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TYCE Page 7

by Shareef Jaudon

  "You crazy nigga!" Tyce added his laughter. “I bet he aint hungry now?"

  "Hell naw!"

  "Wasup tho?" Omar asked eyeing the man in the rearview mirror.

  "Oh yeah, tomorrow night meet me at tha spot, we need to talk about that move." Tyce remembered.

  "Aight, what time?"

  "I need you there round nine."

  "Bet." Omar confirmed.

  "And naw, I aint heard shit from Biz but keep ya antennas up." Tyce advised.

  "Always my nigga do tha same." Omar said lowering his window to place his order and hanging up.

  Omar was ready to hear what is homeboy had in mind, whatever it was meant more money for him and he damn sure was ready for that shit!

  The Meeting

  Tyce was there an hour before everyone arrived. The warehouse was home to him; it was where he'd lived after he ran away from the group home. Later on he bought the abandoned building and used it as his head quarters, it wasn't much, but it was private and low key. The old home brought back memories, this is where he’d planned and plotted the moves that changed his whole life. This was the building where he ate countless cans of tuna fish and bowls of chicken flavored “Ramen Noodles” but he was far from that memory now. Tyce was dressed casually in a cream and red “Michael Jordan” jump suit as he walked around the open space. Three hundred dollar matching J's decorated his feet and his barber had just lined the edges of his hair making his points hit like a Chinese star. Angelique was the first to arrive walking in like she was on a runway.

  "Hey Tyce." She said smiling.

  "Wasup, thanks for coming." He responded giving her a warm embrace.

  "No problem, you know you gotta girl curious. Is it jus’ me and you tonight? She questioned.

  "Naw, O and some other people will be here shortly. He informed walking to the window.

  "Oh ok." Angelique said now more curious.

  Moments later, she heard the bass from Omar's truck as he pulled up. Omar hopped out and made his way to the familiar building. He spotted Tyce's Jeep parked on the side of the warehouse but wondered why his new Benz was there also. Omar walked in and was surprised to see Angelique leaning against a wall.

  "What up my nigga." Tyce greeted his friend with a pound.

  "Aint nothin’, wasup with you? Omar asked shifting his eyes toward the female in the room.

  "I'm good." Tyce reassured.

  "Wasup ma? How you doin’?" Omar now addressed Angelique.

  "I'm straight O. It's good to see you again." She answered thankfully.

  Tyce stood in the background and observed the exchange between the two of them. He knew Omar was distrusting of Angelique but this was his show and everyone had a role to play. The sound of an engine and a car door closing interrupted their little reunion as the third guest

  arrived. Omar looked at Tyce showing his confusion about the situation. Tyce nodded at his partner with an "it's good" motion. Angelique just relaxed and let the scene unfold as she popped a piece of “Orbitz” gum in her mouth. Tyce’s phone rang and he told the caller he was inside and waiting, seconds later Sway came walking in. He wore blue jeans and a white v-neck shirt that showed his athletic physique. Sway had short curly hair and a clean-shaven face. Two platinum dog tags hung from his neck with the names of his children in the center. A serious yet calm look was in his deep brown eyes. On his left side a small band-aid was stuck to his cheekbone, besides that his face was smooth. Sway scanned the room, his gaze landed first on the beautiful woman chewing gum, then to the silent man watching his every move. He walked toward the only face he recognized in the huge room.

  “Wasup Tyce?” He asked giving him a pound.

  “I’m good, I appreciate you showin' up.”

  “Shit, I wouldn’t miss it.” He said cracking his knuckles.

  Angelique and Omar were both wondering who the mystery dude that just entered the warehouse was.

  “You seen him before?” Angelique quietly

  asked Omar.

  “Naw you know Tyce really don’t get down with nigga’s like that so this should be real interesting.” Omar responded in a low tone.

  “A few more minutes and we can get started.” Tyce said interrupting their thoughts.

  The agitation was beginning to spread over Omar’s face. He tapped his hand on the side of his thigh as he stood against the wall. First Angelique shows up then this new nigga, what the fuck was going on. Omar was under the assumption that he and Tyce were getting into some new shit he wasn’t expecting “Kool And The Gang.”

  Tyce began to slide some chairs closer together, then moved to the window to look out front. Not seeing what he wanted to see, he turned around and smiled.

  “Alright, I aint gonna keep ya’ll waitin’ no more, I know everybody got shit to do tonight. I’ve been thinkin’ on this shit for ‘bout a year now.” He paused and eyed Omar. “Me and O been gettin' it in for a while now but it’s time for a new direction.”

  No sooner, had the words come out his mouth; there was a light tapping at the warehouse door.

  Tyce turned his attention to the door and went to open it, leaving all in attendance confused. When he opened it, Dallas was on the other side.

  “Girl you late.” Tyce said.”

  “My bad.” She smiled.

  Dallas instantly made herself at home, as she sashayed toward the group of strangers. She grabbed the last empty seat and crossed her curvy legs slowly enjoying the attention she was receiving as the late comer. Angelique on the other hand was now chewing her gum extra hard, keeping her left eye on Tyce and her right eye on Dallas. She still was the picture of calm but inside she was impatiently waiting.

  Tyce began, “Now that I have you all in the same place I have a proposition for you. I been thinkin’…all the work and shit we’ve done, why haven’t we retired yet. I’ll tell you why; ‘cuz you can’t get rich working for someone else. What I’m thinkin’ ‘bout will set us all up for retirement in a short matter of time.” Tyce continued. “You see everyone in this room has talent. Sway you were in the military, so you’re good with covert ops, weapons, and shit.” Tyce shifted his eyes to each of the lovely ladies in the room. “Dallas and Angelique, you ladies have intelligence and a loyalty that most men lack. Omar and I, well, we the best jack boys this side of tha Mississippi.” Tyce stated proudly.

  Omar nodded in agreement while making strong eye contact with Sway. Unfazed Sway returned the brief stare then turned his head toward Tyce again. Angelique and Dallas smiled independently, flattered by the comments about them, but all were listening intently to the only man standing up in the room.

  Tyce eyed each of them. “Now I aint gonna lie to you, this shit is dangerous, it could get you killed if you get stupid and reckless. If you take this shit serious and stay focused, it can also get you paid. Now this aint mandatory, so if anybody aint feelin' this so far jus’ say so and you can leave before I lay my plans out.” He said in a serious tone.

  The four chairs remained occupied, Tyce smiled and happily continued. “Ok then, I’m talkin’ ‘bout three major hits and all of em are different. The first one is Diego Alverez. The second is an underground gambling spot and the third is a bank in China town. With all three combined we lookin’ at twenty million dollars. I know ya’ll can divide so twenty divided by five is what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.” He joked. “Four million reasons to get down.”

  Tyce paused his financial sermon to get the crowd reaction; Angelique was the first to break the silence.

  “That’s wasup!” She excitedly approved.

  “Diego Alverez! That nigga been running shit for decades on the west coast, I see why you want his ass. And if you talkin’ ‘bout tha Club House, that’s a good move ‘cuz everybody I know gambles up in there.

  Tyce aimed that billion dollar smile at Angelique as his attraction for her bubbled up. He looked at Omar, Sway, and Dallas and waited for their response.

  “Shit T, you already know I’m wit’
it.” Omar said crossing his arms across his chest.

  “Hell yeah I know that shit O, I wasn’t really talkin’ to you.” Tyce assured his long time friend.

  Omar looked directly at Sway, feelin’ good about himself and his position. Sway cracked his knuckles again and leaned back in his chair.

  “I been knowin' you since you was shootin’ dice in the hallways at the boys home Tyce. I’m honored that you even came to me with this, ‘cuz I know you coulda’ found another

  nigga if you wanted to. I done killed folks overseas for the government-came home and me and my wife arguing and stressing over the light bill. You better muthafukin believe I’m all in with this shit!” Sway said still leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed.

  “Alright then people guess it aint nuthin’ left to do but break down exactly how it’s gonna go. Now first……”

  “Hold up T. We aint heard from Ms. Late yet.” Omar interjected.

  Dallas shifted in her chair and grinned at Omar. She took a lighter out of her coach purse and looked at Tyce.

  “Can I have one of those clove cigarettes you smoke Tyce?” She asked confidently.

  Tyce smiled enjoying her swagger as he reached in his sweats to get his pack of "Djarums." He handed her one and stepped back a little taking one for himself. Dallas put the fire to the tip and inhaled the flavored smoke; she licked her lips tasting the clove spice and sighed.

  “I already heard what Tyce had to say, that’s why I’m here. So actually…I’m early and you’re late.” She finally answered never looking at Omar.

  Omar shot Tyce a disapproving look as her words registered in his mind. “How the fuck did this bitch know what was up before I did.” He thought to himself. Angelique was a little shocked at what came out of Dallas’s mouth but she knew Tyce had a good reason for his actions. She trusted him with all her heart; he was a natural born leader and she’d follow him anywhere. Angelique put a lid on all the feelings stirring around inside her pot but it was beginning to simmer over. Right now, she had to focus and play her part on the team.

  “Ok now that we all on the same page…let’s talk about the work.” Tyce stated flicking ashes on the floor. “All three moves gotta be made in the same week. The good thing about tha shit is two of these muthafukas don’t even fuck with the holice but you already know the bank is a different story. Diego is a no joke, aint nobody bold enough to fuck wit’ him, but that’s what makes him vulnerable. He’s too cozy, but don’t sleep, he’s a beast. The Club House is a ten man operation but only two niggas handle the money. The bank is the hardest one…it’ll take all of us at the same time to get that shit off.” Tyce lectured taking a drag from his cigarette.

  The oversized room was quiet as the crew listened intently to the plans. Each member contributed in his or her own way as the meeting went on into the early morning hours. They covered the details of the details and got familiar with each other. Angelique warmed up to Dallas, seeing bits of herself in her personality. Although she was young, Dallas could hold her own, she was no dumb ass bitch. Angelique also recognized why Tyce had chosen Sway. He possessed a quiet manly demeanor and he was a team player. She guessed that was from his time in the marines. Sway shared with her a little about his family and himself showing her pictures of his kids. He was vested in his family but still would take a risk to provide for them. Sway confided in her that if it wasn’t Tyce running this shit he would have stayed at home. Angelique knew her roles front to back and what Tyce expected out of her. He kept an eye on her the whole night and seemed to angle his words in her direction from time to time. Angelique appointed herself the official look out of the crew and she was looking out for one person in particular.

  Lil’ Flash

  Flash turned the bag of “Doritos” upside down letting the last few chips slide into his mouth. It was eleven thirty on a Friday night, and the block was jumping with fiens trying to get right for the weekend. He was drained…the heads had him running all day with no breaks, his clientele was steady ‘cuz they knew his shit was legit. Just as he tossed the empty chip bag in the alley a blue Neon rolled up with the back passenger window rolled down half way. The car slowed as it went by but kept moving and turned right at the corner. That was the signal all his customers used to get his attention. Flash quickly prepared to make the exchange before the car came around again the second time. He snatched the shit from his stash spot and jogged to the sidewalk scanning the streets for anything that looked suspect. The “Neon” slid down the street again and stopped at the curb where he was waiting. Two barely legal white girls were inside with “Mile Cyrus’s” voice blaring out the factory speakers.

  “Yo, turn that shit down!” Flash ordered.

  “Oopps, sorry Flash.” The young girl apologized.

  He leaned a little closer to the door and pointed with his right hand faking as if he was giving directions. Flash had already tossed the baggie in the girls lap and opened his left palm to get his money. The whole transaction took less than five seconds and the teenyboppers sped off keyed up to have an out of body experience. The 40 dollars he snatched was quickly calculated in his head and it brought the days total to 1,265 dollars. The Paris and Nicole look a likes bought the last of his product, so Flash decided to bounce from the block. When he got to his crib, he took a shower. As he stood under the hot stream, he tried to filter his internal war. He didn’t like selling crack. Ever since Tyce had him go by the Mosque that day he’d been back on his own several times. The more he attended the Mosque the more he realized what he was doing was wrong. He wanted out the dope game but hadn’t found an income replacement yet. He prayed daily that it would come soon though. He didn’t like assisting people with slow suicide but on the other hand, he still needed to eat and with his criminal record getting a job was nearly impossible. He decided all he can do was keep pushing towards his faith and hope that it would all balance out eventually. Allah knew his heart.

  Lil’ Flash heard his phone ringing so he turned the water off grabbed a towel and answered it. Some of his boys were going to Jim’s Grill to shoot pool. He told his man to give him ‘bout twenty minutes and he would fall thru. He hung up the phone and got dressed. A half hour later Lil’ Flash walked up to his people in the bar. After dapping them all down he asked the waitress for a “Disaronno” and “7-UP.” His homeboy Tony gave Flash the let me holla at you head nod so he walked around the table and sat next to him.

  “Hey I need to holla at you”

  “Wasup?” Flash asked as the waitress brought his drink over.

  “Ya boy Tyce he cool?” Tony questioned with concern.

  “Yeah he good why?” Flash asked defensively.

  “Word on the street is he the HMW.”

  “Tony, what the fuck does HMW mean, who the fuck says some shit like that?”

  “It means he the hood’s most wanted…there’s a price on his head.”

  “Where you hear that shit at?” Flash frowned.

  “Where haven’t I heard it, everybody askin' about him, especially since aint nobody seen

  the nigga. Nigga where you been, you aint heard that shit? I jus’ thought you might wanna let him know if he don’t already.”

  “Damn. Good lookin’ out my nigga.” Flash

  said digesting the news. “Who has a hit out on him?”

  “That nigga Biz is what I heard.” He stated downing his shot.

  Flash thanked Tony by buying another round for them both as they talked about the same ole shit. Flash was half listening…his mind was on the bull shit that just came out of Tony’s mouth. Twenty minutes later Flash couldn’t wait any longer, he dismissed himself from the conversation with a customary pound, and walked out the bar. Within seconds his cell phone was out and dialing Tyce’s number.

  No Sweat

  I racked the weights and sat up on the bench. Flash had interrupted my work out but for what he said I was grateful. So just like I thought; Biz hired some niggas to take me out. That was just
like his bitch ass to get somebody else to do what he was to pussy to do himself. There’s no doubt in my mind that Angelique was also on the menu. I needed to find out who was looking for us, I hated not knowing my enemies. They had to be some niggas from out of town ‘cuz Biz knew I was familiar with the people in the city and who would fuck with me in my own backyard anyway? I knew he was up to something especially after Angelique left his ass. But now the shit was real, this elderly ass nigga was actually trying to murder me! Biz and the fake ass assassins was just one more thing to add to my “to do” list. These days I was a busy man but I could make time to exterminate some roaches. Yeah he hired some niggas to kill me…it’s a damn shame he wasted his money.

  Feels Like Home

  Angelique was starting to like being at Tyce’s house. Her mind had picket signs of protest marching across her forehead but a window in her heart opened up, letting a cool breeze blow in. The past few days Tyce had been laying low. He instructed the crew to do the same and just focus on what was about to happen. Angelique and Dallas exchanged phone numbers and had talked a few times. Dallas was a lot like herself and she was highly intelligent. When you talked to her, you’d never guess she was an escort, more like a sexy lawyer or a fashion mogul. One thing for sure was that she was nobody’s fool and was definitely not a punk bitch. Angelique could see why Dallas had been drafted. While preparing chicken Alfredo for her and Tyce to eat she went over the plans in her head and couldn’t find one flaw. Angelique could tell Tyce had done his homework and then some extra credit shit on top of that. The shit was solid and well planned and she was more than ready to go. As she placed the garlic bread in the oven her mind rewinded back to Biz and the


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