Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack Page 4

by Natavia

  “You want to cater to me like that, don’t you?” he said inside my head.

  “Yes, I want to make love to you like that,” I replied back to him. The woman lay on her back then the man chained the woman down to the floor. The woman’s legs were gaped open as the crowd stared at her glistening, wet sex. I wanted him to hurry up and penetrate her. A Black man walked out onto the stage and his dick was huge; his size was almost like Dayo’s. I didn’t know a human man could grow that hard. The crowd cheered on then flames shot up from the stage.

  “What are they about to do?” I asked Dayo.

  “They are about to mate,” he responded. When the Black man got down on the floor and entered her seconds later, I wanted to scream. A slight moan escaped my throat then Dayo caressed me between my legs. It seemed normal to showcase our affection in the place we were in. He slipped his hand inside my leggings, his fingers caressing my swollen bud. I fell back against his solid chest. The sounds from the woman moaning as the man rammed himself into her, almost caused me to shift. The harder he fucked the chained woman, the faster Dayo’s fingers worked inside my panties. I felt like I was about to burst. Dayo licked my neck before he bit me. I howled as my legs began to tremble. I almost fell but Dayo caught me. When I howled out from my orgasm though the humans seemed oblivious to the fact that I was a werewolf. Some even howled with me; humans are insane.

  After I caught my breath, Dayo pulled his wet fingers out of my panties. There were two women hungrily eyeing him, one got down on the floor then crawled over to him. She grabbed his hand then licked my wetness from his fingers. She howled after she tasted me. I couldn’t wait to tell Kanya and Adika what happened. Jalesa wouldn’t understand. The woman grabbed Dayo’s dick then I growled at her. She fake-growled back at me; she really thought she was an animal.

  I growled at her louder then she backed away. She stood up and grabbed the hand of the girl that she was with before they disappeared into the crowd. Dayo ordered me another drink then he and I sat and watched three women lick each other’s bodies on stage. Someone from the crowd threw a huge chunk of bloody meat at them. One of the women growled as she ate the raw meat. Dayo laughed. “This is like a comedy show. We act nothing like this,” he said then shook his head.

  “What made you come here?” I asked him.

  “So you can see what type of sex I like and why I was sleeping with human women. I want you to understand this part of me. I like to get my dick sucked and I like for a woman to take advantage of me sometimes. I want you to learn, so that way you can never question me about my happiness with you. We are forever, Anik, and I want you to be happy with us. I don’t want you to ask me if I love your pleasure. After tonight, you will fuck me so good that you will never doubt yourself again,” he said then licked my lips. Dayo was complicated but I fell even more in love with him.


  I watched her house from the woods. I wanted to howl out for her. I was in love with her years ago. It was the year 1940 when I met her. I looked to be only nineteen years old at that time but I was one hundred years old; I’m older than the rest of my pack brothers.

  I met her while I was hunting in the woods and she was fifteen at the time, walking home from school. A group of White men followed her and threw rocks at her, calling her a “nigger” and a “wench”. One of them jumped from a pick-up truck and was trying to rape her. I attacked the man and killed him. The group of men left their friend in the middle of the dirt road as they took off. They left their dead friend behind because my beast frightened them. She looked at me in horror and I could never forget how scared she was of me…

  “What are you? You aren’t just an animal. You have eyes like a human,” she said backing up and away from me. She tried to run but she tripped and hit her head on a rock. She was out cold when I dragged her by her skirt into the woods. I sat and watched her; she had a pretty and extraordinary face. Her skin was dark, the color of the woods’ soil. Her hair was braided down her head and she had a mole on her full, pink lips. As I watched her, I became amazed at how precious she seemed to be. She was perfect but she was a human. I shifted back then hurriedly got dressed; my clothes were hidden behind a tree. I heard a truck driving up the road. I picked her up then hid behind a tree.

  “Goddamn it!” someone said.

  “Billy wasn’t lying. That damn dog shredded Lester into pieces,” someone else said.

  “We got dogs that big?” another voice said.

  “Apparently so. We’ll have to hunt it and kill it before it attacks again,” the man responded.

  “This is by the old slave plantation. Eighty years ago one of those dogs killed everyone on the plantation. The myth was that it was a wolf. He was black with blue eyes and had teeth like knives. My mother told me the story when I was a little boy,” one of them added.

  “Maryland doesn’t have wolves; maybe it was a coyote,” someone responded.

  “I know what I saw, and that dog was bigger than a wolf. He was brown and black and he had eyes like a darn human. I know what I saw and can’t nobody tell me that was a dog or coyote,” was the last I heard. I took off deep into the woods until I stopped at a lake. I laid the human down then ripped a piece of my shirt off to clean her wound. Her eyes fluttered as she lay in my arms.

  “You are the wolf boy, aren’t you? My grandmother told me about that old plantation. She said a beast roamed around it,” she said. She stared at me for what seemed like forever.

  “Do you talk?” she asked looking into my eyes, but I still didn’t respond.

  “How old are you?” she asked as I continued to wipe her forehead. The blood seeped through the tiny gash which caused me to lick her wound.

  “Ewww, gross,” she said then I laughed.

  “It da only way,” I said to her in my broken English.

  “You speak differently. Where are you from?” she asked.

  “I’m from Africa,” I responded.

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  “Elle,” I answered.

  “Well, Elle, my name is Camille and I’m fifteen years old,” she said as she stood up. I stood up with her. “You are very tall,” she said looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. I touched her lips, tracing the outline of them. I never interacted with a human before. Kofi told me to stay away from them and to hide our identity.

  She looked into my eyes. “Your eyes are the same as your beast,” she said. She went into her brown leather sack then pulled out an apple. “Thank you, Elle. I don’t have much to give you,” she said. I took the apple from her then sniffed it. She covered her mouth as she giggled.

  “I have to get going now because it’s almost night. My mother will be looking for me when the sun goes down. Blacks shouldn’t roam the roads at night because a lot of negros have been lynched from it,” she said.

  “I must walk you home,” I said to her.

  “Okay.” She smiled.

  That was the beginning of our love. Every day we met by the lake in the woods. I followed her when she walked home to make sure nobody hurt her. She was the only human who knew what I was and it didn’t frighten her. When she turned eighteen, she gave herself to me. I had the urge to mark her as my beast pumped into her body, but I couldn’t. A wolf’s marking bite can kill a human instantly. I was in love with Camille and I still loved her. She went away to college, but when she visited home, she met me by the lake. We spent hours at the lake and even nights. Years went on and Camille started to look her age and I still looked nineteen. I would never forget the day my life changed…

  “I’m twenty-eight years old, Elle, and you still look the same as the day I met you. I want to get married and have children; I want to live amongst my people. I want to go out on dates,” she said as tears filled her eyes. Camille taught me how to speak better English, she taught me a lot.

  “What are you saying?” I asked her.

  “I met someone and he asked me to marry him,” she said then burst into tears. She wrapped
her arms around me. “Oh, Elle, I’m so sorry. I love you, I really do, but we are so different. I will always love you,” she said to me. Water ran from my eyes. I touched my face then looked at the clear liquid that rolled down the tips of my fingers. I had never experienced that before. “Those are tears, Elle. You are crying because I hurt you. I don’t mean to. But it’s not fair and if there is a way I can be like you I will,” she said.

  “You make love to him?” I asked her then she looked away.

  “Answer me, Camille! Do he enter your body too?” I yelled at her then she jumped. She backed away from me.

  “Your teeth are sharp,” she said. I was angry and on the verge of shifting.

  “Answer me!” I shouted with a growl coming from the pit of my stomach. My beast wanted to attack her, so I took a few steps away from her.

  “Yes! He and I make love the same way I do with you. What do you want me to do? Look at you, Elle! Soon, I will get old and then die! Don’t you see? We are in different times because I’m aging and you aren’t. I’m sorry, Elle, but I cannot see you anymore,” she said. She walked away from me in sobs. I burst out of my clothes then ran into the deep end of the woods where I howled all that night…

  I stepped out of the woods then walked to her window around the back of her house. I watched her from afar but I had a feeling she knew I was there. I watched her while she carried a child in her womb. I watched her and her husband run around the yard with their children. I watched her children have children. Time stood still for me as time for her went on. Her husband passed away a few years ago then her children and her grandchildren stopped visiting. Human life came then it went, and when it did, you die alone. I lifted up her window then climbed through. I saw the light on from the TV in the living room. When I saw her my heart almost stopped; she was old and gray. Her glasses hung down her sunk-in face and when she coughed it sounded painful. Her shaky hands reached for a cup of water. The cup tipped over and I hurriedly grabbed it for her. She looked at me then pushed her glasses up.

  “So you finally come after watching me all of these years?” she said then coughed.

  “I’ve waited until you fully lived the life that you always wanted,” I responded as I gave her the cup. She took a sip from what was left.

  “The life I wanted wasn’t the life I lived, although I’m glad my family came from it,” she responded. I looked around the small living room. She had pictures of her family decorated on her wall.

  “You still are tall and handsome. God answered my prayers because I wanted to see you before I die. I couldn’t forget you even while being with another man. I loved another man for years, but I never was in love with him,” she said.

  “I felt it in my heart that your presence will no longer be here,” I said.

  “Come closer to me Elle, so, I can get a better look at you. I can’t see all that good,” she said.

  I kneeled down in front of her then her small, old hands touched my face. Tears fell from her eyes. “My wolf man,” she said to me. She gripped my hair then laughed. “My great-grandson has these. He calls them dreadlocks if I can remember,” she said.

  “That’s what we call them,” I answered.

  “You only look to be in your late twenties, if that. I’m ninety years old now. I’m getting tired of waking up,” she said sadly.

  “I have watched you for years, but I had to come in because it was a dark cloud over your house today. The sun is shining everywhere else but here. You are trapped between Earth and what you humans call “heaven”. What are you holding on to?” I asked her.

  “I’m holding onto you,” she said. She wiped the tear that fell from my eye. “Truth is I died the moment I left you. Your love is so strong for me that it is keeping me alive. I’m not the only one that’s holding on, Elle, because you are, too,” she said.

  “I can’t do this,” I said as I pulled away from her. I left her home then headed back to my house. When I finally got home it was late. I went straight to the kitchen for a pitcher of water.

  I shut the refrigerator door and Anik was standing behind it in her house robe.

  “Don’t mind me, I’m thirsty,” she said getting some water. I sat down at the kitchen island. Anik was still in the kitchen while I wanted to be left alone. She sat down across from me then grabbed my hand. “You are very sad, Elle, and if you talk about it you might feel better. You can’t keep it in anymore,” she said to me.

  “I’m fine, Anik,” I said.

  “No, you are not because you are heartbroken. I want to know your story. I know everyone else’s story but yours. I can feel your aura, so tell me, who is she?” Anik asked me.

  “Her name is Camille,” I stated.

  “Okay, that’s a start. Where is she and what is she like? Is she a wolf?” Anik asked me.

  “She is at home dying because she’s aged. She is stubborn but yet very passionate. Her smile is brighter than the sun and she is the most beautiful thing to me,” I said.

  “Oh, my, Elle, why didn’t you bring her here? Is she going to die alone?” Anik asked me.

  “I’m not ready for her to die, Anik. I don’t want to see it nor do I want to think about it. I just wished that she was immortal so I wouldn’t have to experience her death,” I said.

  “Why are all of you so damn stubborn? Death is a blessing to my tribe. We believe that once we die our soul will be recycled. You should know because Egyptians have the same belief; it’s called Afterlife,” she said.

  “I won’t see her again,” I replied.

  “But her spirit will be within your heart. If you love her you will feel her presence everywhere you go,” Anik said then I smirked.

  “You really have a good spirit,” I said to her. She came around the island then hugged me. “Now I need to get dressed so I can sneak out,” she said.

  “Where are you going? You want to piss Dayo off? I can’t cover for you, Anik,” I said to her.

  “I’m going to drive to Camille’s house to bring her back here. You, my brother, are riding with me because I don’t know where she lives. She will not die alone, Elle,” Anik said then walked out of the kitchen.

  Moments later, Anik came back with a sweat suit on. “Get your ass up, Elle,” Anik said. I got up then followed Anik out of the house. She handed me her van keys. “Let’s hurry up before Dayo wakes up because he will give me hell for being out late,” Anik said.

  “I will kick his ass if he does,” I said then laughed. I started the van up then pulled off. An hour later, we arrived at Camille’s house. I snuck back through her window and she was still in her same spot. Her eyes were closed and she looked dead; I was too late. When I got closer to her she coughed.

  “Who is there?” she called out.

  “It’s me. Elle,” I said.

  “You came back,” she said then coughed again. I picked up her frail body. I felt like I was holding nothing. “You are still strong, I see. You used to climb up the trees with me on your back. I was dreaming about that before I woke up,” she said. I walked out of her front door then Anik opened the back door to her van for us.

  “Is that your wife?” Camille asked when she looked at Anik.

  “No, I’m his sister and my name is Anik. It’s nice to meet you,” Anik said politely.

  “Is she a wolf too? I don’t remember you mentioning any females in your pack,” Camille said when I slid in the back seat with her.

  “I’m new to the pack,” Anik said then laughed. “She is still jealous over you, I see. Aww, that’s cute,” Anik said telepathically.

  “Your mate is starting to rub off on you,” I responded then laughed.


  An hour later, we were back home. “I can walk, Elle,” Camille said. I put her down in the foyer then she stood up slightly hunched over. I grabbed her hand in case her legs gave up on her.

  “Anik! Where yo’ ass been? You didn’t sneak out to go to that club, did you? I knew I shouldn’t have taken you there,” Dayo fu
ssed as he came down the stairs. He froze when his eyes landed on Camille. “What in the hell are y’all doing with Harriet Tubman?” Dayo asked us.

  “Bro, don’t start no shit,” I said to him.

  “Start shit? Nigga, you took my mate out of our bed so y’all can steal people out of graves and shit?” Dayo fussed. I heard doors open. Seconds later, Goon came down the stairs on the opposite side from where we stood. “What is that noise?” he asked.

  “This nigga and Anik stole someone, Great-grandmamma,” Dayo fussed.

  “This is Elle’s soulmate,” Anik said.

  “Soulmate, my ass, more like guardian angel. I want whatever it is y’all smoking,” Dayo said.

  “Chill the fuck out, Dayo, I know her. Elle was sneaking around with her years ago,” Goon said.

  “You knew?” I asked him.

  “I was hunting one day and saw you and her by the lake. I’m not going to say what y’all was doing, but you know what I saw,” Goon said.


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