Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1) Page 100

by K. J. Dahlen

  Melora and Sam were on their way to another doctor appointment. At eight months along, her belly was huge and she was more than ready to deliver the baby. She’d griped to Sam about how she hated the fact that she waddled instead of walked and her belly definitely lead the way everywhere she went.

  “So how did you sleep last night?” Sam asked as he drove downtown.

  “I didn’t,” Melora grumbled. “Your son couldn’t get comfortable and that means his momma couldn’t either.”

  Sam chuckled under his breath. “I still think you’re beautiful, Silk.”

  Melora snapped her head around and glared at him. “I could almost hate you right now, do you know that?”

  Sam raised an eyebrow. “What did I do?”

  She groaned. “My whole body hurts so bad and I could really use one of your massages and I can’t get one.”

  “All you have to do is ask you know.” He grinned at her. “I would be more than happy to get you back in my bed.”

  Melora stared out the window for a moment then she turned to stare at him. “I guess I’m going to have to ask.”

  “Ask what?” Sam frowned.

  “Do you have any feelings for me at all Sam?”

  Sam’s frown deepened and after a moment, he pulled the truck over and parked it. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  Melora shrugged. “Just what I asked. Do you have any feelings for me at all? Not as the mother of your baby but me, as a woman?”

  “I heard the question. I just don’t know why you’re asking it. Of course, I have feelings for you. I’m still here aren’t I?”

  Melora shook her head. “Yeah, you’re still here but what does that mean?”

  Sam glared at her. “It means that for the first time in my life, I’m staying right where I am. I’m going to watch this kid be born and I’m going to watch him grow up. I wish you and the baby were living with me, so I could be part of his life on a daily basis and I’m not giving up on that but lord, you are a stubborn woman. I’m letting it go for now but someday, you’ll be with me. Both of you will.”

  ~* * * *~

  Melora swallowed hard and turned to stare out the window. This wasn’t what she wanted to hear. He only cared about her because she was carrying his baby. She wanted to know how he felt about her. “So you care about your baby.”

  Sam reached out and cupped her chin. Pulling her head back to him he said, “ Dammit, I love you woman, both of you. I fell so hard for you…a woman half my age, the first night you came to my bed. I couldn’t believe you would waste your time with an old man like me but I was taking whatever you wanted to give me. After that first time, you belonged to me and I will never let you go.”

  “You love me?” Melora whispered. That was the only part she really heard.

  “Of course, I do.” Sam glared at her. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

  “Oh, Sam!” she cried out as she tried to throw herself at him. Her belly got in the way and the kiss she hoped to plant on his lips fell short. Instead, she kissed his arm.

  Sam reached out and hauled her into his arms. His mouth crashed down on hers and his tongue invaded her mouth. When he finally let her go he asked, “What did I do to deserve that?”

  “You told me you loved me,” she whispered with tears in her eyes. “I’ve been waiting for a long time to hear those words.”

  Sam groaned. “All this time I thought you knew. I’ve lusted after a lot of women in my life but none of them have ever held me the way you do. My feelings for you are so much more than I ever felt before.” He paused then added, “I thought I found love once before with Junie but even that isn’t a patch on what I feel for you.”

  “A woman likes to hear the words, you stupid man.” She slapped his chest. “I knew you wanted the baby but I never knew you wanted me. I knew we were combatable in bed but you never said how you felt about me.”

  “You never said it either,” Sam reminded her.

  She lifted her hands to cup his face. “I love you, Bones. I didn’t know it when I first came to your bed but I think if I didn’t have strong feelings for you, I never would have given myself to you.”

  “So, you weren’t looking for a father figure in your life?” he had to ask as his face showed how troubled he felt over the possibility.

  Melora shook her head. “I told you already, I never thought of you as a father. I may never have known him at that time of my life but as I said before, you can’t miss what you never had. I’ve always wanted you as a man and I still do.”

  “Then marry me and give my son my name.” Sam rested his hand on her belly. The baby chose that moment to kick and they both felt it. “See?” He grinned. “He agrees too. He wants his daddy’s name.”

  Melora laughed and moved back in her seat. “I’m not sure we can get married before he’s born but we can try.” She patted his leg. “But first, we have to get to this doctor’s appointment.”

  Sam reached forward and turned the key. When he parked in front of the doctor’s office he turned to her. “We will get married before this baby is born.”

  “We’ll see. A wedding is a lot of work and it can’t be thrown together in less than a month. It might be better to wait until the baby is born, so we can enjoy it.”

  “Nope, ain’t gonna happen,” Sam insisted. “I want my ring on your finger, you with me and the baby needs a name.”

  Melora didn’t say anything. When they were in the doctor’s office waiting for their turn she turned to Sam. “I think you need to talk to Quinn.”

  Sam frowned. “What for?”

  “She’s your daughter.”

  “So? What’s that got to do with anything?”

  “Do you care for her at all?” Melora asked.

  Sam nodded. “Of course, I do. She’s my kid.”

  “I think you need to tell her that.”


  “Because she needs to hear the words too, you dumb man.” She rolled her eyes. “All her life, she’s been watching you watching her from a distance. She knows her mother cared for you all her life but she doesn’t know how you feel about her and she needs to know you love her. That you want her around.” Melora hesitated then said, “I know how she feels. I didn’t know my own father until he came looking for me. He let me know he wanted to find me and that meant the world to me. I think she needs to know that you want her.”

  “Is that why she fought being here? Because she didn’t know?” Sam looked troubled.

  “I think so. She just needs to know she matters to someone.”

  Sam sat there thinking for a long time. Before he could say anything, a nurse called Melora back to the exam rooms. He followed and when they were sitting there he asked, “Is that why she watches me when she thinks I’m not looking?”

  Melora nodded. “I think she wants to know she belongs here.”

  The doctor came in and then he was doing the sonogram. When the baby could be seen on the monitor, Dr. Peters studied his size a moment. “I think this little guy is ready to be born,” he finally said.

  “But he isn’t due for another month!” Melora exclaimed.

  “I know that and you know that but he doesn’t realize that.” Dr. Peters chuckled. “Don’t worry this sometimes happens. He’s a pretty good size and if you carry him full term, I’ll be surprised.”

  Melora gave Sam a worried look then she looked back at the doctor. “Will he be okay, even if he does come early?”

  “I think so. His heartbeat looks good and he doesn’t seem to be in distress.” Dr. Peters took some pictures and then sat back. “I think we should go with twice weekly visits until he’s born. I just want to keep an eye on him.”

  Melora nodded as Sam helped her sit up. “As long as he’s ok.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be just fine,” the doctor assured her. “The main thing here is not to worry. Worry just adds stress and that’s the last thing we want right n
ow. The baby will know where it’s time to be born.”

  “Ok, I guess I’ll have to trust you in that regard.” She nodded.

  “Don’t worry. Your son is doing very well.” Dr. Peters told them as he made his way to the door.

  After he left, Melora looked over at Sam.

  He seemed distracted by the picture of his son.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  Sam nodded as he studied the photo. When he looked up, he smiled. “He’s almost here. I can’t wait to finally meet this little one.” Tucking the picture in his shirt pocket, he took her by the elbow. “Come on, I have something to get for his momma.”

  “Oh, what would that be, a wheelbarrow to haul him around with?” she joked.

  “No I need to put a ring on your finger, Silky Girl. We also need to make another appointment for the blood test we need to get married as soon as we can.”

  “Yeah, maybe we should wait on getting married.”

  “No we won’t.” Sam shook his head. “I want the baby to have my name before he’s born, not after.”

  “We’ll see,” she said as they made their way to his truck.

  The first place they stopped was a jewelry store. When Sam opened the door, Melora dragged her feet going inside. She wasn’t sure she wanted this right now. She rubbed her belly as Sam began looking at wedding bands. She gazed around but nothing he was looking at caught her eye.

  She began wandering around to the next counter then something did catch her eye. It was a ring made of gold with a blue stone. The blue gem matched her birthstone and she fell in love with the ring. She glanced up and found Sam watching her with narrowed eyes.

  He stepped over and saw the ring she’d been looking at. It was a smaller stone and the antique look of the band told everyone it wasn’t a wedding band. “Is that the one you want?” he asked quietly.

  Melora nodded.

  “Are you sure? It’s not the traditional wedding ring. It isn’t a diamond.”

  “No but it’s a beautiful ring.” She shrugged. “There isn’t anything traditional about me anyway. I’ve never been one for diamonds anyway. I think they’re too cold. This ring doesn’t look cold.”

  He shook his head as he chuckled. “Ok, if that’s the one you want, then that’s the one you’ll get.” Calling over the salesperson, he pointed out the ring.

  When she tried it on the fit was perfect. So, they didn’t even need it to be resized. It was meant to be, Melora decided. Still, she wasn’t so sure about the whole wedding idea.

  While Sam settled the bill, Melora looked around and found a band she liked for him. She would have to come back for it but she knew he would love it. She would surprise him when they did get married.

  ~* * * *~

  Back at the clubhouse, it was Quinn who noticed the ring first. “Whoa!” she called out as Melora and Sam entered the building. She came over to Melora and held up her hand. “Does this mean what I think it does?”

  Melora smiled. “Yup, Sam and I are getting married.”

  Cassie and Deke, Peaches, Iceman and Mountain all joined them and admired the ring.

  “When is this happening?” Mountain asked his daughter.

  “Well, Sam wants to get married before the baby is born but I don’t think we have time. Dr. Peters told us the baby could come early.”

  “Is everything alright?” Mountain asked worriedly.

  Melora nodded. “Yeah, everything is fine but the baby is big enough and the doctor just doesn’t think he’ll last another month in here.” She patted her huge belly. “He wants me to go to twice weekly appointments.”

  Cassie snorted. “At least you’re only carrying one the first time. When I was having the twins, I was on weekly appointment from the fifth month.”

  Deke reached out to rub her expanding belly. “Well, you’re only having one this time.”

  “Yeah, thank the lord for miracles. Although I’d have taken twins again, anytime. As long as the baby is healthy I don’t mind and this time, there isn’t a killer looking for me.”

  “True, Baby Girl.” Deke chuckled. “Hopefully, this time nothing will go wrong.”

  “Ha! With this group, anything can and will happen,” Peaches piped in.

  “We haven’t talked about a name yet either,” Sam informed the group.

  “I already have a name for the baby,” Melora corrected his statement.

  Sam narrowed his eyes and stared at her for a moment. His lips tightened but he didn’t say anything.

  Melora was standing firm on the name for her son. Her son would carry the name she’d chosen and she wouldn’t allow anyone, not even his father to change her mind.

  Sam turned to the women in the group. “How soon can you girls throw a wedding together? We need to be married before the baby is born and we don’t have a whole lot of time.”

  Melora went over to the table and sat down in the nearest chair. She only half listened to the discussion behind her. She felt the pressure of being rushed and there was nothing she could do to stop it. If Sam had his way, the wedding would be sooner than she wanted.

  Mountain came over and sat down next to her. “What’s wrong?”

  Melora looked at her father with tears in her eyes. “Nothing, yet everything.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” He looked perplexed. “Don’t you want to marry this guy?”

  “Yeah, I really do. But every little girl knows exactly what she wants when she gets married and I don’t think Sam cares about all that.”

  “Then you need to tell him,” he insisted. “Men have no clue about shit like that.”

  “I know.”

  “So what changed your mind about the wedding?”

  Melora smiled. “Sam admitted that he loved me.”

  “That’s it?” Mountain frowned. “That was all it took?”

  “Yup. I just needed him to say the words. I fell in love with him a long time ago but I never knew how he felt, and I wouldn’t marry him just for the sake of the baby.”

  “Good for you.” Mountain nodded.

  “But now, he’s pushing to get married and I don’t know if that’s a good thing.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to marry him, I know that much but we don’t have to do it this very minute. I know he wants the baby to have his name before he’s born but there’s so much to get settled first.”

  “Such as?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, like where we’re going to live for one thing. I have the house we’re living in and he owns his house. Which one of us is going to move? He still needs to talk to his daughters, one of which we haven’t met yet.” She stared at him and smiled. “Then there’s you and Izzy.”

  Mountain frowned. “What about me and Izzy? That has nothing to do with you at all.”

  “Well, it kind of does. She wants to help out with this baby and if Sam and I get married, she won’t get to do that. She’ll be heart broken. If I move out of the house, she’ll be alone with you and that wouldn’t look right either.”

  “Tell you what, you just leave Izzy to me and don’t worry about her. She’ll be just fine,” Mountain stated firmly.

  “And what does that mean?” Melora asked.

  “Never you mind. That’s between Izzy and me and none of your business.” He smirked.

  “There is something you need to know about Izzy and me. It may not mean anything to you but to her and I, it means everything.

  “And what would that be?”

  “We’ve been friends for so long, it’s very hard for us to let someone new inside our circle. We have had each other’s back like forever and it seems strange to let someone else be there for us. While you’re my father and she’s happy you are in my life now, her and I have a connection very few people have. I will always be there for her and she will always be there for me and now my baby. That fact isn’t going to change even if I get married or she’s ha
ving an affair with you.”

  Mountain nodded. “This thing between me and Izzy is more than an affair. It’s more than just sleeping together too. I want a life with her and I hope she wants one with me too. I know I’m a lot older than she is, hell the same thing could be said about you and Bones. But I’m a grown man and she’s a grown woman and whatever this is, I hope it leads to having a life together.”

  “Do you love her?”

  “Yeah, I do.” Mountain smiled.

  “Does she love you?”

  “I hope so.”

  “Have you told her yet?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Then tell her how you feel,” Melora urged as she shook her head. “What is it with guys? Why can’t they ever tell you those three little words? Is it really so hard to say them?”

  “Your mother was the only woman I came close to saying them to and that seems like a life time ago,” he explained. “Maybe I’m just not ready yet.”

  “Then get ready,” she urged. “Cuz if she loves you back, it’s going to be a hell of a ride for the both of you.”

  Suddenly, the door was thrown open and the woman in question came in. Izzy looked around the room and found Melora. Rushing over to her, she threw her arms around her friend. “What the hell is this I hear? You and the old man are getting married?”

  “Hey,” Sam protested. “Watch who you’re calling old.”

  Izzy laughed and looked at the ring. “Oh, my god—you found your ring!”

  “What are you talking about?” Sam asked.

  Izzy smiled. “When we were younger, we described our wedding rings to each other. Melora’s was never going to be a diamond but a blue stone in an antique setting. This matches exactly what she described down to a T.”

  Sam found her eyes and smiled. “It was meant to be. And I’m glad you found it.

  “Me too.” She got a little chill when he said meant to be.

  “When is the wedding?” Izzy asked.

  “As soon as you girls can throw it together,” Sam insisted. “I want the baby to have my name before he gets here.”


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