Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1)

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Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1) Page 15

by D. S. Wrights

  “Your skin is perfect,” King now whispered in her left ear, brushing it with his lips, tickling her skin with the scruff on his face.

  Again the shirt teased her body where it touched her and Belladonna did her best to even her breath, but not before sucking air into her lungs, because she had forgotten to breathe entirely. With the blink of an eye, she felt cold. His hands were gone, and the heat of his body along with them.

  “I wish I could take a picture of this,” she heard him state from further away. She could imagine him striking a thoughtful pose, with his index finger on his lips, arms crossed.

  What was even more arousing was the idea of him really having a picture of her like that on his phone, and him looking at her now and then, maybe even in an important meeting.Belladonna stood up straight again, ripping herself from her naughty thoughts, of what else he could do if he were allowed to have a phone.

  “I would say you don’t need your panties anymore,” he continued, sounding a little lost in thought, as if he wasn’t addressing her but was talking to himself.

  Belladonna could hear King’s few steps until he reached her, eventually placing his thumbs and index fingers around the rim of her leather panties, pulling them down until they fell onto the ground on their own. She expected him to tell her to kick them away, but he didn’t. Instead, she could feel his slightly rough hands carefully taking one foot, lifting it, pulling the now ruined leather off of it and placing it back down, only to repeat the same procedure with her other foot. He walked away again, probably placing the panties down somewhere, but she didn’t hear him return.

  So, she figured that he probably was looking at her again. But when his hand was back at her right ankle, she realized that he had taken off his shoes, leaving no noise when he walked. Involuntarily she swallowed down, hard. No matter what she thought, or imagined, it made her crave for his touch, even if it was only his shirt, it still sent waves of heat through her veins.

  Belladonna tried to calm herself down and concentrate on what King of Diamonds was doing, but she was left with the surprise that her legs were now stuck in a position she could only change by spreading them open wider.

  “I have imagined you like this since I first saw you standing at that bar,” he whispered into her left ear, teasing her with his lips and his breath rolling down her neck.

  The combination of all of it – his words, his close-to-nothing touch, his scent – made her eyes roll backwards and her entire body shiver. She managed to stop herself from ordering him to fuck her. And then, suddenly, his fingers were around her neck, but barely touching her skin. His thumbs brushed down her throat and the rest of his hands followed them down her chest to her leather and silk covered breasts, cupping and squeezing them gently, before they continued their journey further down her stomach, which was barely protected by the fabric of the negligee.

  Belladonna involuntarily tensed and shivered when his hands touched her skin directly again, and King seemed to enjoy that effect, letting his hands rest on her hip bones, reminding her that she was almost completely bare from there down, apart from her garter belt, which were holding her stockings in place.

  When his hands finally continued moving, they changed course as they reached the top rim of her nylons and moved to the inside of her thighs.

  Her pussy instinctively clenched, sending an almost painful shiver through her limbs.

  And he chuckled, moving his hands down to the inside of her knees.

  Belladonna hadn’t had any idea how sensitive her skin was at those specific spots, as a moan escaped her as the bare touch of his fingertips send jolts of electricity through her nerves.

  “You have no idea how I enjoy hearing you making that noise,” he leaned in again, whispering.

  Somehow his right hand had snuck up to rest right below her rib cage, close to her heart. All she could think about or feel was the heat of his palm invading her body and how this heat slowly snaked its way to the very core of her, between her legs.

  She bit her lower lip in embarrassment; ground her legs together as she could feel the wetness increase.

  “Oh,” was all he said in expected astonishment – or was it pity – and his hand finally, eventually, moved down south ever so slowly that she had a hard time not to huff in annoyance.

  “Bella,” he chided her, as if he was able to hear her thoughts, but in fact his hand was lingering right above her pubic bone, so she did her best to control her breathing and failed miserably.

  “Please,” she wheezed before she realized that she had said something.

  The heat of her body got even worse. And then what she had begged for in her mind came true, his hand grazed down her body, right down to her pussy, pressing against her clit and sliding not one, but two fingers inside in an instant, starting to pump his index and middle finger into her. Belladonna tensed and stood up onto her tiptoes as he continued to prod, pressing the scruffy side of his three-day-beard against her face.

  She couldn’t endure it, his fingers entering her, creating an unbearable friction against her clit as he continued to push his fingers in and out of her. She could feel the tension of her body rise, silently begging him to stop and ravish her, but there was also a side of her that wanted him to continue and show no mercy.

  Belladonna wanted to come violently and helplessly. She wanted to be out of control and at his mercy. She wanted him to use her, take her, make her scream, like no man had ever managed.

  “Fuck,” she gasped as he added a third finger, spreading her cunt.

  “You naughty little girl,” was King’s response and her body’s reaction was imminent, tensing around his fingers. “Do you want my cock inside of you?” He asked, not leaving her a moment of recovery from her own outbreak; so, she just nodded.

  “Answer me,” he threatened.

  “Yes,” Belladonna answered submissively. “I want your cock inside of me.”

  “What?” He inquired.

  “Sir,” Belladonna gasped. “I want your cock inside of me, Sir.”

  “Good girl,” he breathed into her left ear again, sending shivers down her spine.

  “Fuck me, Master,” she heard herself breathe out.

  “Oh, I’m not going to make this that easy for you, Bella,” he gave back, pushing his three fingers as deep as possible inside of her.

  There was a pang of pain, but what followed it was a rush of sensation. All she wanted was to feel his thick cock inside of her, prodding her, fucking her, and taking the ability to think from her.

  But she knew if she asked for this right now, he wouldn’t give it to her, he would torture her, just as he had Aquarius the last time they had met.

  All her musings began to stop when he brought his thumb into the game, drawing cruel circles around her clit, making it dance around its own axis, and taking it for a waltz.

  Belladonna could feel the sensation of this friction everywhere in her body and the yearning for feeling his cock faded slightly, if he’d just continue to work her clit like that. But, oh, the thought of having both at the same time, his big cock inside of her while somehow he continued to rub her most sensitive bud like that… the idea almost took her over that special edge.

  “Oh, God,” she breathed out, incapable of holding herself back, not caring if she was degrading herself.

  All she wanted was to cross that final line, making her explode into a billion pieces, but he wouldn’t let her. He kept prodding his fingers into her, rubbing his thumb against her, and just wouldn’t let her release.

  “Tell me,” he said softly into her ear, his scruff grazing her skin perfectly. “What do you want, Bella?”

  “Please,” she managed to say, somehow controlled.

  “What, Bella?” He inquired, continuing to prod his fingers into her even more forcefully.

  “Please, fuck me, Master,” Belladonna brought these words together that didn’t make any sense, if not uttered in this very specific order, with this very specific emphasis.
r />   Just like that, his hands were gone, leaving her cold and aching. This wasn’t what she had opted for. She wanted to enjoy herself, to have a very good time and not to be tortured like this.

  Yet, somehow, she knew she deserved this treatment, she had challenged him, had her way with someone else instead of him and his jealousy… Hell, she wanted more of it even though he was being cruel to her right now. Somehow she knew it would be worth it.

  Belladonna didn’t know for how long he was away from her, and it didn’t matter at all when that familiar heat returned to her. Worse, this heat was more intense than before, closer, seemingly, all rationality was gone. She knew that he had gotten rid of his shirt, and maybe more, as he closed in on her. But it was his face close to hers that drove her insane. She somehow knew that he had taken off his mask, because there was no other explanation for feeling that familiar scruff on her cheek.

  He didn’t say a word, but she still knew what he was asking of her, this little thing that she allowed Aquarius to do so easily. And it was her means to regain some sort of power. The only question was: would she be willing to endure the consequences?

  “I’m going to take off your mask,” he explained, slowing down the pace of his hand, and she nodded, giving him the permission to follow up on his words.

  Belladonna could feel a slight tug at the back of her head and how the mask above her blindfold was taken away. But, she couldn’t concentrate on it, because even though his hand had stopped moving, his thumb still massaged her clit, rubbing circles against her sensitive flesh. She was lost for breath, wondering how she would be able to have the breath for him to kiss her, when he continued doing this to her. Her muscles tensed more and more, but he didn’t push her over the edge, the way he was moving his fingers was just enough to keep her on edge. Belladonna started to move her hips, trying to bring his hand into the right direction that made all of this bearable and leading to a much desired orgasm.

  It seemed to finally work. Until his face was against hers and his stubble grazing her cheek, distracting her body from going over; just as if she had run a marathon, only to stumble and fall in front of the finish line.

  “Fuck,” she hissed again, trying to position her body against his hand once more to finally find release, but he wouldn’t let her; instead he paused, pulling his fingers from her.

  His heat left her body again, and all she could do was stay in the helpless position he put her in, feeling an unbearable need with her body aching in a mixture of tension, and weariness.

  Just as quickly as he had left her, King of Diamonds was back. His nose was barely touching her cheek next to hers, Belladonna could imagine, almost feel, that his mouth was hovering over hers.

  He was so close all of the sudden that she felt intoxicated by his scent and heat all over again. His hands returned to her buttocks, squeezing each cheek before he stepped back a little and brought them up to her breasts. Even though the bra was made from leather, it was soft and gave in easily to the strength of his fingers, finding her hardened nipples in an instant and pinching them. A whole new sensation shot through her nerves to the perfect destination of her swollen clit.

  Belladonna couldn’t help biting down onto her lower lip hard as she groaned lowly, barely stopping herself from cursing again, which simply gave him another reason to extend her punishment. Her legs pulled at her restraints in an attempt to grind themselves together, but it was futile. A whimper of frustration escaped her mouth, soon to be followed by a desperate moan as he teasingly bit her left bud, making her gently grind his teeth against her tender flesh. Patiently, he repeated the same treatment on her right nipple.

  “Are you ready to come?” He asked, brushing his lips up from her chest, across her right collarbone to her neck.

  Belladonna nodded, hastily.

  “What was that?” King sounded stricter and was now definitely standing right in front of her.

  “Yes,” she quickly answered. “Please, Sir.”

  His hand was back on her lower abdomen, taking its time, moving where it belonged: against her clit and inside of her. Arriving between her legs, he used the very three fingers that had penetrated her before, to massage the swollen bud, making Belladonna hiss and arch her back, trying to lessen the pressure on her oversensitive flesh.

  The only comment King gave to that was a brief but low chuckle, before he pushed those fingers into her as deeply as she would take them, tensing up crassly as a wave of stinging sensation rolled through her. It almost felt like an orgasm, but not a relieving one.

  Then, as he pressed his thumb against her aching clit, she felt this surge again, gasping hastily, being surprised that her muscles were able to clench even further.

  King only gave her a moment until he started prodding his fingers in and out rapidly, faster than he would ever be able to fuck her. Belladonna had nothing to oppose him now. Her muscles flexed and trembled as the pressure and sensation grew. Still, no release came.

  She was barely able to breathe. Her body wanted to move, to rock, but was petrified. She felt like a dancer whose shoes wouldn’t stop moving, until he changed his speed, slowing down the movement of his fingers, pushing deeper instead.

  Her orgasm was violent, shaking her entire body like an earthquake, as her cramping muscles finally released. There was no chance for her to collapse, because she was still pinned in place by her wrists and ankles. But then she felt a tug on first her left, then her right ankle, followed by two strong arms wrapping themselves around her torso, holding her up, and she gratefully allowed herself to slump against him. Shortly after that her wrists were also released from their shackles and gently placed around King’s neck. He lifted her off her feet easily and carried her a few steps before he lowered her onto the bed.

  “Relax, Bella,” he softly murmured into her ear. “I’ll be right back.”


  Alice wasn’t sure if she had just dozed off or woken up from a dream. The fact was, that there was no blindfold covering her eyes, and she was lying on soft sheets, feeling completely relaxed. Slowly she got up onto her elbows to look around and realized that she hadn’t just had a very hot dream, but that it had been real. She was still Belladonna, lying on the canopy bed in room number seven of the Dark Alley.

  Panic frosted her veins as she felt around for her mask only to find the silk blindfold she must have had pulled off in her sleep.

  Or had King dared to peek?

  Did it make any difference, since they had actually seen each other outside of the alley?

  She was still dressed in the leather bra and the see-through negligee.

  When she turned her head, she saw that all her clothes and shoes were still where she had left them, and on top was her Belladonna mask. Examining the bed, there was no trace of her shackles. And there was no sign of King of Diamonds.

  Had he left?

  The thought was a punch in the gut. Belladonna’s first impulse was to get up, get dressed and get the hell out of this place, but then she heard something downstairs.

  A popping sound that reminded her of a champagne bottle being opened. Had she been out for just a mere moment, and pulled off the blindfold while dosing?

  She closed her eyes and shook her head, not understanding why she jumped into such self-degrading assumptions that easily. Again, she had to remind herself where she actually was. This was the Dark Alley. Fears and worries were unnecessary here.

  So, when Belladonna heard steps on the stairs, she propped herself up and left the mask where it was. If King had wanted her to put it on again, he should have brought it to her, just like the champagne flutes he was carrying.

  Her heart started thumping in her chest when she saw his face again, and those hints of gray hair at his temples instantly drew her attention to them. His blue eyes were still those glowing orbs she remembered, standing out, not only because of his black hair, but also because he was sporting the beginnings of a full beard and nicely tanned skin. Belladonna didn’t rememb
er him being as gorgeous as he now appeared to her.

  “No Scotch?” She cocked an eyebrow.

  King of Diamonds didn’t take the bait, at least not as she had expected. Instead, he smiled, as he sat down on the edge of the bed and offered her a flute of champagne, which she accepted, showing a perfect set of white teeth. She remembered those teeth playfully biting her nipples and that thought caught her breath.

  Quickly, she decided to cover up the heat that was rising in her body again by taking a sip of the Champagne. She had never really tasted this expensive version of sparkling wine, but the bubbles definitely were softer as they went down her throat.

  “I enjoyed that,” King suddenly stated and she almost choked on her drink.

  “You didn’t even…” Belladonna responded, cutting herself off.

  “Oh, I did,” King of Diamonds chuckled. “Just not in the usual way. I don’t need to have my cock inside you to enjoy myself.”

  She certainly was fascinated by the way he spoke: spot on, direct, and without shame, as if his choice of words was perfectly normal. And maybe, for him, they were.

  “And it doesn’t mean that you won’t have felt my cock inside you, when this night is over,” he added and made her blush in anticipation.

  “So, that’s why you invited me?” Belladonna asked him challengingly. “Because you wanted to fuck me?”

  “No,” King shook his head negatively. “Because I wanted to see what kind of expression you make when I make you come, like I just did.”

  Belladonna swallowed dryly.

  “And I like what I saw, Bella,” he continued. “I’d like to see it again. I’m not the kind of man that uses a woman like a toy, just to throw it away when he gets bored. I’m not a man slut. I’m a connoisseur of women.”

  “So,” she asked after taking another gulp of liquid confidence. “You collect women?”

  “Only if they want to be part of my collection,” he answered honestly. “You can imagine, Bella, that as a member of this club, I’m not settling down with one woman. And I know that you are not that naïve to believe that I have feelings other than admiration or respect for you.” He reached out and plucked one strand of her hair with his hand, gently feeling the texture of it before placing it behind her ear. “You are an intelligent woman. You know that these fairy tales they sell you on television, in books and movies are wrong. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here, would you?”


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