Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1)

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Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1) Page 11

by D. S. Wrights

  Her captor moved his hand and her body instantly responded, tensing and relaxing, sending unseen sparks of pleasure over her skin and through her veins, making her inhale again. She pulled at her manacles, which made him smile.

  Cruel bastard.

  She loved it.

  The rattle of the cuffs was nothing but background noise, just like her accelerated breathing, and Aquarius’ presence. King of Diamonds was getting what he wanted, and she couldn’t help but smile back at him, teasing him by leaning towards him as much as her bound arms would allow, and pulling back just before her lips would have touched his. Instinctively he followed her and Belladonna smiled wider. Until he moved again.

  “Fuck.” The word escaped her as just a whisper.

  He heard it anyway and stopped in his movement. Belladonna couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t anything, because his fingers were just in the right spot, just the right pressure, just the right position and the worst timing. She didn’t need to look at him to know that he was feeling triumphant. This was going to hurt before it felt really, really good, and he knew it.

  “Such a dirty mouth,” he chuckled mischievously.

  He allowed his fingers to slide deeper inside of her, easing the pressure but creating an aftermath of sharp sensations that make her legs shake without her being able to stop them. She needed release, but he was denying it to her, and she knew better now than to curse. Pressing her teeth together tightly Belladonna tried not to glare at him, but wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of closing her eyes either. He wanted her to earn it?

  He better knew what he was doing.

  King crowded forward once more just as he pushed his three longest fingers into her until his thumb reached her. Barely touching her but probing(?) her enough to set her on fire again. Belladonna held her breath, trying to slow the pounding of her heart before she breathed out carefully and evenly.

  “I was sure that you wouldn’t need instructions,” he said, sounding disappointed. “But it seems like I got it the wrong way around, because your plaything is behaving obediently, while you…”

  Belladonna flinched as she heard how he addressed Aquarius. Not because of his assumption, not because of his reprimand, but because of the dismissive tone.

  That surprised her; was she protective of him?

  She didn’t get to answer her own question.

  King pressed against her clit again, this time without any tenderness. He used his entire body weight to push against her and press her back into the brick wall. A whimper escaped Belladonna's lips.

  “That’s more like it, Bella,” he whispered, starting to move his fingers inside her and his thumb on her, but it was his hardened cock against her thigh that made her eyes roll back in pleasure and her throat to groan with small noises of approval.

  “Let me hear you,” he murmured against her neck, barely touching her, still it was enough, combined with everything else he did to her.

  Bella let out a deep groan, full of need and frustration. She pulled at her manacles, while the rest of her body followed the movement of her captor. She felt like a big cat in a cage way too small, imprisoned by a chain around her neck, hungry for something that was denied to her, dangled in front of her, so she would be tormented.

  King’s other hand slid upwards from her hip, and pulled at the front of her blouse, before quickly slipping beneath it.

  The touch of his hand on her stomach made her whimper and flinch, but her rapid movement just increased whatever this devil of a man was doing to her. Again, she groaned, her hands clenching around the chain attached to the bracelets around her wrists, pulling herself up and pushing against him.

  Inside her head she was screaming, begging for him to abandon whatever he was planning or thinking of doing next, and fuck her already. Instead she kept her teeth together, stopping herself from uttering any word. All her master wanted from her was her moaning, whimpering, and groaning while he worked on her.

  With his head next to hers Belladonna could see Aquarius watching them and unlike her he had been defeated by the endless teasing. It was too dark to see if his face was flushing even more as he realized that she saw him pumping his cock with sure strokes.


  As she shuddered this time, it was just partly due to what she felt. The other part was watching; watching him getting off because of her.

  The whole situation was a crazy mix of being helpless and being powerful. Belladonna had no idea what to feel, to think, to do. So she just let go, even though she couldn’t close her eyes, they rolled back as she gave in to the movement, the pressure and the sensation of three fingers stroking back and forth inside of her. She could almost hear her orgasm closing in, roaring like a gigantic tidal wave close to making landfall. It was terrifying.

  King’s torment had all been about getting her close and denying her once again and as a result her whole body was tense and tightly strung, every fiber of her body clenching so intensely that it felt as if it was unable to let go. It was painful and it even got worse. It was a pleasure that bordered on pain. She shifted and strained again his hold, searching for something elusive that would tip her over the edge.

  Suddenly his fingers pushed in deeply again, his thumb pressing more forcefully than before, and Belladonna's orgasm crashed down on her. It blotted out everything leaving her with a sense of weightlessness.

  Belladonna had no idea how much time had passed before she was finally able to center herself. She only knew that, when she opened her eyes, it was King’s body that held her upright. Automatically she inhaled deeply, surrounded by his scent, wrapped in the warmth of his body, feeling her skin tingle where his lips barely brushed her neck. As her eyes refocused they instantly settled on Aquarius, who was leaning against the wall again, almost as if nothing had ever happened. What betrayed him was his shirt. He had opened a few buttons at the top of his shirt, probably to cool himself off. Aquarius’s eyes locked to hers and much to her disbelief she felt that deep desire awaken in her again although she felt satisfied and spent.

  “We are not finished yet, Bella,” she heard King of Diamonds whisper into her ear.

  Oh, they definitely weren’t.

  Now that this man was clearly aiming for the title of ‘best-sex-in-a-lifetime’, he had given his full attention to her. Belladonna wouldn’t leave this alley until she had returned the favor. Yet her hands were still literally tied.

  King stepped back, centering himself in her immediate field of view. She didn’t try and pretend that she hadn’t looked to the other wall of the alley, nor was she bothered by focusing back on the man that had treated her so well.

  “I thought about doing this to you the moment I saw you drinking that Scotch,” he continued, retreating.

  Belladonna hadn’t needed a confirmation that King of Diamonds was indeed her Mr. Scotch. Knowing which face was behind the mask was one thing, but knowing what he had thought about her at their first meeting was something else entirely. That phrase was all he needed to say to ignite her again. Belladonna pulled at her chains, trying to follow him, and now she was happy that she couldn’t. She would have forgotten herself and kissed him.

  “I’m going to take you against that wall now, Bella,” Mr. Scotch explained and undid his belt. “Feel free to do what you want” – he opened pants – “the only thing you aren’t allowed to do” – his right hand vanished into his pocket and pulled out a condom – “is take off my mask or kiss me.”

  Belladonna’s eyes moved back to his. She felt a surge of disappointment jolting through her body – something that annoyed her and angered her about herself.

  She didn’t want to kiss him anymore. It was about not being allowed to see his face. But why? She would have to think about that later.

  “And you, Aquarius,” King didn’t even turn around when he spoke the name as if he was clearly someone not fit to hold a candle to him. “You stay there and do nothing this time. If you can’t control yourself, leave.”r />
  Another shiver went through Belladonna’s body. While the reason was obvious, she wasn’t quite sure what turned her on more: the sound of authority in King’s voice or the fact that he ordered Aquarius to keep his hands off himself, knowing what he had done.

  The snapping sound of shackles being opened echoed through the alley and the pull on her arms lessened. They fell to her side and only then she felt the soreness in her shoulders.

  He gave her freedom to move, now that he clearly had set the rules for everyone.

  Belladonna’s heart was still hammering hard enough that she could feel it in her neck. She was also overly sensitive, despite being horny again. In the back of her mind she heard a little voice whisper naughty things. A voice she just recently had discovered, and it was suggesting something she had barely allowed herself to fantasize about when she was alone in bed and too restless and aroused to fall to sleep.

  How would she like it to have both of them at once? She didn’t get the chance to think about details because King was closing in on her again. Her eyes darted down, curious to see what she already had inside her once before. His cock was just as she remembered and the sight of it only made her want to feel it again.

  Suddenly a hand was at her throat, pushing her back against the brick wall but not putting any pressure on her.

  “You are a naughty little thing.” King openly grinned.

  There was more than triumph in his expression, something close to... admiration?

  Belladonna’s heart stuttered, and almost skipped a beat as his hands grazed down her body to her hips and further down to cup her buttocks with a firm grip. She couldn’t suppress a gasp as he easily lifted her up, pushing her against the wall, and spread her open wide for him in the process. Instinctively her hands clawed into his shoulders to steady herself. Heat was burning her face and right down to the center between her legs.

  King dove deep into her with one forceful plunge, instantly electrocuting her nerves again as if her release just moments before had never happened. She was so slick and wet for him after what he had done to her, that there was not even a little physical pain, apart from the soreness of her over-sensitive nerves.

  Belladonna couldn’t truly tell, but it felt as if he was deeper inside her this time, as if her body recognized and welcomed him back. The deep feral groan that originated from his chest, vibrating on her skin sounded like a confirmation. She wanted him to move, to send her over again, but she wasn’t.

  Belladonna wanted him to stay like that, just right there, filling her up entirely, satisfying her in a way only someone like him, equipped like him could.

  Staying in this position strangely satisfied her and equally drove her mad. Her hands raked up his neck and into his hair, telling him without word to stop torturing her and he listened.

  His movements were forceful but controlled, as if he felt the same torment about savoring the moment and searching release. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and lean her head back against the wall behind her, being pushed into the brick wall, and knowing that afterwards she would be able to feel and see the imprints and grazes of the wall.

  But no matter how slow or how deep King stroked, in the back of her mind Belladonna was still aware of Aquarius standing at the opposite wall of the alley. Her eyes flew open to find him standing there, with his jaw tense and his arms crossed in front of his chest keeping them in check, just as he had been ordered to do.

  His blue eyes were drilling into hers as they met and she could see something else in his expression, something different, something dark; like frustrated anger and possessive jealousy. It was that scowl he gave her that made her come undone and pull King along with her.


  Coming down from this high was almost devastating. Belladonna needed a few deep breaths to even her heart beat at least a little.

  While she did so, leaning almost slumped against the brick wall behind her that certainly ruined her blouse; her eyes never strayed from Aquarius, which was odd. She simply couldn’t pull her eyes away from him when he was staring right back at her.

  Yet, she didn’t miss King of Diamonds cleaning himself up and as he obviously looked at her, still being completely deranged, Belladonna realized that she had to pull herself together and get ready to leave.

  They couldn’t occupy the alley the whole night, could they?

  King startled her with him gently brushing her cheek, when she stroked down the fabric of her clothes to make them more presentable. Him being so tender all of the sudden was a surprise she couldn’t really put anywhere. And it made her heart ache and draw her attention from Aquarius back to this riddle of a man.

  “You should have a drink before you head home,” King of Diamonds suggested, although the tone of his voice rather sounded like a gentle order.

  Belladonna wasn’t sure if she was like that, at least right now. Although it was incredibly alluring to be at a man’s mercy, being ordered to do something when she felt like only answering to herself was somewhat odd. Suddenly Aquarius demureness became somewhat attractive, and Belladonna was confused about her own perception.

  Despite all of the confusion she followed King of Diamonds back to the club house, sensing Aquarius following in her wake. It was a satisfying feeling of having two men escorting her.

  When she entered the room she had left about an hour ago Belladonna felt a strange sense of pride, which was quite the opposite of the usual, when she would have instantly gained red cheeks and the somewhat disgusting sensation of mortification when people made their assumptions of what they saw.

  This time, she couldn’t stop herself from grinning. It didn’t make a difference what people thought of her when she was entering the bar room with two men. They could think what they want, she would still feel triumphant. Plus, there was this delicious heat in her neck, obviously originating from Aquarius glare.

  If he had been attracted to her before, he now was close to obsession. Nothing was a better compliment than a man wanting to rip off your clothes and ravish you to multiple orgasms. Belladonna certainly welcomed that thought, and she was sure to torment him with it.

  Being on King’s arm, he escorted her right back to their table that was still available. Maybe – so she thought – they had kept it unoccupied for them. Belladonna still remembered that her membership was silver status, something that she would have had to paid for, if not someone who had sponsored it for her. As far as she remembered from the brochure, a silver membership for anyone had still to be paid for despite the actual membership of the one who had been the benefactor. She could imagine that the choice of her membership was well calculated, because only gold members had access to private rooms. King of Diamonds wanted to give her special treatment, without giving her too much freedom. “I want to thank you for the silver.” She leaned over to him, speaking lowly so that Aquarius wouldn’t hear her.

  Mr. Scotch didn’t flinch or give himself away in any other way. Instead, he only stopped when they had reached their table.

  “No need to thank me, Bella,” he eventually answered. “The pleasure is all mine.”

  Damn sure it was.

  Belladonna sat down watching King of Diamonds as he kept standing and waved towards the waitress who had served them before. She briefly looked at Aquarius as he sat down beside her in the booth, his eyes glued on her.

  “I have to apologize,” King suddenly declared, taking her hand and kissing the back of it, “but I can’t stay. I will make it up to you.”

  Alice felt like being impaled by an icicle. As the waitress approached she had a smartphone placed on her tray, handing it over to the man who had just fucked her senseless. Well, thank you.

  “So, you cleared a little bit of your time for me?” she heard herself say; her tone thick with her emotions.

  “Yes,” King instantly responded without any remorse in his voice, but he leaned towards her, close enough that her heart made a leap, because she was sure that he would kiss her. “I
couldn’t wait for you another day, and I’m sorry that I have to leave you this instantly. Real life doesn’t wait for anyone, definitely not me.”

  He didn’t.

  “I will make it up to you,” he whispered, almost sounding hoarse as he spoke the words, and leaned in even further, only to kiss her softly on her cheek. “Don’t be mad at me, Bella, you’d only regret it.”

  The cockiness of his statement and his proximity made her pulse race and her stomach churn. It was wrong of her to allow any man to play her like this, but still, his promise was more than alluring.

  “Don’t do this again,” she heard herself say, “not without warning me upfront, Mr. Scotch.”

  Calling him by his nickname was a well-thought-out choice and she could see his reaction even through his mask: partly amused, partly well aware of her warning.

  “Promise,” he nodded, taking her hand again and placing an eerily sensual kiss between the roots of her index and middle finger, as if it was placed between her legs; and she sure as Hell felt it.

  King of Diamonds then took his smartphone and sunk himself into whatever his eyes perceived as soon as he had placed his thumb on the lock. Belladonna surely felt invisible as he turned away and swiftly walked towards the door, ignoring everything around him. He didn’t seem to belong to the addictive kind of phone users; rather one of those who needed to be available 24/7 to make sure a company didn’t fall into ruins. Still, Belladonna felt used and this feeling wouldn’t change even if this guy was more important than Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates.

  “I hope it was worth it.” It was Aquarius who muttered these words, but he didn’t sound sardonic.

  Belladonna turned around to look at him head-on.

  “I’m not really happy to say it was,” she answered honestly. “Still, I don’t like feeling like a booty-call.”


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