Killer Scents

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Killer Scents Page 15

by Adelle Laudan

  “Is this really necessary? It’s hardly weather to be snuggling under a blankie.”

  “Just humor me, will you?”

  Randy hiked his leg over and straddled the bike, bringing it to life with the turn of a key. She closed her eyes, and placed her hands flat on the seat, revelling in the familiar rumble beneath them.

  “Are you ready?” Randy called back to her.

  Becca gave him a thumbs up in his mirror. Overcome with emotion, she wiped the tears from her eyes as he rode away from the hospital toward the lakeside.

  She titled her face upward to welcome the sun’s kiss to her cheeks, the magic in the gentle breeze swirling around her. The ride proved more healing than any doctor’s prescription.

  Randy kept an eye on her in the mirrors. It warmed his heart to see her eyes closed and a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. He’d taken a gamble she’d be receptive to his offer. Since she had her own bike for years, he imagined she looked to her ride for comfort during times of crisis.

  As much as he treasured this time with her, a dark cloud still lingered above him. It was time she knew the truth. Only then could they move on with their lives together.

  He picked a nice spot by the lake to spread out the blanket and settle Becca with her back against a shade tree. He grabbed a couple bottles of water from the bike, sat beside her, and then took a long drink.

  She put a hand on his leg. “What’s wrong?”

  Damn, I forgot how intuitive she is. He shuddered. He’d battled long and hard about telling her, but knew secrets had a way of coming out at the most inopportune times. No, he needed to suck it up and come clean.

  “Randy,” Becca cupped the side of his face. Concern lined her brow. “Something’s wrong. I see it in your eyes.”

  He sighed and took her hand away, kissing her open palm before resting it on her lap. “I’m trying to tell you something you need to know.”

  “Please, Randy, you’re scaring me.”

  “I know we agreed not to talk about that day, but there’s something we haven’t told you.”

  He clasped her hand in his, briefly shut his eyes, and nodded definitively. “He’s alive.”

  Her eyes grew big. “Who’s alive?”

  “Danny. He suffered burns over eighty percent of his body. Nobody thought he’d survive.”

  Panic seized her as she looked in every possible direction. “Where is he?”Her breaths came too quickly and she gasped for air.

  “You have nothing to worry about. He’s in the Langford Asylum for the Criminally Insane. That place is locked up tighter than Alcatraz. He’ll never be a free man.”

  “Have you seen him? How do you know for sure?” Her cheeks stained pink and she narrowed her gaze on him. “Didn’t you think I had a right to know long before now?”

  Randy noted the fire building in her eyes. “At first they didn’t even tell me. They were sure he’d died. It wasn’t until he was being transferred to the Asylum.... I’m sorry Becca. Maybe I should’ve told you, but you were in so much pain. I just couldn’t bring myself to add to it.”

  “Are you telling me he was in the same hospital with me and not one person let me in on it?” She used the tree as leverage to try and stand.

  Randy jumped to her aid, taking hold of one arm to help her up. “Aw, come on, Becca. We were only thinking of the shape you were in. We didn’t want to add to your trauma. Please don’t be angry with me.”

  “I’m not sure who I’m angry with. All I know is that the maniac, who almost killed Jacob and me, the same maniac who sewed eight mouths shut, one of which I was forced to watch, was just down the fucking hall from me and nobody breathed a word of it.”

  Randy tried to pull her into his arms but she wanted no part of it and shrugged his hand away. “Just take me back to the hospital. All of a sudden I don’t feel very well.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Becca hated asking Randy for some space, but she needed time to digest his news. Now, for the third night in a row, she woke drenched in sweat, an image of Danny at the end of her bed with sewing needle in hand all too real. His face was disfigured from the fire like the gnarled bark of a hundred-year-old tree, but there was no denying the same madness danced in his eyes.

  The first sounds of life came from outside her door. She needed to see Jacob today and find out if he’d been told yet. Like her, he deserved to know. The more she thought about it, the more certain she became of what she wanted to do.

  “Good morning, Love. You’re up early again. Did you have another bad dream?”

  Becca nodded and pulled herself up to sitting position. She told Debbie all about the news Randy broke to her. She’d been in the hospital over two months now and they’d created a solid bond.

  Nurse Debbie gave her the usual pills and a cup of water. She waited for her to take them before turning to leave.

  “Try not to worry so much. I’m sure once you’re home in your own bed things will get back to normal.”

  “Yah, like when is that going to happen?”

  The nurse paused at the door and turned to face her. “Well, if all goes well, maybe sooner than you think.”

  Becca looked down her nose at her. “What do you know that I don’t?”

  “A little bird told me your doc is coming in this morning to check how you’re healing. If he’s happy, you might just get your walking papers.”

  “ Hallelujah. Finally some good news!”

  She had mixed feelings about leaving the hospital. Of course she’d be happy to go home, but that meant leaving the hospital where she felt safe and not alone. Becca straightened her back and swallowed the fear rising in her.

  No, I will not let him have any power over me. He’s no longer a threat, or is he?

  A knock on the door stole her attention and she looked up to find Jacob rolling his wheelchair in for a visit.

  “Well, isn’t this a nice surprise. I almost didn’t recognize you without Jeffery.”

  Jacob grinned sheepishly. The puncture scars around his lips had lightened considerably. “He’ll be here any time now.”

  Becca moved to a chair at her bedside and clasped his hands. “How are you? You’re looking much better.”

  “I’m fine.” He diverted his gaze, feigning interest in something out the window.

  “Jacob, how are you, really? You can tell me.”

  He sighed wearily. “I thought I was well on my way to recovery when all of sudden I start having disturbing dreams.” He leaned towards her and spoke behind his open hand. “I keep seeing Danny. When I wake up, I swear the guy had been standing at the end of my bed.”

  Becca’s breath hitched, feeling very spooked. A shiver ran through her. Is he having the same dreams as I am?

  “You’re not alone, Jacob. I’m having them too.” Her heartbeat thrummed against her chest. “I guess there’s no easy way to go about this.” She squeezed his hand. “He’s not dead.”

  Jacob pulled his hand away as if bitten and wheeled back from her. “Who?”

  “You know who. I see it in your eyes.”

  “That’s not possible. He can’t be alive. Are you sure?”

  “Aside from actually being in the same room with him, yes, I’m sure. They got him locked up in an asylum for the criminally insane.”

  The color drained from his face and he sat there shaking his head in disbelief. Slowly he raised his head and looked directly into her eyes. “You know what we have to do, don’t you?”

  Becca didn’t have to question him or guess. She nodded.

  “I’ll talk to Jeffery and make plans for us all to go.”

  “I’m sure the chief can get the necessary clearance we’ll need to get inside.”

  Jacob spun around and wheeled to the door. He turned enough to see her. “Here we thought the fucking nightmare was over. We should kill the s.o.b. and be done with him once and for all.”

  Randy should have known she’d want to see Danny for herself. The fact the lunat
ic survived the fire still baffled everyone at the scene. Supposedly, when they first discovered he had a pulse amongst the charred ruins, there was no way in hell they expected him to make it through the night. In hindsight, he was kind of glad he hadn’t known then. He had enough dealing with Becca’s brush with death.

  He hadn’t expected Jacob wanting to see him either, and that made him very nervous. How will the two of them react to seeing Danny after everything the bastard put them through?

  Randy knocked on the open office door.

  Chief turned in his chair and held a finger up. “Yes, that’s right. Thank you for your help.” He set the phone back in its cradle.

  “I just wanted to let you know I’m leaving shortly to pick up Becca. I trust you cleared the way for the four of us?”

  His boss took off his glasses and squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Yes, they will be expecting you.” He pushed away from his desk and leaned back in his chair. “I’m still not convinced this is such a great idea.”

  Randy shrugged. “You and I both, but you know Becca once she sets her sight on doing something.”

  Chief Thomson chuckled. “Yes, I do. Keep a close eye on her, especially Jacob. God only knows how they’re going to handle seeing Danny again.”

  “Will do.” He glanced at his watch. “I better get over there. If I keep her waiting too long she’ll probably leave without me.”

  “Good luck, buddy. Better you than me.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  Randy stepped outside and took a deep breath. All around him the first signs of fall added a splash of color. Too bad they weren’t taking the bikes. Nothing compared to riding under a canopy of fall colors.

  He opened the door and slipped in behind the wheel. At least the SUV was nice and roomy for Becca and Jacob. Randy put down all of the windows and took a deep, cleansing breath before turning the key in the ignition.

  Lord, give me strength.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The silence was deafening. Jacob and Jeffery sat side by side in the back seat. Jeffery kept Jacob tucked protectively to his side with an arm draped across his shoulders.

  Randy sat behind the wheel nibbling at the inside of his bottom lip. Becca knew he wasn’t crazy about any of this, but he drove them in spite of his reservations. He drove them because he loved her.

  “How much further is it?”

  “Um, maybe a half hour or so.” He gave her a fleeting glance before shifting his attention back to the road.

  Becca winced, turning in her seat enough to look back at Jacob and Jeffery.

  “How are you holding up?”

  “To be quite honest, I feel like I could puke at any second.”

  “Oh, no. Do you want Randy to pull over?”

  Jacob put up a hand. “No, I’ve been feeling this way since the day I left your hospital room.”

  Jeffery rubbed up and down his partner’s arm. “You don’t have to go through with this. I can go in myself to prove he’s in there.”

  Jacob smiled and gazed into his partner’s eyes. “I know you’d do that for me and I love you for that.” He patted his hand and looked back at Becca. “No, this is something we need to do for ourselves.”

  “So, you’ll both be happy just to see him from a distance, right? No good can come of having a face-to-face confrontation with the guy.”

  Becca looked from Jacob back to him. “I don’t know.”

  “Don’t do it, Becca. For me, please.”

  His sincerity tugged at her heartstrings but she couldn’t lie to him. “I’m sorry, Randy. I can’t make any promises.”

  Randy had a bad feeling about coming here. He turned into the hospital parking lot where a guard checked all of their identifications before letting them in.

  After a rather intense discussion between the four of them, both Becca and Jacob promised one thing. No matter what their decision might be, neither one would go anywhere near Danny alone.

  Randy parked the car and they all just sat there looking at one another. He totally understood their need to confront Danny. If it were him, nothing would be able to hold him back.

  “Remember your promise.” He gazed intently into Becca’s eyes. “I’m not going to stand in your way, but you have to keep your promise, okay?”

  Becca nodded and leaned over to kiss his cheek, whispering next to his ear. “Thank you.”

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her soundly before letting go. “You’re welcome.”

  He loved to see the color flood her cheeks. A half smile played on her damp lips as she turned away and opened the door.

  He rushed around the front of the truck and helped Becca out. Jacob and Jeffery took a few moments of privacy, while Randy fetched the wheelchair from out of the back. Jeffery climbed out first. He then scooped Jacob into his arms and settled him in the seat.

  Jacob frowned, his hands on the arms of the chair. “Is this really necessary? I can walk, you know.”

  “You heard what the doctor said. You need to conserve your energy for breathing. Once your lung heals you’ll be back on your feet.”

  “If you insist, but I will not let Danny see me in this chair.”

  “Okay, guys, deep breath in.... Now let it out nice and slow.”

  Each one complied. Randy tucked Becca’s hand in the crook of his arm. “Let’s get this over with.”

  A collective gasp filled the small viewing room as the guard pointed out Danny. Becca’s knees buckled and she welcomed Randy’s protective arm pulling her to his side.

  Jacob clutched Jeffery’s hands. He gaped at the maniac who had altered his life forever.

  Every inch of the man’s exposed skin was charred. God only knew what was going on beneath the toque he wore. Becca instinctively feathered the ends of her hair that now brushed the top of her collar.

  She’d never considered herself a vain woman. That was until she awoke with only a few wisps remaining of her long, red hair. She knew it would grow back, but she couldn’t help feeling she was looking at a stranger in the mirror.

  “I know it looks bad, but once the scabs fall away it won’t be quite as repulsive.” The doctor turned, facing them. “He’s actually very lucky he still has use of his extremities. Medically it baffles me how he survived with all his fingers and toes intact.”

  “What about mentally?”

  The doctor put on his glasses and opened Danny’s chart. “From what we can tell, his brain function hasn’t been affected.”

  “What do you mean, from what you can tell?” She couldn’t tear her gaze away from Danny.

  “He only started speaking three days ago.”

  “Can you tell us what frame of mind he’s in?” Jeffery asked the doctor.

  Jacob still watched Danny in a trance-like stupor.

  Becca rubbed his arm. “Are you okay?”

  He shrugged. “For the past few days I’ve thought of nothing but how I was going to kill the prick when I saw him.” He looked up at her, his eyes full of confusion. “Look at him. What could I possibly do to make him suffer more than he already is?”

  “I guess the question is: do the two of you still want to speak to him face to face?” asked Randy.

  Becca crouched beside Jacob’s wheelchair. “Well, what do you want to do?”

  Jacob heaved a sigh. “I’m not crazy about seeing all of that up close, but I know if I don’t have the satisfaction of showing him I’m alive and much better off than he is, I’ll regret it.”

  “Okay then, let’s get this over with.” She straightened. “Randy, I hope you understand, but I think this is something we should do alone. You can watch from here and come running if need be.”

  Randy took her hand in his and gently kissed it. “I’ll be right here. Remember, he has no power over anyone anymore. You two are the ones in control.”

  Her eyes misted and she blinked quickly.

  The doctor stood with his hand on the door handle. “Whenever you’re ready.”

nbsp; A uniformed guard turned his key in the lock, allowing them entrance. They’d barely set foot in the room when they were stopped in their tracks by the god-awful smell. Becca repressed the sudden impulse to upchuck. Jacob firmed his hold on her arm, swaying like he might faint.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered out the side of her mouth.

  He nodded, but the paleness of his skin told otherwise. “What is that smell?

  Across the room, a guard approached Danny and ushered him to sit at a table.

  The closer they got, the more evident it became where the stench came from. Danny’s blackened skin looked like sun-baked, cracked mud. If she had to guess, the god-awful smell came from the yellowish goo that coated every inch of exposed skin. Whatever kind of ointment it was, she’d never smelled the likes of it. He wore a toque—given her experience she could only speculate he’d also lost all of his hair.

  Danny kept his head bowed. He appeared to be feigning interest in his scab-covered hands. He no longer acted like the pompous, self-absorbed killer from the darkest time of her life.

  Becca glanced at Jacob. His jaw muscles contracted like he gritted his teeth, the intense anger emanating from him almost palpable.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t have the balls to look me in the eye,” Jacob snapped. “Or did you lose them in the fire?”

  Danny’s breath came as a breathy shudder. He slowly raised his head and then narrowed his gaze on Jacob. Although he remained silent, there was no denying his intent to unnerve him.

  “You have nothing to say, asshole? You’re a real piece of work, aren’t you?”

  The corner of Danny’s mouth lifted, his eye contact with Jacob never wavering.

  Jacob grabbed hold of the table’s edge and hoisted himself up to lean across, right in Danny’s face. “I’m alive, motherfucker. I leave here a free man to get on with my life with Jeffery while you sit in here with your rotting flesh and drug-induced days and nights.”

  One of the guards appeared and put a hand on Jacob’s shoulder.”You need to take a seat or leave the room, sir.”


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