Flash Series (Book 2): Immune

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Flash Series (Book 2): Immune Page 12

by Gomez, Jessica

  Falling asleep is the last thing on my mind, but when I wake up to my face smashed against Ian’s warm chest, I snuggle in deeper. He tightens his grip on me in response and I smile at his possessiveness, even while he sleeps. Drifting back into unconsciousness begins sweet enough, until I’m roughly pulled into another vision.

  The sensation of being watched overwhelms me—eyes on me, but unseen. The chills run up my spine in a warning. I turn in all directions, not able to make anything out in the dark tunnel. I take a few more steps and a light begins to appear around the corner. I take another step forward and a whispered echo stops me in my tracks.

  “Shh…don’t make a sound.”

  I turn toward the voice, attempting to see through the dark. Blackness engulfs any chance of vision, making it impossible to find the owner to the words whispered.

  Slowly, the darkness turns to light, only to carry nightmares with its gift of sight. I stand outside the caves, watching as an infected sniffs around the outer walls, inhuman noises echoing from its decaying mouth. From top to bottom, he inspects the perimeter of our home. I step closer, concentrating, remembering everything.

  A loud growl rings out from my right. The infected reacts immediately, as if he’s been called by name. He moves toward the noisemaker, crouching lower to the ground the closer he gets. Once the infected reaches the other, he grovels at his feet, submitting. The newcomer stands under the branches of a large pine, shadowing his features in the dark. I take a step forward, immediately grabbing his attention.

  What the hell?

  Besides Deagon, I’ve always remained an observer. He’s the only person who has ever interacted with me in these dreams…until now.

  The looming figure charges into the clearing, directly at me. His large imposing muscles and dark hair are unmistakable, if not unforgettable. Jeff. My adrenaline kicks in. Fight or flight wages against each another. Running is not an option with the speed he’s demonstrating. Jeff is twice my size, and all muscle. His features show that he’s definitely infected, but not as bad as the groveler on the ground. Apparently, there’s a third option, and that’s freezing in my tracks.

  He stops suddenly, directly in front of me, sniffing the air. I stay silent. He senses me, but doesn’t see me. He scented the air around us, growling deep in his chest. His fists curl into balls at his sides, his back hunching for an attack. How can he smell me, but not see me? How do I decipher what’s real, and what’s premonition? The creature that crawls to his feet whimpers, drawing Jeff’s attention back to him.

  A slow relieved breath leaves my lips as he begins to walk away. I’m safe, for now. They continue to scour the outskirts of the cave walls. Watching them intently, I can’t figure out the reasoning behind their inspections. Jeff knows his way around the caves. Could becoming infected cause his memory to wane?

  Following them on their investigation, my answer comes in the form of three other infected. They meet up with Jeff and the groveler, also beginning to examine the cave walls. Leading and teaching without words is impossible, yet, that’s exactly what Jeff is doing by bringing these infected to the wall. They walk slowly around the perimeter, examining the walls, moving away from the entrance before detection. Jeff stands diligently, making sure they’re paying attention, and growling when they seem to lose their trains of thought.

  Watching their interaction, I realize they can communicate. Definitely not like they used to as humans, but through grunting, growling, and body posturing. Again, much like a pack of wolves. Only these wolves resemble humans, and most walk on two legs. It’s clear that Jeff has already implanted himself as their leader. The other infected skirt around him, shying away as if scared, yielding to his dominance. I don’t blame them. A permanent grimace is etched on his face. He looks as if he’s ready to battle, or attack at any moment.

  After completing two walk-arounds of our home, Jeff growls, gathering the others’ attentions. They immediately stop what they’re doing, and gave him their full attention. The entire exchange is rather…impressive.

  I expected them to be wild, running insane through the streets of the cities, just like before. Now, though, they hold knowledge. You can read it in their decrepit eyes. Granted, the awareness is sadistic and psychotic, but there nonetheless. A few minutes pass as they stare at one another, no one speaking or grunting, but information is clearly passing from Jeff to the them. Jeff growls loudly, enticing the rest to follow suit, chanting their agreement through an unintelligible language. Even though it appears nothing’s happened, it’s clear that a plan has formed in the silence.

  Breaking away from the group, Jeff comes to stop directly in front of me again, scenting the air, sensing where I stand. He circles me a couple times, detecting, but not seeing. This portion of the dream is created by my own fears. Coming face to face with Jeff, my assailant, drives spikes of adrenaline and terror through my body. It takes everything in me not to flee. Repeating to myself, ‘it’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not real.’

  Somehow, I stay grounded and in place. Jeff leans in, his face only inches away from mine, and growls low. His breath is a physical force, knocking me back a pace, searching for fresh air. Up close, I can see the carnage becoming infected has caused. His face and skin haven’t deteriorated as much as his comrades, but the boils have scarred his neck and face with pockmarks. His eyes are blood shot, his skin dry and crusted.

  He startles me when he steps forward, claiming the space I’d taken, searching for my scent again. A shocked breath squeaks out of me as I jump. His satisfied growl makes my heart race. This is insane!

  “Lil!” Ian’s voice is a welcome presence, causing Jeff to jump and turn, redirecting his attention.

  Jeff and I both search for the owner of the voice. An empty forest is the only response we receive. Jeff surprises me when he turns, blocking me in, as if protecting me against a threat.

  “Lil, wake up!” Ian’s voice is soothing, but demanding.

  I whimper in response. I want Ian to take me away from here. Where is he?

  Jeff glances over his shoulder, looking directly at me. He can definitely see me now. This is a dream. Right? I need to wake myself up.

  “Help me,” I whisper.

  Jeff turns his attention back to me. My muscles lock down as he stands to his full height and begins to close the small distance between us. My back hits the outer cave wall, the rock blocking my retreat. Running isn’t an option; I have nowhere to go, even though home is right behind me. He places his left hand on the rock next to my head and leans in.

  Taking a deep breath through his nose, he scents me. He closes his eyes and almost purrs in appreciation. Opening them again, he stares directly at me, his eyes searching mine. Jeff is infected, but can understand everything.

  “Please, don’t hurt me,” I beg.

  Slowly, the corner of his mouth lifts.

  “Come on, baby. Wake up for me,” Ian whispers against my ear. My heart soars and my lips tingle.

  I close my eyes and touch my lips as his voice melts me. The fog lifts slowly with each movement of Ian’s lips. My arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer, vanquishing the lingering tendrils of the dream. I breathe him in, savoring his scent, replacing the putrid smell of the infected with the love of my life.

  “There you are,” he murmurs against my lips. “Are you okay? Your dream…I could feel your terror while you slept. Was it Jeff?” He strokes my cheek, wiping the single tear that escapes.

  “Thank you.” My voice shakes with my fright.

  Wrapping his arms around me and tucking his leg over mine, Ian pulls me against him, face to face. He touches his forehead to mine, watching me, searching my eyes. “You want to talk about it?”

  “I’ll tell you, just in case it was a premonition and not just a dream. But, can you give me a few minutes?” Jeff’s face flashes behind my closed lids.

  “Of course.” He kisses my forehead, waiting patiently for me to calm down.

  A littl
e while later, I finally get up the courage to recap my dream. He listens intently and never interrupts, nodding to let me know he’s listening. His brows pinch in confusion several times, mirroring the turmoil coiling inside myself. The uneasiness in my gut grows with each moment I speak. I know some of the agitation is related to the anticipation on the raiders’ return. The projected homecoming is two days away, and my excitement grows with each hour. Raiding is my least favorite activity. When people I care about are gone, especially when I’m was having crazy dreams, it drives me batshit crazy. Working on how to understand and use my premonitions is at the top of my list, but I’m nowhere near ready to rely on them. Especially since I still can’t decipher which are actually real. Not until it’s too late, and the disaster’s already occurred.

  “That’s one hell of a dream. You doing all right? You’re still shaking.”

  I bury my face against his chest. “I’m better now.”

  His voice vibrates against my ear as he chuckled. “Don’t get too comfortable. Today is our wash day. We should wake Azami up soon so she can take a bath too. Two bird with one stone.”

  Getting out of bed presents quite a challenge. My nightmares drain me, as if I’d plowed fields all day. Eating something is for the best, so I climb from my bed and wake Azami for her evening routine. Quinn and Deagon fill our stomachs again with their success in hunting, and with any luck, it will continue through winter. Azami must have sensed my worried emotions, because she kept patting my leg or hand. I can’t help but smile at her gestures of love.

  Ian lets me relax and play with Azami in the water as he washes our clothes. The evening grows late, and the sky begins to darken at a faster pace. I laugh as Azami dodges around her father’s back, attempting to evade my attempts at grabbing her to dry her off.

  Ian chuckles at our game of cat and mouse.

  “Stop laughing.” I laugh with him. “This is what you’ve created. She’s a swimming fiend now. If you’re not careful Az, you’ll turn into a fish.” I threaten, trying to hold a straight face.

  “Yay! I wove fishies!”

  “Oh, fine, I’m done. I’m going to get dressed. By the time I get back, I expect you both to be out of this water and dry.”

  Azami makes her way back to Ian, who is now holding her on his hip.

  “You two are ridiculous.” I turn and make my way back to the bathroom area to change. Before I duck back into the tunnel, I shout, “You two better be ready!”

  I’m not sure, but I could swear I hear Ian say ‘Oooohh’ in a spooky, taunting voice.

  I giggle to myself as I enter the dark hall. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the dimmer light. I make my way to the bathroom, the water running louder in here than any of the other tunnels, drowning out all other noises, which is why it takes me a few minutes to hear the sniffling that’s coming from the corner in the back. I try to see through the wall of blackness, but having just come from outside, my vision’s still fuzzy.

  “Hello? Who’s there? Are you okay?” Who would come to hide and cry in the bathroom?

  A couple more sniffles later, a soft voice answers. “Sorry, dear. I just needed a moment.” Rosie walks out of the darkness and into the little light that illuminates the bathroom.

  “Rosie, are you all right? You’re not hurt, are you?” Concern is thick in my voice. Even though we don’t spend much time together, she’s Ian’s family, and has been nothing but kind to us since our arrival.

  She pats my outstretched hand in a tender grandmotherly gesture. “I’m fine, dear. Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over.” I can see the tears glistening in her eyes still.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to be a pest, but I know you and Dane are having issues. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  My words cause her to pull back slightly. “How would you know?” Her question is not accusatory, but curious.

  “Ian spoke to Dane. He said you two were on the outs. He’s not sure why you’re so upset. Is living here in the cave becoming too much for you? We’d hate for you to ever feel unwelcome.” I probably shouldn’t take it upon myself to play the psychologist in the caves, but I don’t want to see Dane leave, and I don’t want Rosie to feel uncomfortable either.

  Her eyes fill with fire, before becoming sad again. “He said that he didn’t know why?” When I nod she continues. “He knows exactly why. He’s angry all the time. Taking his frustrations out on me. I know this time of the year is hard on him, but this is different. He’s mean for no reason and then later after he’s napped he wakes up as if nothing happened. He expects me to play along and I just can’t do it anymore.” Her voice cracks around her last words.

  I crunch my eyebrows down. That doesn’t sound like anything Ian has relayed to me about his conversation with Dane. Of course, each side will have their own version of the truth. “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  She seems resolved in whatever decision she makes in that moment. “No, dear. This is something only we can work out. Never forget this though, we love each and every one of you dearly. We were never able to have children of our own and each and every one of you have become just that to us. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing what it’d be like to have a grandchild with Azami around, to watch you and Ian fall in love, to watch a miracle happen when James was brought back to us. In ways living here was the best part of my life.” She pats my hand again, signaling she’s done speaking, her emotions too high to continue.

  “We love having you around too.” I pull her close and hug her, even though I’m still dripping with water. I laugh as I pull back. “Sorry.”

  Rosie laughs softly as well, waving me off. “Wet clothes are nothing to fuss about. There’s always something more important.”

  With those last words she turns and walks back toward the main cavern. Rosie is the sweetest person, but sometimes she’s lost in her own thoughts, in her own world. My heart aches for her, hoping for the best with their relationship.

  Chapter 17


  Holding Lillie’s warm body against mine is the best sleeping pill. Which is exactly why I fell asleep with her in my arms shortly after she did. Unfortunately, her emotions assault me not long after. Her fear overwhelms me to the point of gasping awake. Her whimpers are minute and almost unheard. I expect her to toss and turn while experiencing such terror, but she’s stock still. Her muscles locked in place. Each moment brings about a fresh wave of panic and confusion. I can’t handle it any longer. I can’t stand watching her in such fright and unable to help her.

  “Lil?” I say softly. I don’t want to startle her any more than she is already.

  No response.

  I brush my finger down the side of her face and nudge her with my hand. “Lil, you’re having a bad dream. Wake up.”

  Still nothing.

  Her body begins to shake uncontrollably, her hands draw up to her chest protectively. This is the part of my gift I hate. I can read all the emotions from any person, so much so, that it’s almost as good as reading their minds. Except for when it really mattered. I know she’s scared beyond belief, but I can’t figure out what she’s seeing in her dream. The only things that I know would terrify her so much are something happening to Azami, or running into Jeff. Since she’s not screaming, I take that to mean it’s not Azami. Jeff is the only presence that would scare her this badly, by locking her in place. I decide to step it up a notch.

  “Lil!” I say loudly in her ear.

  She jumps in response, but doesn’t open her eyes. She tilts her head sideways, as if studying an object. I jump on her awareness, not giving her time to sink back into the terrible dream.

  “Lil, wake up!” I demand. Come back to me.

  A small whimper escapes her perfect lips. That’s it. I’m getting to her.

  Her shivering continues and then she says the words I never wanted to hear slip past her lips. “Help me.” Sweat covers her upper lip as she lies locked in terror. “Please don�
��t hurt me.” She whispers, her words stopping my heart. I have to do something to bring her back to me.

  “Come on baby, wake up for me.” I trail my fingers across her cheek and into her hair, before placing my lips against hers, willing her to wake up. Somehow it works, because her beautiful green eyes flicker open several times before focusing on me. “There you are. Are you okay? Your dream…” I close my eyes, still absorbing the panic in the air around us. “I could feel your terror while you slept. Was it Jeff?” When his name leaves my lips, a single tear drips from the corner of her eye. I wipe it away before it can finish falling.

  “Thank you.” Her voice shakes with the power of her fright.

  I pull her into my arms, wrapping my entire body around her. Breathing a sigh of relief, I touch my forehead to hers, assessing. “You want to talk about it?”

  She takes a moment before answering. “I’ll tell you, just in case it was a premonition and not just a dream. But…can you give me a few minutes?”

  “Of course.” I press my lips to her head.

  It takes her some time to collect herself enough to tell me about the dream. Once she’s finished, she’s trembling again. I tuck her tighter against me, comforting her remaining restlessness. Her dreams are becoming more and more confusing. She can see the future at times. She talks to Deagon in a dream. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure the dream I had about her that night, was more than just a dream. I could have sworn she was there. My hands were still warm with her when I woke up. The biggest question is, how in the hell can Jeff see her in her dreams? Like she said, she could be projecting her own fears into the dream. We aren’t sure. Not completely.


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