Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1) Page 3

by K. J. Dahlen

  Jaxson held up a hand at them both. “It’s nobody’s business but ours.”

  Antonio took off his jacket and tossed it on the counter.

  Jaxson’s mind swirled as he tried to come up with anything he could do to get the motherfucker to back off. He knew Antonio wouldn’t let this fly. “We weren’t discussing anything except our plan for Thursday. Rod is into Bruno for fifty-grand, and he’s paid nothing back. Bruno wants his money that’s all. If his guys help us out with this shipment, we’re even.”

  “Yeah, you forgot to mention how he plans to put you in charge of all local operations,” Antonio snapped back.

  “He’s fucked in the head.” Dino muttered under his breath.

  Jaxson growled, “I fucking told you what he said—”

  A dark expression crossed Antonio’s face and he cut Jaxson off, “Let’s cut through the bullshit Jaxson, we all know what he was talkin’ to you about. So spill it,” he demanded, furiously.

  “Goddamn it. You heard what I said. And if you have a problem with that, you know where the door is.”

  With nothing to say, Antonio turned his back on Jaxson and walked through the open doorway to the bike shop area. Inside, he knelt down tinkering with his bike – sulking. As Jaxson attempted to discuss plans for Thursday with the guys, he revved the motor over Jaxson’s voice in a pathetic attempt to work him up.

  This guy is fucking ridiculous. He has no business being so damn cocky. Jaxson shook his head, swallowing his laughter. No respect.

  As Bruno’s only blood relative in the Black Devils, Antonio thought he was untouchable. The thought of him ever becoming president of the club Jaxson cared for so much for was, in a word—unfucking-thinkable. Jaxson suddenly understood why Bruno refused to allow this clown to become president. De Lucas Empire would fall at his hands…if he didn’t get himself killed in the process. At that moment, Jaxson felt a strong impulse to protect the integrity of the club he was proud of, no matter what.

  The air around them was saturated with the promise of violence. Jaxson wanted nothing more than to grab that skinny frame of his by the throat, rough him up, and straighten him the fuck out. But that little boy wasn’t worth the effort.

  Grabbing his jacket, he signalled to Dino that it was time for them to leave. As the pair head out the door, Jaxson shook his head, and glared a warning into his eyes.

  Antonio’s eyes flared back, and his jaw ticked.

  Leaning in close to Antonio, Jaxson growled a word of advice, “A little respect goes a long fucking way.”

  Chapter Five

  Nobody ever said life in an MC would be easy. Not even close.

  Outside, the sky had turned heavy and bleak. As they walked back to their bikes, Jaxson turned to Dino. “Fuck. He’s pissed as hell. If right now is anything to go by, shit’s going to hit the fan on Friday.”

  “Forget that asshole. Let’s go for a drink. There’s always a good woman at Juanita’s. A few beers and some female company is what you need. It’ll take the edge off,” Dino advised.

  “I don’t feel like it. Not tonight. Anyway, I like a woman with some self-respect.” Jaxson scoffed. “You know I don’t like those girls being passed around by all the guys, it just isn’t right to me.”

  “Come on just to ease the pressure. Have a little fun.” He cocked an eyebrow at Jaxson, a devilish glint in his eye. “You’ve been working too damn hard. You’ll get yourself burnt out.”

  Jaxson thought for a moment. “Fine, but just a quick one.”

  They rode side by side. Jaxson watched from the rear view of his Harley for any sign of Antonio following after them. By the time they reached the biker’s bar, or better known as Juanita’s light rain had begun to fall. The sky had become overcast and grey, the clouds heavy. As he cut the engine and jumped off his bike, he could hear few drunken revelers pile out of the place.

  “Looks like we made it just in time,” Dino remarked.

  “Yep,” Jaxson agreed, as they tossed their cigarettes and hastened towards the bar’s entrance.

  Walking in, the room felt warm and stuffy, filled with the sound of the regular band who sang a perky tune, and the phlegmy laughter of hardened smokers. It was a typical biker’s bar inside – burgundy plush, stale odor, smoky – and it was busy, mostly with young men with abundantly tattooed arms and chests who wanted to be taken on as prospects.

  Antoinette, one of the two blonde and heavily made-up barmaids, recognized Jaxson’s face as he stepped through the door. Eagerly, she made him a drink then made a b-line for his table, whiskey, and coke in hand…since she knew it was his favorite. “It sure has been a while, Jaxson. We’ve missed you down here,” she said, cheerfully, with a seductive grin. Jaxson turned to her, just about to sit down, and she gazed back, handing him his drink.

  Dino arched an eyebrow in Jaxson’s direction, encouragingly.

  “Missed you too Ann, but not tonight ok? I’ve got too much on my mind. Thanks for the drink, honey.”

  Undeterred, she sat down in the chair beside him, resting her head on one hand and leaning downward slightly, giving him a good show of her breasts. “Why so blue baby?” she asked.

  Taking a sip of his drink, Jaxson sat back in his chair, two fingers pressed against one the side of his head as he rubbed his temple.

  Dino joined the conversation, “Give yourself a break, Jaxson. We’ll talk to you later Ann. Gotta get this guy smiling again.”

  “Oh, alright. See you later then Jax.” She jumped up and swept a finger through Jaxson’s hair as she walked away.

  Unable to break his mind away from the situation with the club, Jaxson shifted the conversation back, “Bruno is certain he wants me to take over. Antonio sure is pissed he isn’t getting the credit he thinks he’s due.”

  Dino burst out laughing and nearly spat out his drink. “Credit he’s due! You gotta be kidding. For what? For being a lazy, dumb-ass coward? Antonio spent his past six years at the club shying away from work, then blames you for every last one of his failures. You know as well as I do, the only reason Bruno don’t kick him out is that he’s his son. Sure, Bruno’s not your father, but he took you in for a reason; wouldn’t surprise me if he had this planned from day one. So, to hell with that shithead loser.”

  Jaxson couldn’t say anything to counter that. Dino was right. “I guess.”

  Dino frowned. “You practically run this club anyway. Let’s hope you do become president brother. Otherwise, the club won’t survive, if you’re going to worry about anything that should be it…not that fucking clown. Just think, in a year or so, you’ll be worth a goddamn fortune.”

  Jaxson sighed thoughtfully, “I guess I’ve just been thinking on shit recently, that’s all.”

  “About what?”

  He went quiet for several seconds. “Well, you ever think about a life outside of the club?”

  Dino laughed. “Our life is the club. Fucking great isn’t it!”

  “Yeah. But it’s no place to settle down. Like say a guy had a wife and kids, is it?”

  Dino stared at Jaxson wide-eyed, in disbelief. “You’re pulling my leg, Jaxson Coltrane! Don’t tell me you’re going soft on us.”

  “No! I didn’t mean anything by it. But you can’t tell me it hasn’t crossed your mind at least once. Don’t get me wrong, I love my club, and I love my ride. But maybe it would be something I would enjoy.”

  “I suppose. Well, De Luca has a family too, don’t he?”

  “I guess. But the hell some of those kids have been through. It’s not safe or right. It’s no wonder Antonio turned out broken.”

  Dino paused for a few seconds, and then nodded in agreement. “I think he was always just fucked up in the head.”

  Jaxson chuckled in his throat then cast an eye to the door. “It wouldn’t surprise me if that cocksucker flies through that door, any second now, looking for a fight. Knowing that son of a bitch, he would have followed us here looking for trouble

  “If that little clown thinks he can take you on, good luck to him. You’d wipe the smile off his weasely little face so fast. Shit. He’d be so embarrassed, he’d never set foot in here again. So quit worrying.”

  Jaxson smiled.

  “Boy, are you cute!” Kim, the second barmaid, interrupted and sat down on Dino’s knee. The two of them started chattering and giggling, leaving Jaxson alone with his thoughts.

  He would be damned if he’d let Antonio ruin this for himself, the boys, and this town. He cast a proud eye around the bar, packed with locals, enjoying their evening. To an outsider, the club was a low-life, unwanted subclass. But the boys had always treated this town with the respect it deserved. The reign of Bruno’s MC had lifted Coronado and defended it from its surrounding territory, silently. If it ceased to exist, the outcome for these people would be pretty much beyond imagining. Although the Brothers lived in a world that didn’t altogether seem to want them around, each of them could be quietly proud of what they did—and they were. Adjusting to life with a new president would never be easy, but for the sake of everyone involved, himself and the brothers would have to make it work.

  Just as Jaxson started to contemplate leaving for an early night, he spotted a young woman standing in the foyer. He liked what he saw and couldn’t take his eyes off of her. As she entered, it was obvious that she hadn’t just caught Jaxson’s eye. “Damn Girl.”

  Caught off guard, her cheeks flushed.

  He watched from a distance as every damn vultureous dog in the bar noticed her. The faces of the men at nearby tables lit up as they straightened themselves up and puffed out their chests. Every last one of them eyeing her up and down, licking their lips, wanting to fuck her brains out.

  Fuck no. She’s mine. A fiercely possessive feeling came over him.

  Jaxson pulled his lower lip in between his teeth. His cock throbbed in his pants, and his breath hitched. Who is she? He was sure he would have noticed her before unless she was from out of town. But what did it matter? She’s here, and she’s damn fucking hot.

  Moving his eyes up, down and across every sweet curve of her body, his cock raged between his legs. She had the perfect hips, the ass, and the boobs – the perfect hourglass. Her long, wavy brunette hair pulled to the front, caressing her breasts in her low-cut top. Those killer hips in that skirt teasing every damn guy in the room. He could barely control himself; desire throbbed in his veins. What he wouldn’t give right now to …

  Holy shit. That’s Chloe!

  Chapter Six

  Fuck me. She looks damn good.

  Standing at about 5’6, full lips, and bangin’ curves—the complete package.

  He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. One thing he knew for sure, she was a woman grown.

  As far as he knew, she was still away at university, studying. How can it be that a smart, gorgeous young woman like this isn’t at home with her boyfriend right now? If she were Jaxson’s girl, he would have her locked up at this hour where no other guy could get to her. You sure wouldn’t let a rare catch like Chloe get stolen away if you could help it.

  Will she notice me and say hello? Or, would she go to the bar? She had to be meeting someone here.

  Nothing. Instead, she stood there, looking as awkward and exposed as she felt. Every man in the bar openly leering at her.

  What’s a girl like this wasting her time in a bar full of scumbags like us for? What the hell is she doing? It’s obvious she’s new to a bar like this. Jaxson chuckled to himself. She either had to be a virgin or just too damn young to notice she was now a fully grown woman, to be naïve enough to walk into a bar full of men in that tiny skirt and skimpy top. He couldn’t help but think that if she were his, no way would be comfortable with her bare legged, wearing so few clothes in male company. Although, for Jaxson, she still had far too many clothes on. If only she knew, the things she was making him fantasize about.

  By the time Jaxson had broken from his thoughts, she was standing at the bar. He had to say hello, at least. Sure, he knew he couldn’t have her, but there was no harm in talking to the girl. Besides, he needed to protect her from the animals in this bar before she became somebody’s prey.

  “Who’s she?” Dino looked up with a wide grin on his face. He was perhaps the only man in the bar that hadn’t noticed her yet.

  Kim, the barmaid, sitting on his lap was instantly fuming and glared deadly spears at Chloe.

  Crap! Dino couldn’t know who she was. Nobody could know. “Only… J- Just a friend, I’ve got it.” Jaxson shot up out of his chair.

  “Ah fuck, she’s taken. How do you know her?” Dino carried on.

  Jaxson had already grabbed his jacket started to turn away.

  “Well, have a good time with this friend,” Dino called after him, giving Jaxson a cheeky wink, before turning his attention back to Kim, who was now standing, arms folded, tapping her foot.

  As Jaxson approached Chloe, he narrowed his eyes at the men at the tables beside her in warning.

  Fucking-hell! Did this girl walk here in the rain or something?

  Sitting at the bar, her light brown, wavy hair looked wet and unruly as she swiped it from her face.

  She’s even more stunning up-close; even if she is a hot mess right now.

  When Jaxson was about three paces away from her, he took a breath to calm himself. “Chloe! How are you? It’s been too long.”

  She jolted in her seat, and then looked up slowly in his direction.

  He noted the widening of her eyes and the parting of her lips. Those innocent, come-fuck-me eyes met his. Jaxson noticed her checking him out, and there sure was no harm in letting her look.

  She let out a deep sigh of relief. “Jaxson.” Her sweet voice was barely above a whisper.

  He loved the sound of his name on her lips. It seemed odd to him that she wasn’t her usual outgoing, lively self. But relieved that she at least recognized him, he stepped forward to greet her.

  She lifted her arms to hug him.

  Damn, she read my mind. Throwing his arms around her, he squeezed her in tight against his firm chest; one arm around her waist. Shit, that feels good. He couldn’t resist getting a feel of those gorgeous curves for himself. He lingered there, running his hands up to her shoulders before letting go reluctantly. Jaxson wanted to follow his lust right there and kiss her full, sweet lips. Oh, shit! He caught himself doing it again. This girl was strictly off-limits.

  As he held her, he realized her breathing was fast and loud, as she gripped his shoulders, squeezing him close and tight, as though she never wanted to let go. Fuck I knew I could turn a woman on fast but holy shit…. Her sweet scent flooded his senses. He looked down at Chloe, and quelled the urge to kiss her, her eyes sparkled…

  No! What the fuck? She’s crying!

  She looked up at Jaxson with genuine fear in her eyes. Eyes that were slightly bloodshot. Tears started to stream down her face. She rested her head on his firm chest, nestling her cheek on his peck. “I’m so glad I found you here.” Her voice was soft and deeply distressed.

  As he looked down at her more closely, Jaxson winced at the scratch marks and bruises on her bare arms. “Chloe, what the hell happened to you? Was it somebody in this bar?” He gazed around with a hard glare.

  She broke the hug but kept hold of his hand. Her face showed her fear and her shock as if she was reliving what had happened to her.

  “You’re safe now, Chloe,” he said, kissing the top of her head. Her hair was wet and her clothes soaked through, her body had left a damp patch down his shirt. A new and tense sensation of protectiveness surged through him, leaving guilt in its wake. He should have been watching her more closely.

  She slowly seemed to relax in Jaxson’s presence.

  “It’s ok. I’ve got you. I’ll protect you from who or whatever it was.” He put his arm around her, possessively, and sat her down at a table next to the radiator.

stared blankly down at the table, motionless.

  “If you want, we can get out of here?” he asked, as she didn’t seem ready to talk about it; whatever it was.

  “No. I’m fine here,” she replied, robotically. She leaned against the radiator, taking a minute to try to compose herself. “H-he t-tried to…” Her voice caught in her throat, and she stopped.

  Holy Shit. What the hell happened to her? Jaxson’s mind and emotions started to swirl, racing with all the possibilities. His temper flared, heart pounding. He felt a pang of intense guilt and worry: It’s my job to protect her; my job to keep her safe.

  Breathing heavy, she suddenly spilled everything, “He came home from work drunk again. Mom was out, next second he had me, my arms between his hands, pinned against the wall. I couldn’t stop it. At least, I thought I couldn’t. Then, panic took over. It saved me. I kneed him in the groin before he could get my clothes off. Then as soon as he started to double over, I got myself out of his grasp and flew out of the house.”

  “What! Who’s ‘he’? Who did this to you, Chloe? Tell me. Not that guy who’s shacked up with your old lady?”

  She nodded fast, in a mild panic, she stuttered out, “M-my step-dad.”

  “That sick bastard.” Jaxson growled. Anger rumbled inside of him again. He had no right to touch her. “You promise that asshole didn’t do anything to you?”

  “No. I got away Jaxson. I…”

  Fuck. Every time she said his name, he felt a jolt run right through him.

  “…he screamed at me as I ran out the place, said he’ll kill me if I tried to come back,” her voice still fast and urgent. “I ran all five blocks hoping you would be here. I wasn’t going to step a foot near that clubhouse of yours—it scares the crap out of me. Plus, I’m no club whore.” She closed her fingers around one of his hands.

  Now he gave into the urge to move up close again and pull her back against him to hold her. “I’m so sorry.” Jaxson pulled her in tighter.


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