Shadow's Light

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Shadow's Light Page 38

by Nicola Claire

  “OK. Good.” I went to turn away, but Samson stepped forward and pulled me into a hug. Marcus and Matthias looked uncomfortable, Sergei just fumed patiently waiting his turn to wring me out.

  “Thanks, Luce. For everything,” Samson whispered in my ear. “I'll look after her while you're gone.”

  I hugged him back and sighed. “It's not going to be easy. She's resistant, but she has to learn to accept it or die. You know the rules.” Then I added as an after thought, “Take my car when you go.” We'd need the Land Rover to get to the airport, he might as well use the BMW while I was gone. I felt him nod against my shoulder and then he pulled back with a sad smile and walked towards the stairs and his room.

  I took a couple of seconds to catch my breath, worry over Gigi and frustration at not being able to stay and help Samson educate her making it hard to think clearly. Then turned to face the music. I held my hand up before Sergei could get going.

  “Sundown is in twenty minutes. I gather we're out of here then?”

  “Yes,” he answered succinctly.

  “Good, then I gotta go pack my bag. I'll meet you back here when it's time to go.” I spun on my heels and followed in Samson's footsteps up to my room.

  Sergei's voice drifted after me. “I am still pissed off at you, Mistress.”

  I couldn't help smiling, but didn't bother with a reply.

  Just over an hour later and after a very quiet car ride to the airport, we were boarding Michel's private jet. James, Michel's man-servant/cabin steward was waiting for our arrival. Face beaming, eyes sparkling. Practically dancing on the spot. He was an older human, slightly greying hair, impeccably dressed. Well mannered. I'd only ever seen him working on the plane, and only when we had a long distance flight booked. This flight would take close to twenty-four hours and would require three refuelling stops on the way. Even a Gulfstream G650 couldn't fly direct from Auckland to Paris in one hit.

  “Hey, James,” I said, as he took my hand to help me board the plane.

  “Mistress, it is a pleasure as always. I gather we are retrieving the Master and bringing him home.”

  “That's the plan,” I didn't say it was unlikely the Champion would let Michel leave Paris ever again. Unless he was on a top secret mission to assassinate someone for her. James didn't need to know.

  “That is very good news, Mistress. Very good indeed.” He let my hand go so I could find my seat. I took the couch. It was where Michel always sat.

  M&M and Sergei found armchairs to relax in and without further delay the door was secured by James and the plane began its warm-up, ready for taxiing out onto the runway.

  I looked around the familiar cabin. Nothing had changed. Cream leather lounges and chairs, mahogany drinks cabinet with large flat screen TV on the wall above. Cream carpet with Michel's dancing dragon coat-of-arms dotted here and there. There was also a beautifully presented bathroom, with marble-like tiles and the dragon motif again. Plus a galley where James somehow manages to whip up little morsels of delight.

  Just as the plane began inching forward out of its parking space by Michel's hangar, Sergei broke the silence.

  “Was it worth it, Mistress? Going into town alone?”

  Sergei was an excellent head of my guard. He was experienced, professional and competent. But, sometimes he was just too serious for his own good.

  “Yes, Sergei, it was,” I answered pleasantly. “Although, those fairies who blocked off Greys Ave at both ends and made me cut through Myers Park were a bit of a pain in the butt.”

  His jaw clenched preparing to fire a retort back at me, but when Marcus and Matthias burst out laughing he cottoned on quickly enough. “There were no fairies, were there, Mistress?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Sergei, I appreciate your concern. Hell, I even understand it. But, there will be times when I have to do things on my own and you'll just have to accept it. I am not a fragile human. I can look after myself.” Perhaps if I said it enough times, it would actually be true.

  “With all due respect, Mistress. You are not a vampire either.”

  We stared at each other for a moment and sadly I finally understood where I sat with Sergei. I would always be weaker in his eyes than a vampire. And as such, I would always need the protection of a vampire just in case.

  “Oh, Sergei,” I said under my breath, but didn't go on. Sergei and I would have our disagreements about this in due course. But, not today.

  James came back in the cabin with a silver tray. On it was a perfectly brewed fluffy coffee and a plate of chocolate biscuits. My favourite sort. He kept them on hand just for me. He smiled at my beaming face, but didn't stick around. James was all about discretion.

  It didn't take long for Marcus and Matthias to crack open the drinks cabinet and start in on the Scotch. Even though Sergei warned them they needed to be sober when we landed in Paris, to take on their roles of guards, they were determined to get some relaxation in while they could.

  I read a magazine for a while. Then watched a movie on the screen. Had another snack that looked like something from a top restaurant and tasted even better. Another coffee and then caved and had a glass of wine. Sergei eventually dropped the angry face, but never really joined in on the conversation with Marcus and Matthias. I could tell his thoughts were all for his sister. I didn't blame him. I was having trouble thinking of little else too.

  I had no idea what would face us, but I knew better than to expect it to be smooth sailing. The Champion liked games. She wouldn't just hand over Nataliya and then let me join with Michel. I'd have to jump through hoops before she caved. But, I had every intention of doing what I had to do, to achieve my end goal. Two things mattered and little else. One, freeing Nataliya. And two, joining with Michel and getting my life back on track. OK, so that was three, but the joining with Michel part was really synonymous with getting my life back on track. One went with the other. I couldn't even imagine them apart.

  The closer we got to France, the more agitated I got. I hadn't lowered my mental shields and tried to talk to Michel mind to mind. I was just too wound up to give it a go. I kept thinking something would go wrong and if I didn't have access to Michel's thoughts, I couldn't be told of something unexpected happening before we landed. It was stupid, but there were other ways for Michel to reach us if he needed to and I needed a little longer to live in hope.

  The last time I had visited the Iunctio's Palais in person I had died. The Champion had arranged it, even if it had been Michel's fangs that carried out the task. I had met my Goddess Nut that time. She had returned my life to me, saying it was before my time to die. I wondered if I had achieved all I needed to achieve in this world and if the Champion would succeed this time. Not that she could have a hand in my murder. Nut had made sure that would never happen again, by connecting me to the Champion and making it impossible for her to harm me in any way. It was frustrating to the leader of the Iunctio's Council and just damn weird to me.

  Because, I had a deep seated desire to protect the Champion too. Even if I hated her, despised all she stood for and couldn't stand to be in the same room with her at all. I still wanted to lay down my life to ensure she lived. Or, at least, fight really hard to make sure she survived.

  I slept a little. Ate some more. Sparingly drank alcohol, but downed water bottles like I was in the Sahara. Air travel and dehydration. Not a good look. When we were about to descend into Charles De Gaulle Airport I freshened up in the bathroom and made sure my weapons were all in place. Including my Svante sword. I wasn't chancing placing a foot on the Champion's soil without being fully prepared.

  As the plane taxied to a stop outside the Iunctio's hangar, I lowered my mental shields to see if Michel was anywhere nearby. My heart skipped a beat and I felt my breath suddenly quicken at the pleasant thoughts that drifted through my mind.

  Michel was waiting at the hangar for us, watching his jet taxi in to its parking slot. Knowing I was on board and just about as excited as I.

; I remained in my seat by force of will only while the plane came to a stop. But had unbuckled my seatbelt and stood, before James had opened the side door. The vampires had sensed my excitement and all stood silently to the side of the cabin. Fully alert, but not willing to get in my way.

  They needn't have bothered about me. As soon as the stairway had been lowered, James jumped back out of the way to let Michel in.

  He was a blur of colour until he stood before me. But the cessation of movement did not diminish his glow. He shone as brightly as a star. His Sanguis Vitam filling the cabin and replacing all air. I didn't think he had intended to light up like a Christmas Tree, but he was obviously very pleased to see me and was having trouble keeping himself under control.

  His hand reached out to brush my cheek tenderly, while his eyes held mine. Swirls of magenta already taking over the blue. His control barely there.

  “Leave us,” he commanded the vampires and crew. He hadn't raised his voice, but the force of the command made even me try to take a step toward the doorway. And he hadn't been directing the command at me at all.

  His other hand came up and wrapped around my upper arm, halting my movement forward. The hand that had touched my cheek now wrapped around the back of my neck, stroking the skin there. We stood in that position for what felt like an hour, but was only long enough for the pilots, James and the vampires to disembark. The door to the plane was shut behind James quietly, as he was the last to exit the cabin.

  As soon as the door was sealed, Michel pounced.

  “Ma douce.” It was almost a prayer. So reverent. So worshipful. So divine. It was the last thing he said before his lips met mine and he pushed me back down on the couch.

  Both of us were frantic to disrobe. Frantic to taste, touch, feel. There was an awkward moment as Michel had to help me out of my sword's sheath and holster, making us both almost fall off the narrow couch onto the floor. And as Michel was reluctant to stop kissing me, it was all done by touch alone. It took longer than we both wanted and by the end Michel was so frustrated he threw the entire offending object - sword, sheath and holster - across the cabin. Shattering the corner of the drinks cabinet where it landed with a loud thud.

  He didn't pause. Next was my necklace, swiftly removed, but with care. Then my dress, not quite as carefully. I was sure he'd ruin the zip at the back, but somehow it lasted against his frenzied movements and finally the dress was off over my head. He did stop then. Pulling back to look at me. I was wearing lacy pale blue matching bra and underwear. Against my tanned skin, thanks to my recent stint in Rio de Janeiro, it looked pretty good. I think Michel thought it looked a little better than pretty good.

  He buried his face in between my breasts with a groan. His lips and tongue laying a hot path down the middle. Then just as abruptly as his appearance in the cabin had been, he bit the skin on the side of my breast. Right beside one of his Sigillums. I gasped at the sudden painful sensation. But, I didn't feel any vampire power accompany this bite. So, it was purely his desire to taste me and nothing else. An action he couldn't have controlled. There are also no large vessels in the breast, but there's enough to get a taste of blood. He didn't pull too strongly, just suckled a little while his hands undid the clasp to the bra at my back.

  He withdrew his fangs, not sealing the puncture marks, to remove the bra. Small trickles of blood escaped the wounds and trailed down my skin. Every millimetre my blood gained sent shock waves through my entire body. Michel watched both my reaction as I shuddered and the progress of the slow trickle of blood on my skin as though mesmerised. Finally, after I had started writhing beneath him, from the torturous touch of those small drops of blood on my over sensitised skin and the weight of his hungry gaze upon my body, he lowered his head slowly and licked the blood trails clean. Then sealed the wound.

  A small sound had started at the back of his throat which escalated to more of a growl as I removed his shirt and ran my hands over his bare chest. He stayed pulled back enough to give me a chance to take him all in. My fingers touching familiar contours, smooth skin and firm muscles. Revelling in the perfection of his body. But, what I couldn't fail to notice, was the absence of my mark. My Sigillum, which had been removed when he had been taken to Álfheimr.

  I didn't hesitate. I didn't give him a second to comprehend what I was doing. I didn't even need to think consciously at all. It just happened. In the blink of an eye my Light had gathered within me and was blasting into his chest. He cried out in alarm and then the shout segued into one of pure lust. If the dancing dragon that had appeared in pride of place on his chest hadn't turned me on, then that sound, that full bodied note of bliss, did.

  His hands fumbled at my knickers as mine fumbled with his belt buckle. He had always been better at removing items of clothing than me. He had my underwear removed before I had managed to shift his belt at all and had to come to my aid as I began swearing softly. His mouth covered mine to stop any more words from spilling and while he distracted me successfully with that move, the rest of his clothes were removed without assistance from me.

  As I felt his naked body press into mine I moaned and automatically wrapped my legs around his waist. He didn't require further invitation, just lifted his hips until he was in position, grabbing my thigh with one hand and wrapping his other arm behind my shoulders, he rolled himself in. We both gasped at the sensation of joining. Two bodies becoming one.

  My heart was in my throat. I could feel every beat as my pulse thundered at my neck. It made it hard to swallow and breathe, but I didn't care. Right then nothing was too much to endure to be with Michel. To feel Michel moving inside me again. To have my Light to mark him as my own, while he thrust himself deep within my body. To be together back in our world, in our realm, alive. Whole. Complete. In that second as his magenta filled eyes held mine, I knew it didn't matter if we never joined as kindred again. It would never change how we felt about each other. It would only be the icing on the cake.

  Michel smiled, obviously hearing my thoughts, and started kissing the side of my neck above my rapidly beating pulse. I was surprised it had taken him that long to set his fangs over a decent blood vessel. The small taste he'd had at my breast was just a tease. He growled against me, quickening his pace as he rocked his hips back and forth. A small roll in a circular motion, caused me to cry out as he pressed against my sweet spot, making me beg for more.

  He repeated the action, again and again, taking me closer and closer to the edge. His speed getting faster, but his rhythm still steady. He was completely in control. His mouth on my neck, his fangs scraping against my skin and his entire body bringing mine alight with fire. Finally, a few well placed and unexpected shifts of his hips had me tumbling in ecstasy and that's when he bit.

  I cried out, no longer a silent participant in our endeavours, he'd broken me of that long ago. And as I cried he growled and sucked harder at my vein. The rush of adrenaline at the sting of his bite in direct contrast to the orgasm still rolling through my body and making me shudder and moan. Bitter-sweet, but so damn good. I never wanted it to end.

  I think Michel was of the same mind because he drew out his suckling at my neck longer than he should have, unable to pull away. But, when I was panting with exertion and an overload of glorious mind-numbing, body-teasing sensations, he finally withdrew his fangs, licking the wound closed and losing himself to his rhythm. Within a few seconds he joined me, pounding me into the couch as he found his own release. A shout of joy escaping his lips as he shuddered above me and before he completely emptied himself inside, his lips found mine again in a bruising kiss. Eating me from the mouth down. Trying to get right through me, right into me. As close as he could possibly get.

  After several minutes the kissing eased up, a more languid discovery of my mouth and face followed. His hands running all over my body as he curved himself to my side. Barely enough room on the couch to hold us, but we were glued to each other's side, so managed to stay on the cushions and not tumble to the f
loor in a tangle of limbs.

  God, I had missed him. And he'd obviously missed me, if this reception was anything to go by. I ran my fingers idly over my Sigillum on his chest. It was an exact replica of the one that had been removed. A dancing dragon in bright colours, intertwined with ribbons and swirls. Almost a light all on its own. So beautiful and beautifully placed. Above his heart, with the head reaching up to cover his pulse point in his neck. Right where he feeds from me. It would be visible, just, above the collar of his shirts. But, mainly only on show when he was naked with me.

  I was immensely glad to see it back where it belonged. I almost wanted to replace the one I had placed on his butt cheek. It had been an imprint of my hand, as though I had spanked him and left a mark behind. I'd given him that Sigillum right after he had been acting like an idiot. It had kind of been punishment for that. He had been mortified at the mark and its location and what it had implied. A permanent reminder that I was sometimes the one very much in charge of our relationship. Even if he was a master vampire in charge of a city and line.

  He started chuckling beside me, a deep rumble vibrating his chest. “If you would like to replace that mark too, ma douce, I will not argue.”

  “You just want more of my Light,” I teased, still running a finger over the dragon on his chest.

  “I will take every bit of you I can and never let go.” He kissed my forehead and settled his face in the curve of my neck. He would be smelling me again. Reminding himself of my scent.

  We lay like that, wrapped up in each other, for ten or so minutes. Neither wanting to move away from the other. But, vampires were waiting on us. James would want to clean up the cabin ready for our departure when we called. The pilots probably hadn't completed their post-flight checks. All of that was irrelevant really, to what waited for us at the Palais. Time was not on our side.


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