The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1)

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The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1) Page 4

by William Roach

  “Which one do you like best?”

  Macy looked up and down both sides.

  “I would rather not take any of them. They all look so big and mean to me.”

  “There’s not a horse here that would harm a hair on your head dear. All our horses are real gentle creatures.”

  Turk was on his horse outside the door listening to their conversation and hoping Macy wouldn’t choose one.

  He shook his head and thought, “This is going to be a really bad trip. I hope she refuses to go. Wait till I tell the other guys that we have to baby set the bosses niece.”

  When he told Tracy and Shields about their guest they ask to stay behind right away. They knew they would not be able to have any fun with a big city woman tagging along.

  Turk said, “No way are you clowns going to stay here. If I have to go you two are going to.

  We are also going to have Buck with us, and probably Megan also. Maybe Megan will be able to keep her out of our hair.”

  “Well it’s going to be rough on her out there. We like Megan but from what Roy told us this Macy is going to be a pain in the butt.

  He said she is stuck on herself and thinks we are supposed to wait on her hand and foot.

  We aren’t waiting on a woman hand and foot. When we finish with her she will high tail it back to Boston where she belongs.”

  “That’s what I want guys. That way I can get her out of here and I can’t be blamed for doing it.”

  Roy laughed. “When you guys see her you guys are going to be bending down and kissing her ass. She thinks she’s not only thinks she is hot and she is.

  She doesn’t look like any of the heifers around these parts and she has real class. The only trouble with her is that Boston prim and proper attitude she has is going to get in our way.”

  The other guys stopped laughing. It hadn’t occurred to them that she might be a real looker.

  About that time Macy came limping out of the stable with Maude in her skintight jeans and her shirt showing her firm breast straining against the material.

  “Damn Turk that is what is going with us? You don’t mind if I put a few moves on her do you?”

  “Tracy she is off limits to all of you hands. Keep our hands to yourself. I want to get rid of her not have every cowpoke trying to make time with her.”

  Maude looked at them with a stern look on her face. She knew right away what they were looking at.

  The men were standing there staring with their mouths almost drooling.

  “You men better be perfect gentlemen with my niece or you are going to have to answer to me when you get back.

  Now get everything loaded up for tomorrow and get your asses out of here before I take my shotgun to the bunch of you.”

  “Yes ma’am we are on our way.”

  She handed Turk the reins to Macy’s horse and told him to take it to the corral.

  They stood there long enough to watch as Maude and Macy walked back to the house.

  When Maude and Macy went in the house the men started talking to each other again.

  “Man how would you guys like to take her out for a steak.

  Turk spoke up. “You guys better be good or you won’t have to wait for Miss Maude to get a hold of you. If anything happens to that girl I will have to answer for it. I am not going to take the fall for you guys. We are going to have to be nice to her and keep her out of trouble or we are going to pay for it when we get back.”

  They grinned at him.

  “Shields, I think Turk has taken a liken to her.”

  “I hate her guts. You two just behave yourselves. You know I don’t have to put up with your sarcasm. I can have any girl in town I want. In fact, I got propositioned by Mildred today in town. If I want a woman all I have to do is go to town and look her up.”

  Stacy grinned, “You aren’t going to try and fool around with Macy are you Turk? You know Miss Maude would kill you if you touched that girl. Besides that she is technically your cousin and you know what they say about rednecks and cowboys. Beside that there is no woman in town that looks like that. She is too hot for you.”

  Turk stood upright and replied, “She is not my cousin. I don’t like her kind. I love real cowgirls. They are the wild ones that you can have fun with. Not some stuck up prude like her. When they want something, they go for it.

  This girl would make you work for it and I am not the type of guy that wants to spend all that time working for it just to get turned down in the end because she thinks she is too good for me.”

  “Turk I don’t want to hurt your feelings but she is too good for you. You are too damn ugly to have someone that looks like her.”

  “Speak for yourself Roy. If I wanted her I could have her.”

  Turk got Roy to saddle up a horse for Macy. He took them out to the corral while Turk went inside to get Macy. When he walked in she was setting on the couch talking to Miss Maude.

  He looked at her and to his surprise he saw a twinkle in her eyes. He hadn’t noticed it before. All he had seen was a hatred look in her eyes.

  “I have the horses in the corral ready for the lesson Macy.”

  Macy looked at her aunt for encouragement before following Turk outside.

  Miss Maude said, “Go on out with Turk. I will be along in a minute to see how things are going.”

  She gave Turk a quick cutting look. Turk knew right away what the look meant.

  Macy walked out to the corral with Turk.

  “Turk I don’t want to be at odds with you on our trip tomorrow. We have to get along with each other for your Mom’s sake. We don’t have to like each other, just get along.”

  “Babe we could be real good friends if you would give it a chance. I think you are cute and I would like to get to know you better. I am willing to get along if you are.”

  “Ok no more cutting remarks. I will try to bite my tongue.”

  As soon as he closed the gate he walked her over to the horse she would be riding.

  “This is Sam. He is the gentlest horse we have. Let’s get you mounted.”

  Macy looked up into Turk’s eyes with a helpless look.

  “I don’t really want to get on that smelly horse Turk. Why don’t you just tell Aunt Maude you couldn’t get me to get on the horse and let it go at that? I don’t want to go and you don’t want me to go.”

  “That won’t work. If she comes out here and sees you are not on the horse she will put you up there herself and then kick my butt. Somehow she will find a way to blame it on me and I stay in enough trouble with her as it is. Once she makes up her mind to something she is going to do it come hell or high water. Put your foot in the stirrup and grab the saddle horn.”

  She put her hand on his shoulder for balance. She tried but she couldn’t reach the stirrup with her foot.

  “We are going to have to get you a longer set of stirrup straps.”

  Turk cupped his hands and said, “Put your foot in my hand and I will boost you up.”

  She did as he said and he about threw her over the saddle. She felt like a feather in his hands.

  “Damn what do you weigh, twenty pounds?”

  “No I weigh a little more than that.”

  Once she was setting in the saddle holding the horn Turk got on his horse and grabbed her reins. She was shaking like a leaf. She felt like she was going to fall off any second. Turk could see the panic in her eyes.

  “Just relax in the saddle. We aren’t going anywhere.”

  He walked the horses around the corral a few times before he stopped.

  He pulled the reins across the horse’s head and said, “Take these in your hands and do as I say.”

  She released the horn and took the reins in her hands.

  “Oh God Turk, I can’t do this. I think I am going to slide off of this saddle.”

  “No you’re not Macy. Push your feet down in the stirrups and stand up.”

  She did what he said.

  “Now see, you have your balance.
There is no way you can fall off as long as you keep both feet in the stirrups.

  Ok this is how you lead a horse. These reins are your steering wheel and brake.

  When you pull on the left one the horse will turn left.

  When you pull on the right rein the horse will turn right. If you pull back on both reins the horse will stop but don’t jerk his head off. It takes very little pressure to get him to do what you want him to do.”

  While he was telling her how to lead the horse she was looking directly in his eyes. It was kind of making him nervous. He wasn’t used to a pretty woman looking at him so intently.

  Turk started forward but Macy’s horse just stood there.

  “Turk you forgot to tell me where the gas pedal is.”

  Turk laughed. “You kick Sam in the ribs and make a clicking noise with your mouth. Don’t kick him too hard though because that puts him in turbo and he takes off fast.”

  She kicked the horse lightly in the side and he moved forward.

  She kept trying to hold the horn as she rode.

  As she bounced on the saddle Turk amused himself by watching Macy bounce up and down. He knew she was taking a pounding.

  “Macy put more pressure on your feet and you won’t bounce so hard.”

  She looked at him and stiffened her legs a little. The bouncing subsided some and she felt a little more comfortable.

  After they had ridden for a while Turk saw she was getting used to the horse.

  “See there is nothing to it. You are doing great.”

  Turk, complementing her made her feel good so she got a big smile on her face.

  “I think you know enough now to ride. Let’s put the horses up and go inside for supper.”

  Turk got off his horse and gave Macy a hand dismounting.

  She threw her right foot over the saddle as Turk put his hands on her thin waist and let her slide slowly down into his arms.

  He hadn’t thought anything about it until he smelled her perfume and the clean aroma of her hair. Having a beautiful woman against his chest sent all kinds of feelings surging through his body all of a sudden. He held her like that for a second savoring the moment while he took in her aroma and the softness of her body against his. She felt so soft against his body he didn’t want to let go of her. Her breasts and hips were pressed tight against his body. He could feel his erection growing. In another second he was going to be poking straight out if he didn’t let go. Her big blue eyes had locked on his. He was sure she could feel him growing.

  He didn’t want to have those kinds of feelings about Macy but holding her felt so good to him.

  As they were standing there he glanced up and spotted Miss Maude watching from the gate.

  Macy didn’t know why he was holding her up but she figured he was just trying to be careful with her.

  He stood her on the ground with his eyes still looking in hers. He finally released Macy and stepped away rapidly. Then he took the reins of both horses and led them out the gate to the barn.

  Macy walked over to her aunt Maude.

  “Well Macy you just made Turks day.”

  Macy looked at her puzzled.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He was really enjoying holding you just now. That’s why he didn’t put you down right away. I could see it all the way over here.”

  Macy got a funny look on her face and said, “I thought he was holding me a little long. I should have slapped him. I thought he was just trying to make up for being such an ass.”

  “No, no Macy, if a man shows you attention like that you should enjoy it not try to slap his face. Turk is a very strong man but he is real sensitive when it comes to girls, especially pretty girls like you. He would have been devastated if you had slapped him.

  Every time he got interested in a girl they ended up breaking his heart, so he is kind of afraid of pretty girls like you but I can guarantee you if you let him he will treat you like a queen. He is just that way about girls he likes.”

  They walked in the house and sat down on the couch to talk. Macy hadn’t had a chance to visit with her Aunt since arriving and she had a lot to talk about.

  Turk came through the door and said, “I’m going to bed. We have got to get an early start in the morning.”

  Maude thought it was kind of funny he was going to bed and it wasn’t even dark outside. He hadn’t even eaten yet.

  He smiled at Macy and disappeared up the stairway.

  Turk went straight to the shower to cool off. Holding Macy had gotten him rattled.

  Maude, Megan and Macy sat up late talking about family.

  Megan and Maude spent most of their time talking up Turk to Macy. They really wanted Macy and Turk to hit it off but Macy just couldn’t understand why.

  Their whole plans depended on them getting together.

  The next morning Turk woke Megan up and then went to Macy’s room to get her up. When he opened the door Macy was lying on her stomach out from under the covers. She had on a pair of silk shortie pajamas.

  The whole room was starting to smell of the perfume he had smelled her wearing yesterday.

  Diamond jewelry was hanging from everything that jewelry could be hung from.

  He closed the door, said, “Damn that’s one fine looking woman” and went back to Megan’s room. She was in her underwear and bra when he crashed in the door.

  “Turk don’t you know how to knock? I am not exactly dressed.”

  He looked at her realizing she was standing there in her bra and panties.

  “Sorry Megan, I need you to wake Macy up. She isn’t dressed either.”

  Megan could tell from the look on his face that what he had seen really shook him up.

  She grinned at him and said, “Ok, you better be glade you didn’t wake her up. She would have gone mad if she knew you saw her like that.”

  “Megan doesn’t anyone sleep in clothes around here anymore?”

  “No Turk. We are expecting a man to break in on us.”

  Megan finished getting dressed.

  She grabbed a spare pair of shorts and went to wake Macy up.

  When she walked in she saw what had Turk all shook.

  Macy was laying on the bed with her top pulled up high exposing her back and the upper part of her hips.

  One of her shorts legs had ridden up exposing one side of her butt cheeks. Her hair was covering her face.

  “Macy, you better get up. Turk is chomping at the bit to get on the trail. We don’t want to hold him up. He gets irritable.”

  When Macy was awake she handed Macy the shorts and said, “Put these on. They will be cooler for you on the trail.”

  Macy looked at the shorts.

  “There’s no way I am going to wear these shorts in front of those men. I don’t expose myself like that around men.”

  Megan replied, “These men are used to seeing shorts around here. If you don’t put them on you are going to be sorry. That heat is murder and while we are talking about heat you will be better off without a bra. They rub you raw under your boobs when you sweat.”

  The thought of getting all sweaty and dirty didn’t appeal to Macy at all.

  Macy pulled her pajamas off and slipped on the shorts.

  Megan looked at her and said, “Perfect fit. You’ll drive Turk crazy.”

  They fit Macy just a little tighter than they did on Megan.

  Macy replied, “I don’t want to drive Turk crazy. I don’t want any man looking at me like I am some kind of rare steak waiting to be chomped on.”

  Megan laughed, “Boy I have my work cut out for me teaching you how to flirt with men. Before you leave here I am going to make you a real cowgirl.”

  “Megan I don’t want to be a cowgirl and flirt with men. If they want my attention they have to work at it.

  It sounds like I am the one that needs to teach you a little etiquette.



  The air was crisp as they walked
out to the stables before daylight.

  Turk was already at the stables and was working with the other men loading their supplies when Megan and Macy walked in.

  Macy stood at the door watching the men as one at a time looked at her standing there.

  Megan walked over to Turk and said in a soft voice,

  “Man Turk I saw what got you so all shook up this morning. I would die for that body. Her skin is so soft and smooth looking and she doesn’t have an ounce of fat on her. If I were a man I would have been all over that. I bet you thought about it?”

  She knew that telling him that would help peak his interest in Macy.

  “Tell me Megan, are those boobs all hers?”

  “You better believe they are all her.”

  Turk looked over at Macy. She was still standing at the door staring at them.

  When he saw her, his hands began to shake while he was tying the saddlebags down. It seemed like he was all fumbles with his fingers.

  “Damn I have got to quite letting her affect me like that,” he was thinking to himself. She is just a stuck up snob.

  Megan saw his reaction and laughed to herself, “This is going to be easy. He’s all shook over her and he don’t even know he likes her yet.”

  Turk knew right then it was going to be hard for him to ignore her. She looked so damn good standing there in those shorts.

  The first thing that happened for the day was Macy’s demand that Turk help her up on her horse. She wanted his touch of security before she mounted her horse.

  Turk had put a little longer stirrup strap on so he looked at her and replied, “Miss prissy you are going to have to learn to get on your horse by yourself.

  I won’t always be around when you need to get on a horse. The straps I put on the stirrups should be plenty long enough for you to reach.”

  “If you don’t help me Turk I am not going,” she said to him while resting her hands on her hips. Megan couldn’t understand why he was acting that way.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help her he was just afraid of getting that close to her the way she was dressed. He was afraid he would say or do something and embarrass himself.


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