Bane's Heart

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Bane's Heart Page 3

by Sandra R Neeley

  “Clearing some trees.”

  “Yeah, well, I can see that,” Kaid answered.

  “Gonna build here.”

  “Awright, seems like a good place.”

  “Close to Bam's, close to Avaleigh’s, still within earshot of the main house. Good place to build,” Bane said to him as he looked around the area, still grinning to himself.

  “Where you want the trees, Brother?” Goldy asked stomping past him with a huge tree trunk tucked under his arm headed toward one of the piles.

  “Pile them up in the middle; I’ll burn them when we’ve finished,” Daniel answered Goldy as he strode into the clearing.

  The guys all pitched in, cutting, dragging and stacking the trees for the better part of an hour.

  Finally, Mav showed up, “What is that godforsaken noise?! Don’t you people know it’s barely dawn out, and it’s a damned Sunday! You know,” he drawled as he delivered his best duh voice, “it’s the day I sleep late, people!”

  They all just turned around to look at him as he stood there in his fleece sleep pants with the Santa faces wearing sunglasses on them and his fluffy pink slippers. “What?!” he threw his hands in the air, looking at them incredulously, “it’s like you people never saw lounge wear before.” They just shook their heads, laughing at him. Mav was funny even when he wasn’t trying to be,…sarcastic as hell. Avaleigh walked past him, a big plate of sausage biscuits balanced in her hands, two thermoses of coffee and some plastic cups swinging from the bag looped over her wrist. “Get to work, Wolf,” she winked at him as she went by.

  “Morning, Darlin’.” He grinned at her, “What the hell are we working at?”

  “We’re putting trees in a pile for Daniel to burn,” Goldy answered as he took a biscuit from the plate that Avaleigh held.

  “Why are we putting trees in a pile for Daniel to burn?” Mav asked them.

  “Because Bane has decided to build his home here,” Kaid explained, shoving half a biscuit into his mouth.

  “Thought you lived with Bam? Why do you want to build your own place?” Mav persisted.

  Bane, clearly running out of patience, turned to Mav, “If you don’t want to help, go away. I’m building my home here. Because I want to, Period.”

  “Fine, Jesus, got to get all touchy and shit. Did you see that, Ave? He was not polite to me!” Mav told her, pointing his finger at Bane, trying for the sympathy card.

  The guys were finishing up their breakfast and getting back to work, Mav included, when Avaleigh noticed that Bam ate only one biscuit. She held another out to him, “Here, Bam. Have another.”

  He answered her quietly, “Naw, Avaleigh. I’m good. One is enough.” He turned and went back to work sadly. Quietly. And that was not the norm for him since Avaleigh had joined their clan. “Bam, you okay?” she asked. He just nodded as he fired up his chain saw and started cutting into the rest of the dead trees.

  Bane watched him for a moment before shutting off his own chain saw and walking over to him. He wrapped his arm around his brother’s shoulder and leaned his head against Bam’s. “Nothing’s changed, Bam. I will always be here, I will always love you. You will always be welcomed in my home.” Bam just looked at Bane hesitantly and nodded briefly. “I swear, Bam. We’re even going to have an extra bedroom just for you in case you want to stay.” Bam smiled a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, “I’m happy for you, Bane. You deserve good stuff.” With that Bam fired up his chain saw again to go back to work, effectively stopping the conversation. Bane squeezed his shoulder and kissed Bam’s temple before going back to work himself.

  Mav leaned over to Avaleigh as she gathered the thermoses to leave, his eyes still on Bam and Bane, “What the hell is going on, Ave?”

  She shook her head as she watched them, too, “I’m not sure. Bane woke up needing to build a house. Bam is helping, but he seems sad. Maybe he thinks Bane is leaving him. But I’m sure that Bane is building here to stay near Bam.”

  “Maybe Bam knows something we don’t,” Mav offered.

  “He usually does, doesn’t he?” she said, smiling at Bam’s back as he worked.

  <> <> <>

  Janie lay curled in a ball in the little twin bed that she had slept in since she was child. She hurt. Her arm, wrist, her right shoulder and hip were sore where her father had shoved her across the room so hard that she bounced off the opposite wall. He’d smacked her in the back of the head too. She had a headache, and her neck hurt from the impact. She lay there in the dark bedroom, listening to him rave at her mother about what a waste of a good load she was. How she was nothing more than a whore. He’d been angry because he’d seen her having a picnic with Bane in the back of his truck today. When she’d gotten home, he’d been drunk and belligerent again. Or maybe still drunk was the correct term. He’d immediately started in on her about being no better than her no-good mother. How all they’d ever done for him was hold him back. How his lot in life was to take care of two ungrateful, useless whores. Then he’d started slapping her mother on the back while she cooked. He slapped her hard. He tried to make it look like it was playful, but it was almost knocking her mother off her feet. So she had stepped in, told him to stop hitting her mother. He’d turned all his attention to her. He grabbed her mother and shoved her out the back door, locking it behind her. Then he turned back to her, “I seen you today, whore. Sitting in the back of that truck. How much did he pay you? Whatever it is, I’m the one that made ya, so it’s my money now. How much?” he slurred at her, sticking his open hand in her face for money, his breath wreaking of alcohol.

  “What are you talking about? He didn’t give me money. He just brought me lunch.”

  “Is that what they calling it now, lunch? When you suck a dick for money, now it’s called lunch?” he laughed at her.

  “That’s not what happened! I didn't do that, and he didn’t ask me to, we just had lunch,” she raised her voice as she answered him.

  “Don’t raise your voice to me, whore, I’ll knock your fucking head off your shoulders,” he slurred again, chesting up to her.

  “Don’t call me a whore. I am not a whore. I just had lunch with Bane, in public, with witnesses around in the middle of the day!” she yelled at him. She knew better than to fight with him, truly she did. It just made it worse, but sometimes she couldn't help herself.

  He slapped her across the face so hard she stumbled, “Do not yell at me again, whore. I fucking made you. I fucking own you. You won’t be with him again, or I’ll kill that fucking bitch mother of yours. You hear me, girl?” he spat at her.

  “I said do you hear me?” he shrieked at her.

  “I hear you.” She made to get up, and he grabbed her by the arm and shoved her across the room where she bounced off the wall. As she lay there on the floor trying to catch her breath, he stood over her yelling. “I fucking own your sorry ass, every fucking penny you make is mine too. That piss-ant job of yours, bring me the money; sucking that asshole’s dick, bring me the money. And if you let him fuck you, I’ll whip your ass. That ass is going to make my fucking life easier.” She looked up at him, not knowing what the hell his sick mind was ranting about now. “Wants his fucking money, but I got to spend every fucking dime on your worthless asses. Fine, I’ll give him something that’ll make the money he wants look like nothing.” Then he turned back to her, “You fucking owe me for laying on my fucking leg all these years anyway, little interfering bitch!” He spat on her and stumbled his way back into the kitchen for more whiskey.

  And now she lay in her bed listening to him rant to her mother about her being a whore. And her mother gave no response at all. Only responding “yes”, when he prompted her for a reply. She was glad her mother gave no response. If she had, he would have hurt her, too. Best she just humor the bastard until he passed out. She heard him as he made his way past her room yelling at her from the hall. “You want to whore yourself out, fine by me. But I’ll be damned if some asshole takes what I made without paying me for i
t. I’ll decide where and to who! I’ll damn sure get what I put into you back. Gonna take care of that tomorrow. You want to whore, you at least gonna make it worth the effort. ‘Bout time you earned your keep,” his ranting knew no limits. You never knew what filth would spew from his mouth.

  She hated the bastard. Hated him. He was her father, and her mother had for whatever reason chosen him all those years ago, but he was a miserable bastard. She hated him so purely that she had no doubt that if she never got to heaven, her hatred of him would be why. But that was okay; she could live with that.

  Sometime later, after his snores filled the house, her door opened, and her mother slipped into her room. She wrapped her arms around Janie and held her close while she kissed her head and smoothed her hair. She whispered as she asked her, “Is he a nice young man, Baby?”

  “Yes, Mama. Only he’s not all that young. He’s a good bit older than me. But he’s really sweet.”

  “Do you think he’d protect you, Honey, or do you think he’d be like your dad?”

  “He’d protect me, Mom. But I can’t go to him. Dad will hurt you. I’m gonna tell him that I can’t see him anymore.”

  “You should let him protect you. Don’t worry about me. I’ve dealt with your father for so many years, I’m immune. I just hate seeing him hurt you. Please, go to your young man. Tell him what is happening here, let him protect you.”

  “No! I can’t take the chance that he would hurt you. We’ll figure something else out.”

  Her mom tucked her blankets around her and stood to leave her room. She just looked at her sadly as she paused at the bedroom door. “Please, Baby. Don’t let him trap you here and steal your life away like he’s done to me.”

  Janie didn’t answer her mom; she just watched her standing there with tears in her eyes, a shadow of the beautiful young woman she’d been when she’d married Janie’s dad.

  “What’s his name?” her mom asked.

  “Bane. His name is Bane Marchande’.”

  “Does he love you, Honey?”

  “He acts like he cares about me, and maybe he could love me. But it doesn't matter now. I’ll tell him tomorrow that I can’t see him again. I can’t take the chance that Dad would hurt you if I don’t do what he says.”

  Her mom just shook her head sadly as she quietly closed the door behind herself.

  <> <> <>

  Bane and his clan worked through the early morning, clearing and stacking trees. About 10:00 that morning he glanced at his watch and announced, “Gotta take a shower. Going into town for a break,” and headed back toward the main house. Kaid yelled to him, “We’re gonna finish stacking these, so Daniel can burn them while you’re gone.”

  “Thanks, guys! I won’t be long,” he threw over his shoulder as he jogged in the direction of the main house. He had to be there when Janie took her break today, not seeing her today wasn’t an option. He needed to see her just like he needed air to breathe. He ran through the shower and changed his clothes in record time. He decided to take his bike to see her today. He didn't bother with drying his hair, knowing the wind from the drive would do it for him. He smiled to himself as he pulled out onto the highway, thinking of her eyes lighting up when she saw him leaning against his bike, waiting for her, when she came out for break today. He couldn't wait.

  Bane threw his leg back over his motorcycle seat as he sat there looking at the doors of the grocery store. He’d come to spend Janie’s break time with her again, but she wasn’t here. Her boss had told him that she’d called in sick. He didn’t like that his Mate was sick, and he wasn't there to take care of her. He grinned to himself. His Mate. A few weeks ago, he didn’t even want to entertain the thought that she could be his Mate, but now when the thought hit him, it made him feel all warm and fuzzy. It made his chest tickle; there was so much excitement with the thought. She was his Mate, Janie was his Mate. His Janie. He liked that. A lot. Bear chuffed in his head, tossing his big black head back and forth, doing his version of trying to convince Bane that they needed to go to her. “She is ill. Needs her Mate to soothe her”, Bear told him. Bane thought to his Bear, “She’s fine, her manager said that she sounded fine on the phone, just said she had a really bad headache and needed to take the day off.” Bear didn’t like it, but he settled back to pout while Bane cranked his bike and slowly pulled out of the parking lot and turned for home. “Should have called us,” Bear thought at him. “No, she shouldn't have. She doesn't know what she is to us. We are taking it slow with her, remember?” Bear huffed at him and went back to pouting. Bane just ignored him. He’d come back tomorrow and spend time with her then. Right now, while she was resting, he needed to finish her house.

  <> <> <>

  Later that night the entire clan sat around the huge bonfire that used to be the dead trees they had all cut down. After they had finished clearing the area and piled them all up, Daniel had lit them on fire. Now everyone was sitting around roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over the flames.

  “What ‘cha gonna do next, Bane?” Bam asked him.

  “Think I’m going to measure out the floor plan and drive the posts in the ground for the foundation. I hope to have them solid and cured enough to start flooring in the next day or two.”

  Bam nodded his agreement, “I’m gonna help you, so just let me know what you need.”

  “Good, I was hoping you would. I need you to help me lay it out, Bam. You did a great job with Avaleigh’s cabin, and I’d like something similar, only bigger. I was thinking maybe three bedrooms, two baths, or maybe one full bath and a half. Can you help me with that? I really need your input.”

  Bam looked up at him, “Really?”

  “Of course, I’ll always need you.”

  Bam smiled at him, not sure he totally believed him, “Okay.”

  “What’s the rush, Bane? Why all of a sudden do you need to build a house? You’ve never needed anything; now overnight, you need a house?” Mav asked.

  “He doesn't need one; his Ever will need one,” Bam answered for him.

  Bane wasn't quite ready to put it out there yet; Janie didn’t even know yet.

  “Your Ever, Bane?” this from Kaid.

  He lifted his eyes to his Alpha, “Yes, I found her. But she doesn’t know yet, so I need to keep it quiet. She’s skittish and I don’t want to frighten her.”

  “Who is she?” Daniel asked him.

  “Ooooo, I know, she works at the grocery! That’s it, isn’t it?! That’s why you go to the grocery so often; she works there. Bam always says that you ‘Really like the grocery’; I’m right, aren’t I? You go to the grocery to see her!” Avaleigh rambled on as she jumped up and down and clapped her hands.

  Bane just shook his head, grinning at her as he answered her, “Yes, that’s it. Janie works at the grocery. But like I said, she’s skittish and she’s young, really young. About 21, I guess. I don’t want to scare her off. So please don’t go running to the grocery to check her out.”

  “I’m happy for ya, Bane. Ain’t every one of us finds our Mates. You’re a lucky male,” Goldy told him. Goldy was genuinely happy for him, but Bane could tell that there was some sadness there also. Goldy was the oldest of them and had not ever run across his Mate. He was lonely.

  “Thank you, Goldy. The time will come; you’ll find yours, too.”

  Goldy didn’t answer, just stuck another hot dog onto his pointed stick and held it over the flames.

  Mav was uncharacteristically somber at Bane’s revelation and kept any remarks to himself. After a couple of hours, and a little more alcohol, Mav finally broke. He couldn't hold it in any longer. “You sure that you want this one, Bane? Just because she’s your Mate don’t mean you have to mate her.”

  “What the hell, Mav? Of course, he’s gonna mate her!” Daniel snapped at him.

  “Just ‘cause the Mate Bond snaps into place don’t mean it’s the best thing for all parties! It don’t mean she’s gonna love you, don’t mean she’s gonna be true! Hell, it do
n’t mean that you’re gonna be true either, for that matter!”

  Bane stood, his eyes locked on Mav, “She’s my One. There will not be another for me, ever. If she won’t have me, I won’t have anybody. You speak so little of our bond again, I’ll kill you.”

  Mav just glared at Bane, no response on his lips.

  Everybody sitting around the fire was grumbling at Mav now and amongst themselves. But Bam got up and went over and sat with Mav, shoulders touching, legs lined up side to side. He looked at Mav, “It’s gonna be okay, Mav. She’s a good girl. And Bane wouldn’t leave us. Our clan’s just growing; we’ll have another sister, like when Avaleigh came to us.” Bam looked to Bane, “Right, Bane?”

  Still standing, glaring at Mav, “Absolutely, Bam. If she’ll have me, I’m gonna bring her home, and she’ll not only be mine, she will be a sister to all of you.”

  Mav jumped to his feet, threw his beer to the ground, and shouted at Bane, “I’m just trying to warn you, you damned idiot! It don’t always work out the way the stories say it does! I’m just trying to protect you! Not every one of them is like Avaleigh, so don’t rush head first into something just ‘cause you feel the damn pull is all I’m saying!” Mav stalked off into the darkness still mumbling to himself.

  They all just looked around at each other. Bam looked sadly after where Mav went into the darkness. “He always hurts so much, I’ll just make sure he’s okay,” Bam got up and went into the woods at the same spot where Mav disappeared only moments earlier. The rest just sat there staring into the flames. Avaleigh broke the silence, “If you’re sure, Bane. Just let her know how you feel. The rest will fall into place. And when you’re ready, we’d love to meet her. I can’t wait for another woman to live here. I’m surrounded by testosterone!”


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