Turning A Page: A Student Professor Romance

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Turning A Page: A Student Professor Romance Page 33

by Hazel Keys

  Our eyes locked and, for a moment, I could feel us gazing deep into each other’s hearts and souls. I was still unsure we were meant to be together but, when Seth finally kissed me, long and hard, I couldn’t help moaning with the pleasure of it. I leaped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Again, I found him hard as our covered crotches met. My breath left my body and I couldn’t help grinding myself along the length of him. It felt delicious.

  Simon called out and whistled at us to take it outside. Returning to myself, I realized that this was not the place. It was too public and not really fair on poor Simon. He might wish us well, but banging right in front of him seemed a little cruel. I whispered into Seth’s ear for him to follow me, and led him upstairs to my makeshift bed.

  The journey upstairs, at least, gave me time to remember how angry I was about his position of privilege, my family and the whole bunch of other things that should keep us from being together. We got into the room, Seth’s face turning to mild confusion as I had him sit on the chair instead of jumping him. I poured two fingers of rum into two glasses. Handed Seth one and threw mine back in one swallow.

  I faced away from him, looking out of my window toward the ocean. “What took you so long?” I asked him.

  “You were pretty good at covering your tracks,” he answered. The sunlight poured over me. My clothes weren’t exactly baggy to begin with but, like this, I was pretty sure Seth was getting a good show, almost as though I was naked.

  “Why didn’t you just wait around the corner for me to leave the boat?”

  “The captain said you’d left early in the morning. I thought I’d missed you already.”

  I smiled. I’d asked sweet old Captain Samson to say that, and he’d been as good as his word. I took a deep breath and asked my next question.

  “What happened between you and Mia?”

  I heard him laugh again. He told me about their confrontation on the sundeck, Mia’s coup with his board members and the reversal of his decision to invest in Clancy’s boat building business. The more I heard, the more astonished I felt.

  “Wow. She really was the wrong person to piss off, huh?”

  “You could say that,” he agreed.

  “So, it’s really over between you two?” I wanted to give myself to him, but I needed to be sure.

  “I think it’s safe to say that my life may actually be at risk if I set foot in New York or Tokyo, right now.”

  Without turning around, I pulled my tank top up over my head and threw it on the floor. I felt my golden curls fall softly down my bare back, as I stayed staring out the window.

  “So, why are you still in Aruba?” I asked, softly. “Sounds like you could be bankrupted at any moment.” I heard him stand and step slowly toward me. I crossed my arms over my naked breasts and turned to face him.

  “I sold my controlling interest in RHC and stepped down as CEO,” he smiled as he got nearer, his eyes travelling up and down my body with a look of desire in them. “And I invested that money in Clancy & Son. He has enough capital now to keep his firm going for years. The takeover bid has disappeared, and I’m now executive vice president under Mr. Clancy himself.” He got within arms distance before I held out my hand to stop him. Seth gazed at my, now uncovered, full and rounded breasts. “You look more beautiful than I ever imagined you would,” he breathed.

  I gently stooped to peel off my shorts with my other hand. I heard his breath catch in his throat as he saw I wasn’t wearing underwear. Finally standing fully naked before him, I couldn’t help but smile at his reaction, at the look of lust that filled his face.

  I guess we’re finally here then, I thought to myself, before grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and pulling it apart. He responded by closing the last distance between us and kissing me, hard. Our lips met, almost painfully, Seth pushing his tongue into my open mouth and gently cupping my face with his big hands. I met his tongue with mine. His tongue was soft, velvety, and lightly spiced with rum. It was almost intoxicating to me and I nearly felt my knees go weak.

  I slid my fingers down his hard abs until I could hook them under the waist of his pants. I felt his hands travel lower and caress the soft skin of my breasts, tracing his thumbs across my hardening nipples, before I pulled, trying to yank down his linen slacks.

  “Goddam things!” I tore my mouth from his to say. He smiled and undid his own belt. I gave another tug and his pants dropped to the floor. I couldn’t help but bite my lip gently as he pushed down his underwear, until I could finally see him long, hard, and pointing straight at me.

  Just the sight of him brought on a deep ache in my pussy. I wanted him inside me so badly. I beckoned him closer and parked my ass on the edge of the dresser. He approached and I wrapped my legs around him again, hooking my feet together behind his butt, pulling him urgently to me. We both let out a gasp as the soft folds of my waiting opening caressed the throbbing tip of his cock for only the second time.

  “I’m dying to be inside you,” Seth whispered, and there was no way we were going to be stopped this time. Before I could respond, he cupped my buttocks on the dresser, forced his tongue back into my mouth and rammed himself inside me, hard. I let out a scream of pleasure, my mouth still full, and had to break off my kiss again to yell, “Oh, fuck!”

  I felt him totally buried inside me, right to the hilt, filling me so completely that every slight twitch of him against my delicate walls seem to bring me closer to coming already. A moment passed, taking about as long as an ice age to me, and he pulled himself out almost all the way. Pausing with only a fraction of his dick brushing against my wet slit, he twitched, making my pussy shiver, before plunging himself deep inside again.

  I could do nothing to stop myself shouting in ecstasy as I locked my legs behind him once more, pulling him into me harder. I clasped his neck, cried out, and bit into his shoulder as he began hammering at me, faster and faster.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since we met,” he murmured breathlessly, his hips still slamming against me. I couldn’t answer. I could feel my orgasm right there. I’d been on the edge of exploding since before tonight’s first kiss, since our interrupted encounter four nights ago. All those feelings had been pent up all that time, desperate for release. All I needed was one... more... push…

  His great strength lifted me off the dresser. Nothing held me up but him, his arms and his rock-hard shaft embedded deep in my throbbing pussy. I screamed as he drove me down on him. He whispered, "I think I love you," into my ear, and ground himself against me with all his might, reaching as deep inside as he could go, deeper than anyone had been inside me before.

  I swore again and shuddered as wave after wave of crushing ecstasy suddenly pounded through my body. My legs went into spasm, my nails clawed at his neck, and I cried out until I felt hoarse. I barely noticed as he collapsed back onto my mattress. My body out of control, acting only on instinct and lust, I rode him hard, grinding myself desperately on him as he lay there, until he finally gasped, unable to prevent himself from letting loose inside me. I felt volley after volley of hot seed pulse from his exploding cock and showed no sign of stopping. As I came back to my senses, though, his violent blasts of cum inside me died away.


  Still straddling him, I bent forward to kiss him on the lips. “Well, finally,” I breathed, “and it was worth the wait.”

  “You really feel that way?” he asked. I looked questioningly at him for a second. “George did a lot of digging very quickly to try and figure out where you were.”

  That knot began to form in my stomach again, even as I could still feel his dick softening inside me. What has he found out?

  “I know about your father, your family, your dad’s business and what my father made happen,” he said. I went to step off him but he held me in place. “And I’m sorry. He was a bastard!” Seth hissed. “He didn’t care about the thousands of lives he ruined by breaking up companies and laying people off, and he didn’t care a
bout the two lives he ruined more than any others'. My mother’s and mine. She was beautiful, but as soon as she passed thirty-eight he was fooling around with younger women. Girls really. He didn’t even try to hide it. If my mother spoke up, he’d hit her. If I tried to help her, he’d punch me. We went to the police, but his lawyers made sure no one knew anything. We became prisoners in our own home until he eventually did the decent thing and died.” Seth finally seemed to notice that tears were running down his cheeks. “Even then he made sure that my mom got nothing. Everything went to me, but only if I kept running his firm. The only thing I can do is try to not be like him, every chance I get.”

  I lay down beside him stroking his cheek softly. “So, you knew I was only looking for you for revenge?” I asked him.

  “I figured it out,” he replied.

  “And you still came to find me?”

  “I fell in love with you. It felt like you’d fallen for me too. I had to find out. Besides,” his mouth shifted into a grin, “I’m now majority shareholder and executive VP of a yacht building company, and I clearly know nothing about yachts. I had to find me an expert.” He laughed as I bit his nipple.

  “So, how did you find me?” I asked, kissing my way down his chest.

  “Odd thing,” he began, “George was trying everything. He hired two PIs, expensive ones, and we got ready for a long wait before we heard anything. But last night we got a message from Simon.”

  “Simon, downstairs Simon?” I gasped. I’d almost licked my way down his stomach.

  “Yeah. I guess he heard we were looking for you and called us direct, saying you were here.” I heard him sigh as my lips found their way further down still, my fingers gently running along his member, coaxing it back to life.

  I smiled to myself. It felt good to have people that cared so much about me. Simon, putting his feelings aside so I could be happy. I thought of Tristan and Suzy, and the kindness shown by Captain Samson. And then I thought of Seth. I gently licked my way up his stiffening shaft, pausing before taking the head of him in my mouth.

  “Does that mean,” I asked quietly, “that you’re not a billionaire anymore?”

  “If I say ‘no’, are you going to stop what you are doing?”


  ***THE END***

  Tempted At the Office

  Chapter 1


  At 5:05 the old school brass alarm clock let out its shrill cry. Bradley, waking with a jolt, reached out a large hand and slammed down on the tiny hammer, stopping it. Without opening his eyes he lifted his hand from the off switch and moved it over to the large round power button on his stereo and turned it on. Rock music blared through the surround sound speakers, making it impossible to want to go back to sleep.

  “I’m up,” Bradley mumbled to himself, throwing the covers over him. It was a loud start to his day, sure, but it always put him in a good mood. After a quick shower and an even quicker decision on his suit, he had his shoulder length golden blonde smoothed and parted, pearly white teeth brushed, and his bright blue eyes glittering with excitement over the percolating coffee pot.

  Coffee. He needed it like he needed the blood in his veins. Maybe even more so. He drank it black and strong, much to the chagrin of his co-workers who preferred a more medium blend. So, to make it easier on them, he started bringing his own in a large black carafe. With his briefcase in one hand, his carafe in the other, and an uncut, untoasted, and unshmeared bagel in his mouth, Bradley made his way outside of his small one story house to his car. He smiled around the bagel as he looked on proudly at his new 2015 Honda Civic. It was bright red, full of beautiful edges and curves to make it look speedy, and best of all, and it was fuel-efficient.

  After divorcing his wife nearly five years ago, she had left only after destroying his credit and taking all of his savings. It had taken him several years before he could get his credit score back up to par, but he had done it. Now, after working nearly four years at RushIt, and being meticulous with his purchases, he was finally able to trade in his old beat up Subaru and get his new baby.

  Bradley ate the bagel as made his fifteen minute drive to work, slowly chewing on it one giant bite at a time. As he stopped at the final light before his office building he happened to glance over to the right as his mouth was at its fullest. There, looking right back at him, was a carful of co-workers. Rachel, Bella, and Isabella were all staring at him, wide-eyed and laughing as he was caught trying to munch down on the massive bite.

  “He looked so helpless.”

  Bradley could hear Rachel laughing and telling the other women in the office as he walked in just a few minutes later. Just as he thought, he had found them all, along with his friends Tristan and Amun, gathered in the break room to gossip. He took a deep breath, and strode right in.

  “In my defense,” he said, heading for the coffee cups. “I was actually eating a healthy breakfast.” He turned his head and made a point of glancing up and down Rachel’s tall, thin figure. “Maybe you should try it some time. I hear that people aren’t so angry when they’re not hungry.”

  Tristan, Bella, Amun, and Isabella all choked down their laughter as the usual slinging of the insults began. This happened, it seemed, every day. Bradley would jostle Rachel, or she would jostle him, then they’d spend the rest of the day trying to embarrass one another.

  Rachel huffed as she flipped her long, curly brown hair over her left shoulder, trying to think of a come back. She smiled wickedly, and lifted a dark, well- shaped eyebrow.

  “Well honey, you eat enough for the both of us now, don’t you?”

  Bradley laughed this time, more than the others. He was often confused with being on the doughy side. He shrugged out of his suit jacket, rolled up his white sleeve, and made an impressive muscle with his left bicep. The other women stopped laughing, and instead ogled in amusement at the impressive show of muscle. They had always pictured Bradley the introvert of the group. As the design/marketing manager of the office, and the only member of his team, he was often left to do his work alone in his office, interfacing with people only through the Internet.

  He was a pleasant man, and talked to people regularly when he saw them in the break room. For the most part though, most had never seen him do something as simple as remove his jacket to reveal the thick layer of muscle that was now easily seen beneath the shirt. Smiling, he rolled his sleeve back down as he basked in the silence of what was supposed to be Rachel’s comeback.

  “I have to get to work now,” he said, smiling. He reached down and grabbed his cup of strong, black coffee. “You guys have an excellent day.” Bradley winked at Rachel as he walked past her, happy to have once again won the Battle of Slurs.

  Chapter 2


  “Stop that!” Rachel hissed, her honey brown eyes bright with annoyance. She cast a look of annoyance over to ‘the Bella’s’, urging them to get back to work. Though RushIt, the Internet startup shipping company they all worked for was doing well, it could still only afford two floors of office space. There were only three main offices and a bullpen, where all the entry-level employees worked. Rachel had originally been put in with Bradley to work, since their departments were so close together. But, after less than a week, Rachel moved her desk into ‘the Bella’s’ office, and had stayed there ever since.

  “Did you see those muscles?” Bella Chan asked, ignoring Rachel as her hand went up to fan her face. “Not as good as Tristan’s, but close enough!”

  “How do you know what Tristan’s muscles look like?” Isabella Perez asked, cocking a curious eyebrow.”

  Bella Chan rolled her eyes. “Well if you’d actually work out with Rachel and I you would see them too. He works out downstairs the same time we do.”

  “Guys!” Rachel whisper shouted, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Can we please stop talking about Bradley and Tristan and get to work? I don’t want to hear about muscles anymore.” Rachel grumbled under her breath about her friends
not focusing on work, and tried to turn her focus back on her own. After a moment though, guilt set in and she rolled her chair back to the middle of the office, and gave her friends an apologetic look.

  “I didn’t mean to be so harsh,” she apologized. “Sorry guys.”

  “It’s okay,” Isabella said with a shrug. “We know you hate Brad.”

  “I don’t hate him,” Rachel replied as Bella rolled her chair towards the conversation. “I just don’t like him. He’s cocky, and rude. And he smells good, and that drives me crazy.”

  Bella lifted an amused eyebrow. “He smells good?” She asked with a sarcastic smile.

  “Yes,” Rachel whispered, but she wasn’t sure why. “And it’s distracting! I hate it! Like, we’ll get in to one of our little head to heads and I’ll think of something good to say, then bam! I get a whiff of his cologne or something and I’m immediately distracted. I really don’t like it.”

  “Must be horrible,” Isabella said dryly. She winked at Rachel, and then rolled back to her desk. There was work to be done after all, as the Customer Service Manager. Complaints to file, angry people to manage, and giant discounts to give out.

  “Don’t be mean!” Rachel flushed, grabbing her coffee cup. She stood up to walk out of the office, but Bella rolled into her path.

  “Whatcha doin?” She asked, a feisty grin on her face.

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “You know what I’m doing,” she sighed.

  “Isn’t that his coffee, Rache?”

  “So?” Rachel sniffed, looking everywhere but Bella’s eyes.

  “So, don’t you find it a little odd that even though you ‘dislike’ this great smelling guy you take some of his specially brewed coffee because you told him that he brewed the office coffee too strong and now he makes his own at home?”

  Rachel’s cheeks flushed a bright pink. “I just got used to the taste,” she shrugged, sidestepping over Bella’s chair and exiting the office. Okay, so it was a little messed up that she got the office to dislike Bradley’s coffee. But was it really her fault that she developed a likeness for it after she found out that everyone else’s versions of coffee were much worse? Besides, she told herself, peering around the break room to make sure no one was watching, it’s unhealthy to drink an entire pot of coffee yourself everyday. By taking some of Bradley’s coffee, she was, as an end result, giving him a healthier lifestyle.


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