3 Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 11/30/42, KP (box 11) (“underbelly”); Cornelius Bull, “The Fourth Seminar,” 4/5/43, KP (box 6); Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 2/23/43, KP (box 11).
4 Buell 248.
5 Bull, 12/18/43, KP (box 6) (“The Germans”); Cornelius Bull, 11/30/42, KP (box 6); Buell 249.
6 Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 2/22/42, KP (box 11) (Russian front); Cornelius Bull, “The Third Seminar,” 2/19/43, KP (box 6) (“last analysis”); Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 2/23/43, KP (box 11) (“nine-tenths”).
7 GSP, “Description of the Visit of the Commanding General and Staff to General Nogues and the Sultan of Morocco,” 11/16/42, PP-LC (box 10) (“Hollywood”); Reilly 151.
8 “Log of the Trip of the President to the Casablanca Conference, 9–31 January, 1943,” FRUS, Casablanca, 522; FDR to WSC, 1/2/43, FDRL (Map Room Papers, box 3); HHA, 1/13/43, LC; Hardesty 37.
9 Reilly 149–52; “Roosevelt-Churchill Conversation,” 1/16/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 579; “Log of the Trip of the President to the Casablanca Conference, 9–31 January, 1943,” FRUS, Casablanca, 522; Pogue 3:17; WSC to FDR, 1/2/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 503 (“Frankland”).
10 FRUS, Casablanca, 491–500; WSC to FDR, 12/21/42, FRUS, Casablanca, 501; EJK, “Notes Taken From Flight Log No. 3,” 8/22/50, KP (box 4) (“Every”).
11 Hassett, 2/7/43 (“prima donna”).
12 “Minutes of a Meeting at the White House,” 1/7/43, KP (box 9); Pogue 3:16.
13 “Minutes of a Meeting at the White House,” 1/7/43, KP (box 9); “Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes of a Meeting at the White House,” 1/7/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 510; Pogue 3:16.
14 HLS, 1/7/42 (“Marshall said”); Stoler, Allies, 102.
15 EJK, “My Notes Assisted from My ‘Air-Log’ of 1945,” n.d., 1/29/45 entry, KP (box 4);Pogue 3:17.
16 EJK, interview, 8/26/50, KP (box 7) (“cost you”); EJK, “Notes Based on Flight Log Book No. 3,” n.d., KP (box 4) (“When we”); Buell 253.
17 Frank McCarthy, interview, 10/17/57, 1/18/61, PL; Reginald Winn, memoirs, 4, GCML (Small MS Collections, box 3); Pogue 3:17–18, citing McCarthy, memorandum, 1/18/61.
18 Pogue 3:20.
19 EJK, interview, 7/29/50, KP (box 7); EJK, interview, 7/30–31/49, KP (box 7); CCS, minutes, 1/14/43; Brooke, 1/14/43.
20 Pogue 3:19, quoting Ian Jacob, 1/14/43 (“shoot his line”); Roberts 317.
21 WSC to FDR, 12/30/42, FRUS, Casablanca, 501; Wedemeyer to Handy, 1/22/43, in Matloff 107 (“locusts”); Pogue 3:21.
22 EJK, interview, 7/4/50, KP (box 7); Parrish 386, citing Charles Donnelly, ms, USAMHI; Buell 254.
23 Pogue 3:27, quoting Jacob, 1/14/43 (“testator”); Roberts 303.
24 CCS, minutes, 1/16/43.
25 Charles Portal, 2/7/47, PL (“tied”); Brooke, interview, 1/28/47, PL; Buell 255; EJK, “Comments of Fleet Admiral E.J. King to Chapter II of J.C.S. History,” n.d., KP (box 7); Pogue 3:7, quoting C.E. Lambe, interview, 2/26/47, MHI (“rock”); Brooke, 4/15/42 (“clever”).
26 CCS, minutes, 1/15/43.
27 CCS, minutes, 1/15/43.
28 CCS, minutes, 1/18/43; EJK, interview, 7/7/47, PL; Brooke, 1/14–19/43; Charles Portal, interview, 2/7/47, PL; Pogue 3:30–31, 84, quoting GCM to McNair, 7/28/43; JCS, minutes, FDR-JCS meeting, 1/16/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 596; Matloff 23; Stoler, Allies, 97.
29 Roberts 337, quoting Jacob (“lovely”).
30 EJK, interview, 7/3/50, KP (box 7); Buell 257; Roberts 77.
31 Buell 256, quoting Ian Jacob, 1/14/43 (“protective”).
32 Brooke, 1/14/43 (“nicely lit”); GCM, interview, 11/13/56, GCML; HHA, 1/14/43, LC.
33 Charles Portal, 2/7/47, PL (“tied”); Brooke, interview, 1/28/47, PL; Buell 255; EJK, “Comments of Fleet Admiral E. J. King to Chapter II of J.C.S. History,” n.d., KP (box 7); Pogue 3:7, quoting C. E. Lambe, interview, 2/26/47, MHI (“rock”).
34 Roosevelt, As He Saw It, 82; CCS, minutes, 1/14/43; EJK, interview, 7/7/47, PL; EJK to Thomas C. Dobyns, 1/12/51, KP (box 7); EJK, interview, 11/27/50, KP (box 6); Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 4/5/43, KP (box 11); Buell 252–55; EJK to Hanson Baldwin, 6/12/50, KP (box 4).
35 CCS, minutes, 1/14/43; Pogue 3:23; EJK, “Mr. Roosevelt Versus Chiang Kai-shek,” n.d., KP (box 4); Buell 258; Mark D. Sherry, China Defensive 1942–1945 (CMH Pub. 72-38), 4; Romanus and Sutherland, Time Runs Out, 49.
36 Chiang Kai-shek to WSC, 12/28/42, in WSC to FDR, 1/7/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 518; FDR to Chiang, 1/9/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 516; Pogue 3:24, quoting McNarney to FDR, 1/9/43; CCS, minutes, 1/17/43.
37 Cornelius Bull, “Second Seminar,” 11/30/42, KP, 14 (box 6); CCS, minutes, 1/14/43; Ruthven E. Libby, interview, 6/7/70, 227, KP (box 13); Buell 257.
38 CCS, 1/18/43 (“If and when”); Buell 256.
39 CCS, minutes, 1/18/43.
40 DDE to Thomas Handy, 1/28/43, EP 2:928 (“One of”).
41 EJK, interview, 7/3/50, KP (box 7); John Hull, interview, 6/25/68, PL; Thomas Handy, interview, 3/23/59, PL; Thomas Handy, interview notes, 8/21/56, PL; Buell 257; Roberts 77.
42 CCS, minutes, 1/18/43; Brooke, 1/18/43 notes; GCM to FDR, 2/20/43, MP 3:557–58.
43 Brooke, 6/26/42 notes (“Winston”); Stoler, Allies, 121 (“Some Americans”).
44 CCS, minutes, 1/17–18/43; CCS 155/1, 1/19/43; “Roosevelt-Churchill Dinner Meeting,” 1/17/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 612; Matloff 36.
45 CCS, minutes, 1/18/43 and 1/19/43; CCS, “Conduct of the War in 1943,” 155/1, 1/19/43.
46 CCS, minutes, 1/18/43.
47 Roosevelt, As He Saw It, 82–83.
48 Usher’s log, 1/21/42, FDRL; Roosevelt, As He Saw It, 107 (“rarin’”).
49 CCS, minutes, 1/15/43.
50 Brooke, 1/20/43 notes (“We were carrying”).
51 Sherwood 689 (“he would not”).
52 DDE to GCM, 1/17/43, EP 2:908; Jordan 115–16.
53 John McCrea, “Roosevelt-Giraud Conversation,” 1/17/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 610 (“very splendid”); Robert Murphy to Cordell Hull, 1/13/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 518.
54 Anthony Eden to WSC, 1/17/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 814–15.
55 FDR to Cordell Hull, 1/18/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 816.
56 FDR, Jr., interview 1/11/79, 13 FDRL (“payday”).
57 Reilly 157–58; Eden to WSC, 1/20/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 819; Hassett 152–53; FRUS, Casablanca, 821 n.2.
58 Reilly 159–60 (“cameras”); FDR, press conference, 2/12/43, FDR-PP, 1943, 84; “Roosevelt-Churchill Meeting with De Gaulle and Giraud,” 1/24/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 725; Hopkins, notes, 1/24/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 839–40.
59 HLS, 9/25/41; Pogue 3:34.
60 “Joint Chiefs of Staff Minutes of a Meeting at the White House,” 1/7/42, FRUS, Casablanca, 505; FRUS, Casablanca, 506; “Minutes of a Meeting at the White House,” 1/7/45, KP (box 9); EJK, “Notes Based on Flight Log Book No. 3,” 6/15/50, KP (box 4) (“As the war”).
61 FDR, press conference, 1/24/43, FRUS, Casablanca, 725 n.1, 727.
62 Harriman and Abel 188–89 (“Grant”); Kimball 232 n.52.
63 Jackson 108; Pogue 3:33–34; GCM, interview, 2/11/57, GCML; Parrish 337.
1 HLS, 1/30/43; Wedemeyer to Thomas T. Handy, 1/22/43, in Matloff 106 (“shirts”); Stoler, Allies, 109–10.
2 DAM to GCM, 10/17/42, MP 3:402–03; GCM, interview, 11/21/56; Pogue 2:393.
3 Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 4/5/43, KP (box 11) (“little use”).
4 Leahy 183–84; Pogue 3:626 n.23, quoting HLS, 11/22/44 (“will not”).
5 GCM, interview, 11/21/56, GCML (“vicious war”); Pogue 3:168.
6 HLS, 3/11/43; Thomas Handy, interview 7/9/70, PL; Matloff, Strategy and Command, 390–91; Charles J. Moore, interview, 757, KP (box
7 Wedemeyer to GCM, 3/16/43, MP 3:604–07; Plan ELKTON, 2/28/43, in Morton, Strategy and Command, App. I; Pogue 3:171, citing minutes, Pacific Military Conference, 3/12/43, 10:30 a.m. session; Morton, Strategy and Command, 390–93; Thomas Handy, interview 7/9/70, PL.
8 Charles J. Moore, interview, 765, KP (box 11) (“really shocked”); Buell 283.
9 Pogue 3:173, citing minutes, JCS, 3/19/43, and Matloff, Strategic Planning, 1943–44, 95; Morton, Strategy and Command, 394–96.
10 Buell 283 (“Whether”); Matloff 95, citing JCS, minutes, 3/19/43, and George Kenney, General Kenney Reports, 215–16.
11 Morton, Strategy and Command, 390, citing EJK to GCM, 2/18/43, and GCM to EJK, 2/19/43.
12 EJK to JCS, 3/27/43, in Matloff 96; GCM to JCS, 3/26/43, in Morton, Strategy and Command, 397; JCS, minutes, 3/28/43; Pogue 3:175; Fleet, 430.
13 Leahy 183–84; Pogue 3:176.
14 JCS to DAM, Nimitz, and Halsey, 3/28/43, in Morton 641; Miller, Cartwheel, 15; JCS 238/5, 4/28/43, in Morton, Strategy and Command, App. K; Cooke and Wedemeyer to JCS, 3/16/43, in Morton, Strategy and Command, 393, 395, 398.
15 Morton, Strategy and Command, 399.
16 GCM to DDE, 2/16/43, MP 3:553–54 (“disturbed”).
17 GCM to Alexander D. Surles, 5/8/43, MP 3:686 (“You can tell”); Pogue 3:191.
18 Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 2/22/43, 4/5/43, KP (box 11); Cornelius Bull, “The Fourth Seminar,” 4/5/43, KP (box 6); Morison 1:405, 410–11.
19 HLS, 12/27/42 (“conservatism”), 1/25/43.
20 HLS, 3/5/43 (“Knox”), 3/24/43.
21 Memorandum of Operational Changes,” n.d., in HLS, 3/10/43; HLS, 3/25/43; HLS to FDR, 3/26/43, in HLS, 3/26/43.
22 EJK to Knox, 6/23/41, KP (box 2).
23 Low 35 (“one solution”).
24 HLS to Knox, n.d., in HLS, 3/31/43; HLS, 4/1/42 (“think”).
25 HLS, 4/5/43, SP; Morison 574, citing Knox to HLS, 4/5/43, and EJK to Knox, 4/5/43; L. A. Thackrey to EJK, 2/4/48, KP (box 4).
26 HLS, 4/8/43, 4/17/43, 4/28/43, 5/6/43, 5/14/43, 5/26/43, 5/28/43, and 6/14/43; EJK to L. F. V. Drake, 10/24/41, KP (box 2); Cornelius Bull, 7/24/43, KP (box 6). Morison 574–76; GCM to EJK, 2/25/42, KP (box 4); C. E. Weakley to Secretary of the Navy, 1/30/48, KP (box 4).
27 Whitehill 463, quoting EJK to JCS, 5/1/43 (“control”); A. R. McCann, interview, 9/74, KP (box 10); HLS, 5/3/43.
28 HLS, 4/30/43; Low 33–35; EJK to GCM, 6/3/43, KP (box 4); EJK, interview, 7/30/50, KP (box 7); EJK, “Notes About the First Draft of Two Brief Sub-Sections . . . ,” n.d., KP (box 7); Whitehill 463; Morrison 1:244-45.
29 Bundy, Active Service, 516 (“almost perfect”).
30 EJK to GCM, 6/14/43, KP (box 4); Low 30–33; L. A. Thackrey to EJK, 2/4/48, KP (box 4), citing EJK to GCM, 6/5/43, and GCM to EJK, 6/15/43; GCM to EJK, 6/15/43, KP (box 4).
31 EJK to GCM, 6/19/43, KP (box 4); HLS to McNarney, 6/25/43, in HLS, 6/25/43; L. A. Thackrey to EJK, 2/4/48, KP (box 4).
32 HLS to McNarney, 6/25/43, in HLS, 6/25/43; GCM to EJK, 6/28/43, KP (box 4) (“If the matter”); L. A. Thackrey to EJK, 2/4/48, KP (box 4); HLS, 6/30/43.
33 HLS, 7/5/43; GCM to EJK, 7/3/43, 7/9/43, KP (box 4); EJK to GCM, 7/12/43, KP (box 4); L. A. Thackrey to EJK, 2/4/48, KP (box 4); EJK, interview, 8/26/50 (“Boy”); EJK, “Random Notes,” n.d., KP (box 7); Morison 1:245–46.
34 EJK to Chief of Naval Personnel, 6/27/42, KP (box 9) (“stop-gap”); EJK, memorandum, 4/1/43, KP (box 9); Buell 357, citing EJK to E. C. Hammer, 4/10/43; Betsy Matter, interview, 12/9/74, 6, KP (box 10).
35 Buell 357.
36 William R. Smedberg III, interview, 6/9/76, 22, KP (box 11); Buell 357.
37 Howard Orem, interview, 12/12/74, KP (box 11); Alan R. McFarland to Thomas Buell, 9/3/74, KP (box 2) (“bus drivers”); Paul Pihl, interview, 3/9/74, 13, KP (box 10) (“None of us”); Eunice H. Rice, 7/2/76, KP (box 7).
38 Thomas Webb to Thomas Buell, 11/9/74, KP (box 2); William Smedberg to Thomas Buell, 2/10/75, KP (box 2); Buell 357 (“clarifying”).
39 Buell 284 (“strenuous”).
40 Charlotte Pihl, interview, 3/9/74, 11, KP (box 10) (“The farm”).
41 Charlotte Pihl, interview, 3/9/74, KP (box 10) (“Ernest”); John A. Moreno, interview, 8/19/76, KP (box 10) (“boudoir athlete”); William Smedberg to Thomas Buell, 2/10/75, KP (box 2); Robert Sherrod to Thomas Buell, 4/8/75, KP (box 11).
42 Kirkpatrick to EJK, 5/24/44, KP (box 7); EJK to Betsy Matter, 10/18/42, 2/7/45 KP (box 7); Betsy Matter, interview, 12/9/74, 4, 8 KP (box 10).
43 Betsy Matter, interview, 12/9/74, KP (box 10) (“There would be times,” “Just before”).
44 Betsy Matter, interview, 12/9/74, KP (box 10) (“When King”).
45 Toland 440–41; Prange 11.
46 Davis 299–300; Toland 441–42.
47 FDR to Widow Yamamoto, 5/24/43, FDRL (Grace Tully Papers, box 11).
1 GCM to McCloy, 2/4/43, MP 3:528–30.
2 Goodwin 411, quoting Frankfurter, Diaries, 168 (“had better”).
3 HLS, 2/3/43.
4 FDR to WSC, 6/17/43 (“fed up”); Pogue 3:237, quoting FDR to DDE, 6/17/43.
5 Pogue 3:239, citing Wilson Brown to JCS, 7/3/43.
6 Leahy 188; CCS, minutes, 5/12/43; Cornelius Bull, “The Fourth Seminar,” 4/5/43, KP (box 6) (“In China”); EJK, interview, 3/28/46, KP (box 7); Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 6/8/43, KP (box 11).
7 Stilwell, Stilwell Papers, 321 (“hates”).
8 “Chiang,” Time, 3/1/43 (“tears”); Leahy 184–85.
9 HLS, 2/23/43 (“beguiling”), 5/4/43; ER to Anna Boettiger, 2/21/43, in Asbell 156 (“afraid”).
10 HLS, 12/15/42; Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 6/8/43, KP (box 11).
11 Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 6/8/43, KP (box 11); Glenn Perry to Keats Speed, 7/26/43, KP 9 (box 11); Leahy 188.
12 HLS to FDR, 5/3/43, in HLS 5/3/43; HLS, 12/15/42, 5/1/43.
13 FDR to GCM, 10/3/42, FDR-PL 2:1350; FDR to GCM, 3/8/43, MP 3:584–86 (“My first”).
14 Leahy 189; Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 6/8/43, KP (box 11).
1 FDR, press conference, 2/12/43, FDR-PP, 1943, 82 (“stick”).
2 HLS, 4/28/43; WSC to FDR, 4/29/43, and FDR to WSC, 5/2/43.
3 Usher’s Log, 5/3/43, FDRL; HLS, 5/3/43; Pogue 3:195.
4 Usher’s Log, 5/9/43, FDRL; Matloff 125, citing Leahy 157–58; HLS, 5/10/43; JCS, “Recommended Line of Action at Coming Conference,” 5/8/43, FDRL (“United States,” “if the British”).
5 HLS, 5/3/43, 5/10/43; JCS, “Recommended Line of Action at Coming Conference,” 5/8/43, FDRL; Joint Staff Planners, “Conduct of the War in 1943–1944,” 5/8/43, FDRL; Joint Strategic Survey Committee, “Current British Policy and Strategy in Relation to the U.S.,” 5/8/43, FDRL; Leahy 157–58 (“pin down”).
6 HLS, 5/10/43 (“counterpoise”).
7 GCM to HHA, 5/13/43, MP 3:691–92 (“trivial”).
8 Coffey 306–09.
9 Usher’s Log, 5/11/43, FDRL; Hassett 6/18/42; Matloff 126.
10 Usher’s Log, 5/12/43, FDRL; CCS, minutes, 5/12/43 (“doom,” “fatal”).
11 CCS, minutes, 5/12/43 (“Much”); Leahy 189.
12 BCS, “Conduct of the War in 1943–44,” CCS, minutes, 5/13/43, Annex “B” (“unthinkable”).
13 CCS, minutes, 5/13/43 (“deeply regret,” “prolongation”).
14 CCS, minutes, 5/13/43 (“1946”).
15 Parrish 385, citing Charles Donnelly, ms, USAMHI.
16 Reginald Winn, memoirs, 34, GCML (Small MS Collections, box 3).
17 Frank McCarthy, “Room & Orderly Assignments,” GCML (McCarthy Papers, box 27); CCS, minutes, 5/15/43
; Roberts 364; GCM to HHA, 5/14/43, MP 3:693–94; Gerald Bath, “Report on British High Command’s Visit to Williamsburg, Virginia, May 15–16, 1943,” GCML (McCarthy Papers, box 27); “Williamsburg, Virginia Guide Map,” n.d., GCML (McCarthy Papers, box 27); Roberts 364; Frank McCarthy, interview, 9/28/58, PL.
18 Gerald Bath, “Report on British High Command’s Visit to Williamsburg, Virginia, May 15–16, 1943,” GCML (McCarthy Papers, box 27); Frank McCarthy, notes, n.d., GCML (McCarthy Papers, box 27); Hastings Ismay, interview, 10/18/60, PL; Frank McCarthy, interview, 9/29/58, PL; Matthew 6:19–34.
19 BCS staff, “Defeat of the Axis Powers in Europe,” 5/17/43; JCS staff, “Defeat of the Axis Powers in Europe,” 5/17/43; CCS, minutes, 5/19/43, 5/21/43; HLS, 5/19/43; Matloff 133; Parrish 350.
20 CCS, minutes, 5/12/43, 5/14/43; Leahy 186.
21 HLS, 5/20/43; CCS, minutes, 5/20/43.
22 CCS, minutes, 5/20/43, 3:30 p.m. closed session; HLS, 5/20/43.
23 CCS, minutes, 5/21/43; Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 4/5/43, KP (box 11).
24 CCS, 5/21/43; Forrest Davis, “King’s Way to Tokyo,” Saturday Evening Post, 12/3/44, 103, KP (box 9); EJK, interview, 8/29/49, KP (box 8).
25 EJK to Thomas Dobyns, 9/18/50, KP (box 8); CCS, minutes, 5/21/43; Glenn Perry to E. P. Bartnett, 4/5/43, KP (box 11).
26 CCS, “Operations in the Pacific and Far East in 1943–44,” CCS 239/1, 5/21/32; CCS, minutes, 5/21/43; Buell 317.
27 CCS, minutes, 5/21/43, 5/24/43.
28 Brooke 5/24/43; Roberts 471 (“thousand pities”).
29 CCS, minutes, 5/25/43; CCS 242/6, 5/25/43; CCS 244/1, 5/24/43; Leahy 193.
30 CCS 242/6, 5/25/43; Leahy 193.
31 Leahy, 5/24/43, LC (Leahy Papers, reel 4) (“permanent”); HLS, 5/27/43 (“spoiled”); Brooke, 5/24/43 (“angels”).
32 Leahy 195.
33 Goodwin 439.
1 “Good for Goebbels,” Time, 4/26/43; U.S. Department of Defense, “Facts and Documents Concerning Polish Prisoners of War Captured by the USSR During the 1939 Campaign,” 2/46, NARA (RG 319), Coatney 11; Allen i; Cienciela 215.
2 Stalin to FDR, 4/21/43, FDRL (Map Room box 8) (“certain pro-fascist); Sumner Welles to FDR, draft telegram, 4/24/43, NARA-OL (RG 59); Brown to Hull, 4/19/43, NARA-OL.
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