.


  1 “U-Boats Attack Eight Ships in Convoy,” NYT, 12/3/40; Blair 1:210–11; Heinrichs 30; Keegan, Atlas, 35; FDR, address, 5/27/41, FDR-PP, 1940, 181–84; Smith, “Battle of the Atlantic,” 73; WSC, radio address, 4/27/41, in Gilbert, War Papers, 3:553 (“Battle”).

  2 Frank Knox to EJK, 1/9/41, KP (box 2).

  3 Charles Wellborn, interview, 2/6/74, 141, KP (box 10); Betsy Matter, interview, 12/9/74, 3, KP (box 10); George Russell, interview, 12/11/74, KP (box 11); Morison, Battle of the Atlantic, 51; Buell 107.

  4 EJK, interview, 7/5/50, KP (box 7); “King’s Way to Tokyo,” Saturday Evening Post, 12/9/44, KP (box 9); Whitehill 21–23; Buell 11–12, 43–44, 56, 77, 100.

  5 Whitehill, “Memorandum of Conversation,” 5/29/46, KP (box 6); D. W. Knox, interview, 5/31/46, KP (box 13); Paul Pihl, interview, 3/9/74, 4, KP (box 10); Buell 22, 30–31, 37, 62–63, 88–90, 210.

  6 Reginald Winn, memoirs, 92, GCML (Small MS Collections, box 3); Buell 74, quoting George van Deurs, interview (“liquor”), 78 (“trust”).

  7 Buell 78; Charlotte Pihl, interview, 3/9/74, 7–10, KP (box 10); James Russell to John Mason, Jr., 9/28/76, KP (box 7).

  8 Robert S. Quackenbush Jr. to Thomas Buell, 11/19/74, KP (box 8) (“There are”); Malcolm Schoeffel to Thomas Buell, 9/9/74, KP (box 2); Howard Orem, interview, 12/12/74, KP (box 11); Reginald Winn, memoirs, 75, GCML (Small MS Collections, box 3); Buell 81.

  9 EJK, interview, 7/31/49, KP (box 8); Neil Dietrich, interview, 12/10/74, KP (box 11); Nofi 231.

  10 Chester Nimitz to EJK, 1/11/41, KP (box 2); EJK, 6/13/46, KP (box 9); Charlotte Pihl, interview, 3/16/74, 7, KP (box 10); Buell 114.

  11 EJK, 6/13/46, KP (box 9); Low 14; Buell 76 (“ass”).

  12 Alan R. McFarland to Thomas Buell, 9/3/74, KP (box 2); Buell 117.

  13 David C. S. Kline to Thomas Buell, 8/6/74, KP (box 2) (“ecru”); Charles Moses to Thomas Buell, 8/74, KP (box 2).

  14 EJK, interview, 7/29–31/50, KP (box 7); Frank Knox, 5/13/41, LC (Knox Papers, box 1); “Navy Establishes 3 Separate Fleets,” NYT, 1/9/41; Buell 120; Stoler 27–28.

  15 Chester Nimitz to EJK, 1/11/41, KP (box 5); EJK to Frank Knox, 1/17/42, KP (box 5); Buell 120.

  16 Buell 120 (“maintain”).

  17 HLS, 4/
8/41; GCM to Leonard Gerow, 1/17/41, MP 2:391–92; Goodwin 233–34.

  18 Gallup poll, 4/23/41, at

  19 FDR, announcement, 4/10/41, FDR-PP, 1941, 96–97; Stenographer’s Log, 4/10/41, FDRL; HLS, 4/10/41; FDR to Cordell Hull, 4/18/41, FDR-PL 2:1142–43.

  20 Stenographer’s Log, 4/15/41, FDRL; HLS, 4/15/41; Fairchild and Conn 105–06; EJK, “Operations Plan 3-41,” 4/18/41, in Smith, “Battle of the Atlantic,” 23; Pogue 2:129; FDR, press conference, 4/25/41, FDR-PP, 1941, 133; Sherwood 295.

  21 HLS, 4/22/41, 5/22/41 (“accidental shot”).

  22 U.S. Army Japan, Japanese Monograph No. 45: History of Imperial General Headquarters, Army Section (Tokyo 1959, rev. ed.), 15, accessed at; Keegan, Atlas, 21; HLS, 2/10/41 (“Japs”).

  23 Stenographer’s Log, 4/24/41, FDRL; HLS, 4/24/41 (“impregnable”); Thomas Handy, interview notes, 3/23/59, PL.

  24 HLS, 4/24/41.

  25 “Most Reassuring,” Time, 7/21/41; HLS, 4/24/41 (“clearly hostile”).

  26 HLS, 5/13/41.

  27 Buell 125 (“pointed”).

  28 EJK, interview, 8/29/49, KP (box 7) (“FDR’s”).

  29 Gallup poll, 5/21/41, at; “National Affairs: Patrols and Convoys,” Time, 5/12/41.

  30 Knox, 5/13/41, LC (Knox Papers, box 1); HLS, 5/27/41.

  31 Sherwood 279–80; HLS to FDR, 5/25/41, in HLS, 5/25/41; Morison 519; Rosenman, Working, 282–84 (“ammunition”).

  32 “Text of the President’s Address Depicting Emergency Confronting the Nation,” NYT, 5/28/41 (photo); Rosenman, Working, 284; ER, “My Day,” 5/29/41; “A New Mark in Radio,” NYT, 6/1/41; Reilly 76–77.

  33 FDR, speech, 5/27/41, FDR-PP, 1941, 181–84.

  34 Usher’s Log, 5/27/41, FDRL; ER, “My Day,” 5/29/41; Rosenman, Working, 287; Sherwood 298.


  1 Sherwood 303; Ickes, 6/22/41, LC (Ickes Papers, reel 1) (“attitude”).

  2 WSC, Grand Alliance, 331–33 (“hell,” “Nazidom”).

  3 FDR to HLS, 5/28/41, 8/30/41, FDR-PL 2:1162, 1201–02; FDR to Wayne Coy, 8/2/41, FDR-PL 2:1195 (“burr”); HLS, 7/21/41; Executive Order 8428, 9/8/39; Office of War Information, U.S. Government Manual 1945 (Washington: U.S. Government, 1945) 60; Pogue 2:71–73.

  4 Blum, Years of Urgency, 275–76 (“dislocates”).

  5 HLS, 6/3/41; Leonard T. Gerow, interview, 2/24/58, PL; E. Kathleen Williams, Louis E. Asher, “The Air Corps Prepares for War, 1939–41,” in Craven and Cate 1:115; Jackson 105; Pogue 2:72; Stoler 51; Kimball 25–29.

  6 FDR to Leahy, 6/26/41, FDR-PL 2:1177 (“diversion”); FDR to Edwin Watson, 7/25/41, FDR-PL 2:1189; HLS to FDR, 6/23/41, in HLS, 6/23/41; HLS, 7/31/41; Stoler 52–54.

  7 HLS, 7/31/41, 8/1/41; GCM to HLS, 8/29/41, in Watson 329 (“Our entire”); Morgenthau, 8/1/41, in Blum, Years of Urgency, 2:264 (“miserable”); Ickes, 8/1/41, in Ickes, 3:592 (“worst”).

  8 HLS, 8/1/41 (“hoity-toity”), 8/4/41 (“at his worst”), SP.

  9 FDR, recording, 10/8/40, FDRL (“God”).

  10 HLS, 7/19/40, 8/1/40; FDR to ER, 11/13/40, FDR-PL 2:1077; “Embargo Put on Oil,” NYT, 7/26/40; Morison 520 n.4, citing HLS to FDR, 6/23/41, and HLS 6/30/41; Toland 86; Heinrichs 7, 10; Yergin 291.

  11 FDR to Ickes, 7/1/41, in Ickes, 7/5/41, LC (Ickes Papers, reel 4) (“important”); Ickes, 7/27/41, LC (Ickes Papers, reel 4) (“noose”); Bundy, Active Service, 383–85; Stoler 63.


  1 Watson 16 (chart); 216–17; Pogue 2:146.

  2 HLS, 7/11/41; “General Marshall’s Testimony,” NYT, 7/16/41; GCM, interview, 1/15/57, GCML; Pogue 2:147.

  3 HLS, 6/21/41, 7/9–11/41.

  4 Gallup poll, 8/6/41, at

  5 GCM, interview, 1/22/57 (“hatred,” “few”); Pogue 2:149–53, quoting Wadsworth to Marshall, 8/25/41.

  6 Elizabeth Anne Oldmixon, Uncompromising Positions (Georgetown University Press, 2005), 156 (“When you”); HLS, 8/6/41, 7/10–21/41.

  7 HLS, 8/6/41 (“wild rumor”).

  8 EJK, “synthetic diary,” 1946, KP (box 2); C. B. Lanman, “Memorandum for Fleet Admiral King,” 4/22/48, KP (box 2); HHA, “Notes of Roosevelt-Churchill Conference,” 8/3/41, LC (Arnold Papers, box 2).

  9 “Log of the President’s Cruise Aboard the USS Potomac and USS Augusta, 3–16 August, 1941,” FDRL; HHA, “Notes of Roosevelt-Churchill Conference,” 8/4/41, LC (Arnold Papers, box 2); EJK, interview, 6/29/49, KP (box 2); C. B. Lanman, “Memorandum for Fleet Admiral King,” 4/22/48, KP (box 2); Reilly 118; Buell 128.

  10 HHA, “Notes of Roosevelt-Churchill Conference,” 8/7–8/41, LC (Arnold Papers, box 2); “Log of the President’s Cruise Aboard the USS Potomac and USS Augusta, 3–16 August, 1941,” FDRL (“ugly fish”); C. B. Lanman, “Memorandum for Fleet Admiral King,” 4/22/48, KP (box 2); Buell 128; Reilly 65.

  11 Pogue 2:142; “Statement of Admiral Stark,” n.d., LC (Arnold Papers, box 2); Parrish 186–87.

  12 HHA, “Notes of Roosevelt-Churchill Conference,” 8/9/41, LC (Arnold Papers, box 2); EJK, “Synthetic Diary,” 1946, KP (box 2) (8/9/41 entry); Whitehill 332–36; Buell 130; Pogue 2:142; HHA, Global Mission, 253–54.

  13 Reilly 120; Goodwin 265 (“at last”).

  14 “Log of the President’s Cruise Aboard the USS Potomac and USS Augusta, 3–16 August, 1941,” FDRL, 9; EJK, “Synthetic Diary,” 1946, KP (box 2) (8/10/41 entry); J. R. Beardsall to Military Staff, 8/9/41, LC (Arnold Papers, box 2); C. B. Lanman, “Memorandum for Fleet Admiral King,” 4/22/48, KP (box 2); Roberts 53; Buell 128; Morison 1:70 n.19.

  15 Goodwin 17, 267; Reilly 120, 198.

  16 “Log of the President’s Cruise Aboard the USS Potomac and USS Augusta, 3–16 August, 1941,” FDRL; Sherwood 353; Buell 130.

  17 WSC, Grand Alliance, 384 (“great hour”); Smith, FDR, 501.

  18 Reid and Manchester 19 (“pillar”); Elliott Roosevelt, As He Saw It, 33 (“with God’s help”); Smith, FDR, 501.

  19 Sumner Welles, “Memorandum of Conversation,” 8/10/41, PHH, 14:1269; HHA, “High Lights of Churchill’s Speech,” 8/9/41, LC (Arnold Papers, box 2); Pogue 2:143; Hough, Ludwig, and Shaw 1:35–37.

  20 HHA, “Notes of Roosevelt-Churchill Conference,” 8/14/41, LC (Arnold Papers, box 2) (“pants”); “Statement of Admiral Stark,” n.d., LC (Arnold Papers, box 2).

  21 Watson 405; Buell 131.

  22 Sumner Welles, “Memorandum of Conversation,” 8/11/41, PHH, 14:1275–90.

  23 FDR and WSC, signed statement, 8/14/41, FDRL (Berle Papers, box 54); WSC, Grand Alliance, 394 (“far-reaching”).

  24 “The Congress: State of Mind,” Time, 8/25/41; Pogue 2:152–54.

  25 Congressional Record, 8/12/41, 87 (part 7), H7074–75; “The Congress: State of Mind,” Time, 8/25/41.

  26 Congressional Record, 8/12/41, 87 (part 7), H7074–75; “The Congress: State of Mind,” Time, 8/25/41; HLS, 8/13/41; Goodwin 267–68.


  1 Ickes, 5/25/41, LC (Ickes Papers, reel 3); HLS, 7/21/41; Morison 1:84–85; Ickes 3:643.

  2 FDR, fireside chat, 9/11/41, FDR-PP, 1941, 384–85, 389–90 (“rattlesnake”).

  3 Morison, Battle of the Atlantic, 79–81; Buell 132; Heinrichs 166–68.

  4 “Gallup Poll, 1941,” at; Goodwin 278.

  5 Ottawa Citizen, 11/1/41; Morison, Battle of the Atlantic, 92–94; Dictionary of American Fighting Ships, “Reuben James,” NHC; “Hull Warns Law Shackles Defense,” NYT, 10/14/41; “Sea Fight Related,” NYT, 10/19/41; U.S. Atlantic Fleet, “Revised Escort-of-Convoy Instructions,” 11/17/41, KP (box 2).

  6 EJK to L. F
. V. Drake, 10/24/41, KP (box 2) (“Kearny”).

  7 EJK to Joseph J. Thorndike, extract, 11/21/41, KP (box 2); Buell 135, citing Life, 11/24/41.

  8 Sherman Miles to Marshall, 10/17/41, PHH, 14:1359–60; Pogue 2:177.

  9 Henry Morgenthau, notes of conversation with T. V. Soong, 11/27/41, FDRL (Morgenthau Papers, box 515).

  10 Reynolds 170 (“hate us”).

  11 FDR to Ickes, 6/23/41, FDR-PL 2:1173–74; FDR to Ickes, 6/18/41, and Ickes to FDR, 6/20/41, in Ickes, 6/28/41, LC (Ickes Papers, reel 4); Ickes 558–60; WSC to FDR, 5/15/40 (“dog”); Heinrichs 132; Pogue 2:177; Larrabee 49, 63–64; Jackson 116–17.

  12 FDR to Ickes, 7/1/41, in Ickes, 7/5/41, LC (Ickes Papers, reel 4) (“drag-down”).

  13 “Marshall and Stark Present at Talk at White House,” NYT, 10/17/41; Sherman Miles to GCM, 7/17/41, PHH 14:1342–43; Toland 85; Heinrichs 134–35.

  14 FDR, Executive Order 8832, 7/26/41; FDR to WSC, 7/26/41, FDR-PL 2:1189; Morgenthau, notes of conversation with FDR, 11/25/41, FDRL (Morgenthau Papers, box 515); Ickes, 6/28/41, LC (Ickes Papers, reel 4); Toland 85–86; Heinrichs 141; Barnhart 229; Dalleck 274.

  15 Joint Board, “Joint Board Estimate of Over-All Production Requirements,” 9/11/41, and appendices, reprinted at; Watson, Chief of Staff, 330–37, 343–46; Kirkpatrick, Unknown Future, 81–100; Matloff, 1941–1943, 59.

  16 HLS, 9/25/41, 12/4/41; Ickes 3:659; Pogue 2:160–61, quoting Chicago Tribune, 12/4/41, and Washington Times-Herald, 12/4/41 (“July”); Thomas Handy, interview notes, 8/21/56, PL; Stoler 57.

  17 HLS, 12/5/41 (“infernal”); Ickes 3:659–60.

  18 HLS, 12/4/41; FBI Report, 12/5/41, and HLS to FDR, 3/2/42, FDRL (PSF, box 82); Thomas Handy, interview notes, 8/21/56, PL; Albert Wedemeyer, interview, 2/1/58, PL.

  19 Sherwood 493 (“The Army”).

  20 Katherine Marshall 124–26; GCM to Mrs. J. J. Winn, 9/4/41, MP 2:597–98.


  1 HLS, 10/16/41; “Marshall and Stark Present at Talk at White House,” NYT, 10/17/41; “Paraphrase of Code Radiogram Received at the War Department,” 10/20/41, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 180); Smith, FDR, 520–22, and Hull 2:1024–25.


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