Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1)

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Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1) Page 8

by D. S. Wrights

  “Miss Belladonna,” he greeted her with a slight nod, and a wave of shame washed over her.

  She had no idea what his name was! In his eyes Alice could read realization, and he moved to lean his head just an inch to the left side.

  “You may call me as you wish, Miss Belladonna,” he finally spoke and somehow his expression turned a tiny bit softer around his eyes.

  This was a man of micro expressions. That was for sure, but Alice was glad that she knew him at least well enough to tell the tiny changes in his face.

  “Well then,” she said thoughtfully, and wondered if he was secretly curious about how she would name him, or if he was as just as indifferent about it as he seemed to be about everything happening around here. “Good evening, Alfred,” Alice eventually said and failed to keep her mouth from grinning.

  Big Guy cocked one brow in response and she felt like that this was his way of approving or maybe joining the joke. But he didn’t respond, at least not verbally.

  “It somehow felt wrong to call you ‘Big Guy’,” Alice couldn’t help but admit, “And being here somehow feels like entering the Batcave.”

  Speaking it out aloud made her feel even sillier, and a sigh of defeat escaped her. Alice shook her head in spite of herself and muttered a weak “Sorry,” while she started pulling her mask box from her purse.

  “Miss, I’ve been called worse,” Big Guy suddenly answered. “And I do prefer being compared to Batman’s butler instead of Bruce Banner’s alter ego.”

  Alice’s mouth fell open and again she couldn’t stop herself from smiling widely. This time however, she enjoyed his confession of being part of the normal world in silence. But she gave him a tiny nod and continued to pull out the box from her purse.

  “Could I maybe leave the box with the mask in your care, when I leave tonight?” She asked without explaining herself, and Big Guy instantly nodded.

  “Of course, Miss,” he answered and reached out to take the box and the purse off her hands.

  “And, could you maybe give me the number to call for transportation, just in case?” Alice hesitantly added.

  “Of course, Miss,” he replied again and he held out her purse so that she could retrieve her phone.

  She quickly unlocked it and handed it back so that he could type in the. Alice looked at the screen and stifled a new burst of laughter. The name Big Guy had given the number was proof enough for her to know that this man shared her kind of humor. The abbreviation hinted at the title Dark Alley for her, but changed enough to make it a well-known family name from English Literature. Even though Big Guy looked nothing like this famous namesake, it was exactly why Alice liked it.

  “Thank you, Mr. D’Arcy,” she said with a slight chuckle and slipped her phone back in the purse.

  Big Guy opened the box for her and after thanking him, she put on her mask, feeling a strange excitement come over her once her face was entirely covered. Maybe it was the feeling of slight confinement or being able to hear her own breathing louder than usual.

  It was definitely the anticipation of what was about to come tonight. Instinctively, she brushed her hands down her black knee length pencil skirt she had bought for her job, but never used before because she felt it was too chic. She wasn’t wearing any pantyhose, but long stockings that were held in place at her thighs with a hidden anti-slip band.

  She was also wearing a sleeveless lilac colored blouse with a flowing collar and black high heels. But it was the mask that truly completed the transformation from the slightly insecure Alice to the adventurous Belladonna.


  “Miss Belladonna,” Big Guy said, preventing her from thinking about which adventure she would be ordering this night. “Your participation has been requested by King of Diamonds, but he has not arrived yet.”

  Alice’s eyes widened in surprise and she blinked once to try and process the information. King of Diamonds was the one whom she assumed had invited her to the Dark Alley in the first place and who had been her first encounter.

  “When did he ask?” Alice replied.

  “I cannot give you more detailed information other than that it wasn’t today,” Big Guy responded – a satisfied smile conquered her lips and she gave him a brief nod, telling him to continue onto whatever was waiting for her approval. “He kindly asked for you to await his arrival at the clubhouse – your account has been taken care of.” He elaborated.

  Allowing the information to linger in her mind like the heavy and strong taste of a good Scotch on her tongue, Alice realized that whoever he was, he had taken a real interest in her.

  Maybe she was only a current plaything for him, inviting her to the Dark Alley, paying for her comfort, and asking her not to engage with another person until he arrived. His attention could easily move from her to another woman, but Belladonna decided that she would go along with it as long as their engagement satisfied her.

  “What’s my membership level?” A question that she usually wouldn’t have dared to utter.

  Big Guy’s glance quickly brushed over his screen and he answered without a change in his expression: “Silver, Miss.”

  Alice nodded, feeling a little bit as if she was soliciting herself, but then again, in the end, everything in this place was eventually about sex.

  “Very well,” she spoke. “I will wait, but not longer than midnight.” She decided. “If there is any way you can let him know now, please do so.”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  Big Guy’s fingers flew over his touch screen and Alice was pretty sure that he wasn’t only taking notes, but also sending a message to whoever King of Diamonds was. She had Mr. Scotch’s face in mind.

  “There is a private niche waiting for you,” he suddenly spoke again, pulling her away from her memories of her first encounter. “Just tell the waitress your name and she will bring you to it.”

  “Thank you, Alfred,” Alice smiled softly; the childish grin from before was nowhere to be found.

  She turned away from him.

  “Enjoy your night, Miss Belladonna.”

  “You too, Alfred.”

  Although the lighting was just as dim as before, it was somehow easier to navigate through the alley between the two brick houses. She knew that she only had to go in a straight line as that would lead her directly to the door of the clubhouse just as the documents had described.

  Alice could feel a change come over her with every step she took further into the alley.

  Her job as the CFO’s assistant at her company – and the job-related responsibilities that usually occupied her mind – slowly became nothing more than background noise. The only non-stressful part of her employment was that Bianca worked in the same department.

  Her friend worked as an analyst, sitting in her own little office with her colleague, while Alice was out in the main area.

  It was an area like the one she was walking right now, heading towards the heart of the Dark Alley. But instead of leading past two alleys right and left, the path during her daily life went past the offices of her boss’s subordinates, ending right in front of her desk, and not the door of a place she was curious to explore. Alice was used to talking to people, on the phone and face-to-face. She was not only the CFO’s assistant, but also in charge of supplying and coordinating all the analysts, supporters and controllers at her boss’s disposal.

  Alice was good at her job because she was always prepared – she always took her day-book with her, any time, day and night. Although her boss usually didn’t bother her once she went home, on those rare times he did, Alice hated to be taken by surprise.

  Maybe that was the reason why she felt as if another self was taking over the deeper she walked into the belly of this intriguing beast. And she didn’t mind calling this person Belladonna. She liked the idea of having an alter ego that wasn’t focused on things that might happen, but who was living in the moment, and was able to enjoy the promises of something soon to come, something for her own enjoyment.

>   Maybe that was the reason why she wasn’t sure if she wanted to be at King of Diamond’s disposal.

  Belladonna found herself at the edge of a brick staircase that lead downward. Soft light glowed from underneath the lip of each step, making sure that she could see where her feet landed. There were only four steps to take until she reached the door that led to the club house, half of which lay in darkness. It was a metal door, probably to ensure the safety of this place during daytime.

  Alice raised her hand to knock but hesitated, her closed fist only a few inches from the surface. Whoever wanted to go through this door at this time definitely was welcome. She lowered her hand, but couldn’t find a handle. A small smile appeared on her lips and she pressed her palm against the metal, pushing it open and stepping inside without hesitation.

  Belladonna had no expectations of this place. After she gave the area a quick look, she decided there was only one way to describe it: comfortable. There were no red lights, nothing that would have identified the club as a ‘sex club’; it was like an old, stylish bar, like the ideal version of a gentleman’s club - apart from the fact that there were women allowed, even wanted.

  On the opposite wall there was a large, heavy counter built from the same dark wood the stools, chairs, and tables were, and they filled the large room. Everything that wasn’t dark oak was dark red or almost brown velvet.

  To her left and right along the walls were booths that were completely separated from each other. Some of them excluded the outside world with velvet curtains. The tables inside the booths were round, and the benches upholstered with the same material used for the curtains. Some booths were smaller and more intimate, only offering room enough for two people, and others seemed to be capable of seating many, many more. Between Belladonna and the bar were some square-cut and then rectangle-cut tables, offering chairs for two to six people. The left corner of her mouth lifted into an almost mischievous smirk. It made sense that there was room for groups if needed.

  Unfortunately, her thoughts of exploring the possibilities were abruptly stopped when a masked woman stepped towards her. Her mask was also only hiding the upper third of her face, but one side was completely black while the other was silver. Belladonna wondered if this kind of painting identified the employees of the club, and she quickly looked over at the bartender, whose mask seemed to be painted black and white.

  “Miss Belladonna,” the woman spoke, and pulled her attention back to what was right in front of her.

  She wasn’t really surprised that the woman addressed her by her chosen name.

  Obviously all employees were informed which mask belonged to which person. It gave the whole idea of being anonymous an unrealistic touch.

  “Your niche is waiting for you,” the woman, who was only slightly shorter than Belladonna, pointed at a booth right next to the bar, at the outer left.

  “Can I bring you something to drink?”

  “Yes,” Belladonna nodded and started moving, being sure that the waitress would follow her, possibly guiding her to her reserved table. “Martini. Dry, please.”

  The woman took no notes, by tablet, or pen and paper. She was clothed completely in black. Her short-sleeved shirt showed no cleavage, closing at her neck with a tiny standing dog-collar. Her black suit pants were inconspicuous, just as her flat shoes. She wore her brown hair in a neatly tied, high ponytail. The ensemble let the guests know that she wasn’t on the menu, only serving it.

  “Would you also like something to eat?” She inquired when they reached the niche. “I can bring you a menu.”

  “I’m not sure,” Alice answered as she sat down; making sure that her skirt was in place.

  She remembered that as a silver member she actually could order whatever she liked, however, she was curious as to what was on the premium menu. “But I’d like to take a look.”

  The waitress nodded, turned on her heel and steered directly towards the bartender, who put two drinks on the counter at the same moment. Belladonna couldn’t help it, she had to watch the two employees exchange words, and find out if the other color on the man’s mask was white or silver, too. Maybe there was a deeper logic behind it.

  Could it mean that he wasn’t allowed to access the upper levels?

  As the bartender’s head moved towards her and their eyes met, Alice was almost disappointed that his mask did have the same coloring as the waitress. Black and silver were the colors of everything that was part of the Dark Alley: the business card, the brochure, and now the masks of the employees. Somehow she would have liked to find more mystery, but thankfully there were still the other levels of the buildings to explore, with all the different rooms.

  Belladonna didn’t have to wait very long for her drink. She had only had time to glance around the interior in one full circle before the waitress was back. The woman placed her martini onto a black napkin and handed her the menu.

  “Thank you,” she said, realizing that she had no idea what the woman’s name was, and that she wasn’t wearing a name tag.

  Before she could ask, the waitress had already turned around and was heading back to the bar. It was probably normal around here that the employees had no name, separating them even more from the guests.

  Belladonna took her drink and drew a sip of the delicious cocktail into her mouth, savoring the taste with her tongue for a moment until she swallowed it down. All the while she was watching her surroundings, as far as her view wasn’t obstructed by velvet curtains.

  Automatically, she looked up to the side of her booth, finding just the same curtain, bound aside by a velvet rope. Her area of the room was the quiet one, since there was no door between her niche and the bar. On the other side another waitress appeared and was taking drinks upstairs, as one or two guests vanished and returned a few minutes later. By this time she had emptied half of her drink, and was growing impatient. Belladonna had neither a watch nor her phone to check the time and she couldn’t find a clock anywhere in this room. How much time had passed was absolutely unimportant. She scolded herself internally that she had even agreed to wait. If something already made Alice unhappy, it sure as hell was something Belladonna despised - unless it was part of the game.

  The idea that King of Diamonds was testing her patience was something that calmed down her blazing anger for a moment, and she looked around again. Maybe he was already here and watching her?

  Belladonna liked that idea, but it wasn’t realistic that he would play a game without telling her the rules. Even if this was a possibility, she didn’t want to play without officially being introduced to it. She might have agreed to wait for him until midnight, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t entertain herself while she was here.

  With one swift movement Belladonna slid around in her booth, so that she was facing the entrance and could be seen by everyone who was looking from the bar. She crossed her legs slowly and brought the cone-shaped glass to her lips again, allowing her eyes to roam the room, looking for something that would gain her interest.

  As if on cue, the door opened and a tall, dark blond man with a bright blue mask entered the room. He was wearing a shirt of the same color and dark blue suit pants.

  Something about his physique was familiar; he was slender, athletic, and tall. She wondered if he would smell like the ocean – he seemingly was trying to impersonate it with his attire.

  Could he be the guy she met in front of the Dark Alley? The one she called Poseidon?

  Belladonna continued to intently stare at him, and eventually his eyes found her. Although she wasn’t sure if he would be able to see her smirk, she did so and waited another second before she brought her glass to her mouth and finished the drink.

  Alice never would have been that obvious. Belladonna, however, didn’t care. Plus, her strategy undeniably was more successful. At the very same moment she put her glass down, he started moving towards her, his eyes still locked with hers and her smirk turned into a soft smile. When he arrived at her table, his mouth dr
opped open, probably to ask if he could join her, but Belladonna reached across the table and patted her fingers on the wooden top, gesturing him to sit down. As he did so, a wave of salty freshness rolled towards her. She couldn’t help but smile wider.

  “Thank you for joining me,” Belladonna said and lifted her hand to signal the waitress to come over, realizing that she hadn’t taken a look at the menu.

  Being surprised about herself, that her annoyance about having to wait had distracted her that very much, she finally flipped it open, glancing across the first page, while her eyes peered over the top of the menu towards the man she believed she had met before. Although he had heard her voice, he didn’t seem to recognize her.

  When the waitress suddenly appeared at her side, Belladonna became aware that she had been staring at her guest.

  It was his bright blue eyes that had captivated her. It had to be Poseidon.

  “Miss?” The voice of the waitress called her attention and Alice wasn’t sure if the woman had already addressed and she didn’t notice.

  “I’d like another martini and bruschetta, please,” she pulled her gaze from the man in front of her and smiled innocently at the woman, who nodded as a response.

  “Vodka martini, stirred,” the blue masked man placed his order, “and I’ll take the same, please.”

  The waitress nodded again and turned on her heel, leaving the two of them back to staring at each other.

  “What’s your name?” Belladonna couldn’t help but ask.

  “Aquarius,” he responded, with a voice that was familiar, but not what she expected. “You’re disappointed,” he added, catching her reaction. “Did you expect someone else?”

  “I didn’t expect anyone,” Belladonna replied softly, easing her posture and leaning back without breaking eye-contact. She tried to hide with relaxation what he already had noticed.

  “I would have bet that you were expecting Poseidon,” he responded with a light chuckle.

  “I knew it!” Alice sat up straight again, slapping her palm onto the tabletop in triumph, ending up leaning slightly towards him. “I should have known. ‘Aquarius’ is quite similar.”


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