Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack Page 29

by Natavia

  “ARGGGHHHHHHHH! AWWWWWWW! ELLLLLLEEEEEEEEE! SHIT!” she cried out from me stretching her open and filling her. My breathing sped up then I howled as I burst inside her like a broken pipe. My nails opened the skin on her back as my dick violently jerked inside her. I couldn’t hold my beast back. I pulled her hair, leaning her head back then bit her neck as hard as my beast could. Fabia stopped breathing as her body jerked then a thick substance exploded on my dick from her orgasm. She gasped for air as if she was drowning while she continued to come on my dick. I pulled away from her as the swelling went down then I closed my eyes…


  I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. My eyes fluttered because of the bright sun beaming into the window. I looked to the side of me and it was empty. I looked around the room and there wasn’t a sign of her.

  “Just fucking great!” I spat as I climbed out of bed. Fabia had trust issues with males, so I figured she would leave me. She ran from being attached and was afraid that she would get hurt. I climbed out of bed then my stomach growled. I walked out of the room then into the kitchen. I stopped as I watched a naked Fabia standing in the kitchen cutting up steaks.

  “I wanted to surprise you. I was hoping you slept longer,” she said.

  “You killed a deer by yourself?” I asked her.

  “It took me a while, but yes, I did,” she said. I hugged her from behind then snuggled my nose into the crook of her neck.

  “Get back in bed, Elle!” she scolded me.

  “I like this image better. A naked and curvaceous beast in the kitchen preparing a meal for her male,” I said as my hands roamed her body.

  “My male, huh? That doesn’t sound too bad. I have something I want you to read on the table,” she said to me. I grabbed the letter with my name written across the envelope.

  Dear Elle,

  If you are reading this letter, that means I’m dead and you have met Fabia. The day I met Fabia, for some reason, I knew she was meant for you. Not every day does a human run across two beasts of the opposite sex. I don’t want you to mourn me because what you now have is even greater. Fabia is the link between you and I. My purpose has been served and I know my death will draw you two closer. I know my death will make you two more vulnerable and lean on each other. That’s why I waited all these years to introduce you two. Fabia has been through a lot and you have a beautiful heart. You are just what she needs to mend all the missing pieces to her puzzle. I did love you but I knew I couldn’t give you what you needed. You belong to your own kind. You belong with a mate who doesn’t get old and die. You can now live, Elle. Be free and love! I’m watching down on you two. Sorry I couldn’t see the pups be born. You watched me build a family and now from the heaven in the sky I will watch you do the same. Funny how life turns out. You just never know what fate has in store for us. You never know who comes into your life to stay or to leave, maybe even learn a lesson from. Take care, Elle. I don’t have to tell you to treat Fabia right because I know you will. You are a great protector.

  Love you always,


  I folded the letter then put it back in the envelope. Fabia sat on my lap with the plate of bloody steaks. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

  “My beautiful beast,” I said to her as I stared into her eyes.

  “And I’m all yours, now open up and let me feed you. I have to keep my male big and strong,” she said then stuck a piece inside my mouth. I sucked on her finger before I chewed up the fresh meat. Her breasts swelled then her nipples hardened. I licked my lips.

  “I’m no longer interested in the meat, beautiful. I have another appetite,” I said then she kissed my lips.

  “What am I going to do with you?” she asked.

  “Stay here and never go back home so that I can swell your stomach up. I can give you a life that you won’t have to run from,” I said to her.

  “That’s why I came back,” she said then kissed my lips. I swiped everything off the table then spread her legs. I slid back into her and welcomed the new beginning of my life.


  One month later…


  “Push, baby!” Dayo yelled at me then I squeezed his hand.

  “Yank her out! Please, just yank her out! She is ripping me apart!” I screamed at him. The pack was crowded inside the room as I gave birth to my twin pups. I had one out already but the other one was too stubborn.

  Kanya and Adika fanned my face then dabbed my forehead with a wet towel. My hair was stuck to my forehead and all I wanted to do was just die.

  “I see the head! Push, now! Really hard like you are taking a big dump,” Dayo said to me.

  “Seriously, bro?” Izra asked him.

  “Muthafucka, do you have a better idea?” Dayo yelled at him. I pushed harder as my pup stretched me open. Sharp pains went sailing up my spine. I cried like a big baby as Dayo pulled her out. Dayo cut the cord then gave the pup to Elle and Amadi so they could clean her up. Adika and Kanya helped me sit up then Fabia gave me the other pup. We named them Baneet and Chancy, both Indian names. I named them after my mother and grandmother. Baneet slept peacefully in my arms while Chancy was getting cleaned up. Dayo held her for a while then gave her to me so I could feed her.

  “Welcome to fatherhood, bro,” Goon said to him.

  “Those are my little sisters!” Arya said excitedly. Dayo kissed my forehead. After a while the pack gave us our privacy.

  “They look just you,” Dayo said.

  “With your beautiful dark skin,” I answered. Baneet whimpered when she woke up. Dayo gently put my left breast up to her small mouth so that she could latch on. Chancy was already sucking away. I knew then Chancy was going to be a hand full.

  “Goon’s sons better stay away from my daughters,” Dayo said then I smiled.

  “You can’t think about that now,” I laughed.

  “Like hell, I can’t. They will not leave the house for nothing. There’s some messed up beasts out there,” Dayo said.

  “We will have to wait and see. I love you even more for this,” I said to him.

  “I love you, too, Anik,” he said then kissed my lips. I was relieved that Sosa was dead and couldn’t hurt another female wolf. I appreciated what the pack did for the females they found at Sosa’s house. They bought a big house a few miles away for them to live in. Fabia spent a lot of time there, preparing them for a new life. Kanya’s store was very popular and stayed overcrowded. She was working on opening a bigger store to give the females jobs. Adika helped them with blending in better with society. Ula did something very big, she got rid of all their memories of Sosa. It was almost like Sosa never existed to them. Ula also got rid of every memory of the humans that were connected to Sosa. It all worked out for the best.


  “Can I open my eyes now?” I asked Ula.

  “Yes!” she shouted. When I opened my eyes I looked around the big, empty warehouse. I was puzzled.

  “What is this, Ula?” I asked.

  “It’s your warehouse. Well, our warehouse,” she said.

  “For what?” I asked then she handed me a packet of papers.

  “This is ours, Amadi. Years ago you and I always talked about how we were going to sell our oil and body products across the world. Now, here is the chance. We will hire workers to ship the oils to the stores from this warehouse,” she said then I picked her up. I tossed her up then caught her. I spun her around then kissed her lips.

  “You play too much! I’m not trying to mess up my hair! It took six tries to get it right,” she fussed then I laughed. I ran my fingers through her hair then one of her earrings turned into a snake. The snake snapped at me then I smacked it on the floor. My heavy boot stepped on it.

  “I hate snakes,” I said to her.

  “But I love them, especially this one,” she said as she grabbed me between the legs. She slowly unzipped my pants.

  “You want it right here?” I asked as I caressed her face. I still
couldn’t believe that Ula was alive and how I abandoned her. She wasn’t the easiest person to understand but I understood her pain. I neglected her and I hurt her. All she wanted was for me to love her. All she wanted was for me to understand the pain I brought her.

  “What are the magic words?” I asked her.

  “I love you, Amadi,” she answered.

  “I’m going to spend my life making up everything I did to you. I’m going to kiss you so much you get tired. I’m going to massage your beautiful body every night after I make love to you,” I said to her then she smiled.

  “Bring yo’ sexy ass over here. You make me want to take a trip to Anubi,” she said then I chuckled.

  “Are you feeling that good?” I asked because she wasn’t pleased with Anubi and the way it was.

  “Yes, that damn good. Let’s christen this place, baby. I want you to howl my name. I love you, Amadi, but your beast is what I want tonight. Don’t hold back on me,” she said. I ripped her shirt off then clamped down on her neck as her hands slid up my chest.

  “Damn you!” she moaned as I roughly ripped her skirt off. She didn’t have on any panties. I picked her then she wrapped her legs around my waist. I slowly slid her down on my dick. I slammed Ula up and down on my dick until her loud screams echoed through the large, empty space. I had another chance at loving her again and I wasn’t going to let her down.


  “My water broke,” Adika screamed out while I was driving.

  “Right now?” I asked her.

  “Yes, right now!” she screamed.

  “Stop yelling at me, Adika. I didn’t tell your ass to leave the house in the first place. You are the one who wanted to do all of this stuff like going to mall and going to the movies. I knew when you couldn’t get out of bed this morning we should’ve stayed home,” I said to her. Adika screamed so loud it burst the windows in the car. I pulled over to the side of the road.

  I pulled the passenger seat back, breaking it so Adika could lay flat. She lifted her long summer dress then placed her feet on the dash board.

  “Put your hand down there and see if you can feel her,” she said to me. I put my hand between her legs and it was mixed with fluid and blood.

  “I feel her head. She is almost out!” I said. Adika screamed as she pushed then lightning struck the tree next to my car.

  “If that tree falls, I hope you got some type of magic to catch it. That’s a big tree and it will crush us,” I said to her.

  “ARRGGHHHHHHHH!” she screamed, pushing our daughter out. Small wails filled the car as I held her up. She looked just like me. Yellow flashed through her eyes then a small bolt of lightning struck my arm.

  “Damn it! She struck me,” I said to Adika. Adika took her from me.

  “She was born with magic. Oh, Izra, look at her. We have a baby! I can’t believe I’m holding my baby,” she cried then I kissed her face.

  “Miracles happen,” I said to her.

  “I’m going to name her Monifa. In Africa, Monifa means ‘the fortunate one’,” Adika said. I grabbed my hoodie from the back seat then tore the umbilical cord off with my sharp teeth. I wrapped our daughter up in my hoodie then sped home.

  I carried Adika and our daughter into the house. Monifa cried then everyone hurried down the stairs to greet us. The house was full and it felt like home more than ever. The sounds of babies crying filled the night. The mates argued at each other over things that didn’t matter but we were all family. Kanya and Anik took Adika and Monifa to get washed up.

  I sat down on the bottom step then tears filled my eyes. I tried to hold it in but I wept like a baby. My brothers formed around me then hugged me.

  “Come on, bro. You about to make us emotional,” Dayo said.

  “I cried too when Kanya gave birth. It’s beautiful when your mate gives birth. I cried like a big-ass pup, bro,” Goon said.

  “I got one rolled up,” Amadi said out of the blue then we looked at him.

  “One of what?” I asked him. He pulled a fat blunt out of his pocket then held it in front of me.

  “Awww, not you, too, Amadi. You are about to join dumb and dumber,” Elle said then Dayo pushed him.

  “Fuck you, too, nigga,” Dayo said then Goon laughed.

  “It’s going to be a long night. The females are upstairs having female talk. I’m listening to Kanya’s thoughts right now. How about we go in the backyard and celebrate?” Goon said. It was the happiest moment of my life. I was mated with Adika for eternity. She got what she wanted and so did I. They say a beast never smiles, but that’s a lie, because my beast couldn’t stop smiling.


  We sat in the back of the house, drinking and smoking. Moments later, Kanya ran out. We hurriedly stood up because we thought something went wrong.

  “Fabia passed out and she is burning up,” Kanya said. We all looked at Elle.

  “Well, looks like old man Elle got to go,” Dayo said then Elle walked toward the house as he followed Kanya.

  “Fabia’s been having heat pains all morning according to Elle. Elle is about to have a pup, too,” Goon said then stared at the house.

  “We need a bigger house. A real big house,” he expressed. Amadi blew the smoke out of his mouth.

  “Ula can’t give me any pups and I actually don’t feel bad about it. You all have enough pups for me,” Amadi said.

  “This is to new beginnings,” Goon said as he held his cup of Henny up. We all toasted to it.

  “New beginnings, niggas!” I hollered then they laughed.


  I watched my globe as the pack lived happily. Anubi was doing better with their new queen and king. Jalesa found the old-fashioned love that she desired. Everything worked out for everyone, including me. I helped out with Kumba and his restaurants, interacting with the humans. I had a great life and it was filled with love. But every ending doesn’t completely come to an end. I had a vision of all the pups. New love and more obstacles were to come. I wasn’t going to interfere with fate. I was going to let everything fall into place the way that it should be. This was just the beginning…

  Beasts: A New Beginning


  Twenty years later…

  The sound of my alarm woke me up. I knocked it off my nightstand. I growled because I hated to wake up in the morning. I enjoyed my nights and rather sleep all day. I took a shower then got dressed for school. I didn’t understand why Akea, my twin brother, and I had to go to college. We had all of our lives to go to college. I walked out of my bedroom then headed down the stairs. We lived in an estate far away from the city. The closest home to us was twenty minutes away. We needed the big house because seventeen people occupied it. The home had twenty bedrooms and only twelve were filled. The family is big.

  I walked into the gym room where my father and his brother, Izra, were working out. My father sat the weight down then looked at me. “Partied hard on a school night?” he asked me.

  Izra walked past me then patted my back. “Next time hide the liquor bottle,” he whispered then walked out of the room.

  “College isn’t for me. Maybe for Akea but not for me. Why can’t I just work in the family business? I’m a werewolf that lives for eternity. What purpose does college serve?” I asked him then he growled at me. His eyes turned blue when he stood up.

  “College will give you knowledge. Do you want to be a dumb immortal? That knowledge will stick with you and then you can pass it down to your pups in the future. We need to learn about what is in the world that we live in,” he said to me. Akea walked down the hall dressed in a button-up shirt, khakis and a tie.

  “I guess Akea blends in well with the science geeks,” I said out loud.

  “Akea is on the Dean’s List,” our father spat.

  “Did you forget your pocket protector?” I asked Akea. My father slapped me on the back of my head.

  “Leave him alone, Kanye, and I mean it,” he said then growled. Monifa walked past me then frowne
d her nose up.

  “Good morning, Uncle Goon,” Monifa said then kissed his cheek. She kissed Akea’s cheek then looked at me.

  “Where is my kiss?” I asked her.

  “Wherever your common sense is. What did you do to my necklace? I know you came into my room because your scent was in there. You’d better get to talkin’, Kanye, or else,” she said.

  “Or else what? I wasn’t in your funky room,” I said to her then she mushed me. Akea and my father laughed as they walked away.

  I mushed her back then she growled at me. “I’m going to kick your arrogant ass if you step foot in my room again. Don’t touch my shit,” she said to me.


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