19 Pogue 2:252–53.
20 The Adelaide Advertiser (South Australia), 3/21/42 (“I shall return”); Pogue 2:251.
1 FDR, address, 1/11/42, FDR-PP, 1942, 37; HLS, 1/12/42.
2 Sherwood 472 (“numbers”), 474 (“really try”); Thompson and May 234; Stoler 67.
3 HLH, 1/14/42, in Sherwood 475; HLS, 1/16/42; Goodwin 315.
4 HLS, 1/28/42.
5 GCM to FDR, 2/18/42, FDRL (PSF, box 3) (“war effort”); Roberts 286.
6 John McCrea, interview, 3/19/73, FDRL (McCrea Papers).
7 John McCrea, interview, 3/19/73, FDRL (McCrea Papers); George M. Elsey, “Remarks at the ‘Castle’ of the Smithsonian Institution,” 10/28/04, FDRL (Elsey Papers, box 1); George Elsey to Riley Sunderland, 11/14/78, FDRL (Elsey Papers, box 1); George Elsey, memorandum, 1/19/55, FDRL (Elsey Papers, box 1); Tully 262; Parrish 236.
8 George Elsey, interview, 2/10/64, HSTL (“The walls”).
9 George Elsey, interview, 2/10/64, HSTL; Rigdon 7–8; Leahy 122.
10 John McCrea, interview, 3/19/73, 22, FDRL (John McCrea Papers); “Types and Sources of Information for White House Map Room,” 12/43, FDRL (Elsey Papers, box 1); George M. Elsey, “Remarks at the ‘Castle’ of the Smithsonian Institution,” 10/28/04, FDRL (Elsey Papers, box 1); Wilson Brown to Vardaman, 5/3/45, FDRL (Elsey Papers, box 1); Leahy 122; GCM to Sumner Welles, 3/5/42, MP 3:123–24.
11 “Roosevelt to Warn U.S. of Danger,” NYT, 2/21/42; Rosenman 330 (“I’m going”).
12 “President Speaks,” NYT, 2/24/42.
13 FDR, fireside chat, 2/23/42, FDR-PP, 1942, 105–08, 115.
14 Williams, “We Have Kept,” 88–109; Goodwin 328, citing Dennis Nelson, “Negro in the Navy,” n.d., FDRL (Office file, box 93).
15 HLS, 1/17/42 (“The Navy”).
16 HLS, 1/17/42 (“spoiled child”).
17 FDR to Knox, 1/9/42, FDRL (PSF, box 7) (“I think”); General Board to Knox, 2/3/42, FDRL (PSF, box 7) (“Men on board”); Bureau of Naval Personnel, Negro in the Navy, 4–8.
18 Goodwin 329–33, quoting FDR to Fraternal Council of Negro Churches, 3/16/42, FDRL (Office File, box 93); FDR, Executive Order 8802, 6/25/41, FDRL.
19 Marriner S. Eccles, Beckoning Frontiers (New York: Knopf, 1951), 336 (“feather”).
20 FDR to Knox, 2/9/42, FDRL (PSF, box 7) (“opinion”); Bureau of Naval Personnel, Negro in the Navy, 4–8.
21 “Negro Hero Identified,” NYT, 3/13/42.
22 Knox to FDR, 3/27/42, FDRL (PSF, box 7) (“boldly”); General Board to Knox, 3/20/42, FDRL (PSF, box 7); Bureau of Naval Personnel, Negro in the Navy, 6–7.
23 U.S. Government, 1940 Census, Table C-7; Conn, Guarding, 115.
24 Conn, Guarding, 117–18, quoting John DeWitt and Allen Guillion, telephone conversation, 12/26/41 and Mark Clark to JAG, 1/24/42; HLS, 2/3/42; Morison 547; Pogue 3:140–41.
25 HLS to Attorney General, 1/25/42, in Conn, Guarding, 121; HLS, 7/16/40, 3/31/41, 1/30/42, 2/3/42; “Stimson to Explain Naval Treaty to Senators Today,” Chicago Tribune, 5/12/30; Thomas Handy, interview notes, 8/21/56, PL.
26 “Scare on the Coast,” Time, 2/16/42 (“All along”); Walter Lippmann, “The Fifth Column on the Coast,” Los Angeles Times, 2/15/42 (“It is a fact”); Pogue 3:144.
27 HLS, 2/26/42, 7/7/42; Morison 549, quoting HLS to FDR, 7/7/42, FDRL; John DeWitt and Maj. Bendetsen, 1/29/42, in Conn, Guarding, 122.
28 “U.S. Uproots Jap Aliens,” Life, 3/9/42 (“Officials”); Goodwin 323, quoting New Republic, 6/15/42, 822–23 (“Japs”).
29 HLS, 2/3/42, 2/10–11/42; “Army Gets Power to Move Citizens and Aliens Inland,” NYT, 2/21/42; “Map Tighter Rule over West Coast Aliens,” NYT, 2/20/42; “Coast Japanese Split on Ouster,” NYT, 2/21/42; John DeWitt, Final Report: Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast, 1942 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1943) 9–10; Morison 547–48; John DeWitt and John McCloy, telephone conversation, 2/3/42, in Conn, Guarding, 125–26.
30 Allen Guillion to John McCloy, 2/5/42, Conn, Guarding, 128–29; HLS, 2/3/42, 2/10/42 (“underestimating,” “difficult proposition”).
31 HLS, 2/11/42; McCloy and Bendetsen, telephone transcript, 2/11/42, Conn, Guarding, 132 (“reasonable”).
32 HLS, 4/23/42 (“Inter arma”), 5/22/42, 9/15/42; Bundy, Active Service, 406.
33 Executive Order 9066, 2/19/42; HLS 2/18–20/42; Conn, Guarding, 136–37.
34 HLS, 5/17/44, 5/26/44; Conn, Guarding, 137–41; GCM and EJK to FDR, 7/15/42, FDRL (PSF, box 4).
1 Cora Thomas, interview, 3/10/61, GCML; HLS, 3/21/42.
2 HHA, “Notes of Roosevelt-Churchill Conference,” 8/4/41, LC (Arnold Papers, reel 2); GCM, interview, 10/5/56, GCML (“sore”); DDE, 3/14/42, DDE, Prewar Diaries, 51 (“That’s”).
3 Clark, interview, 11/17/59, PL (“Clark”).
4 Stilwell, 1/20/42 (“high-powered”); DDE, 3/10/42, DDE, Prewar Diaries, 50 (“shoot King”); Roberts 97, quoting Paul Caraway, interview, 1971 (“time of day”).
5 Bundy, Active Service, 281, 504 (“Neptune”).
6 EJK, interview, 8/26/50, KP (box 7) (“Sometimes”); EJK to T. B. Kittredge, 2/1/50, KP (box 8) (“General Marshall”); EJK, interview, 7/4/50 (“very agreeable”), 7/30–31/49, KP (box 7).
7 EJK, interview, 7/4/50, KP (box 8) (“didn’t know,” “damn thing”) 7/30–31/49, 8/28/49, KP (box 7) (“I am sure”).
8 GCM, interview, 2/14/57 (“can’t afford”).
9 EJK to CNO and JCS, 2/18/42, KP (box 4); Stoler 68, quoting EJK to Knox, 2/8/42 (“hold”); Matloff 154.
10 GCM to EJK, 2/24/42, KP (box 4).
11 EJK to GCM, 3/2/42, KP (box 4).
12 Pogue 2:378, citing DDE to GCM, 4/21/42.
13 EJK to FDR, 3/5/42, KP (box 4).
14 FDR to Churchill, 3/7/42; Hayes 783 n.14.
15 DDE to GCM, 2/28/42, EP 1:149–55; GCM to Brett, 3/10/42, FDRL (PSF Safe File, box 3); BCS to JCS, 3/7/42, Hayes 97; GCM to JCS, 3/9/42, Matloff 169–70; Buell 173–74.
16 EJK to FDR, 4/5/42, Matloff 169 n.82; Buell 174.
17 Hayes 99; Buell 175.
18 JCS, minutes, 3/16/42, in Matloff 169; EJK to David Lawrence, 9/28/42, KP (box 5); Hayes 99; Buell 175, 178, 181.
19 Morison 1:128–30; MP 3:119–20 n.1; Charles M. Sternhell and Alan M. Thorndike, “ASW in World War II,” Operations Evaluation Group Report No. 51 (Washington: U.S. Government, 1946), 25–26; Keegan, Atlas, 77 (table); WSC to FDR, 7/14/42; FDR to WSC, 3/18/42; Sherwood 600; Buell 271–72.
20 Arthur B. Ferguson, “The AAF in the Battle of the Atlantic,” Craven and Cate 1:522; Morison 1:134, 154–56; Charles M. Sternhell and Alan M. Thorndike, “ASW in World War II,” Operations Evaluation Group Report No. 51 (Washington: U.S. Government, 1946), 26; Frank Knox to George Sample, 8/11/42, LC (Knox Papers, box 4).
21 Morison 1:200–01.
22 EJK to HHA, 2/20/42, KP (box 4); HHA to EJK, 2/25/42, KP (box 4); Morison 1:237; HHA to EJK, 3/16/42, KP (box 4); Ferguson, in Craven and Cate 1:539–40, citing HHA to EJK, 3/9/42.
23 FDR to HLS and Knox, 3/16/42, FDRL-PL 2:1297 (“The point”); HLS, 3/16–17/42, 4/21/42 (“didn’t know”); Morison 569; Ferguson, in Craven and Cate 1:541–42; Morison 1:242–43.
24 EJK, “Notes Taken From Flight Log No. 3,” 8/13/43 entry, KP (box 4) (“able statesman”); EJK, interview, 8/26/50, KP (box 4) (“I’ve been”); EJK, interview, 11/27/50, KP (box 8) (“Stimson was”).
25 EJK, “Notes from Air Log—August—December 1945,” n.d., KP (box 4); EJK, interview, 11/27/50, KP (box 8); EJK, interview, 7/4/50, KP (box 4) (“The Army”).
26 EJK to HHA, 3/18/42, KP (box 4) (“All of us,” “I think”).
27 HLS, 7/7/42; Fergus
on, in Craven and Cate 1:547; GCM to EJK, 6/19/42, KP (box 4) (“losses”).
28 EJK to GCM, 6/21/42, Morison 1:309–10 (“invulnerable”).
1 Commanding Officer, USS Enterprise, AAR, 4/28/42; James H. Doolittle, AAR, 6/5/42; Halsey to CINCPAC, 4/24/42.
2 F. S. Low to F. H. Schneider, n.d., KP (box 13); Cornelius Bull, “The Fifth Seminar,” 6/6/43, KP (box 6); EJK, interview, 7/4/50, KP (box 4); Low 25; EJK to Quentin Reynolds, 3/19/52, KP (box 13); EJK to Grace Hayes, 11/20/51, KP (box 13); Ruthven E. Libby, interview, 6/7/70, 237, KP (box 13); Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 6/8/43, KP (box 11).
3 “American Planes Bomb Tokyo,” Bismarck Tribune, 4/18/42; “Tokyo Factories Hit in Raid,” NYT, 4/20/42; HLS, 4/18/42 (“a very good”).
4 FDR, press conference, 4/21/42, FDR-PP, 1942, 214 (“Shangri-La”); Hassett, 4/20/42.
5 DDE, 1/22/42, EP 1:66 (“We’ve”); HLS, 10/7/41; Pogue 2:304.
6 Stenographer’s Diary, 3/25/42, FDRL; FDR to WSC, 7/8/42, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 136); Morison 581, 582 n.26; DDE, Crusade, 42–48; Cline 152–53; Matloff and Snell 177–87, Appendix A; Pogue 2:305–06; HLS, 3/25/42; Roberts 143; Bundy, Active Service, 419; Marshall to FDR, “Basis for Preparation of Attached Outline Plan for Invasion of Western Europe,” n.d., FDRL.
7 HLS, 3/25/42 (“debauch”).
8 HLS, 3/5/42 (“orthodox”).
9 Morison 581.
10 HLS to FDR, 3/27/42, in HLS, 3/27/42; Morison 582.
11 GCM to Leonard Gerow, 1/17/41, MP 2:391–92 (“we must”); Stoler, Allies, 75.
12 HLS to FDR, 3/27/42; HLS 4/1/42; FDR to WSC, 4/3/42; GCM, interview, 1/14/57, GCML; Pogue 2:306–08; GCM to WSC, 4/28/42, MP 3:175–76; Sherwood, 522–28; Roberts 129, 141.
13 W. B. Smith, interview, 7/29/58, PL.
14 Brooke, 4/15/42 (“a good general”).
15 GCM, interview, 2/11/49, GCML; GCM, interview, 10/5/56, GCML (“Somme”); WSC, Closing the Ring, 514; Ismay 250; Croswell 259, quoting War Cabinet, “Comments on General Marshall’s Memorandum,” 4/13/42, GCML; Roberts 213–14.
16 Sherwood 523, quoting HLH, meeting notes, 4/8/42; GCM, interview, 10/5/56, GCML.
17 WSC, Hinge of Fate, 319 (“march ahead”).
18 GCM to HLS, 4/15/42, MP 3:162–63; GCM to Joseph McNarney, 4/12/42, 4/13/42, MP 3:159–61; GCM to FDR, 4/18/42, MP 3:164–65; McNarney to FDR, 4/12/42, FDRL (PSF, box 83); WSC to FDR, 4/12/42, 4/17/42; Hastings Ismay, interview, 12/17/46, PL; Pogue 2:318, Sherwood 534–38; HLS 4/20/42; Crosswell 259; Roberts 153–57.; Parrish 270.
19 Ismay 249–50 (“unfortunate”); Hastings Ismay, interview, 10/18/60, PL (“swept”); Brooke, interview, 1/28/47, PL; Stoler, Allies, 77.
20 Symonds 160–61; Thomas Buell, “King/Nimitz Conferences,” n.d., KP (box 8) (April 25–27, 1942); G. L. Russell, interview, 5/6/48, KP (box 8); Buell 180.
21 EJK, interview, 7/31/49, KP (box 8) (“fixer”); Charlotte Pihl, interview, 3/16/74, 18, KP (box 10) (“Damn”); Buell 342.
22 EJK to Nimitz, 4/24/42, and Nimitz, “Running Summary,” 4/24/42, in Nimitz Papers, NHHC (box 1:409, 411), and “Minutes of Conversation Between CominCh and CinCPac, Saturday, April 25, 1942,” EJK Papers, NHHC (Series 11, box 10), Symonds 162; Nimitz, Gray Book, 1:409, 416.
23 FDR to Mackenzie King, 5/18/42, FDR-PL 2:1320; Commander, TF 17.2.2 to CINCPAC, 5/17/42, NHCO; Masatake Okumiya and H. Sekino, interrogation, 10/17/45, Interrogations of Japanese Officials, 29–31; Hayes 128; Toland 322.
24 “Preliminary Report: USS Lexington Loss in Action,” 5/8/42, USN (online); Commanding Officer, USS Lexington to CINCPAC, 5/15/42, USN (online).
25 Forrest Davis, “King’s Way to Tokyo,” Saturday Evening Post, 12/3/44, 101, KP (box 9); Buell 182–83.
26 EJK to Nimitz, 5/14/42, Nimitz, Gray Book, 1:463 (“loss of”).
27 EJK to Nimitz, 5/15/42 and 5/17/42 and 5/17/42 entry, Nimitz, Gray Book, 1:463–64, 468, 483, 489–90 (“attritional tactics”); Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 11/7/42, KP (box 11); Cornelius Bull, “The First Seminar,” 11/6/42, 4, KP (box 6); Hayes 128; Buell 183.
28 Nimitz to EJK, 5/14/42, Nimitz, Gray Book, 1:465–66, 530; Nimitz to EJK, 5/16/42, Nimitz, Gray Book, 1:471; Nimitz, Gray Book, 1:482; Buell 184; CINCPAC, “Estimate of the Situation Attack on Hawaiian and Alaskan Bases,” 5/26/42, Nimitz, Gray Book, 1:506; Joseph Rochefort, interview, 10/5/69, Symonds 195.
29 Cornelius Bull, “The First Seminar,” 11/6/42, 3, KP (box 6); Office of Naval Intelligence, “The Japanese Story of the Battle of Midway,” ONI Review (May 1947).
30 Symonds 195, quoting Nimitz to EJK, 5/29/42 (“expected guests”); Cornelius Bull, “The First Seminar,” 11/6/42, 4, KP (box 6).
1 Morison 565 (“[Some of my]”).
2 HLS, 9/23/42; Henry de Wolf Smyth, Atomic Energy for Military Purposes (Princeton, 1947), § 5.23; GCM, interview, 2/11/57, GCML; Leslie Groves, interview, 5/7/70, PL; FDR to Vannevar Bush, 6/15/40, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 132); Jungk 113–14; Jones, Manhattan, 31.
3 Jones, Manhattan, 37, quoting Vannevar Bush to FDR, 3/9/42; Hewlett and Anderson 46, 51.
4 GCM, interview, 2/11/57, GCML (“first money”); Pogue 4:12–13.
5 McCullough, Truman, 365, quoting HLS-HST, telephone conversation, 6/17/43.
6 GCM to FDR, 11/23/42, MP 3:449–50.
7 Capra 327.
8 Capra 327–28; Reilly 59.
1 Washington Times-Herald, 6/7/42; Dina Goren, “Communication Intelligence and Freedom of the Press,” Journal of Contemporary History (Oct. 1981); Weintraub, Final Victory, 155.
2 GCM to EJK, 6/7/42, MP 3:227–29; Cornelius Bull, “The First Seminar,” 11/6/42, 5, KP (box 6) (“The only”); “Report of a Press Conference Held at 1700 June 7, 1942, in Admiral King’s Office,” n.d., KP (box 8) (“save face”); Buell 185.
3 “Report of a Press Conference Held at 1700 June 7, 1942, in Admiral King’s Office,” n.d., KP (box 8) (“compromises”).
4 Arthur H. McCollum, interview, 9/71, 474, KP (box 10) (“traitor,” “Hayman”).
5 Buell 186–87.
6 Thomas B. Allen, “Midway: The Story That Never Ends,” Proceedings (June 2007); Buell 187 (“please”); FDR to Winant, 10/6/42, FDRL (Map Room Papers, box 12) (“lies”); FDR to WSC, 10/6/42.
7 Cornelius Bull, “The First Seminar,” 11/6/42, 4–5, KP (box 6); Glenn Perry to Edmond. P. Bartnett, 2/19/44, KP (box 11); EJK to Thomas Dobyns, 9/18/50, KP (box 8); EJK to Hanson Baldwin, 6/12/50, GCML (Baldwin Papers, box 8).
8 DAM to GCM, 6/8/42, in MP 3:234–35 n.1.
9 GCM to DAM, 6/10/42 and DAM to GCM, 6/11/42, MP 3:234–35 n.2 (“delicacy”).
10 EJK to GCM, 6/11/42, KP (box 7) (“amphibious character”).
11 Matloff, Strategy and Command, 295, citing GCM to EJK, 6/12/42; Buell 199.
12 Pogue 2:380, citing EJK to GCM, 6/25–26/42, and Handy to GCM, 6/24/42, and GCM to EJK, 6/26/42, and EJK to Nimitz, 6/27/42; Buell 200.
13 EJK to GCM, 6/25/42, MP 3:252–54 n.1; EJK, interview, 8/18/49, KP (box 4); EJK to T. B. Kittredge, 2/1/50, KP (box 8); Pogue 2:380, citing EJK to Nimitz, 6/27/42; Haynes 763–64 n.48.
14 GCM to DAM, 6/1/42, in Morton, Strategy and Command, 294; GCM to EJK, 6/26/42, MP 3:252–54.
15 EJK to GCM, 6/26/42, MP 3:252–54 n.3.
16 DAM to GCM, 6/28/42, MP 3:255–56 (“Navy retains”); EJK, interview, 7/4/50, KP (box 4).
17 DAM to GCM, 6/29/42, MP 3:255–56; GCM to EJK, 6/29/42, MP 3:254; DAM to GCM, 7/1/42 in Pogue 2:381; Hayes 146, quoting EJK to GCM, 7/2/42.
18 DAM to GCM, 7/1/42, MP 3:256 n.2; Hayes 146–47, citing GCM to EJK, 7/1/42; Buell 201; JCS, 7/2/42, Pogue 2:382; EJK to Merritt A. Edson, 9/29/49, K
P (box 4); Morton, Strategy and Command, 302.
19 GCM to DAM, 7/3/42, MP 3:256 (“every conceivable”).
20 Ghormley and DAM to COMINCH and COS, 7/8/42, in Morton, Strategy and Command, 305–06 (“doubts”); Buell 203.
21 Buell 203–04; Pogue 2:382, citing EJK to GCM, 7/10/42; Hayes 148.
22 Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 11/7/42, KP (box 11); Pogue 2:382; EJK to Merritt A. Edson, 9/29/49, KP (box 4); Miller, Guadalcanal, 32–33.
1 WSC to FDR, 5/28/42 (“gymnast”).
2 FDR to JCS, HLH, HLS and Knox, 5/6/42, EL (PSF, box 83) (“killing”).
3 FDR to GCM and EJK, 5/6/42, FDRL (PSF, box 83) (“disturbed”).
4 ER, Autobiography, 235 (“Mr. Molotov”); Samuel H. Cross, meeting notes, 5/30/42, in Sherwood 561; Alonzo Fields, 5/28/42, HSTL (Alonzo Fields Papers); Lela Mae Stiles to “Mother,” 6/15/42, FDRL (Lela Mae Stiles Papers, box 16) (“Brown”); Hassett 6/1/42.
5 FDR to WSC, 3/18/42 (“guts”).
6 Usher’s log, 5/30/42, FDRL; Samuel H. Cross, meeting notes, 5/30/42, in Sherwood 563.
7 GCM, interview, 2/11/49, GCML (“Murmansk?”); Samuel H. Cross, meeting notes, 5/30/42, in Sherwood 564.
8 HLH, memorandum, 5/31/42, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 194).
9 HLH, memorandum, 5/31/42, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 194); Molotov to FDR, 6/12/42, FDRL (PSF, box 49); FDR to WSC, 5/31/42, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 194); Sherwood 569 (“anxious”); Samuel H. Cross, meeting notes, 6/1/42, in Sherwood 574–75.
10 FDR to JCS, HLH, HLS and Knox, 5/6/42, EL (PSF, box 83); Hopkins, notes, in Sherwood 577.
11 Stenographer’s Diary, 6/9/42, FDRL; Mountbatten to FDR, 6/15/42, FDRL (Hopkins Papers, box 194); Sherwood 582–83; HHA, 6/2/42, LC (Arnold Papers, box 2); Pogue 2:327; Roberts 181, 202, quoting Mountbatten, interview (“nightmare”).
12 GCM, interview, 10/5/56, GCML (“stand pat”); HLS, 6/20/42.
13 Usher’s Log, 6/17/42, FDRL; MP 3:242–46; Matloff and Snell, 235 n.6; Pogue 2:329; HLS, 6/17/42 (“King wobbled”).
14 HLS, 6/20/42 (“can’t help”).
15 WSC, Hinge, 383–84.
16 WSC to FDR, 6/20/42; Sherwood 589; Pogue 2:328–30.
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