I Will Always Love You

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I Will Always Love You Page 7

by Kathryn Shay

  “The last is Rina, the one who called me. She’s thirty-eight, and a college professor at NYU. Neither of the other two has kids, though Suzie is married.”

  “And you’re all close.”

  “Like I said, I never developed any other friendships after I finished grad school because they’ve always been here for me.”

  “Same goes for me and my sisters.”

  He gave her a long look. “You’re trying to keep me talking about other things so I won’t freak out.”

  “Caught,” she said with a smile.

  His gaze dropped to her torso, then he leaned around the corner of the table. “I’ve never seen you dressed like this.”

  “Like what?”

  “So casual. Black jeans and boots, a leather jacket.”

  “Did you think I always wore haute couture?”

  “If that means fashionable, expensive designer digs.”

  She laughed.

  Now he noticed her hair was loose and falling to her waist. “I still can’t get over the length of your hair.”

  “I’m not sure I even brushed it. And I didn’t take the time to put on makeup.”

  “You...” His phone beeped. His chest tightened as he grabbed it off the table. “What’s going on?”

  “The nurse came to talk to us,” Millie told him. “She says the doctor has a diagnosis and is coming out ASAP.”

  * * *

  Lexy knew their actions were highly inappropriate for an author and her editor. But as they made their way to the ER waiting room, she slid her hand in his. “Just until we get there.”

  He leaned into her. “The contact feels good.”

  They didn’t speak again, and did indeed unclasp their hands when his family came into view. Despite the circumstances, Lexy had to hide a smile. The three girls were all within touching distance of each other. They reminded Lexy of her own sisters and how they herded together when things got rough. Lexy stayed back while Ryder approached the foursome. “I’m here.”

  Millie’s eyes teared. “I’m scared, Ry.”

  He hugged her, fully. “I’m sorry, honey.” That was the right thing to say. He was a good brother—and a sensitive man.

  The others noticed her. She gave them a small wave, then Suzanne crossed to her. “You’re Alexandra, Ryder’s new author, right?”

  “Hi, Suzanne. We met at Tavern on the Green.”

  “I remember.” She glanced at her brother, then back to Lexy.

  Time for some princess diplomacy. “I had a meeting early this morning with him. He called to cancel and I asked if he’d like some company.” She pretended chagrin. “I promise I won’t intrude.”

  Suzanne’s brows furrowed, as if she wanted to probe Alexandra’s motivation, but a doctor exited a door across the way and approached their group. A young Asian woman was with him. “Ms. Nguyen,” he said to Millie. “I’ve made some determinations.”

  The woman must be Lisa. She grasped Millie’s hand.

  “Your daughter has gastroenteritis. In case you all don’t know, the condition is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach, small and large intestines. Several different viruses can cause the disease.”

  “We researched that online,” Millie told him. “But we found nothing that said it could become this serious.”

  “How serious is it?” Lisa asked impatiently.

  “Most people can recover without any complications, but if they become dehydrated, the condition is more critical. Annie has a particularly virulent case. And she’s so slight that the virus hit her hard. It’s been difficult to control the vomiting and diarrhea.”

  “We were afraid she’d get to this state. We tried to keep liquids in her, but she resisted. How is she now?”

  “She’s a bit better. Both symptoms have decreased. But she’s still a very sick little girl.” He cleared his throat. “And you mentioned she displayed the symptoms and then they abated. So we have to monitor her very carefully to make sure our course of action is long-lasting.”

  “What is your course of action?” Lisa again.

  “She’ll need to stay in here for a few days until the symptoms completely dissipate.”

  “What about antibiotics?” This was the first time Ryder spoke.

  The doctor gave a quick shake of his head. “I’m afraid her condition is viral. Antibiotics only cure bacterial infections. And we have to keep the IV in her to make sure she’s hydrated.”

  “How did she get this?” Rina asked. “I’m not up on the disease.”

  “It’s transmitted from person to person. Viruses present in the stool or vomit of people who are infected. They can contaminate surfaces, objects, food and drinks, especially if they don’t wash their hands thoroughly after using the commode.”

  The unpleasant details only made Lexy feel worse for this family.

  Before the doctor left, he turned his attention to Lisa and Millie. “You can both stay with her.” To the rest of them he said, “But I’m sorry, no other visitors at this point.”

  When the man left, Millie faced her family. “Why don’t you all go home, at least for a while? Lisa and I don’t plan to leave Annie’s side today.”

  “All right.” This from Suzanne. “We’ll stay in touch by text. And we can be back on a dime if you need us.”

  Millie hugged her sisters and Ryder. Then said to her, “Alexandra, I’m sorry we met under these circumstances.”

  “I hope I didn’t intrude.”

  Ryder turned to her when they all dispersed. “Stay with me a while? Please.”

  * * *

  Ryder sighed heavily. He was somewhat relieved because Annie was in good hands. But the whole thing had shaken him. So he asked even more of the woman who’d flown to his side.

  “Of course I will. What would make you feel better?”

  “Work does.”

  Her face brightened. “I’ve got the script for the second podcast. We could discuss that.”

  “Spending time with Pickles might be what I need to take my mind off Annie.”

  At a small café near the hospital, they ordered more coffee and some pastries, then she fished in her purse for the script and handed it to him. He read.

  Script for Podcast #2

  (Tater appears.) ’Morning, all. I live underground, but I come up a lot to visit with my friends, Pickles, Mr. String Bean and Miss Lovely Lettuce. I’d like to tell you about my adventure.

  One day, I crawled to the surface and no one was around. Now, we’re not supposed to leave the garden because the princess gets angry when we do.

  (The princess appears—in the podcast she’s played by the author. She has long black, wavy hair and dark eyes which widen.) Where is everyone? she asks.

  I don’t know, Princess Emmie.

  I can’t go find them now. I have to go on a trip to The Evolution Store with my sisters. Tater, stay here and wait for them to come back. And don’t let them leave again.

  (Tater recoils, peeks at the camera and shrugs. The scene ends.)

  (It opens again with Mr. String Bean. He’s wearing a felt hat, and has his briefcase, as well as his glasses.)

  (Pickles appears.) Mr. String Bean speaks. Hello, Pickles.

  Hello, Mr. String Bean. (Pickles cocks his head.) Why are you dressed like that?

  I’m going to see my cousin, Miss Lima Bean.

  The Princess won’t like that.

  I know. But I must go. She’s sad and upset by something. I’m older. I have to help.

  Ah. Well, good luck.

  (Mr. String Bean prances off. The scene fades.

  (Mizz Lovely Lettuce takes the stage.) Someone is cutting all my beautiful leaves in the garden. Pickles helps me find out who the culprit is and stops it. I’m very afraid of losing all my pretty little babies.

  (Pickles faces the camera.) So, do you want to know what happens to Tater? And how Mr. String Bean’s cousin makes out? And who has invaded Mizz Lovely Lettuce’s garden?

  (Pickles shimmies clos
er to the camera.) Those books come out soon. We hope you like all three! Bye for now.

  * * *

  At least he was smiling after he read the script. Lexy hurt for him in the hospital. Now that they sat in a café across from Central Park, his eyes lit too. “This is great, Alexandra. It’ll make a wonderful podcast.”

  “I hope so.”

  “We’ll have to start shooting those soon. I’ll schedule something with our marketing department, and then check with you.”

  “Great. Podcast three will be me reading a chapter, so basically all the scripts are done.”

  He rapped his knuckles on the paper. “Have you thought about the teasers for these two books?”

  “I have, but wanted to talk to you about them.” Her eyes narrowed on him. “But, Ryder, we don’t have to get into that now. You’re exhausted from waking up early and the emotional stress all morning waiting for news.”

  “Please, let’s stay with Pickles. It will keep my mind off Annie.”

  “If you insist. The teaser for Tater’s story will be a scene at The Evolution Store. He jumped in Emmie’s pocket and traveled with her. But when she turns suddenly, he falls out, right onto a scary set of small yellow worms. If you don’t know, these are Wireworms, which kill his kind.”

  “Great idea. So we’re set with that.”


  “What about Mr. String Bean?”

  “The teaser will be about him at his cousin’s stalk. Ms. Lima Bean’s daughter has gone missing. She thinks the Bad Man took her.”

  “I love it.” He picked up his phone and Lexy studied him. He hadn’t shaved today and a growth of beard shadowed his jaw. The hair was darker than on his head. He looked...sexy. Once again, she was hit by a potent blast of desire. It brought back sensations of the hug in his condo.

  “Alexandra, do you think those teasers are ready enough to put at the end of the book?”

  “Yes. But Ravenna has to illustrate them since the next two aren’t written.”

  There was a lull in the conversation, and they both stared at each other across the table.

  Finally, she asked, “Are we ever going to talk about it?”

  “About what?”

  “You know, Ryder.”

  He held her gaze like a laser beam. “Yes, Alexandra, I do.”

  Chapter 9

  Ryder was surprised at her candor. But he answered honestly. “I’m trying to be strong, here, sweetheart. Do you think it’s wise to bring everything out in the open? Once feelings are verbalized, they become more real.”

  Her eyes clouded. “It feels pretty real to me. But maybe I shouldn’t have brought this up when you’re sleep-deprived and worried about your niece.”

  “No, now that you did, we should talk about what happened at the condo after you saved my life.”

  “Did we both get carried away because of the danger we’d been in?”

  “I’d accept that explanation, but I’m afraid in the month that I’ve known you...feelings for you have been building inside me.”

  She looked him square in the eye. “The same is true for me.”

  Averting her gaze, he gripped his coffee cup. Finally, he peered over at her. “I won’t ruin your reputation, Alexandra.”

  “I don’t want that either. But how do we change what we feel?”

  He didn’t want to change what was happening. He wanted to hold her close every morning when he woke up. He wanted to share all the good and bad aspects of their days. He wanted a...future with her. But they could never be. It was almost too difficult to do the right thing. Almost. “We have to limit our time together.”

  “We can try.” She cocked her head. “But that hasn’t worked so far.”

  Why wasn’t she making this easier? She sounded as if...hell, he’d just come right out and ask. “Do you want to take our relationship further?”

  “Of course.” She never blinked. “Don’t you?”

  He fought his emotion. But he couldn’t lie. “Of course I do. But if our plan isn’t to distance each other then our situation is hopeless.”

  “Hopeless, as in...?

  “You know what will happen if we give into these emotions. We have to squelch them.”

  She bit her lower lip. “I see.”

  Across the table, he took her hand. Linked their fingers. “Don’t mistake my reluctance as a reflection of my feelings for you.”

  “I don’t. I know how you feel.” Her voice was full of regret...and hurt. “Then I should leave now.”

  “I guess.”

  “Will you be all right alone? Because of the situation with your niece?”

  “I guess I have to be.” The hoarse words were wrenched from him.

  She stood. With moisture in her eyes, she leaned over and kissed his head. “I hope Annie’s all right.”

  He watched her walk away. Deep and wracking pain suffused his body. So much for her coming up to be with him. He’d had no idea what the fates had had in store for them. Fisting his hand, he put it to his mouth to stop the emotion from overcoming him.

  * * *

  Antonio helped the queen and her daughter out of the car and once they exited, Renata turned to Francesca. “You called Alexandra to meet us here, did you not?” Renata had returned to New York because two of her daughters were here for the week, so she took the opportunity to spend time with them.

  “Yes, Mamá. She didn’t answer.”

  “She always answers when we call, or phones us back right away.”

  “I know. Maybe she’ll meet us here when she gets the message. I gave her the name of the place.”

  Antonio pulled open the door to the salon and they walked in, leaving the driver standing guard outside.

  Renata leaned into her daughter. “I’m pleased you agreed to do this with me today.”

  As they waited to be helped, Francesca smiled. “I told you that you could pick the activity.”

  “Do you mind, dear?”

  “No, Mamá I’m teasing you. Besides, I want to get pampered.”

  “Won’t your male colleagues tease you?”

  “Maybe. Who cares? It’s a fun thing to do with you.”

  An employee approached them. “May I help you?”

  “Yes,” Renata said. “We have reservations for two for a manicure and pedicure.”

  The woman went behind the desk. “Marcello?” Renata inclined her head regally.

  “Why don’t you pick out colors?” the employee told them. “We’re ready for you any time. When you’re finished you can go sit at the two end chairs.”

  Renata chuckled as they perused the colors. “Doing something so ordinary is fun for me.”

  “I have that feeling a lot.”

  “Yes, of course, with your job.”

  One that Renata constantly worried about. As a cop, Francesca was in harm’s way every day. And Renata struggled not to let that cloud their time together.

  They chatted as they picked their polishes: Renata wanted blood red on both fingernails and toes. Francesca picked a clear polish for her hands and a shiny coral for her toes, then changed her mind to do everything in the vibrant color.

  When Francesca took off her heavy coat and hung it up, Renata saw she was dressed in a long peach tunic and pants to match.

  “You look lovely. I didn’t know you had such pretty outfits.”

  Francesca scowled. “I’m a cop mother, not a nun.”

  “I meant no harm.”

  Lovingly, Francesca took her mother’s hand. “I’m sorry, I’m a little touchy on the subject of femininity. Let’s go sit.”

  They settled in huge cushiony recliners.

  Francesca was a beautiful girl, with brown eyes like dark chocolate, darker skin and hair that flowed down her back. How anyone could think otherwise about her femininity was beyond comprehension. “Do you want to tell me why you’re sensitive about that?”

  “It’s this guy at work. He annoys me intentionally about how I wear my hair and how I dre

  “Ah. What’s he like?”

  Francesca sighed. “Southern, entitled, but, in fairness, he’s a good cop. I go under...” She trailed off, as she often did when she was about to reveal details of her work.

  “I know you go undercover, sometimes. I—”

  Two women approached them. “Hello,” one said to Renata. I see you picked out your color. It’s lovely.”

  The second nail worker greeted Francesca.

  Apparently, their private conversation was over. Maybe that was for the best. Renata had a vivid imagination, and the scenarios of her daughter in danger were frightening.

  Just as their pedicures began, Alexandra burst into the salon. Renata could tell she was not happy.

  * * *

  As Ryder, vice president of editorial, tried to run the morning meeting, he found his ability to concentrate zilch. He’d slept badly last night after the ordeal with Annie and his confrontation with Alexandra. So, he was grateful to turn part of the agenda over to one of the editors of romance fiction. Unfortunately, she was discussing how much heat level they should include in their new line. Sweet, moderate, sexy, hot or scorching.

  Hmm, the hug he shared with Alexandra would go in the third category.

  Think of something else.

  At least Annie had improved overnight. He’d been in touch with Millie all evening and then again before he came to work. The news was good. He planned to head over to the hospital after this meeting to bring lunch for Millie and Lisa. He and his other two sisters decided to play tag team at Mount Helen’s, making sure Millie knew that a family member was close by.

  Yesterday, Alexandra had come to be with him because she cared about him. And he cared about her, no matter how much he tried to squelch his feelings. His suggestion that they not take their relationship further had hurt her. But what choice did he have? He couldn’t screw his newest client.


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