Flash Series (Book 2): Immune

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Flash Series (Book 2): Immune Page 8

by Gomez, Jessica

  He takes my swollen bottom lip in his teeth, grazing it, casting a spell to forget my troubles. I moan into him, deciding I don’t care if people hear us.

  He laughs against my lips. “Mind if we try this slowly now? I can’t promise to contain myself, though. You’re sensational.”

  Giggling into his mouth, the rest of the afternoon carries on much the same way. Finally, late afternoon rolls around, and we climb out of bed. James has Azami in the main cavern, showing her how to water the dirt before we plant. She watched intently, until she noticed us walk into the garden.

  “Momma!” She yells, running over to jump into my arms.

  “Hey, princess!” I smile at her, tossing her up in the air.

  Her high-pitched squeal causes everyone around us to laugh. “Again!” she laughs.

  After a couple more, I have to put her down. “That’s all I got, baby. Momma’s tired.”

  Ian’s wicked smile stretches his lips. “Come here, sweetheart. I’ll toss you up a few more times, but then we have to plant these potatoes. You wanna help?”

  She looks deep in thought for a moment, before asking, “Do I get to pway in da mud?”

  She’d be more into making her famous mud pies than helping us. “Yes. You still have to take a bath tonight. Might as well be dirty for it.” He tickles her a bit, while chasing her around my legs before we get started.

  Azami picks a spot next to the garden to play in the mud, while Ian and I till out rows to plant the potatoes. Before long, we have them planted everywhere. They’re definitely the best plants to sow for the colder months.

  Halfway through our planting, Dane walks in to observe. He appears anxious in his pacing, mumbling to himself. “Make sure you get everything right, Ian. Remember what I taught you.” He nods before heading back to the storage tunnels. He’s been in there for days, counting, making sure we’ll have enough for winter, especially with five extra mouths. I know Dane prides himself on the way he handles our rations. We’ve never once come close to running out of food. Dane monitors our intake and outtake of food and other products. He conducts raids when we’re running low on certain items. Lately, he’s been pulling some of the guys aside, explaining these strategies to them, making sure his information is put to good use.

  After the last potato is planted and our equipment’s returned to its place, we head to the bathing area. Standing and bending over plays havoc on my back. Ian lets me soak, while he washes Azami’s hair and fingers, getting all the mud caked in every crevice off. Once I’m clean, I take Azami so Ian can wash up. We play for a few minutes, before getting ready to head down for dinner.

  “I’m going to sleep like the dead tonight,” I say, leaning into Ian’s side.

  He wraps an arm around my body, pulling me tighter against him. “Me too.” Azami’s snuggled into his shoulder, half asleep, as he carries her. “Angel, make sure you stay awake. You need to have a little dinner before bed.”

  She begins to pat his back, soothing him, even though she’s the one falling asleep. “Tay,” she says through a yawn.

  Our appearance at dinner is later than normal, leaving only Dane and Rosie in the kitchen. We collect our food and take a seat next to them. The air grows heavy, almost awkward. Had we interrupted something?

  I glance over at Ian, silently asking him.

  His shrugs, but attempts to make conversation. “Things look like they’re on track for winter. We should have most crops harvested before the middle of winter, and according to our calculations, we’ll be set several months into spring.”

  “If you stick to the plan, everything should work out fine.” He smiles over to me, his eyes sad. My suspicion may have been right; I think we interrupted their disagreement.

  I smile in return, lending some of our happiness. Our world’s changed drastically, but we always have to remember the good things we still have, including each other. “Everything is growing so well. With the type of dirt we have here, I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. The techniques you applied has really made the soil fertile. Our crops are always rich and tasty.”

  A real smile touches his lips. “Thank you, Lillie. We’re all very happy you found your way here.”

  “Yes,” Rosie agrees. “We’ve enjoyed the laughter and company you and your little one have brought to us. Not to mention, bringing our nephew back.” Rosie has always stayed quiet, and mostly to herself. For her to reach out to me in such a heartfelt way, works a knot into my throat.

  “Thank you,” I reply, choking up.

  She smiles kindly. “You’re welcome, dear.” She pats my hand, then stands to clear away their dishes, taking them to the sink to wash.

  Dane and Ian ramble on about storage, gardening, and the route the others would take for the last supply run. Azami’s curled up on the bench in a ball, using her father’s leg as a pillow. Her soft snores are heard over the conversation at the table.

  Rosie comes back and takes her seat next to Dane, leaning into his side. He wraps his arm around her and kisses the top of her head. “You ready for bed, my love?”

  She yawns her response and nods.

  They excuse themselves as I move to clean up our dishes and the last of dinner. Ian slides out from under Azami slowly, moving to help me with the dishes.

  Once everything’s washed and the tables clean, we swoop up Azami and head to bed for the night.

  Chapter 11


  “I don’t like this,” I growl.

  “Ian, if you’re not going, they need a third person. He’s going to have to learn the ropes sooner, rather than later. Plus, the kid has his sight. They’re safer with him there.” Dane attempts to rationalize the idea of James going out on his first raid.

  Deep down, I know he’s right. James is old enough to take care of himself, and has done so for years without me. The years that he was away, only makes the need to protect him stronger. Relenting, I blow out a long, deep breath.

  “Fine,” I agree, grudgingly. “The only reason I’m allowing this is because he’s with Mason and Luke.”

  “Actually,” James interrupts, coming to stand next to me, “this is my decision. You aren’t allowing me to do anything. They asked, I said yes. I can take care of myself.” James’s hostility toward me is evident in his voice. Going on this raid provides him the escape he requires to process the information we’ve dropped on him.

  “I know,” I sigh. “I know, and I’m sorry. But you’re still my little brother, and that will never change, no matter how old you get or how capable you are of taking care of yourself. I will always be here and have your back.” I squeeze his shoulder, watching his reaction. He knows I’m talking about all our issues, not just this.

  He nods, accepting my explanation.

  “Good!” Dane’s words carry throughout the small room. “It’s settled then. The raiders will leave in two days. Make sure you get plenty of food and sleep.” He pats James on his shoulder as he walks by, welcoming his first step into manhood.

  James smiles, proud of himself.

  “Congrats, brother.” I smile, evilly. “Now, why don’t you go tell Lillie you’re leaving? I’ll stay here, out of the way.” I laugh at the expression on his face.

  “Crap!” he mumbles, shaking his head. “I forgot to talk to her.”

  My heart aches that he’d rather ask Lillie, or get her approval before me. Everything they’ve been through over the last few years together has made them close, closer than we were growing up. He left my life a boy and returned a man, no matter how I gauge the situation. We grew apart as they grew together. My only hope is that we’ll eventually get to that point in our relationship. Until then, I’ll never give up. If what he needs is this raid run, then I’ll give it to him without a fight. Almost half his life has been post flash, and his gift will not only protect him, but the rest of the group as well. It’s time I face the fact that my little brother is not so little any longer, looking more and more like me and our father every day.
Dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, they’re both strong traits that run in our family.

  High-pitched giggling draws me out of my thoughts. Down the hall, heading my way, is Azami and Lillie. Lillie has our daughter on her shoulders, bouncing her around, giving her pony ride.

  I smile and meet them halfway. “Hello, my darlings. What’re you out doing this afternoon?”

  Lillie’s breathing heavily with a giant smile on her face. “Nothing. Just thought we’d spend some time outside. The weather seems a bit warmer today. We wanted to get the last of the sun before winter sets in.”

  “Brr. Winter, it too cold.” Azami shakes her head as fast as she can to bring her point home.

  Lillie giggles. “Az, you’re shaking me all over.” Her complaint is met with more shaking and laughing. “Where are you headed off to?”

  “No place in particular.” I want to give James the opportunity to tell her about his journey.

  “Would you like to join us outside then?” At that moment, both Lillie and Azami tilt their heads to the left.

  My heart melts for them all over again. Other than her eyes, Azami looks exactly like her mother. “I’d love nothing more.”

  I remove Azami from Lil’s shoulders and place her on my own. Her little fist immediately twists in the strands of my hair. I wrap my left hand around her ankle to keep her firmly in place, and grab Lil’s hand in the other.

  A day in the sun, enjoying the warmth, is exactly what we need. From the moment we met, our lives have been wrapped in turmoil, one twist after another. We walk to the forest that surrounds our hideaway. We make our way down the worn path to the river. Lillie’s hand fits perfectly inside of mine. If there’s one thing I’ve learned since living life after the flash, it’s to cherish every moment with the ones you love. They’re the only things that matter in life. I’d fight to the death for mine.

  “Hey! What are you daydreaming about?” she asks as she pulls me closer, hugging my arm to her chest.

  I lean over and kiss the top of her head. “How much I love being here with the two of you.” I’d rather be here than anywhere else in the world.

  She leans in and kisses my shoulder. “Us too.”

  We watch Azami in all her toddler glory, bouncing all over the place. She requires the wide open space to get some of that energy out of her. Lately, she’s kept her gift to herself, and hasn’t tried to read others. Either she’s gotten tired of listening, or she’s learned that some things are better left alone. Since she’s so young, I’m going to guess that she’s bored.

  Walking back into the tunnels, we’re met by James. “Hey.” He sounds nervous.

  “Hey,” Lillie and I say at the same time.

  “Untle Dames!” Azami squeals, climbing him like a pole.

  “Hey, turd.” He tosses her in the air.

  “I not a turd. You are!” She screams in midair.

  “No, you are!” James starts the I know you are, but what am I game.

  James sets Azami on her feet. Her fists immediately go to her hips, mean mugging him with the best of them. “Nu’ugh! I’ll tell Momma!” Her eyebrow raises. Is she bribing him?

  James’s face is covered in shock. He knows just what she’s talking about. The little turd will tell her mother that he’s leaving on the next raid. Azami opens her mouth, as if to tell her mother all of his secrets.

  “Okay!” He throws his hands up in surrender. “I’m the turd! Are you happy?”

  She nods, then turns to me and lunges herself into my arms. “Daddy, I’m tiwed.”

  “You wanna go lay down and take a nap?”

  She nods again, laying her head on my shoulder, patting my back. I’m cherishing every moment we have together. She’s turning three in a few days, and already times moving too fast.

  Lil follows us to our room, when James stops her. “Hey, Lil? Can I talk to you for a sec?”

  She watches him curiously, noticing his nervousness. “Of course. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m going to lay her down. You two talk.” I leave them to their conversation.

  Lillie nods and waves me off, already in ‘mom’ mode.

  I make it around the bend of the tunnel and into the main cavern, before I hear Lil yell out, “What!” I half expect her to march down after me and slap me in the back of the head, but I hope she’s taking that out on James at the moment.

  I smile evilly at the thought.

  “Daddy, dat’s not vewy nice,” Azami says, laughing tiredly as she reads my thoughts.

  “I know, princess. But it’s funny.” We both laugh, picturing James getting slapped around as I lay her down. She’s out like a light once her head hits the pillow, her soft snores beginning to fill the room.

  I sit on the bed, waiting for her. I know she won’t try to talk James out of going. She’ll make sure he’s prepared, remembering what things are like out there, but she would never try to take this decision away from him, even if it killed her to watch him leave.

  After about an hour, I start to worry as to why she hasn’t come back. I wait so long that it’s almost time for me to wake Azami up for dinner. I want to comfort Lillie and reassure her. As I stand to go in search for her, a small scuffing sounds in the hallway, drawing my attention. Her emotions hit me before she enters the room.

  She pulls the curtain aside and her blotchy red face is the first thing I notice. Tears still glisten in her eyes. Looking at me, her lower lip begins to quiver.

  “Come here, baby.” I hold my arms open for her.

  She practically dives into them and begins to sob.

  “Shh…he’ll be fine. Out of everyone, he’s the safest with his sight,” I say, trying to reassure her.

  She nods against my chest, knowing what I say is the truth, but it’s always scary to let the ones you love go out into the world we now live in. The most routine trips can turn into the most dangerous in the blink of an eye.

  I hold her until she calms, and wipe the tears from her eyes. Her soft, broken smile, tells me how much she’s hurting. In our world, it’s a required skill to know how to survive. We’ve tried to teach that here, to everyone who wants to learn.

  “You ready to get our girl up and have some dinner?” I ask, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  She takes a deep breath to center herself. She wants to be strong for James, to support his decision. “Yes.”

  I lean down to shake Azami awake. Her bright blue eyes open slowly. “Hey, you. Wakey-wakey. Dinner time.”

  Rolling over, she covers her head with the blanket, grumbling under her breath.

  “Az, come on. Time to get up. You have to eat a big dinner to make sure you’re ready for the surprise tomorrow,” Lillie says.

  I glance at her, wondering what she has planned. She smiles in return.

  Azami leaps out of bed. “Tell me, Momma!” She runs over to jump into Lillie’s arms, touching her face right away, attempting to steal the surprise right out of her head. Azami’s face scrunches up in confusion.

  “It’s not always easy to get your information that way, Az.” Lillie removes her hands from her face. “It’s a surprise, so you have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.”

  Azami pouts, pushing her lower lip out. I don’t know how Lil resists her. I would give her anything she wanted with that one look. I open my mouth to say just that, when Lillie’s scolding eyes snap my mouth closed.

  “Otay,” Azami sighs.

  Dinner is heavy tonight. A good elk steak, potatoes, and kale. Sarah really cooked up a great meal, and I tell her just that as we sit around the table. Deagon sits across from us, placing a plate down in front of Sarah, as well as himself. The shy looks and easy blushes signal their attraction for one another. Sarah’s a sweet girl. She deserves someone that’ll treat her well, and protect her from our outside world.

  “Thank you, Ian,” she replies to my compliment. “Deagon killed another Elk earlier today. We’re going to have an abundance of meat over the next few days. We’ll dry some of
it for the winter months, turn it to jerky. Hopefully, we’ll get a couple during winter and store the meat in the cooler.”

  The cooler is an area in the back of the cave that always stays drastically colder than the rest of the tunnels. A good place to rest in the summer months. During winter, though, we bring in snow from the first snowfall and use it as a cooling agent to freeze and cool our meat and vegetables.

  “Good job, Deagon. Your skills are greatly appreciated,” Dane congratulates him.

  Deagon sits a little straighter at his words. “Thank you.”

  There’s only a few of us eating at the moment. We have an evening crew working security around the bathing area. The tunnel is secure in and of itself. There are few entrances or exits in the tunnels, but the bathing area is completely exposed. We’ve built a perimeter with downed pines, making a sort of log cabin defense. A large part of us are working on tethering branches together and closing small gaps with boulders. Starting tomorrow, Lillie and I will rotate into the morning shift, since our gardening is complete.

  Deagon and Sarah are leaning into one another, having a private conversation, small bits of laughter coming from them periodically. Dane sits at the same table, being the only other person in the kitchen. He’s jittery, bouncing his leg under the table. The raid has him nervous. Wintertime is always stressful on all of us, especially him. He’s made sure we have enough supplies and food during the colder months, and that’s a difficult job at times. One small miscalculation could mean the difference of a fattening hibernation or a deathly starvation.

  The conversation at dinner remains light. We speak about gardening, how the wall around the pool area is coming along, and how great it is to have new people living in the caves. Dane finished his meal in record time, wanting to escape the company. His emotions are flexing in every direction. He and Rosie are on the outs, apparently. His emotional spikes are of fear, stress, and heartache. The cave provides great protection, but little privacy. They hide their troubles well. The only reason I’m able to pick up on it is because of my gift.


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