Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1)

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Dark Alley: The Complete First Season (Dark Alley Seasons Book 1) Page 24

by D. S. Wrights

  “Yes, Mistress,” Belladonna breathed out after a brief moment of deliberation.

  “Good girl,” she nodded in approval.

  Belladonna hadn’t cared about what King of Diamonds had been doing and now it was too late to turn around and check what he had done, because an order was an order. Out of the corners of her eyes she believed that there now was hanging from the canopy bed’s columns to the left and right of her, but it could all be just in her head.

  When she suddenly felt warm hands on her butt cheeks, she flinched, realizing that King of Diamonds was knelling behind her, while she was on all fours. He had a perfect view on her behind and her openings.

  As if he had read her thoughts he pushed her cheeks apart, making her realize how wet she already was, when the cool air of the room reached her pussy.

  “Bottom up!” Queen ordered and Belladonna obeyed instantly bending her elbows and clawing her hands into the sheets as she involuntarily shifted towards the edge of the bed.

  She kept her eyes locked to the woman who was sitting in front of her. Belladonna couldn’t recall that there had been a velvet armchair in this room, or that it had stood in front of the bed when King of Diamonds had maneuvered her upstairs. But it didn’t matter now, but she wouldn’t be distracted by anything from now on.

  “You know what I want to see.” Queen of Diamonds wasn’t talking to her anymore, although she kept her glare on Belladonna’s face, who didn’t have time to wonder what was going to happen.

  The second she felt his tip at her entrance he already pushed inside, with one hard thrust that made her gasp and close her eyes as she let out a loud moan, as pain and pleasure rolled over her body, making her almost go limp. She wanted to whine in protest as King pulled out, but a hard paining smack on her right butt cheek made her flinch and tear open her eyes in shock.

  “What did I tell you, Bella?” Queen inquired, leaning towards her slightly and for a moment she had to think, feeling utterly embarrassed.

  “To look at you, Mistress.” She spoke lowly, her face burning, but her eyes locked to the Queen of Diamonds.

  “Exactly,” the woman in front of her answered.

  Her eyes moved away from Belladonna, to King of Diamonds, who was behind her, and nodded again. Once more Belladonna could feel him enter her, this time a bit slower and she did her best to keep her eyes open and locked to the Queen of Diamonds. This woman was just like her name, keen, sharp and relentless. Belladonna was turned on by simply looking at her, seeing the approval as she managed to not close her eyes this time.

  The sensation was different, naughtier, more intense. Belladonna could feel her Mr. Scotch inside of her, but it wasn’t about him, it was all about his wife.

  “Good girl,” she approved and as an answer to that, King of Diamonds started moving, trusting, while that woman watched Belladonna’s expression while she fought to keep her eyes open.

  Belladonna felt his hands grabbing her hips, thrusting his pelvis against hers, plunging inside her. And while he was allowed to do as he wanted, she had to keep on looking at the woman whose smile grew ever so slightly.

  It was distracting, frustrating, and oh so hot. Belladonna wanted to delve into the sensations of her body close her eyes and let herself be carried away, feeling this hard cock inside of her, forgetting about everything else. But Queen of Diamonds wasn’t willing to let her go.

  That woman in front of her didn’t budge, didn’t move one inch, didn’t bring her hand down to her clit to join them. No, she just watched, her attention on Belladonna’s face as if there was nothing more interesting in the whole wide world, all the while her husband was fucking another woman.

  What was Belladonna missing? She couldn’t find the answer to that question, she couldn’t focus. All there was King of Diamonds moving in and out of her, pulling her butt cheeks apart and pressing them together matching his movements, and this woman, who obviously enjoyed watching them.

  “Why are you going easy on her?” Queen of Diamonds suddenly asked and shed the whole situation in a different light.

  Wasn’t she in charge, after all?

  Belladonna didn’t get a chance to think about that question, because all of the sudden she could feel King’s hand at the back of her head, pushing it into the sheets almost forcefully, feeling the resistance of the mattress against her face. She did her best to keep eye contact to Queen, but her mask had shifted, pressing into her face and making it almost impossible to see anything. King’s next thrust almost toppled her off the bed, with only his hands, holding her hips keeping her in place. She could feel him twitch inside of her. It was only a second, and yet it felt so much longer, as he stayed deep inside of her.


  Did she really say that?

  Again, Belladonna wasn’t in control. Suddenly the hand that had pressed her into the sheets snaked around her neck, grabbing her throat and pulled her into an upright position, while he was still inside of her. It was the change of position, that made her groan as he shifted within her body, as he forced her to arch her back to accommodate this posture.

  Queen of Diamonds was suddenly close to her face. Belladonna still tried to find a position that made this posture somehow comfortable, as she felt something being wrapped tightly around her left and then right wrist. It was nothing more than instinct that she reached for whatever was binding her hands and grabbed it. She was now strung up to the canopy bed’s columns, arching her back as far as she could so that this delicious cock inside of her would stay exactly where it was.

  King of Diamonds was barely moving inside of her, driving her insane. She didn’t know if he was teasing her or getting himself into a different position.

  “You love having him inside of you, don’t you?”

  Belladonna was dazzled, not because of these words, but because of the two slender hands, gently cupping her bare, exposed breasts, stealing the little concentration she still had left.

  “You can always say ‘red’, Bella,” Queen of Diamonds told her, locking their eyes again. “Do you understand?”

  Belladonna only managed to nod.

  “You’re so beautiful when you are ashamed, Bella,” did anyone tell you that?”

  Belladonna shook her head, feeling herself blush, and her clit started to twitch as she clenched around King’s cock, who rewarded her with a groan.

  “Have you tried anal?” Her question felt like an icy shower, making her tense even more, feeling King inside of her harden.

  Belladonna was speechless and couldn’t answer. Had she thought about that? Sure, and she had been ashamed. Although she had experimented around with her toys, trying to find out what it would feel like she had backed away pretty fast. If she was honest with herself, she had been drunk every time, but even in that state she hadn’t wanted to try it with any of her ex-boyfriends, maybe because they wanted it so badly.

  Queen pinching both of her nipples brought her back to the here and now, making her feel King’s cock inside of her as if he just had entered her, and maybe he had.

  “It’s fine,” the woman in front of her spoke softly. “Maybe another time. Lean into your bonds.”

  Belladonna obeyed and King slipped out of her; and the sound of it told her how wet she really was. Did she want to try it out? Now?

  She was torn, curious, and ashamed. And yet, she felt strangely comfortable with King pulling her hips back, making her reposition herself, while Queen treated her breasts with a gentle massage.

  “I would like to taste you.” Her words sounded more like a confession than a statement or demand. “Would that be alright with you?”

  Belladonna just stared at her, trying to process the words she had heard.

  “Bella?” Queen of Diamonds whispered, bringing one of her hands to Belladonnas face, placing her thumb on her lips as if it was less than a butterfly’s kiss.

  Belladonna missed King inside of her, but what took her mind into its iron grip was the idea of having him inside of her
while someone else licked her at almost the exact same spot. Did she care who it was?

  Was it maybe even more arousing if it was his wife?

  “Yes,” she breathed out, slightly surprised about her answer. “Yes, that would be alright.”

  Queen of Diamond’s thumb pressed against her lower lip and pushed it slightly downward, before brushing to the left corner of her mouth.

  “Thank you.” It was barely a whisper, but her eyes spoke to much more.

  There was a longing in that woman’s eyes that aroused Belladonna in a way she hadn’t thought possible. And, she couldn’t take her eyes off the Queen of Diamonds, not even as she broke contact, knelling against the edge of the bed.

  As if there had been some silent command, King thrusted into her slowly, gently, making her eyes roll back as she felt a completion that went deeper than just being filled with a cock. She didn’t get a chance to fully savor it, because she suddenly felt a soft mouth around her left nipple, sending jolts of pleasure through her entire body, even more as a wet tongue swirled around her sensitive bud, nipping shortly after, tweaking with a set of teeth.

  “Fuck,” Belladonna breathed out, hearing a chuckle that wasn’t his, when he pushed deeper into her as a response.

  Queen of Diamonds repeated her treatment with the same attention on Belladonna’s other nipple, almost sending her over the edge of bliss. She couldn’t wait to feel that tongue against her clit, but Queen of Diamonds had other plans, continuously nipping, licking and biting on Belladonnas buds until she couldn’t take it anymore.

  Belladonna’s body bucked like a wild horse, with King of Diamonds still inside of her, but Queen pinching her nipples so hard caused Bella to make him slip out. With her breasts and buds aching, Belladonna didn’t know if she could take any more but she didn’t care when she heard Queen’s alluring voice ask: “Do you want more?”

  Belladonna nodded, still panting, but she didn’t care. She wanted King to come inside of her and Queen to taste it on her tongue.

  “Good girl,” Queen whispered, brushing her tongue across Belladonna’s lower lip once more; almost as if it was a kiss.

  This was the reason why it was so hard to turn her back on the Dark Alley. It made her stop thinking. Finally, Belladonna had sex of the mind-blowing kind without real regret. Shame and embarrassment were simply spices that turned sex even more exciting.

  “Arch your back, darling,” Queen ordered quietly and Belladonna obeyed instinctively; and – what seemed like an award to her – King’s hard cock pushed inside her, making her stretch.

  He groaned quietly as the uncomfortable position made her pussy tighter than usual, again. Slowly and slightly, he moved inside of her, making her whimper, while Queen’s hands gently massaging her breasts made her sigh. Belladonna didn’t know on what she should focus; it was all too distracting, making any thought disappear before it had a chance to form in her mind. Not even when these gentle hands brushed down slowly from her breasts across her stomach, to her hips.

  Before Belladonna was able to find out what Queen was about to do, one of King’s hands slid from her hip around her throat, forcing her to arch her back even more. It made her forget that someone else was with them in the room. This gesture, this posture, it was so possessive, and it tore her into opposite directions. It made her want him to fuck her harder, to make her come, but it also made her want to turn around and be cradled in his arms. She leaned back her shoulders as far as she could, ignoring the ache in her back, and his other hand snaked around her hips, pressing her against him, lifting her up a little. She could feel his breath against her neck and shoulder, while he started to prod into her faster, careful to not slide out of her. Belladonna closed her eyes, savoring every sensation, painful or pleasurable, but it all came crashing down as she felt the tip of a hot tongue against her clit. It turned things to almost unbearable.

  Belladonna was drunk from arousal, and the more Queen’s tongue touched her, licked her, slid across her sensitive skin, which was stretched by King’s hard cock, the more she felt as if she was derailing. Pulling at her restrains she tried to find something, anything to focus on, to anchor her, but it was futile, hopeless. Her entire body felt like one strained nerve. Belladonna couldn’t distinguish between lust and pain anymore. Her breath was a series of shallow pants, while her heart raced in her chest King’s hands were burning embers and this oh-so-devilish tongue, it almost killed her. She wanted to shout ‘stop!’, but she couldn’t, having lost the ability to speak. And then, finally, Queen released her with a single nip of her teeth.

  Belladonna came hard, and pulled King right along with her, as she clenched around him that tightly she could feel every squirt of his cum inside of her. It only made her come even harder and longer with no end in sight as Queen’s tongue still was on her, licking and from the sensation of it, she was licking her husband, too. This thought alone prolonged everything for Belladonna.

  When she finally came down from her orgasm high her body was sore and powerless, with only her restrains and King’s arms keeping her upright. So, it wasn’t him, who loosened the binds on her, but Queen of Diamonds, which was why Belladonna kept her eyes shut. She wanted to keep out reality just a little while longer, before being reminded that everything had just been a game, a fantasy, and nothing more.

  Belladonna could hear steps walking down the stairs, realizing that Queen was leaving the two of them alone. King was still holding her tightly, but gently, his thumbs caressing her skin, making her comfortable and relaxed. She had no idea for how long he was holding her, until a movement behind her that made the mattress shake was her signal to wake up and play her part. King let go of her slowly, and got off the bed to dress himself.

  Time to wake up.

  Belladonna didn’t know if she should speak or what to say, and because of that she avoided turning around and looking at King. She concentrated on every single piece of clothing as she dressed her sensitive body. She could hear him behind her, and then next to her, but she didn’t look up at him. What else was there to say?

  Although her body was beyond satisfied, her heart was still aching. This was goodbye.

  Putting on her shoes, Belladonna could see King walk past her and take the stairs. It almost seemed as if he was hesitating, but it could all be in her head.

  Would they be waiting for her downstairs?

  Or would they be gone?

  She wasn’t sure what she wanted more, but it probably was for the best if they just left, allowing her to start letting go of King, and maybe even the Dark Alley. And so, she simply waited upstairs until she heard the door falling in its lock, before she got up.

  Arriving downstairs, she was surprised to see a necktie lying on the sideboard next to the door. It had the same color as the one King of Diamonds had been wearing: red. For a moment, she hesitated, wondering whether she should take it or leave it. Had he put it there on purpose? Or had he simply forgotten it?

  Eventually, Belladonna reached out and picked it up while feeling the silky texture of the fabric. Without thinking about it, she lifted the tie to her nose, breathing in the manly scent, which was lingering on it. It smelled just like him.

  Quickly, Alice folded up the necktie, hid it in her hand and left.


  Although Alice had planned to visit the Dark Alley on Sunday, she didn’t feel like it the next morning, when she woke up in her bed, her hand entangled in the red tie that King of Diamonds had left behind in the room, where he and his wife had sex with her.

  Alice had wanted to put the tie in the box her mask had been sent with, but after getting herself drunk on red wine when she had returned home it had made her change her mind, and now she regretted both drinking and not putting that piece of clothing away.

  Why had she taken it?

  If she really wanted to leave King of Diamonds behind, she shouldn’t have touched the damn thing let alone taken it. But she had behaved like a love-drunk teenager, who couldn’
t let go of an unreachable crush. And that was who King of Diamonds – her Mr. Scotch – was: unreachable, untouchable, married.

  Alice didn’t care that he had an arrangement with his wife; she didn’t have a clue what it looked like and she didn’t want to know. Fact was: he was taken, bound by law to another woman. Alice was just a toy for him.

  “Fuck you!” Alice shouted out in frustration and did her best to throw the tie away, but it wouldn’t budge off her hand.

  If she wasn’t so hurt she would have laughed about the comedy of her situation. Tragic-comedy, that is.

  Alice’s first impulse was to call her best friend, only to remind herself that it was Sunday, Bianca’s, and Matt’s holy day, and she had promised herself to not take that from them; after all, Matt was working day and night for the company that now employed her, too.

  So, instead, she just continued to lie there and stare at the ceiling, wondering about how she would feel right then and there, if she never had gotten the invitation, or rather, if she hadn’t accepted it.

  Probably, so she daydreamed, she would have started dating Jeff, the soldier with the younger brother she had met first at the night club that fateful night. Alice tried her best to remember the name of that place, and even though she had a feeling that it was something she should recall, it just wouldn’t come into her mind. Jeff had seemed like a nice, no, decent, guy but now she definitely would never find out if he really was, because she had blown him off by not answering his texts.

  Alice’s thoughts moved to her ex, Gary, who pretty much got over her just like that. Not that she really mind, she was happy to have him not bother her, yet, she couldn’t help but wonder how her life would have been if she hadn’t broken up with him. Would she be married now, too? Or be engaged? Expecting her first child? No, she was certain she wouldn’t.

  Alice’s stomach started churning as she thought of Tristan, which was Aquarius’ real name. She only knew his first name, not his family name, but he had her number. Getting out of bed she was wondering when he would contact her. If he would call her, or send her a message. She had no idea which she would prefer.


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