Brown, Mary (aunt), 8
Brown, Maude Johnson (mother), 8, 11, 24, 26, 29, 33; birth of children of, 7; death of, 203; decline of marriage of, 106, 152; education of, 9–10, 25; illness of, 19–20; marriage of her daughter Roberta, 74; MWB’s guilt over, 227; spiritualist philosophy of, 22; stroke suffered by, 151–52; travels of, 16, 20–21
Brown, Robert (father), 9, 21, 22, 24, 33, 37, 202–3; birth of children of, 7; characterized, 19; decline of marriage of, 106, 152; marriage of his daughter Roberta, 74; and MWB’s childhood, 10–16; politics of, 7–8, 73–74; remarriage of, 259; travels of, 15, 20
Brown, Roberta (sister), see Rauch, Roberta Brown
Brown, Sterling, 86
Brown, Violet (aunt), 8, 9, 74
Browning, Robert, 23
Brunhoff, Jean de, Story of Babar, 124
Buck, Pearl, 86
Buckram Beagles, 64, 72, 126, 143–44, 213, 289; identified, 35
Buell, Ellen Lewis, 118–19
Bureau of Educational Experiments, see Bank Street school
Burgess, Gellet, 70
Burkey, Evelyn, 185, 202, 223, 224, 246
Burton, Virginia Lee, 1; Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, 108
Caldecott Medal, 108, 204, 225, 263,285
Cameron, Mary, 153
Campbell, Joseph, Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake (with H. M. Robinson), 180
Camprubi, Inez, 39–40, 42, 43
Cantwell, Robert, 70
Carnegie, Andrew, 265
Carroll, Lewis, 30, 117, 220, 249; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 119
Cather, Willa, 70
Cerf, Bennett, 124–25, 144
Chaplin, Charlie, 133
Charlip, Remy, 285
Chariot, Jean, 2, 161, 162–63, 246, 263, 282; A Child’s Good Night Book, 199
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 31, 32, 83, 149, 167, 249; “The Knight’s Tale,” 41
Chekhov, Anton, 249
Christian Science Monitor, 216
Clarke, Albert, III, 284, 285
Clarke, Austin, 284–85
Clarke, Joan MacCormick, 96–97, 284
Cobble Court, 196, 203, 209, 211, 213, 254; memorial to MWB at, 281 –82; and Mister Dog, 264; MWB’s interview at, 262–63; MWB’s studio at, 174–75; parties at, 273; and James Rockefeller, 276; visit of the Hurds to, 183–84, 189
Cocke, Mattie, 25
Cocke family, 25, 26, 31
Colliers’, 179
Colony Club, 126
Columbia Records, 258
Columbia University, 37–38, 84
Condé Nast, 179
Cooke, Helen Temple, 22, 23
Cooperative School for Student Teachers, 40, 43, 58, 63
Courlander, Harold, 247
Cousins, Margaret, 220–22
Crobsy, Bing, 97
cummings, e. e., 70
Dana, Adelaide, see Parker, Mrs. J. Gilbert
Dana, Mary Pepperell, 102
Dana Hall, 15, 22–23, 25
David, Jacques–Louis, 243
Davis, Stuart, 109
D. C. Heath and Company, 13–35
De la Mare, Walter, 55–56
DeMille, Agnes, 213
Dewey, Evelyn, 50
Dewey, John, 45, 46, 48, 49, 104; Democracy and Education, 49–50
Dickinson, Emily, 40–41
Disney, 108, 136, 220, 229
Dix, Dorothy, 28
Dixie, Henry E., 122
Dos Passos, John, 70
Doubleday, 122, 138, 155, 174, 198, 284
Dreiser, Theodore, 70
du Bois, William Pène, 247
Duchin, Eddy, 250
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 80
Dunham, Jessica Gamble, 71–72, 75, 96–97, 174–75, 272, 284; and Margaret Wise Brown Collection, 289
Duplaix, Georges, 267–69
Edison, Thomas Alva, 27
Edward III, King of England, 35
Eichenberg, Fritz, 247
Eliot, T. S., 133
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 27
E. P. Dutton, 74–75, 76, 77, 83, 142, 198; and The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile, 82; and Here and Now Story Book, 52, 67–68
Ernst, Morris, 239
Esperon, M., 244
Ets, Marie Hall, 247
Fairy Tale War, 57, 189
Fall, C. B., ABC Book, 155
Federal Writers’ Project, 87
Firbank, Ronald, 99
First National City Bank of New York, 265
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 117, 186
Flagg, James Montgomery, 91–92, 213
Ford, Henry, 27
Francis, Kay, 98
Frank, Josette, 57
Freud, Sigmund, 45, 46
Frost, A. B., 153; Carlo, 155
Gamble, Jessica, see Dunham, Jessica Gamble
Gaston, Jimmy, 114
Gaston, Lucille, 136
Gaston, William, 97–98, 111, 125, 138, 178; marriages of, 98, 114, 128–29; MWB’s relationship with, 98, 136,152
Geisel, Theodor (“Dr. Seuss”), 1, 124, 220
General Foods, 47
Gergeley, Tibor, 285
Gesell, Arnold, 58, 104
Gesell, Beatrice, 58
Gipson, Morrell, Hello Peter, 216
Givenchy, Hubert de, 235
Glackens, William, 70
Good Housekeeping, 220–22
Gordon, Ruth, 46
Goya, Francisco de, Boy in Red, 189
Grahame, Kenneth, 220
Gramatky, Hardie, Little Toot, 108
Great Depression, 27, 28, 116, 122, 123, 172; effect on children’s book publishing of, 107; effect on MWB of, 33
Greeley, Horace, 8
Greene, Balcomb, 117
Greene, Luther, 257, 272
Greenwich Village, 40, 75, 89, 94, 168, 208; MWB’s apartments in, 39, 69–73, 76, 128
Halperin, Michael, 238–39
Halsman, Philippe, 196
Hammerstein, Oscar, Jr., 240
Hare, Montgomery, 248
Harper and Brothers, 74–75, 81, 106, 108, 155, 239; and Brer Rabbit stories, 141; and Goodnight Moon, 184, 187; MWB’s relationship with, 198–99; and Ursula Nordstrom, 123, 186–87; and Louise Raymond, 83; and When the Wind Blew, 31, 75, 84, 99
Harper’s Bazaar, 115, 116, 120
Harris, Jed, 46
Harris, Joel Chandler, 12, 80, 81–82; Uncle Pappy Sings, 80
Hay, Timothy (pen name of MWB), 175; Horses, 175, 179
Hearsey, Marguerite, 25, 31–32, 63,75, 120, 158; MWB’s correspondence with, 34–44; passim, 59, 69–70, 75–76, 77, 83,84, 98, 99; MWB’s friendship with, 167
Hearst, Mrs. William Randolph, 133
Hemingway, Ernest, 99, 186, 188
Hendl, Walter, 209
Here–and–now philosophy, 169
Hitler, Adolf, 153
Hoagland, Kathleen, One Thousand Years of Irish Poetry, 206
Hollins College (formerly Hollins Institute), 33, 34, 69, 75, 98, 247; Alumnae Quarterly of, 28, 85,90, 112, 135, 143, 193, 217; MWB’s mother’s degree from, 9–10; MWB’s years at, 24–32
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 180
Hoover, Herbert, 27
Horn Book magazine, 78–79, 119, 160, 202, 205, 289; and Goodnight Moon, 215; and The Runaway Bunny, 153; “Three Owls” column in, 57, 282; and When the Wind Blew, 84
Howard University, 23
Huguley, Martha, 29–31, 32, 34
Humpty Dumpty, 272
Hurd, Clement, 2, 90–91, 147, 154, 241, 290; Bumble Bugs and Elephants, 92–94, 102; and death of MWB, 280; departure of, for military service, 153, 154; Goodnight Moon, 184–85, 189–90; Hello Peter, 216; The Little Island, 190; Maine vacations of, 135–36, 259–60; marriage of, 114; MWB’s correspondence with, 222, 229–30; My World, 235–36; Perils of the Sea, 90, 93; postwar return of, 183–84; The Race, 123–24; The Runaway Bunny, 150; and Michael Strange, 125, 230; and Leonard Weisgard, 116–17; on William R. Scott, Inc., 197; The World Is Round, 109
; Hurd, Edith Thacher (Posey), 2, 87–88, 123, 148, 153, 286; and death of MWB, 280; disagreement between MWB and, 265–67; 275; “The Early Milkman,” 266; “The Elephant’s Delicate Taste,” 88; Five Little Firemen, 181, 184, 216–17; Hurry Hurry: A Tale of Calamity and Woe, Or, A Lesson in Leisure, 102, 270–71; and The Little Island, 190; Maine vacations of, 135–36, 137, 259–60; The Man in the Manhole and the Fix–It Men, 201; marriage of, 114; postwar return of, 183–84; and Michael Strange, 230; and Leonard Weisgard, 116–17; The Wreck of the Wild Wave, 154
Hurd, John Thacher, 236, 260, 262
Hurd, Richard M., 91
Huxley, Julian, Animal Language, 110
Ipcar, Dahlov, 229
Ives, Burl, 258, 263, 287
James, Henry, 70
James, William, 48, 49, 58; Talks to Teachers, 49
Janney, F. Lamar, 28–29, 31, 41, 75
Jarrell, Randall, 55–56
Jeffers, Robinson, 180
Jiménez, Juan Ramón, 40
Johnson, Berkeley Estes (MWB’s grandfather), 10
Johnson, Harriet M., 50, 51
Johnson, James Weldon, 80, 247; “God’s Trombones,” 80
Johnson, Margaret Naylor Wise (MWB’s grandmother), 10
Johnson, Osa, 135
Johnson, Samuel, 44
Journal of Educational Psychology, 58
Joyce, James, Ulysses, 239
Juan, Don, 232
Kahn, E.J., Jr., 73, 143, 144
Kauffer, McKnight, 109
Kazin, Alfred, 188
Keliher, Alice, 86
Kipling, Rudyard, Just So Stories, 155
Kirkus Reviews, 216
Kirstein, Lincoln, 245
Klee, Paul, 163
Krauss, Ruth, 2; The Growing Story, 217
Kunhardt, Dorothy, Pat the Bunny, 101
Lacôte, Y., The Children’s Year, 76–77
Ladies’ Home Journal, 10
La Fontaine, Jean de, Fables, 144
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 170
Lamb, Elizabeth, 43
Landon, Alfred M., 73
Lang, Andrew, 12, 13, 80
Lear, Edward, 117
Lee, Gypsy Rose, 210
Lee, Light–Horse Harry, 264
Léger, Fernand, 91, 92, 190
Legrand, Mme, 242–43
Lerman, Leo, 179
Lerner, Max, 86
Lesser, Margaret, 155, 190, 270
Library Journal, 229
Life magazine, 37, 103, 137, 199; profile on MWB in, 195–96, 200–202, 203, 221, 281, 289
Loon, Hendrik van, 68
Lustig, Lillian, 198
McBride, John M., 26–27
McCloskey, Robert, 1
MacCormick, Gertrude, 96–97
MacCormick, James, 96–97, 284
MacCormick, Joan, see Clarke, Joan MacCormick
McCullough, John, 89, 92, 122, 124, 144, 244; and Jean Chariot, 161; and A Child’s Good Night Book, 162; and The Important Book, 223, 224; MWB’s correspondence with, 246–47; and MWB’s pen name, 155; and Gertrude Stein, 99, 100, 105–6, 108–9, 113–14, 120, 125; and World War II, 198
MacDonald, Golden (pen name of MWB), 155–56; Red Light Green Light, 136, 138, 143, 156, 179, 191
McGinley, Phyllis, 104
McGregor, Frank S., 239
Macmillan, 122
Macrae, John, Sr., 68, 76, 142–43
Mahony, Bertha E., 78, 160, 202
Malcolm, Ethel, 171–72, 251–52
Margaret Wise Brown Collection, 288–89
Martinez del Rio, Amelia, The Sun, the Moon and a Rabbit,161
Mary, Queen of England, 265
Mary Veronica, Sister, 101
Massee, May, 108, 155
Mathews, John Joseph, Talking to the Moon, 243
Mathews, Virginia, 243–44, 254
Mayes, Herbert R., 220
Memorial and Library Association of Westerly (Rhode Island), 289
Merida, Carlos, 161
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 1, 29, 70, 133
Miller, J. P., 228
M.I.T., 24
Mitchell, Lucy Sprague, 2, 95, 158, 168–69, 179, 289; and Another Here and Now Story Book, 67–69, 78–79; background of, 47–48; at Bank Street school, 59–60, 62–63, 65–66, 67; and Bank Street Writers Laboratory, 79–80, 85, 86, 88; characterized, 46–47; children of, 50–51; and death of MWB, 281; differences between Anne Moore and, 57; and educational reform, 49–50, 58; and fantasy literature, 161; Here and Now Story Book, 52–54, 56, 58, 62, 67, 78; “How Jimmy Jim Jam Got His Name,” 69; and language development in children, 45, 51–52, 63, 175; marriage of, 49; MWB’s book dedicated to, 82; MWB’s correspondence with, 81, 134–35, 136, 137, 146–47, 148, 149, 150–51, 159–60, 256–57; on MWB’s early writings, 63–64; MWB’s friendship with, 120, 167, 177, 247; and William Scott, 89–90; Two Lives, 33, 256; works of, 65
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (Robin), 49, 256
Montessori, Maria, 46
Moore, Anne Carroll, 54–56, 58, 102, 122, 151, 160; differences between Lucy Mitchell and, 57; differences between MWB and, 200, 202; Nicholas: A Manhattan Christmas Story, 56; and Stuart Little, 186; “The Three Owls” column of, 56–57, 119, 282
Nathan, George Jean, 92, 117
Negri, Pola, 213
Neibuhr, Reinhold, 27–28
Newbery Medal, 108
Newell, Peter, 287
New Republic, 70, 102, 119
New School for Social Research, 71, 116
New Yorker, 73, 109, 117, 143–44, 195, 236; and The First Story, 217; and Goodnight Moon, 216; MWB’s stories submitted to, 74; profile of Michael Strange in, 125, 131; Irwin Shaw’s stories in, 115; on The World Is Round, 119
New York Evening Post, 58, 73, 144
New York Herald Tribune, 56, 104, 113, 154, 172, 216
New York Psychoanalytic Institute and Society, 139
New York Public Library, 80, 102, 134, 153–54, 160, 247; Central Children’s Room of, 54–55, 56, 202; and Children’s Book Week, 199, 261; and Goodnight Moon, 215–16
New York Times, 78, 84, 216, 263; Book Review, 118, 133–34
New York World’s Fair, 102–4
Nordstrom, Marie, 122
Nordstrom, Ursula, 108, 150, 175, 177,255–56,261; background of, 122–23; characterized, 186–87; and The Dark Wood of the Golden Birds, 244; and death of MWB, 279, 281, 282; and The First Story, 217–18; and Goodnight Moon, 184–85, 189; and The Important Book, 225–26; and Little Fur Family, 194–95, 199; MWB’s correspondence with, 180, 194, 199–200, 227–28, 241–42, 272, 277; MWB’s friendship with, 124, 198–99, 218–19; and MWB’s pen name, 155; and My World, 236; and photographs by Ylla, 179; and “The Ridiculous Noisy Book,” 226; and The Runaway Bunny, 197; and Michael Strange, 231, 255
Oelrichs, Charles, 215
Oelrichs, Hermann, 125, 209
Ogle, Lucille, 255, 268–69
O’Neill, Eugene, 70
Only House, The, 188, 211, 227–28, 248, 272, 286; bequeathed to James Rockefeller, 280, 284; and Billy Brown, 193; description of, 163–66; visit of Hurd family to, 259–60
Orozco, José, 71, 161
Orr, Leonora A., 143
Oxford University Press, 154
Parker, Byrle, 135
Parker, Dorothy, 117, 133
Parker, Mrs. J. Gilbert (Adelaide Dana), 75, 226
Peckham, Ted, 172, 239, 251
Perkins, Maxwell, 133, 134, 186
Phelps, Mary, 79
Piaget, Jean, 52
Picasso, Pablo, 163; Guernica, 83
Pilpel, Harriet, 261, 269, 272
Pinchot, Rosamond, 98
Poe, Edgar Allan, 133; “Tell–Tale Heart,” 127
Porter, Cole, 117
Power, Tyrone, 173
Pratt, Caroline, 50
Prévert, Jacques, 217, 275
Princeton University, 8
Prokofiev, Sergei, Ugly Duckling, 212
Proust, Marcel, 20, 30
is, 66, 129, 139, 157–58,227
Publishers’ Weekly, 224, 237
Radcliffe College, 48, 79, 88, 148
Rambo, Billy, 178
Randolph, Elizabeth, 263
Random House, 124, 125, 135, 239
Rauch, Basil, 35, 36, 70, 101, 106, 202; marriage of, to Roberta Brown, 74; travels of, 83
Rauch, Roberta Brown (MWB’s sister), 36, 37, 70, 76, 106; characterized, 14; childhood of, 7–17 passim; and death of MWB, 280; education of, 14–15, 20, 21, 22–24, 33, 34; and estate of MWB, 283, 285; marriage of, to Basil Rauch, 74; MWB’s letter to, 9; politics of, 8, 73–74; travels of, 20–21, 83
Raymond, Louise, 83, 84, 86, 90, 123, 177; resignation of, from Harper and Brothers, 122; and When the Wind Blew, 75
Reeve, Josephine, 238, 262
Reeve, Richard, 238, 262
Relationship thinking, 45, 60, 256
Rey, H.A., 153
Ricchi, Pietro, 171, 209, 254–55
Richardson, Eudora Ramsay, 28
Richmond News Leader, 262–63, 285
Ripley, Dorothy Wagstaff, 73, 106, 179, 193,213,274; MWB’s tutoring of, 42, 72
Ripley, Louis, 193, 213
Rivera, Diego, 161
Roberts, Quincy F., 280
Robinson, Henry Morton, Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake (with J. Campbell), 180
Rockefeller, James Stillman, Jr. (Pebble), 264–65, 270, 271, 272, 284; and death of MWB, 280; Man and His Island, 280; his relationship with MWB, 273–79
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 73
Roosevelt family, 133
Rose, Sir Francis, 108
Ryder, Albert, 211–12
Ryle, Joseph, 113, 125–26, 172
Sage, Juniper (pen name of MWB and Edith [Posey] Hurd): Five Little Firemen, 181, 184, 216–17,251; The Man in the Manhole and the Fix–It Men, 201
Sarah Lawrence College, 23
Saturday Evening Post, 10, 70, 179
Saturday Review of Literature, 106
Sayers, Frances Clarke, 160, 200, 202
Schiapparelli, Elsa, 116
Schoyer, Preston, 147–48, 152; The Foreigners, 148
Scott, Ethel McCullough, 89, 101, 237
Scott, Margaret P., 26
Scott, Sir Walter, 12
Scott, William R., 46, 88–89, 118, 121–22,155,271; children’s books published by, 89–106 passim; and death of MWB, 279; and here–and–now philosophy, 169; and Clement Hurd’s The Race, 123–24; and Lillian Lustig, 198; and The Little Fireman, 222–23; and Joseph Ryle, 125–26, 172; and Frances Clarke Sayers, 160–61; and Gertrude Stein, 100, 108–9, 119
Scribner’s, 131, 133, 134
Sendak, Maurice, 242
Margaret Wise Brown Page 39