Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1) Page 55

by K. J. Dahlen

  “That’s not possible!” Robbie screamed. “I was her son. I was the child she gave life to.”

  “No, the child she gave birth to died. She starved to death because Janelle never paid attention to her. Soon after her daughter died, you came to her house. You were six months old and for some reason, she never explained she latched onto you, she was the mother to you, she couldn’t be to her own daughter. It wasn’t until later in your life, she lost interest in being the mother. She wanted you to be something else entirely. Her twisted mind wanted you to become what you are. She wanted to raise a killer and she got her wish. You became a killer.”

  “You are fucking lying!” Robbie shouted, kicking and screaming.

  “When Janelle admitted the truth we did some checking, we know who you really are,” Calderone commented.

  “My name is Robert Emmerson Pierce. I know who I am.”

  Calderone shook his head. “Your real name is Jason Kyle Kinley. You were taken off the streets of Chicago when you were six months old. Janelle was supposed to sell you in her ring. She paid the woman who took you four hundred dollars.”

  Robbie simply stared at them. Suddenly something snapped in his brain and he knew it was true. So many things from his childhood made sense now. “I hope the fires of hell are burning her, even as we speak.”

  “You’ll find out soon I guess,” Deke stated in a steely voice. He grabbed Robbie’s jacket and pulled him closer to the tree. When he got as close as he wanted, he pulled Robbie to a stranding position. Wrapping the rope around his body, he tied the knot behind him. He then pulled a knife and cut away his clothing.

  When his chest was free of the material bunched at his waist, Robbie heard footsteps to his left. Turning his head, he could see a pair of yellow eyes staring back at him.

  Deacon knelt beside him as well. Using his own knife, he cut the pants Robbie was wearing. Opening the seams all the way up, he uncovered Robbie’s legs.

  Robbie could hear them now, shuffling in the background. More noises from the woods penetrated the quietness.

  “You cut my woman in order to draw in the wolves. You told her nothing calls the animals faster than the scent of fresh blood,” Deke growled the words out.

  Robbie turned his head and nodded. “Yes, I told her that.”

  “Then you will understand this.” Deke snarled. He lifted the knife and swiped Robbie’s chest.

  The skin split wide open and fresh blood flowed down his chest. Robbie didn’t even flinch. The scent of his blood was strong in the air. He did wince when Deke’s knife bit into his thigh.

  Deacon’s blade then bit into his calf and he ripped the wound open.

  Then they both moved away leaving room for Iceman to stand in front of him. Robbie raised his eyes to view the blazing hatred in the other man’s eyes. “I hope you live long enough to regret everything you did in this lifetime. I know you won’t, but maybe you’ll regret some of it. This is for what you did to Peaches and Cassie, at least we’ll get revenge for those two.” Then he plunged the knife into Robbie’s belly and ripped a wicked slash in his abdomen.

  Iceman paused looked around. He saw several pairs of yellow eyes moving closer. He turned and looked down at Robbie. “This shouldn’t take long at all. They…” He pointed to the shadows. “…Look hungry.”

  Robbie glanced around the shadows and saw what Iceman had seen. For the first time in his life, he felt fear. Fear of his own mortality.

  Iceman leaned down and wiped the blade in his hand on Robbie’s tattered clothing. He turned and joined Deke, Deacon, Leon and Calderone.

  As a group, they all walked away leaving Robbie to his fate.

  Before they had taken twenty steps, they heard the first scream.

  Deke turned back to watch, he wanted to be sure once and for all that this killer was done.

  The eerie sound echoed through the trees. The men also heard the sounds of wolves growling and yelping.

  Satisfied, Deke turned and joined the men.

  It took a long time for the screams to lessen and the woods grew quiet again.


  Cassie rolled over and squeezed her eyes closed against the sunlight streaking through the window. Groaning, she turned back and straight into the arms of the man sharing the bed with her. She sighed as his arms tightened around her, encasing her in the security of his embrace.

  “Good morning beautiful,” Deke whispered as he kissed her ear.

  “Cassie giggled. “I can’t get as close to you as I want to anymore.” She looked down and saw her big belly.

  Deke laughed and lowered his hand to her baby bump. They both felt the baby moving around and he smiled. He loved the woman in his arms and loved the baby they had made together. He couldn’t wait for the next three months until he could finally hold the baby in his own hands. “I think we should get married before the baby is born,” he whispered.

  “Why?” Cassie looked into his eyes. “Isn’t it enough that we’re together?”

  Deke stared at her for a moment. “Yes it is, but for the first time in my life, I want more. I want this child to have my name and I want you to carry my name as well.”

  “Do you love me?” Cassie wanted to know.

  “More than life itself, and you know it,” Deke assured her. “In fact, I can’t live without you in my life anymore. Without you, my life is meaningless. I love the way you crinkle your nose when you’re thinking about something, I love the way you smell, the way you walk, the way you look when you’re sleeping. I want you to be my lover, my friend and my wife.”

  Cassie looked awed as tears formed in her eyes. “I’ve never known love before, it scared the hell out of me, these feeling I have for you,” she whispered. “Before I met you, I had nobody except Peaches to care whether I lived or died. I had to fight for everything I ever had. But being here with you has taught me that I can be happy. I can think about having my own life. You’ve helped me achieve my dreams for Redemption House and for that alone, I will always love you.”

  Deke smiled at her. “I’d like to take part of the credit for Redemption House but that is your dream, you made it work. It was you and your boys that took the dream you had and made it real.”

  “It is working isn’t it?” Cassie smiled.

  He nodded. “Will you marry me?” Deke asked. “I can’t give you much but I can give you everything you’ll ever need. I can give you me.”

  Cassie closed her eyes and inhaled his essence. “That’s all I will ever need, just you.”

  Deke’s lips met hers and their passion ignited. His hand slid down her body and slid into her moistness. He groaned when he felt how wet she was. Then he groaned again, when her hand found his cock. “I don’t think I can wait. I need you so much.”

  Cassie flipped over and pushed her ass against his hip. “Then take me. I need you inside me.”

  Deke turned on his side and grabbed her hips. Pushing his cock deep inside her, he began to thrust in and out. Each thrust went deeper than the one before.

  Cassie groaned as she felt her body responding to his thrusts. Every time they made love, it got better and better. Her hands went to her belly and she could feel their baby moving as Deke made love to her. Tears of happiness began rolling down her face.

  Deke paused. “Are you okay? Am I hurting you?”

  “God no,” Cassie moaned. “Please don’t stop. I need you right where you are, doing exactly what you’re doing.”

  Deke smiled and thrust deeper inside her. His hand slipped down to her clit and he thumbed it. As her body tightened, he continued to rub her hot spot.

  Cassie gasped and called out, “I’m so close, please hurry. I want to come with you.”

  Deke pushed himself a bit harder then gave one more hard thrust.

  Her body tightened as she came and he climaxed with her.

  He stilled for a few minutes and held her as he panted.

  When he sl
ipped out of her, she turned and snuggled against him. “Oh man…” She sighed. “I love waking up next to you.”

  Deke grinned. Hugging her, he then loosened his hold and sat up. “Come on, we got work to do.”

  “It’s too early,” Cassie grumbled.

  “The sun’s up Spitfire woman.” Deke leaned over and slapped her bare ass. “It’s time to get moving.”

  Cassie pouted as she got up. She went over to the closet and pulled out a long dress. Her belly wouldn’t let her wear pants anymore. Her baby didn’t like the restriction pants had. “So, what are we doing today that’s so important?”

  Deke pulled up his jeans and turning his head, he grinned. “Today we finish the house.”

  Cassie squealed as she put her hands over her mouth. “Really? It’s finished?”

  ~* * * *~

  Deke nodded as he pulled on his shirt. As soon as they had gotten back from taking care of Robbie, he talked her into building their house. She was excited to get started but he hadn’t allowed her to peek. This was his surprise for her and the baby.

  While she’d been gone yesterday at her doctor’s appointment, he had the furniture delivered. He and the boys had put everything in place and today…was the big reveal.

  Cassie sat down on the bed and grabbed his hand. Pulling him down beside her, she wet her lips with her tongue. “You never asked how the appointment went yesterday.”

  Deke cocked his head to one side. “I guess I assumed it went just like any other appointment. Is everything okay? Is the baby doing good?”

  Cassie nodded. “The baby is doing great. At least I think so. The doctor said he was having problems finding a decent angle.” She peeked at him, then asked. “Would you like to see the baby? I got pictures.”

  Deke’s eyes widened. “Are you kidding? Oh course, I want to see! Hand them over.”

  Cassie smiled and went to the dresser. Taking the small black and white photos out, she handed them to Deke.

  Deke stared at the pictures from the sonogram. He could clearly see what the baby looked like. It was so small, yet so perfectly formed. He frowned at two of the photos. They looked similar but not the same. Maybe this is what the doctor meant by not having the right angle. He glanced at Cassie. “Did you find out if it’s a boy or a girl yet?”

  Cassie nodded. “What do you think of the name Jemmia?”

  Deke’s mouth split into a grin. “A girl huh? I love the name. I’d like her middle name to be Phoebe after you. And I definitely want to get married before she gets here.”

  “There’s one problem with that.” Cassie sighed. “I don’t have a birth certificate in order to get the license.”

  “So, we’ll get it.” Deke shrugged. “Where were you born?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know where my mother is buried.” A single tear ran down her cheek.

  “Oh God baby, I’m sorry. I never thought about it before now.” Deke wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Tucking the photos in his shirt pocket, he suggested, “Maybe Deacon would know.”

  Cassie wiped the tear away and nodded. “Maybe he would. What are we going to do if he doesn’t? I don’t know if I was born in Boston or taken there after my Mom died.”

  “We’ll figure this out, don’t worry,” Deke vowed.

  “I hope Deacon can help, otherwise we can’t get married,” Cassie whispered. “I know my name but I have no way to prove it to anyone. It’s like I’m nobody.”

  “You aren’t nobody baby,” Deke tightened his grip. “Your name is Josette Phoebe Ryan but you go by Cassie. You are someone, you are the woman I love…My Spitfire, the mother of my child. You mean so much to everyone you come in contact with.”

  Cassie raised her eyes to his. “I don’t know why but I need to find out where my Mom is. I want to see where she’s buried. I’ve been feeling so lonely thinking about her lately.”

  “Then we’ll ask Deacon and find out what he knows,” Deke assured her. “In fact, we can go right now and ask him.” He held out his hand.

  When she took it, he walked her toward the door. When they got out to the main room, they saw Deacon and Marnie sitting together, along with Gator and Reva. The three kids were sitting at a different table eating breakfast.

  Deke and Cassie sat down next to Deacon and Marnie.

  When Deacon glanced at Cassie, something caught his eye. “Are you okay baby?”

  Cassie shook her head. “Deke wants to get married before the baby comes and I told him I didn’t even have a birth certificate. Do you know where I was born?”

  Deacon frowned. He glanced at Deke and then back to her. He wore an odd expression. “I think I have something that would help. The last time I saw your mother, she gave it to me for safekeeping. I never looked at it. In fact, I forgot I even had it. Hang on, I’ll go get it.” Deacon got up and went outside. When he returned a few minutes later, he handed her a small wooden box. “It’s been sitting in the bottom of a duffle bag for so long, I forgot it.”

  Cassie brushed her hand over the top of the box over an engraving of a heart and her initials. Her hands were shaking as they slid down to the catch. Flicking it open, she gently pulled the lid back exposing the inside.

  There were a couple of bundles of papers and when she pulled them out, she found a small photo underneath. She lifted it out and stared at it. It was a woman and a small child with red hair. She lifted her eyes to Deacon. “Is this her? Is this my mother?” She held the photo out to her uncle.

  Deacon took the photo and when he saw it, he smiled. “That’s Jemmia. Wasn’t she beautiful?”

  ~* * * *~

  Cassie picked up the first bundle and opened the papers. The first page was a birth certificate. Her birth certificate. Her hands were trembling as she pressed the paper flat. She finally felt like she as real as everyone else. She hadn’t realized it before but without this piece of paper, she couldn’t prove she was a real person.

  She lifted the certificate and found another birth certificate under it. She frowned. This one was for another girl baby, born on the same day as Cassie. This girl’s name was Paige Jorell Ryan. “What the hell is this?” she asked raising her eyes to Deacon.

  Deacon frowned and took the paper from her. His frown deepened. “I have no idea. Can I see yours?”

  Cassie passed over her certificate and waited.

  Deacon lowered them and studied her for a moment. “It seems you have a sister. A twin sister.”

  “I—what?” Cassie exclaimed as she got to her feet. “I have a sister? Since when? A-and where is she?”

  “I don’t know.” Deacon shook his head. “I wasn’t there when you were born. I didn’t see you until you were three years old. Jemmia never said anything about another child. This is all new to me as much as it is to you.”

  “Honey, look through the rest of the papers, maybe there is something there that will tell you about what happened to your sister,” Deke suggested.

  Cassie sat down and looked at the rest of the papers. Toward the bottom of the box, she found an envelope addressed to her. Pulling it out, she stared at it for a long moment. Turning it over, she opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.

  My darling baby girl.

  I hope you get this letter and can read it with an open mind. I pray I get to watch you grow up but I don’t know if that will be possible. I loved your father once, but now I’m afraid of him. I don’t know what will happen but I do know it won’t be good.

  He’s seriously sinking fast. I want to take you away from the mess I’ve made of my life. I don’t want the ugliness to taint the beautiful person you are. I know by now, that you’ve found the birth certificates for you and Paige. I also know you probably don’t remember having a sister. She was taken when you were barely two.

  I pray that you can find her someday. Flynn took her away one day, because I was going to leave him. I wanted something better for my girls and me. He broke my heart an
d made me hate him when he took my baby away from me. I think he used it to keep me here with him, he has threatened to do the same to you.

  I want you to know that I love you both very much and I would give my life to know you and Paige are safe from the likes of your father. You need to find a friend of his though, his name is Max Portland. He might be able to help you find Paige.

  If I can’t be with you I’ll be there in your heart. I’ll always be in your heart.

  Love you baby girl,


  Cassie had tears running down her face as she passed the letter to Deacon. “Who the hell is Max Portland?”

  Deacon wasn’t paying attention to her question, only to the letter in his hand. When he read it, he got very quiet. He placed the letter on the table, then got up and went outside.

  Marnie looked over at Deke, then got up and went to find Deacon.

  Deke read the letter then handed it to Gator. He then took Cassie in his arms and held her close. “Don’t worry baby, we’ll find her.”

  Cassie leaned away from him. “But what if we don’t? What if he took her to Janelle’s and Janelle sold her to someone else. We may never find her.”

  “You can’t think that,” Deke told her sternly. “If she’s out there, we’ll find her.”

  Cassie rubbed her belly as her child rolled and flipped inside her. She felt sick at the thought of another little girl being taken away from her family. What if her life had been as bad as Cassie’s had been?

  Deacon and Marnie came back inside, then Deacon went to Cassie and pulled her into his arms. “I’m so sorry baby girl. I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t know.”

  “Oh Deacon, I know. I didn’t know either. Do you know who this Max Portland is? I’ve never heard of him before.” Cassie wrapped her arms around his waist. “Can you help us find her?”

  “I will do whatever I can,” Deacon promised. He sighed heavily. “Yes, I know who Max Portland is. He, your mom and Dad were all friends in high school. When Flynn and Jemmia quit school, Max went on to finish and graduate. They kind of fell out of touch the last I heard. I have no idea where he lives anymore, but he grew up in Quincy, same as Jemmia and I.”


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