Hunters of Gor

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Hunters of Gor Page 11

by John Norman

"This merchant," said the girl, "tells us that you are his slave. Is that true?"

  Sheera looked at her, in fury.

  "Speak, Slave," said the girl.

  "Yes," said Sheera, "he is my master."

  The girl laughed, and so, too, did the others. Then the girl looked at me, and nodded at Sheera. "Is she any good?" she asked.

  I looked at Sheera. "Yes," I said, "she is quite good."

  Sheera looked away, in fury, and put down her head. There was much laughter from the girls.

  "We will take four arrow points for her," said the girl, "for returning her to you."

  "Your fee is quite reasonable," I remarked.

  "More than enough," said the girl, "for a cheap girl."

  Sheera's fists were clenched. Then she put her head down, and wept, a slave.

  I indicated that one of the girl's companions might remove four arrow points from the pack of trade goods. She did remove four, just four, and no more.

  "So you are Verna?" I asked the girl.

  "No," she said.

  I looked disappointed.

  She regarded me warily. "You seek Verna?" she asked.

  "I have come far," I admitted, "to do business with her." I looked at the girl, not much pleased. "I had understood that this was the territory ranged by Verna and her band."

  "I am of the band of Verna," said the girl.

  "Good," I said. I was now more pleased.

  The girl facing me was blond, and blue-eyed, like many panther girls. She was lovely, but cruel looking. She was not particularly tall.

  For some reason I found myself not displeased that this woman was not Verna.

  "I am Bosk, of Tabor," I said.

  "I am Mira," she said.

  "Do you come from Verna?" I asked. "Can you speak for her?"

  "Yes," she said. "For whom do you speak?"

  "For myself," I said.

  "Not for Marlenus of Ar?" she asked.

  "No," I said.

  "That is interesting," she said. Then she mused, "Verna told us that Marlenus of Ar would not approach us as you have done, and that he would not use a merchant to do his business for him."

  I shrugged. "She is probably right," I said. Marlenus, with men, would hunt the forests. He would not be likely to address himself to a panther girl unless she was stripped and knelt before him in slave chains.

  "Do you know Marlenus is in the forest?" she asked.

  "Yes," I said, "I have heard that."

  "Do you know the location of his camp?" she asked.

  "No," I said, "other than the fact that it is said to be somewhere north or northeast of Laura."

  "We know where it is," said Mira.

  "I am interested in obtaining," I said, "a woman, who is rumored to be a prisoner in Verna's camp."

  "A slave?" smiled Mira.

  "Perhaps," I said. "She is said to be dark haired, very beautiful."

  "You speak of Talena," smiled Mira, "the daughter of Marlenus of Ar."

  "Yes," I said. "Is she in your camp?"

  "Perhaps," said Mira. "Perhaps not."

  "I am prepared to offer much," I told her. "I am prepared to offer weights of gold."

  The weight is ten Gorean stone. A Gorean stone is approximately four pounds in weight.

  "If you obtained her," said Mira, "would you sell her back to Marlenus of Ar, for even more?"

  "It is not my intention," I said, "to take a profit on her."

  Mira stood up. I, too, stood up.

  "Tens of weights of gold," I said to Mira.

  But as I looked into her eyes, I realized that Talena was not for sale.

  "Is the girl in your camp?" I asked.

  "Perhaps," said Mira. "Perhaps not."

  "Set a price on her," I said.

  "These woods," said Mira, "belong to panther girls. In the morning, Merchant, leave them."

  I faced her.

  "It is well for you," said the girl, lifting the four arrow points she had received for the return of Sheera, "that we have done business."

  I nodded, understanding her.

  She looked at my men, as a man might have looked upon women. "Some of these men," she said, "seem interesting. They are strong, and handsome. They would look well in the chains of slaves."

  She strode to the opening in the stakes, and there turned, again to face me.

  "Be warned," said she. "These are the forests of panther girls. Leave them!"

  "I understand," I said.

  "And, Merchant," said she, "do not seek hereafter to mix in the affairs of Verna and Marlenus."

  "I understand," I said.

  The girl turned and, swiftly, disappeared in the shadows, the others disappearing with her.

  My men leaped to their feet and seized their weapons.

  I went to Sheera, and lifted her head. "Did you see Verna?" I asked her.

  "Yes," she said.

  "Were you at the camp?" I asked.

  "No," she said.

  "Do they hold Talena?" I demanded. I held her cruelly by the shoulders.

  "I do not know," she said.

  I released her.

  "Did Verna give you any message for me?" I asked.

  "It is unimportant," she said.

  "What was it?" I asked.

  "It concerns me," said Sheera, head down.

  "What was the message?" I asked.

  "I am to say it to you," whispered Sheera.

  "Say it," said I.

  "Teach me slavery," whispered Sheera. Then she put her head down.

  I thrust her aside with my foot, furious. "Thurnock," said I, "replace the stakes."

  The peasant giant did so.

  I looked into the darkness of the forests. We would indeed leave the forests, and by noon of the morrow.

  But we would come back.

  I had given Verna, and her band, her chance.

  * * * *

  I unsnapped the slave bracelets from Sheera.

  "Cara," said I, "see that this girl is taught the duties of a female slave."

  "Yes, Master," said Cara. She led Sheera away. Sheera looked at me, over her shoulder.

  She would be taught to cook, to sew, to iron and wash clothing.

  The former panther girl would learn to perform well the menial tasks of the female slave.

  She would find Cara a helpful but exacting teacher.

  We had been welcomed by my men. We had returned to the camp by the river but within the Ahn. My first task had been to see to the Tesephone. The work was going well.

  In my absence some hunters and outlaws had brought sleen fur to trade. We had given them good prices, in gold or goods. As far as those in Laura knew, or those in the forests, with the exception of the panther girls of Verna's band, we were what we seemed, traders in fur and hide.

  I was not dissatisfied.

  "Look," said Rim. "The little she-sleen!"

  I observed Tina, carrying a pitcher of water to two of the men working at the side of the Tesephone.

  Her feet sank to her ankles in the sand. I noted that she had, with a light cord, belted her brief woolen slave tunic. I smiled.

  Rim and I approached her. She turned about, startled, and looked up at us.

  She had handed the pitcher to one of the men.

  "Masters?" she asked.

  "Raise your arms over your head," I said.

  Apprehensive, she did so. The men watched, curious.

  The cord belt she wore, drawing the brief tunic tight about her, dramatized the small, sweet delights of her body.

  But we suspected that that was not the reason the little she-sleen wore the belt as she did.

  Rim tugged the knot loose.

  From the garment, to the sand about her ankles, there fell several small Gorean plums, a small larma fruit and two silver tarsks.

  "Pretty little thief," said Rim.

  "My father was a thief!" she cried. "And his father!"

  Several men had gathered round. "I am missing two silver tarsks," said o
ne. He retrieved his tarsks from the sand.

  The girl was now frightened. Thievery on Gor is not much approved.

  She attempted to run but one of my men seized her by the arm, and flung her back before us.

  "Where is your cache?" I asked.

  She looked at me, and from face to face. Then again she looked at me. "I have no cache," she whispered.

  "You have ten Ihn," I told her, "to show us where it is."

  "I have no cache!" she cried.

  "One," I said.

  "I have no cache!" she cried. "There is none!"

  "Two," I said.

  With a moan she ran from us, to a place near the wall, near which she was, at night, chained in the sand.

  We walked over to where she knelt in the sand, terrified, digging, weeping.

  "Nine," I said.

  She lifted a piece of folded leather, many particles of sand clinging to it, to me.

  Then she knelt with her head to my feet.

  I opened the folded leather. It contained many small articles, some rings, trinkets, small mirrors, coins.

  "You are a skillful thief," I said.

  "My father was a thief," she said, "and his father before him."

  She trembled at my feet.

  I passed her bit of loot about, and cast aside the scrap of leather in which she had wrapped her small horde.

  "You understand," I said, "that a slave girl may not possess goods."

  She shook. "Yes, Master," she said.

  A slave may have the use of goods, but she may not own them. It is she who is goods, she who is owned.

  She lifted her head to me. "What will master do with me?" she whispered.

  "Stand," I said.

  She did so.

  "It is in my mind to have you beaten," I said.

  She shook her head, no.

  "Do you think, within the Ehn," I asked, "that you could bring me a tarn disk, of gold, of double weight?"

  "I have no gold!" she cried.

  "Then it seems you must be beaten," I said.

  "No!" she cried. "No!" Then she turned and tried to flee, pushing her way through my men, closing her in.

  In an instant, two men holding her arms, she was thrust again before me, and forced to her knees. She put her head down.

  "It seems," said Rim, "that we must now beat her."

  "I do not think so," I said.

  Tina lifted her head. She was smiling. She held up her right hand to me. It held a golden tarn disk. It was of double weight.

  There was a shout of pleasure from the men. They were striking their left shoulders with their right fists, repeatedly, in Gorean applause.

  I lifted her to her feet. She was smiling. "You are superb," I told her.

  "My father was a thief," she said.

  "And his father before him," added Rim.

  She looked down, smiling.

  "Is it your intention to steal further in this camp?" I asked.

  She looked up into my eyes, earnestly. "No, Master," she said. "No!"

  "On the contrary," I said, "it is my wish that you keep your skills fresh. You may steal in this camp where and when you wish, but within the Ahn you are to return what you have stolen."

  She laughed, delightedly.

  The men looked at one another, uncomfortably.

  "Tonight," I said, "you will, following our supper, give a demonstration."

  "Yes, Master," she said.

  "Whose gold piece is this?" I asked, lifting the double tarn.

  The men checked their pouches. None of them claimed the gold.

  I did not think she had taken it from me. "Is it mine?" I asked her.

  "No," she said, smiling. "It is Thurnock's."

  Thurnock, who had not checked his pouch, knowing it had not been taken from him, snorted in derision, a great peasant snort, like a bosk.

  "It is not mine," said Thurnock.

  "Did you have a double tarn with you?" I asked him.

  "Yes," said Thurnock. He fished about in his pouch. Then he reddened. The men laughed.

  I tossed Thurnock the coin.

  I regarded Tina. "You are a lovely little thief," I said. "Turn your back to me."

  She did so.

  I took up the cord with which she had bound in her slave tunic.

  I looped it twice about her belly, and jerked it tight, tying it.

  She gasped. "Do you permit me the cord," she asked, "that I may more easily conceal what I steal?"

  "No," I said. "I permit it to you that men may more easily note your beauty."

  This time lovely Tina, beneath her tan, from the wharves of Lydius, blushed red, and put down her head.

  I lifted her head, and took her in my arms. She trembled. I kissed her upon the lips. Her body, that of a white-silk girl, fresh to the collar, was terribly frightened. Not releasing her, I looked upon her. She lifted her lips delicately to mine, those of her master, and kissed them. Her eyes were frightened.

  "If I do not return, within the Ahn, what I steal," she asked, "what will be done with me?"

  "For the first offense," I said, "your left hand will be removed."

  She struggled to escape my arms.

  "For the second offense," I said, "your right hand will be removed."

  Her eyes were but inches from mine, dark, dilated, filled with terror.

  "Do you understand?" I asked.

  "Yes, Master," she whispered.

  "You are slave," I said.

  "Yes, Master," she whispered.

  I kissed her again, deeply, pressing back her head. Then I released her. She stood facing me, her hand before her mouth, small, beautiful in the brief, tightly corded slave garment. I noted that Sheera, carrying a bowl, standing nearby, did not seem much pleased.

  I indicated Tina. To my men I said, "You may taste her lips."

  They eagerly reached for her, and, kissing her, handed her from one to the next. When she had been passed about the circle, stumbling, her hair across her eyes, the fillet gone, she stood again before me. She was breathing deeply. She was partly bent over. She looked up at me. She was not weeping. Then she stood straight, and, shoulders back, smoothed down the brief slave garment.

  The men laughed.

  "Do not forget you are a slave," I told her.

  "I shall not," she said.

  Then, as the men laughed, she turned about and went to the kitchen area, they parting, permitting her beauty to pass between them unopposed.

  I thought she walked rather well.

  I thought Tina would prove popular in the camp.

  * * * *

  I and my men, save the posted guards, sat about the fire on the beach, within the wall, not far from the inclining hull of the Tesephone.

  Sheera knelt before me, her head down, resting back on her heels, her arms extended to me, proffering me, in the manner of the Gorean slave girl, the wine bowl.

  I took it, dismissing her.

  "When will we return to the forests?" asked Rim. He sat beside me. He was served by Cara.

  "Not immediately," I said. "First, I wish to arrange for the comforts of my men, those remaining at the camp."

  "Is there time?" asked Rim.

  "I think so," I said. "We know the approximate location of Verna's camp and dancing circle. Marlenus does not. He still hunts in the vicinity of Laura."

  "You are a patient man," said Rim.

  "Patience," I told him, "is a virtue of merchants."

  I held forth the wine bowl that Sheera, from a large wine crater, might refill it.

  "Patience, too," said Rim, "is a characteristic of players of the game, and of certain warriors."

  "Perhaps," I said, and quaffed wine.

  "I myself," said he, ruefully, "am less patient."

  "Tomorrow," I told him, "you will go to Laura, trekking downriver. Arrange for four paga slaves, the most beautiful you can find in Laura, to be sent to our camp. Then, when these arrangements are made, return. The girls may follow you."

ere are men of Tyros in Laura," said Rim, looking down into his small wine bowl, cradled in the palm of his right hand.

  "We are simple traders, dealers in fur and hide," I told him, "from the island of Tabor."

  "True," smiled Rim.

  "I cannot wait," said Thurnock, "until we can again enter the forests!"

  I looked at him. "Thurnock," I said, "I need a man here, an officer I can trust, one to maintain the camp, one to command shrewdly in my absence."

  "No!" cried Thurnock.

  I clapped my hand on his shoulder. "Perhaps we can bring you back a little panther girl from the forests."

  "No!" boomed Thurnock.

  "It is my wish, my friend," said I to him.

  Thurnock looked down. "Yes, my captain," said he.

  I stood up. "It is time for the exhibition I promised you," I said. "Tina! Come here!" She had been serving, too. Now she sped to my side.

  "Build up the fire," I said. It was done.

  The interior of the camp was now well illuminated. "Can you all see clearly?" I asked.

  There were sounds of assent. Even Sheera and Cara came close, to watch.

  "Note," said Tina. "Can you feel this?" She put her fingers at the pouch worn at my belt.

  I was disappointed. "Yes," I said. "That was clumsy."

  Her first finger, followed by her thumb, had slipped within the neck of the pouch, forcing apart the strings which held it shut, and emerged, holding a coin. It had been done neatly, but I had felt the tug on the strings.

  "I felt it," I told her.

  "Of course," she said.

  I looked at her, puzzled.

  She handed me back the coin, and I returned it to the pouch. I was not much pleased.

  "It may always be felt," she said, "if one is paying attention."

  "I had thought you more skillful," I said.

  "Do not be angry with me, Master," she wheedled. She put herself against me, and with her left hand about my waist, tugged at the side of my tunic, and lifted her lips to mine. I kissed her lightly, and then put her back from me.

  She handed me the coin a second time.

  I laughed. There was much applause from the men, and, too, from Sheera and Cara.

  "That time," said Tina, "you did not feel it."

  "No," I said, "I did not."

  "And yet it is the same thing," she said, "which is done."

  My look of puzzlement delighted her. She was much pleased. She turned to the others, not me, to explain what had been done.

  "He was distracted," she said. "One must always distract the attention. I did it by tugging at his tunic, where he would notice it, and by kissing him. We pay attention, commonly, to one thing at a time. The theft is there to be felt, but one does not feel it, because one is not intent on feeling it. One's attention is elsewhere. One may also deflect the attention by a word, or a glance somewhere. One may sometime lead the individual to expect an attack in one area, and then strike in another."


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