Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1)

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Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1) Page 4

by D. S. Wrights

  Then much to her chagrin, his hands abandoned her breasts, and moved down to her hips, never stopping the pressure on her skin. Cupping her hipbones, he turned her around, making her lose balance slightly.

  Alice caught herself by bringing her hands up against the wall, smiling knowingly.

  He had intended for her to do that. His hands lingered only briefly on her hips, snaking to her unusually sensitive buns, squeezing them tenderly, just as he had her breasts, before he brought his hands back to the two spots where Alice desired them most. A high pitched moan escaped her as he continued massaging her breasts, more forcefully this time. The most exciting sensation, however, was feeling his hard-on pressing through his jeans and her dress against her buttocks. Alice couldn’t really tell how large it was, but to her pleasure, it didn’t feel small. Plus, it obviously hadn’t taken her long to arouse whoever he was.

  His mouth moved to the side of her neck, grazing her skin with his teeth, gently biting.

  “No hickeys.” She managed to breathe out and his response was nothing more than a rumbling grunt.

  What followed was rather unexpected, because with a swift movement of his hands, he swung her around, pressing her back against the wall. This wasn’t the deal. But as his hands slid up her thigh, Alice realized that he was kneeling before her, snaking his fingers under her dress and hooking them under the elastic band of her panties. Arching her back was his cue to continue, and he carefully pulled the silky fabric down to her ankles. He lifted her feet, one by one.

  Alice couldn’t care less where her panties were going, because his lips returned to her, this time on her inner thigh, painfully slowly moving upwards, with his tongue tasting her skin.

  All the time the only sound he had made was that one grunt. He didn’t say a word, and kept silent; almost as if he thought that she would recognize him if she heard his voice.

  At least that was what her mind reasoned in a brief moment of clarity.

  His hands had passed her knees and rested on her thighs. It was the only contact Alice could feel, and it instantly demanded her undivided attention.

  She looked down, exactly when his head, on which the dim light had shone for just a nanosecond, moved between her legs. Alice had caught just a tiny glimpse of his features, but she had no chance to process it.

  He moved his hands further up as his head vanished from her sight. Alice felt how his fingertips gently spread her labia, exposing her to the cool night air, right before the hot tip of his tongue slowly grazed across her clit. She lost the ability to breathe. Her fingernails dug into the stonework behind her, just as hard as she pressed the back of her head against it.

  He licked again, using more tongue for more friction, and slowly increasing his speed, starting to play around with that little overly sensitive piece of flesh right between her legs. Every time his tongue connected with her clit, a flash of ice jolted through her body, leaving nothing but heat in its wake when the contact broke. All Alice could do was pant for air in the brief pauses that drove her insane.

  She wanted more. She needed more.

  As if he could read her mind, but still wanting to torture her, he pressed his mouth against her clit, rubbing his teeth against her, heightening the pressure and the tension that was building inside of her, Alice felt two fingers sliding easily into her. She already was insanely wet, and a groan deep from his throat only confirmed it.

  Still, he started to pump his fingers in and out, quickly adding a third one, while relentlessly sucking on her flesh, making her moan loudly, arching her back, not caring about the scratches that definitely would remind her of this encounter the next day. Alice’s stranger had found her flip switch, leaving her mind empty, and only running on her primal instincts. There was nothing left of her reason but the hunger for more, the desperate desire for release, and the need to be consumed completely.

  He kept working on her until her senses were overloaded and her whole body tensed, just to convulse in a long overdue orgasm, allowing her to feel nothing else but the movement of his fingers and tongue throughout her body. When Alice pressed herself against the wall now, it was to keep herself up straight, fighting for her legs to not give up on her, while her muscles continued trembling in the aftermath. His hands slowly snaked up her thighs again, staying beneath the fabric of her dress, feeling like two torches, almost unbearable, yet harmless to her skin.

  Alice still needed to catch her breath and gather herself together; wondering if that man really was that good or if this had been so mind-blowing because it had been so long since she’d felt a release like that. Or maybe, just maybe, her ex really was not even worth mentioning.

  The stranger’s features still lay in the shadows when he straightened himself up to his full height, towering over her. For a split second the thought struck her that he could be the guy with the Scotch, the man who hadn’t told her his name but knew hers. The excitement of that thought shot though her body like an icy wave in a summer heat.

  Yet whoever he was, he wouldn’t allow her another clear thought, as his head lowered towards hers, placing his forehead gently against hers, nose to nose.

  For a brief second Alice thought that her stranger would kiss her – which was forbidden, that much she could recall – but he didn’t. Even though his mouth mischievously closed in on her lips, at the very last moment, his strong hands grabbed her hips and flung her around, still lingering beneath the fabric of her dress.

  Alice’s hands made a slapping sound against the brick wall, she felt her face scrape against it, but she didn’t really care, because her fantasy – the one she had requested – was about to come to life.

  Her stranger’s fingers brushed across her bare buttocks, making her shiver, raising goose bumps that slowly snaked up her back. Even more so as he pressed his hard-on, which was still covered by his jeans, against her skin.

  Alice couldn’t tell how big he was and she didn’t really care. What was important was that he felt rock hard against her, almost as if there wasn’t a piece of flesh in his pants, but something else. Knowing that she had created his arousal made her feverish. She wanted to feel his cock against her skin.

  She needed it.

  Again, he seemed to have read her thoughts, because he backed away briefly, just to have the noise of a zipper rip through the silence that had only been disturbed by their heavy and ragged breathing.

  Alice’s muscles tensed and she could feel the wetness of his work run down her legs. She couldn’t believe that she was already aching, desperate for another orgasm. She had come hard just a few moments ago, and yet here she was, silently begging for him to plough her.

  Immoral behavior had never felt so good.

  It’s a naughty dream come true.

  As if he wanted to tease her, he did just exactly what Alice had thought about just seconds before – pressing his hot, rigid flesh against her buns, pressing his cock between her cheeks.

  For a moment there she became stiff as a board, when she could feel him rubbing against the one hole that wasn’t ready, sending all the wrong shivers through her body.

  Alice knew perfectly well that she wasn’t able to fight him off if he went down the wrong road. It wasn’t only her position; she was sure that he was stronger than her and could easily force himself on her.

  It was in those brief seconds that all the warnings that Bianca would have told her – if she had let her – sprang to mind: she had no idea what she was getting herself into; it could go completely wrong.

  Or completely right.

  Alice then could feel his hand against her butt that was still holding his cock, now covered with a condom, leading his way to the right spot, which was ready and waiting for him. It still felt like a fantasy, a daydream. His free hand pulled at her hips, making her arch her back, presenting herself to him. Her willing surrender earned her a pleased hum. A gasp escaped her when she could feel him placing himself at her entrance. She could hear him breathe shallowly through his mouth as
he ever so slowly pushed onwards.

  Alice’s head fell back, her eyes closed, while both of his hands steadied her hips as he pushed inside of her inch by inch, and made her feel him in eternal seconds. Her mouth fell open and she arched her back further to meet him and allow him to slide even deeper.

  For a moment, both of them held still, allowing her to accommodate him, while his thumbs brushed across her skin. Alice felt like he was savoring the sensation.

  She liked the idea, liked the thought that she might just be perfect for him. Men loved it tight. All of them did. She clenched her muscles just to get a reaction from him, teasing. Her stranger groaned in return, instantly retaliating with a harsh movement; pulling out almost entirely and plunging back into her soft and wet folds.

  Alice moaned loudly, not caring enough to be silent anymore. After all, this was what everyone was here for.

  Again he stopped, slowly pushing even deeper inside of her and Alice wasn’t sure if any of her boyfriends had prodded that deep. It was close to the point that it hurt, which made it more arousing.

  She placed her left cheek against the cool bricks, clawing her fingers into the stonework, arching her back and lifting her butt to meet him in the best possible way as he repeated his movement, ever so slowly. He murmured something she couldn’t quite understand, yet it sounded rather like a muffled growl. Maybe it wasn’t words at all.

  After a handful of slow movements, her stranger, thankfully, picked up some momentum. Every time he slid into her, it was accompanied with the slapping sound of his hips slamming into her butt cheeks, which just aroused her even more. The pleasuring jolts he sent through her body every time he buried his cock inside her mixed themselves with the slaps against her that spread across her skin like an electric current. Alice knew right then and there that she would ask for being spanked the next time around. This was pretty much the last clear thought Alice had, before her stranger increased his pace even more, stroking harder into her as his hands clawed her skin.

  Even with her eyes closed, they rolled back in their sockets – with the tormenting sensation his relentless movements caused her, it eventually was the sounds he made that brought her closer to the edge much faster than she had expected.

  She didn’t catch the very moment when he lost it, she just felt it – as if he didn’t really care anymore whether he hurt her or not while fucking her flesh, forcing her to make sounds she couldn’t recall ever having done before. Alice didn’t mind his brute movements, instead she enjoyed them, because they gave her exactly what she had yearned for so long.

  She wanted to be desired; she wanted to drive a man mad with satisfying himself and her. And this definitely felt like it. It was primal, basic instinct.

  Alice had no idea how long they went on until she felt him explode into her, groan loudly, tremble and shiver. She could feel his release despite the security of the condom, how his cock flinched and twisted inside of her. It was the exact moment he made her come brutally.

  She knew that she was tensing, clenching hard around him, and yet he kept on moving inside of her, having her milk him dry. Alice felt so dirty, so satisfied, that she couldn’t stop herself from laughing out loud. With her eyes open, her head falling backwards, she felt how he was pulling out of her, even though her orgasm was still making her body tremble.

  She loved it.

  She loved how weak her knees were all of a sudden, that she had to lean on the wall for support.

  She loved to hear his groan as he pulled off his condom, and how one of his hands crashed on the wall beside her face.

  Alice couldn’t really see much of this hand, apart from that it was way bigger than hers and strong, broad. It didn’t really look like a worker’s hand, but not like one that never had touched anything other than a keyboard, either.

  “I could fuck you the whole day,” her stranger whispered into her ear, making her shudder and goose bumps rush down her spine. “I hope you’ll return,” he added, making a meaningful pause. “Soon.”

  Alice pressed her whole weight against the wall, listening to her stranger pulling up his pants, close his zipper and the belt she hadn’t heard before. Then he brought one strong arm around her belly and pulled her against his chest. It felt like all muscles and no spare tire. He was taller and way broader than she was. She loved how she merged against his hard form.

  Suddenly there was something bright white in her view and she realized that her stranger was holding up a tissue. Alice could feel an additional heat rush up into her cheeks as she silently took it.

  However, she was unable to move in a way that she would wipe up the mess between her legs, and a jolt flashed through her heart. Would he end up breaking the rule and kiss her without permission? Or did he wait for her to ask him?

  She could barely see his features, let alone know his name. All of this was part of the game, wasn’t it?

  As if he had heard her thoughts, the man let go of her.

  “I’d be very pleased if you would consider joining the club,” her stranger whispered, making her frown in confusion.

  Not only wasn’t she able to hear his voice, so that she could remember it, but she also had no idea what he meant by ‘club’. Had she missed something Big Guy had told her earlier? Or would he explain once she was about to leave?

  “Hope to meet you again, soon,” her stranger turned to leave, not waiting for her response this time.

  After all, they weren’t really meant to speak, and they weren’t meant to exchange information, either. But still, Alice had the feeling that some rules were meant to be bent for certain individuals.

  Listening to his steps veering away from her, Alice tried her best to clean herself up and find her belongings. As she had assumed, while her jacket was right next to her, her panties were nowhere to be found.

  She couldn’t help but grin about that.


  Alice returned to the entrance with a steady step. Even though she felt worn out, the satisfaction that had conjured a smile on her face, also made her feet move on their own.

  Big Guy was waiting for her just as when she returned the entrance to the dark alley, and again there was the same serious expression on his face, telling her to stop right in front of him.

  She suppressed the giggle as she reminded herself that he still had her belongings. With a friendly smile, he handed over her purse. Tucked inside were her ID, her keys, and her phone – which reminded her that she had to call Bianca as soon as she stepped out on Elm Street.

  “I trust you’ve enjoyed your stay with us?” Big Guy asked, genuinely, and Alice instantly nodded before she could think twice.

  “Yes, very,” she added, feeling shy all of the sudden.

  “Good,” Big Guy approved and turned slightly, obviously to get something. “Your partner was very pleased as well, and has spoken in your favor, which means–” he handed her a large black envelope, “–that you can join the club if you are interested.”

  Alice blinked in confusion, but took the item from him. The envelope had a matte finish with no writing on it. She tilted her head a little and gave Big Guy a questioning look, which he returned with a broad smile.

  “All the information you need is in this envelope,” he explained. “That you are receiving this is already a huge sign of trust. You aren’t allowed to share the information with anyone, nor should you mention the receipt of this envelope to anyone.”

  “First rule of Fight Club, don’t talk about Fight Club,” Alice murmured while she peeked inside.

  “Pretty much,” Big Guy chuckled and pointed at the paper in her hand. “If you agree with the terms and sign the contract in there, bring it back to me. After that, you will have the status of a probational member. If you are accepted by the board of premium members, you can give yourself a name. It’s all in there. Read it with caution.”

  Alice smirked and looked up at the doorman.

  “Do you think I’m not up to it?” she asked.

“Many women think they are, only to chicken out,” Big Guy shrugged in response, and Alice nodded.

  It did make sense. She wasn’t sure if this wasn’t too much for her either. Still, the memory of her adventure of just a few moments ago was strong. Good sex without strings, without awkward mornings after. This was too good to be true.

  Big Guy suddenly brought his right hand up to his ear.

  “Your car is waiting for you,” he explained and Alice frowned again in confusion. “King of Diamonds insisted on providing you a safe way home,” he added.

  “King of Diamonds?” Alice repeated.

  “Your partner for tonight,” Big Guy smiled widely and she reasoned that these men either liked each other or King of Diamonds was good with tips. “That is his code name. Once you are a full member, you can give yourself a name like that, too.”

  “Card game name?” Alice dug deeper.

  “All sorts of names, Miss,” Big Guy answered. “There’s a White Rabbit, too, for example.”

  She nodded, and wondered what she would call herself once she was a full member. A shudder ran through her body, if she wanted to be a full member. Then she remembered the car, but Big Guy already seemed to know her question.

  “The cars are provided by the club,” he explained, “and therefore your address will stay unknown to other members. This service is exclusively for the VIP members, who support the club financially.”

  Alice took in all the information and put the pieces together. It made sense that someone had to pay for all this, and that there were special services accessible to only the special members.

  “Standard membership is free for our female members,” Big Guy suddenly added, probably trying to read her thoughts.

  “Thank you,” she responded softly.

  So, if she really wanted to, she could be part of this exclusive club and have the time of her life without having to even pay for it.


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