Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1)

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Jaxson (Black Devils MC Book 1) Page 118

by K. J. Dahlen

  “What is it?” Deke whispered.

  “I have a feeling something bad is coming,” she whispered. “I don’t know what it is or who it is, but I can feel its coming and it is coming soon.”

  Deke didn’t say anything for a moment. His arms tightened around her almost to the point of crushing her. “I need you to do something for me.”

  “What’s that?” Cassie asked.

  “I want you to promise no matter what happens, you’ll stay here with me. If you promise that, I know you will do it. I need you to stay here with me. Together, we can face anything but I can’t do it alone. I need you beside me. You can’t let Rufus protect you. If something bad happens, I know you’ll want to but I need you here.”

  She let out a heavy sigh. “I hope to hell I’m wrong and nothing happens, but I’ve had this feeling of dread before and something bad always happens.”

  “Promise me,” Deke insisted. He believed her. This had happened a few times before and her instincts had been right.

  Cassie took a shuddering breath. “I’ll try, I really will try.” She turned her head. “But I need something from you as well.”

  “What would that be?”

  “I need to feel you inside me,” Cassie whispered. “I need to be as close to you as I can be right now.”

  Deke smiled. His hands went to her pussy and he could feel her heat. He pushed her underwear aside and when he touched her skin, he could feel the intense heat from her core. His fingers dipped deep inside her and he felt just how wet and hot she was.

  She moaned and moved to give him a clear way in.

  Deke shifted his body and pulled down his boxers all in one move. When his hard cock sprang free, he moved to her entrance and shoved himself deep inside her.

  Cassie hissed as he filled her and she leaned back as his hands guided her hips. “Ohhh, yes,” she cried out softly. “Fuck me hard baby.”

  Deke ramped up his rhythm. His strokes were hard and deep. He could feel her body tightening on him and he almost rolled his eyes back in his head. He could feel his body getting ready and he lost control. Slamming her down hard and fast on his cock, he felt her explode just moment before he shot off. He ground her hips down on hers and moaned. It felt so dammed good. As their hearts slowed down, the silence was shattered by the cry of their son.

  Cassie giggled.

  She made to move from his embrace, but Deke wouldn’t let her go. He leaned forward enough to kiss the spot under her ear. Sucking her earlobe into his mouth, he whispered, “I love you, always remember that I love you. You are my life and I don’t want to live it without you.”

  Cassie closed her eyes, then turned and cupping his face she told him, “I love you too. I never knew love existed until I met you. You and those babies have given me hope that life means something. My whole life has changed since I met you, so much so that I can’t imagine a life without you in it either. As long as we have each other, then life is good.”

  Deke grinned and allowed her to stand. As she pulled up her panties, he slapped her butt. “Now go take care of the babies while I get dressed.”

  Cassie squealed. Then she bowed to him, “Yes master. Whatever you say master. Kiss my ass, master.” She scooted out of his reach and giggled when he started getting to his feet.

  “One of these days Spitfire, one of these days…” he swore with a grin and watched her disappear into the house. He sat back down and listened to her greet his babies. He threw off the blanket and sat there as the sun came up in the eastern sky. Closing his eyes, he prayed Cassie’s dread never came to be.

  Right now, his life was just about perfect and he didn’t want anything to change that. He’d gotten over his rage about his father’s failures and accepted both of his new sisters and now, he had a baby brother. Life as he knew it had changed for the better and any dark cloud wasn’t welcome.

  But his life wasn’t the only one that had changed for the better. His dad was finally settled down, he had his two daughters around him as well as a new son. He swore he wasn’t going to run this time, but like everything with Sam, they were all waiting to see if he meant it or not.

  As the sun warmed him, Deke thought about everything that had changed. Iceman and Peaches, along with their kids. Then Mountain and Izzy. Later on finding out Izzy was related to the Chicago mob, which had been unexpected. They were still feeling that connection out.

  Then there was Gator and Reva. Thank God that worked out the way it did. Now his best friend was married and going to be a dad. The kids might not share his blood but they shared his heart.

  Plus, everybody was having babies, including him and Cassie. Deke grinned. He’d never given any thought to having a family before he met Cassie. He always swore he would never have kids. Then it happened and he couldn’t imagine his life without his kids. And he didn’t really want to either. Little Sam and Jemmia were so much a part of his life now, it just seemed right. Soon, they would share their world with another kid and Deke couldn’t wait to meet his new daughter. The second generation of Sin’s Bastards was well on its way.

  His family was expanding and Deke couldn’t be happier. He turned his head and waited as he heard tiny footsteps running toward the patio doors. Soon, his son’s smiling face appeared and Deke grinned when he heard Sam yelling, “Dadada.”

  Deke jumped to his feet and lunged at the door.

  Sam backed up and laughed, then turned and ran for the door.

  Deke chased him and swept him up into his arms. The joyous sound of his son’s laughter was music to Deke’s ears and the sound calmed his soul.

  They met Cassie and Jemmia in the hall and Jemmia reached out for her daddy. He gave Sam to Cassie and took his baby girl in his arms. When her little arms wrapped around his neck Deke felt his heart pounding in his chest.

  Breathing in her baby scent, Deke closed his eyes against the feelings bursting in his chest. He never knew what being in love really meant before he found Cassie and now, he had his kids. He would die for his kids and he would kill to keep them safe. No doubt about it.

  ~* * * *~

  An hour later, Cassie pulled into the Redemption House parking lot and grinned. The place was buzzing with people. Everyone seemed to be upbeat and happy and that by itself, was rewarding.

  When she got out of the van, Amos and Frankie rushed outside and over to her. “You got them sweet babies with you, girl?” Amos asked.

  “Yep.” Cassie grinned.

  “Well git out of the way then.” Amos pushed her slightly away as he opened the back door and greeted the two babies waiting to be let out. He got Jemmia out first and passed her back to Frankie who turned and shuffled back to the House. Amos then released Sammy from his seat and carried him away, leaving Cassie standing there.

  She just shook her head when Amos and Sam disappeared inside. These men loved those babies to distraction. Reaching for her bag, she was astonished when Amos stuck his head back out the door and yelled at her, “Are you coming or what?”

  Cassie chuckled. “I’m coming.”

  “Well git your fanny in here then,” Amos called out as he closed the door.

  Cassie shook her head and made her way to the front door. Once inside, she followed the sound of baby laughter. When she came to the door of the nursery, she found everyone gathered around her babies.

  Kayla and Britney, two of the older children of the other members of the MC were there as well as Amos, Frankie, Gus and Joey. Claire and Rita, two nursery workers were also present. Someone had brought a pair of rocking horses, so at the moment, Sam and Jemmia were busy trying out the new equipment.

  “What the heck?” Cassie exclaimed.

  “Me and the boys have been working on them for a while now,” Amos informed her.

  “You guys made them?” she asked as she knelt to look over the horses. “They’re beautiful.”

  Frankie grinned, while Joey and Gus tapped each other with their elbows. “Yeah
we did,” Amos admitted. “Them babies are growing like weeds and they need something bigger to ride on.”

  She got to her feet and threw her arms around Amos’s neck. “Thank you.” Then she moved over to Frankie and hugged him. She did the same to Gus and Joey. She gazed at her children and saw the smiles on their faces. “They love them.”

  Jemmia threw her head back and laughed out loud while she rode her pony.

  Frankie chuckled. “And that right there is thanks enough,” he whispered.

  Cassie smiled. “Yup, it makes it all worth it.” She then headed to her office to do some much needed paperwork.


  An hour later, Amos walked around the Redemption House building, making his afternoon rounds when he noticed footprints where there shouldn’t have been any. He followed them around to the side of the building and found an open window.

  Peeking inside the window, all seemed quiet, maybe a bit too quiet. As he stared into the room, the hairs on the back of his neck began to tingle. Amos reached for his phone.

  Moments later, six bikes roared into the parking lot. Amos met them out in the front of the building.

  Deke sat on his bike and stared at the old man. “What the hell is going on here Amos?”

  Amos looked at him then over to the others, Gator, Deacon, Sam, Mountain, and Iceman. Swinging his eyes back to Deke, he knew this was not a group of men he would want to piss off. “I don’t know yet. I was making my rounds and found footprints then an open window. I called you because the window was the nursery window and it shouldn’t have been open in the first place.”

  “Have you checked the nursery?”

  “No and Frankie is standing guard inside the building. There are no sounds coming from the room either.”

  Deke felt a moment of dread. His kids were in that nursery. Swinging his leg over the bike, he and the others dismounted and strode to the front door. Walking down the hall, he noticed several men walked with them, each of them falling into line behind him.

  When they reached the door to the nursery, Frankie met them. Deke stared at the other man and watched as he stepped to the side. Deke took a huge breath and opened the door.

  The room was darkened and quiet. Too quiet. Slowly, Deke made his way around the perimeter of the room. He went one way and the other guys spread out in the other direction. Nothing seemed to be disturbed but nothing seemed to be right either. When he came to where his kids should be sleeping, he glanced down at the cribs.

  They were empty.

  Fear gripped his chest and held tight. He felt as if he couldn’t breathe.

  Deke’s eyes narrowed as he glanced around the rest of the room. Then he spotted a pair of legs, half hidden by the changing table. Rushing over to the spot, he pushed the table out of the way.

  It was a young girl laying on the floor, Kayla. There was a wound on the side of her head. Blood and shattered glass pooled around her head.

  “Fuck,” Deke swore. “Get some lights on and get the nurse!” He carefully brushed the hair away from her face. Blood soaked the girl’s hair and her eyes were closed.

  “What’s going on here man?” Gator knelt beside him.

  Deke glanced at his friend. “I don’t know but my kids are missing.”

  Gator got to his feet and spun on his heels. “Fuck!” He growled. Making his way over to the cribs, he gazed down at the empty space. Then he knelt beside the cribs and picked up something on the floor slightly under one of the cribs. It was an empty bottle of kids’ cough syrup.

  Gator got to his feet and frowned as he stared at the bedding. That’s when he saw the red liquid staining the sheets. He turned and saw Sam staring at him.

  Maggie rushed into the room and over to where Deke squatted. She checked out the girl’s injuries. By then, the girl was groaning and trying to get up but Maggie held her down. “Stay still sweetheart. I need to know how bad you’re hurt.”

  Kayla glanced up with tears in her eyes. “Are the babies ok?” she whispered.

  Maggie smiled slightly. “I don’t know yet honey, at the moment you are my concern.”

  She nodded then groaned, as the movement seemed to make her head hurt.

  “Easy Kayla,” Deke murmured. “Try not to move yet.”

  Kayla turned her head and grimaced. “What happened?”

  “We were hoping you could tell us,” Deke replied. “The kids aren’t here.”

  “Oh, my god…” Kayla wailed as she closed her eyes, then she opened them again and tried to push herself up. “Sammy, Jemmia…” she called out.

  “Easy girl.” Deke assisted her to a sitting position.

  Kayla glanced around the room but couldn’t find what she sought. “God Deke, where are they? Where are the babies?”

  Then the doors were thrown open and a man and a woman rushed inside. It was Kayla’s parents, Jumper and Donna. “Kayla,” Jumper shouted.

  Deke got to his feet and motioned them over. “Over here.”

  Jumper and Donna came over.

  Jumper knelt and stared at his daughter. He saw the blood staining her hair and the floor. “Are you okay baby?” he whispered.

  “Oh, Daddy,” she sobbed. “The babies are gone.”

  Jumper frowned and glanced around. Looking up at Deke, he could see signs of strain on the other man’s face. Getting to his feet, Jumper moved to a protective mode. Stepping between Deke and his daughter he didn’t say anything, just clenched his fists. “She didn’t hurt your kids man,” he whispered. “She wouldn’t do something like that.”

  Deke snapped his head around and stared at Jumper. “What the fuck are you saying man?” A growl rippled in his words. “I know she wouldn’t hurt them. I’m not blaming her for this. She was hurt herself.”

  Donna got to her feet and laid a hand on Jumper’s arm. Looking from him to Deke she said, “He didn’t mean anything by that, Deke. He’s just concerned.”

  Deke swung his eyes over to Donna and nodded. “I know, but I would never blame her for this. Hell, I was hoping she could tell us what happened.” He ran his fingers through his hair. He looked down at the girl and saw tears running down her cheeks. “Are you okay honey?”

  Kayla glanced up and shook her head. Holding up her hand her dad grabbed it and helped her to her feet.

  Brushing her hair away from her face, Jumper warned, “Be careful baby.” He helped her sit down in a rocking chair.

  Deke squatted down to her level and asked, “What happened here?”

  Kayla wiped the tears on her cheeks away and looked at him. “I’m not sure. I was checking on the kids when I heard footsteps behind me. I thought it was Beth coming back to keep me company then I felt something hit my head and I went down. I never saw who it was.”

  Deke patted her knee. “Did you hear anything except the footsteps? Any sound that didn’t belong?”

  Kayla frowned then shook her head. “I don’t think so. It happened so fast. The kids didn’t even wake up.”

  Deke smiled slightly and nodded. “Okay. You let Maggie check you out.” He patted her leg again and stood. Glancing around, he saw the stunned look on his men’s faces. He knew how they felt. This was his worst nightmare. He glanced over at Sam and Gator. Making his way to where they stood, he took a deep breath then exhaled.

  “Did she remember anything?’ Gator asked motioning toward Kayla.

  “No. She thought she heard footsteps then lights out.”

  “Where is your wife?” Sam asked worriedly. “She’s gonna freak out when she hears about this.”

  Deke closed his eyes and nodded. “I know.” He glanced over at Gator. “Get me the security tapes, maybe they will show what happened. I need some answers before Cassie gets back.”

  Maggie came over and removed her latex gloves. She stared at Deke. “She’s got a knot on her head but I think she’s gonna be okay. Someone slammed a lamp onto her head.”

  Deke nodded and glanced ov
er at the girl and her parents. “Where would Jumper get the idea I would blame her for this?”

  “They’ve only been here for five years,” Sam explained to his son. “From talks I’ve had with him, their other MC was really screwed up. If anything went wrong, the President blamed everyone but the one responsible, because it was usually himself that fucked up. Before they left, Jumper got blamed when the President’s kid fucked up. He told me they almost beat him to death for something that wasn’t his fault. Donna barely got him and Kayla out of there before they killed him.”

  “That is so fucked up.” Deke shook his head.

  Sam shrugged. “Some clubs are like that. It’s hard to trust others when you’ve been betrayed like that.”

  “But she’s just a kid,” Deke protested. “I would never hurt a kid.”

  The doors were flung open again, and Cassie walked in. Her eyes were frightened while her face looked pale. She stared at Deke as she made her way over to him. “Deke, what’s going on? No one would talk to me but everyone looks scared to death. Why is everyone in the nursery? Has something happened to my babies?” she whispered.

  Deke’s hands framed her face and gazed into her eyes. “Baby, I need you to stay with me now. You have to stay here. Promise me you will. Promise me.”

  “Okay, I promise. Now tell me, what’s going on?” she whispered.

  “Someone knocked Kayla out and the babies are missing. That’s all we know at the moment but we will find them. I promise you, we’ll find them.”


  Earlier that morning…

  Before the sun came up, Cordy shook Cricket awake.

  Cricket stared at her sister for a moment then asked, “What?”

  “I need you to go to the store before I have to leave or work,” she told her as she ripped the covers off the bed.

  Cricket groaned. “We got food.”

  Cordy glanced over at Dusty who was still sleeping, despite the voices getting louder. “In the living room, now.”


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