Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1) Page 41

by K. J. Dahlen

  “When I find her I’ll tell her that.”

  “I hope you can love her enough to get past her scars,” Peaches told him. “Some of them you won’t be able to see and they run deep.”

  “I can do that,” Deke whispered. “All I ask is that she gives me a chance.”

  “When you find her, make her believe that. She needs someone who cares about her. She needs someone who will show her what love is all about. I think she needs you.”

  “I need her too,” Deke admitted.

  “Then you find her and never let her go,” Peaches whispered.

  “That’s the plan, baby girl.”

  “Good luck,” Peaches said before she hung up.

  Deke ended the call and looked over at his second in command. “Take half the men and search the ridge above the city. There’s a cave by the cell tower.”

  “Uh, Deke,” Gator paused. “Iceman and his boys are waiting outside. I think they want to look for her too.”

  Deke got to his feet and went outside.

  Iceman and twenty of his men were mounted on their bikes waiting for him.

  “This is not your business man,” Deke stated.

  “But it is my city,” Iceman reminded him.

  “All I want to do is find her and take her home. We won’t be here longer than necessary.”

  Iceman shrugged. “I understand that man. I just want to know she’s okay.”

  Deke stared at the other man for a few minutes. His spitfire really drew people in. He knew this all too well. She was an amazing, courageous woman and he couldn’t really hold it against the Prez of The Sinners. Finally, he nodded. “I have half my men under Gator, searching one area and I’m taking the rest with me to search another area. “

  “My men can split up and go with you.”

  “Tell your men no one touches her,” Deke insisted. “She doesn’t like to be touched.”

  Iceman chuckled. “I remember very well. They all are too smart to wanna beat down from her.” His cool eyes twinkled with amusement. He turned to his men and announced, “Half of you go with his second in command, Gator. The other half come with Deke and me. No one touches the girl. Just try to talk her into letting you bring her back here. If you guys find her, she can ride with Gator.”

  Their engines roared to life and bike after bike tore out of the parking lot. There were a lot bikers in these two clubs who were willing to do whatever they could to bring the Spawn’s Spitfire back safely. They all knew her story and she had their solemn admiration

  Deke and Iceman were the last to leave. They took the lead and circled around the city to the water’s edge. Parking their bikes in the warehouse parking lot, the men made their way to the water’s edge and began searching for the cave Peaches spoke about.

  “She worth all of this to you?” Iceman asked.

  “Yeah she is,” Deke told him. “She’s come to mean a lot to me. My life would be pretty empty without her.”

  Iceman grinned. “I hope someday to meet someone like that.”

  “Boss, I think I found the cave,” one of Iceman’s men called out.

  They both turned and saw the man pointing to a darkened spot nearby. Deke and Iceman rushed to it and when they got there, they peered into what looked like a cavern. Deke looked around a bit and found a flashlight hidden beside the door. He leaned over, picked it up and was surprised to find that it worked. “Someone has been here.” He glanced at Iceman.

  “Let’s hope it’s your girl.”

  Deke shone the light and it did little to disperse the darkness of the cavern ahead of them. Making their way inside, they both saw fresh footprints in the dirt.

  Coming around a corner, they saw a camping area. In the middle of the floor was the makings of a small fire. A log had been dragged inside to sit on. A backpack leaned against the opposite wall and there were several other flashlights sitting in the dirt.

  “How did you find me?” Cassie’s voice asked from the darkness.

  “Peaches told me about this place,” Deke admitted. “How could you leave like that?”

  “I told you I didn’t want anyone to get hurt on my behalf.” She came out of the shadows.

  Iceman paused then said, “I’ll meet you outside.”

  After he was gone, Deke pulled her to him. “I’m never letting you go,” he whispered in her ear. “I love you girl, don’t you know that?”

  Cassie sighed. “How can you love something like me?”

  Deke leaned back and stared at her. “What do you mean something like you?”

  Tears were rolling down her cheeks. “People in my past tried their damndest to break me. They beat me, scarred me and carved me up. They tore chucks of flesh from my body and ripped my soul apart.” Her voice was little more than a whisper. “How can anyone love that?”

  “How can I not love you?” Deke asked. “You may be almost broken but you learned to mend yourself. You are the most honest person I’ve ever met. You are brave and kind hearted. Loyal to the bone. You cared for and about Peaches most of your life. You brought her home to her family when no one else would. You learned to take care of yourself and other kids like you when they would have been abused or worse. You stood up for them and took the beatings when it should have happened to someone else. Those kids didn’t see you as broken, they saw you as their hero.”

  Cassie sniffed. “But I’m no hero.”

  “I’m no hero either, baby. I’m just a man who loves you. I need you in my life. You complete me in a way no other woman could or ever will.”

  Cassie turned and stared at him. “Really? You love me?”

  Deke smiled. “I do love you.”

  “But I don’t know love.”

  “Then I’ll teach you,” Deke assured her. “We can learn about love together.”

  Cassie trembled in his arms. “I want to learn. I want you to teach me but I’m scared.”

  “Of what?”

  “I’m scared that I’ll never be the person you want me to be.”

  Deke chuckled. “I only want you to be yourself. I’m not looking to change you. I love you for who you are right now.”

  “I’ve been alone for so long,” Cassie whispered.

  “So have I,” Deke admitted. “I know about being alone. I also know about finding something better. I found you and I don’t want to lose you. Baby, I can’t let you go. I can’t go back to being alone anymore. I need you.” His arms tightened around her.

  “I think I need you too.” She paused then said, “I think I have to tell you something.”


  “When we make love I have a feeling you’re holding back. I’m not sure what it is, but I can feel it.”

  Deke sighed and laid his head on hers. “I didn’t want to scare you. Sometimes, my loving can get a little wild.”

  “Will you show me?” Cassie whispered. “I want so much to learn how to love you, but I can’t if you hold that part of you back.”

  Deke kissed her temple. “Okay, I won’t hold it back anymore. Come on baby girl, let’s go home.” He turned and led the way into the sunshine. “We’ve got a lot to explore.” He squeezed her ass.

  Cassie jumped a little and then she grinned at him.

  Everyone was waiting for them in the parking lot.

  Iceman smiled when he saw her and nodded at Deke. “Your men will meet you at the crossroads outside of town. Have a safe trip back.”

  Deke held out his hand. “Thank you.”

  Then Iceman shook his hand.

  Cassie broke away from Deke and went over to Iceman. She leaned in close and gently kissed his cheek. “Thank you for helping my friend Peaches and me last night. I appreciate it greatly.”

  Iceman smiled. “You bet little Spitfire, it was my pleasure.” Then he revved his engine and peeled out of the parking lot, followed by his men.

  Cassie went over to Deke’s bike and even though she was small in stature,
she managed to swing her leg over the tank. “Come on boys,” she called out. “Let’s go home.”

  His men all halted and swung their startled gazes up to the petite spitfire of a woman, sitting on the Prez’s bike.

  Deke shook his head and grinned as he joined her. He started his engine and rolled out of the parking lot.


  “A Sexy, Suspenseful Series, Full of Surprises!”

  Just when Cassie thinks her past is over…someone comes looking for her. Someone she and everyone else thought was dead a long time ago. She has a man in her life and her dreams are coming true, so when Robbie comes after her she has more to lose than she ever had before. Except this time—she isn’t alone. She has friends and family to help her fight against the darkness that threatens her.

  Then she discovers yet another surprise—she has a sister…



  Satan’s Spawn MC Series

  K.J. Dahlen


  I would like to dedicate this book to my friend, Ron and his darling bride, Judy- also to my cousin Hope, as her name indicates—she has given me hope, that little nudge I needed to expand my world to include new stories.


  When Deke came out of his room the morning after he and Cassie returned from Boston, he saw one of his guys sitting in the main room. One that had been away on club business for the last three weeks. On the table in front of him was an open bottle of Jack Daniels.

  One of his club’s brothers, Deacon seemed to be staring at the painting Cassie had drawn of Rufus.

  Deke walked into the kitchen and found Reva and Gator drinking coffee. When Reva grabbed another cup and handed it to Deke, he looked over at Gator and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Did you see Deacon out there?” Gator asked.

  Deke nodded. “Yeah, I did. He seems a little preoccupied. What’s his problem? Doesn’t he like the new art?”

  “Oh, I think it goes deeper than that.” Gator looked over at him. “He got back around one this morning. Reva and I were still here when he came in.”

  “My lord Deke, when he saw that painting, he lost all the color in his face and for the longest time, he just stood there staring at it,” Reva explained. “About an hour later, he picked up the bottle and started drinking. He’s been sitting there, in that same spot, sipping his whiskey and staring at that damn painting.”

  Deke frowned and turned to stare at them both. He moved to the doorway and watched Deacon for a moment, then turned to Gator and shrugged. “Maybe he objects to it, I don’t know.”

  Gator shook his head. “No man, I don’t think he objects to it but there’s something wrong with him. Something is bothering him about the painting.”

  Deke sipped his coffee. Reaching for the pot, he filled his cup again and wandered back into the main room and over to the table where Deacon was sitting. When he sat down, he searched Deacon’s face.

  The man was still staring at the painting.

  “So,” Deke spoke softly, startling the other man out of his daze. “When did you get back?”

  Deacon lifted the shot glass to his lips. After sipping the liquor he said, “Got back around one this morning. I was happy to be back after three weeks on the road.”

  Deke nodded. Then he turned his gaze to the painting Deacon couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of. “His name is…”

  “Rufus,” Deacon finished his sentence, “I know. My sister Jemmia made it up a long time ago.”

  “Your sister?’ Deke sat up straighter in his chair.

  Deacon turned his head to Deke with a frown. “Yeah, she drew him when she was a kid. I haven’t seen him in a very long time. I’ve never seen him in full living color before.” Turning back to the painting he asked, “Who painted him here?”

  “Are you sure he’s the same tiger?” Deke asked.

  Just then, Gator and Reva came out of the kitchen. They stood just behind Deke and were looking at Deacon.

  “Oh, yeah.” Deacon nodded. “That’s Rufus all right. Jemmia said he had green eyes because green eyed people and animals are very intelligent. She said he would keep all her secrets safe.”

  “What happened to Jemmia?” Reva asked softly.

  Deacon turned away from the painting and poured another shot. “She died a long time ago.”

  “What happened?” Deke asked.

  Deacon shook his head. Without saying anything, he lifted the glass to his lips and was about to slam it down his throat when they all heard the door to Deke’s room open.

  Deacon turned his head toward the back hall. “Did you finally get a woman, Deke?”

  When Cassie came into the room, the glass slipped from Deacon’s hand and smashed on the table. “What the fuck?” he swore as he stared at her. His face paled and he looked at her like he was seeing a ghost.

  Cassie frowned and stared back at him.

  Deacon took a step toward her, still not believing she was real. “Jemmia?” he whispered.

  Cassie’s hand rose as if to push him away. Color drained from her face as well. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She took a step back and uncertainty flashed across her face. “Do I know you? You look familiar somehow.”

  “Who are you?” Deacon wanted to know. He strode forward and grabbed her by the upper arms.

  ~* * * *~

  “I wouldn’t do that!” Gator yelled out.

  Cassie felt the fear rising and she didn’t like it when he’d grabbed her. She brought her knee up and slammed him in the groin. Her arms were let loose and the man groaned as he bent over.

  His hands went to cover his manhood.

  Cassie took several steps back but couldn’t take her eyes off the man in front of her. “Who are you?” she whispered.

  “My name is Deacon,” he groaned out. “Now, who the fuck are you?”

  “My name is Cassie.”

  Deacon turned and limped back to the table. He picked up the bottle and took a long drink. When he put it down on the table and turned to stare at the young woman again. Disappointment was evident on his face. “I’m sorry,” he murmured softly. “You reminded me of someone I knew once.”

  “Just who do I remind you of?” Cassie asked as she came up behind Deke. Laying her hand on his shoulder, she waited for Deacon to speak.

  Deacon laughed. “That color hair belongs to a bastard I knew once but your face reminded me of my sister.” Deacon shuddered.

  “Your sister?” Cassie questioned. “What was her name?”

  “Jemmia. Her name was Jemmia,” Deacon whispered brokenly. His face was twisted with pain.

  Deke watched Cassie when she heard the name. She paled even more and took a step backward. It was obvious she knew the name. What Deke wanted to know was how she knew the name.

  Deacon finally looked over to Cassie and was surprised to see how pale she was. He frowned and looked at her again. “Do you know that name?”

  Cassie took another step back. She couldn’t look away from the man in front of her. She nodded and finally tore her eyes off him. She turned to the painting behind him on the wall. “My mother’s name was Jemmia,” she whispered.

  Deacon’s eyes widened as he glanced from Cassie back to the tiger. Looking back at Cassie again, he asked, “Who was your father? What was his name?”

  Cassie turned back to Deacon. “His name is Flynn Rearden.”

  “Is? You mean he’s still alive?” Deacon roared. “Where the fuck is he? I’ve been looking for that bastard for eighteen years!”

  Gator got to his feet. “Deacon, you need to calm down. Yelling at her won’t do you no good.”

  Deacon whipped his head around to glare at Gator.

  When Deke stood between them, neither of the men seemed to care for the look on Deacon’s face. He looked willing to commit murder at the moment.

  Cassie turned and was going to run back do
wn the hall but Deacon grabbed her again. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he tried to hold her but Cassie felt the fear take over and she went a little crazy trying to get away. She fought his hold, digging her nails deep into his forearms.

  Deacon hissed in pain. When she kicked out at him, he started to cuss. She finally threw her head back and it connected with his face. Blood sprayed from his nose and he finally let her go. He swore loudly as he bled.

  Deke rushed over to her and tried to calm her down. He knew better than to touch her, but he got as close as he could and tried to soothe her frayed nerves. “Baby, please, everything will be okay.”

  Cassie was trembling as she came back from her protect mode and threw herself into his arms. “Who is that man?”

  Deke’s arms wrapped around her. “Honey, he’s one of the brothers.”

  Cassie turned and watched as Deacon held a towel to his nose to stop the bleeding. Reva and Gator were standing beside him but he couldn’t take his eyes off Cassie.

  Deke led the way to the table. “I think we all need to sit down and figure this out.”

  Cassie sat down and grabbed his coffee cup. Taking the last swig, she grimaced at the taste of cold coffee.

  Reva chuckled and went to the kitchen. When she returned, she carried a fresh pot of coffee and several more cups. She poured a cup and pushed it over to Cassie.

  Cassie thanked her for it. Then she stared at Deacon.

  Deacon had come back to the table. He looked a little worse for wear and he was limping. He sat down across from Cassie. Absently, he picked up one of the cups and sipped the hot brew. Then, he finally spoke, “So, if Jemmia is your mother and Flynn is your old man that means your name is Josette.”

  Cassie nodded. “That’s right. My true name is Josette Rearden.”

  Deacon slammed the cup down on the table hard. “No, it’s not. Your true name is Josette Phoebe Ryan. Jemmia and Flynn were never married.”


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