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TYCE Page 12

by Shareef Jaudon

  “Stay right the FUCK there!!” He said stepping into the room closing the door behind him with his foot. He noticed TJ’s gun on the dresser and moved smoothly toward it; keeping his guns aimed at their targets. Angelique and Dallas got off the bed and positioned themselves closer to Tyce. Lincoln was face down on the floor moaning in agony, TJ remained as still as statue but kept shifting his eyes from Lincoln to Tyce. He was obviously concerned for his injured partner but dared not try to assist him.

  Breaking the tense silence in the room Tyce said, “Damn…I hope I’m not interrupting anything, looks like ya’ll was ‘bout to have a party up in here. Especially you boy…you all naked in shit; well you aren’t really naked if you have on socks…you know that right?”

  “FUCK YOU!!” TJ yelled.

  “Naw nigga fuck you and this nigga on the floor bleeding. Turn over nigga! I want you to

  look at me.” Tyce commanded.

  Lincoln painfully rolled over on his back clutching his stomach. His cream dress shirt was moist with blood and he was coughing and wheezing.

  “I heard you been lookin’ for me.” Tyce said smiling. “I also heard you been lookin’ for her too.” He said nodding in Angelique’s direction. “Well…here we are…in the flesh. Sorry we kept you waitin’ for so long.” He said sarcastically. “Baby reach in my back pocket…I brought you somethin’.”

  Angelique walked behind Tyce and smiled when she saw her red blouse hanging out his pants pocket like he was a member of the bloods. She gladly put the shirt on and stood at his side, she was all too happy to end the charade. Pretending to be all hot and horny for wack ass niggas was exhausting.

  Dallas took her position on the other side of Tyce and just watched the scene like she had a bucket of popcorn in her lap. She loved the way Tyce handled himself, she was turned on for the first time tonight, and he hadn’t even touched her.

  “Make no mistake about it gentlemen; I’m Tyce, she’s Angelique and this is my new friend Dallas. Now that we got that out the way; let’s get down to business.” Tyce put TJ to work, “pick him up, and get ya ass in the bathroom.”

  TJ stood motionless and just stared at Angelique in disbelief, he was disappointed that he hadn’t recognized her and he was shocked that this nigga had got up on them like that. They had never been caught slippin’ like this before. Lincoln was on the floor dying and he was naked…what the fuck happened?

  “HURRY UP!!” Tyce boomed snapping TJ out of his confused thoughts.

  TJ hesitated but did as he was told. He grabbed Lincoln under his shoulders and moved him toward the bathroom. Lincoln grunted and clenched his teeth in pain as he was being drug across the carpet. Tyce followed the men into the restroom; he was wearing a gun vest and put one in the holster. He ordered the men to climb into the shower.

  “Come on man! We was jus’ doin’ a job nigga, it wasn’t personal…it was business!! We thought that lil’ nigga was YOU, man I swear!! WE SORRY MAN!!!!” TJ pleaded.

  Lincoln was laying against the wall with his legs hanging over the tub while TJ stood up shivering. He balled his fist up as he begged for his life. All the gansta in him was going down the drain, the tables had turned, and it was him who was facing death.

  “FUCK THAT, this shit is personal for me!! You snuffed out my lil’ brother, was plottin’ on killing MY woman, and trying to murder ME!! Turn the shower on nigga!!”

  TJ finally got some balls and prepared to die like a man; he turned the faucet on and let the cold water spray his naked body. Lincoln’s shirt was now soaked with water and blood.

  “Fuck this punk ass nigga.” Lincoln finally uttered looking up at TJ.

  “That’s where you niggas went wrong. You shoulda never fucked with me!

  Tyce stepped back and aimed his gun, TJ screamed, “see you in hell muthafucka” before Tyce shot him in the middle of his forehead. The shower wall looked like it was splattered with extra chunky salsa as his brains exploded. Lincoln glared at Tyce and let out a gurgled laugh, Tyce stared back at him and put him out of his misery; he shot him three times in the chest, each bullet rocked his body slightly when it entered. TJ was slumped over next to Lincoln as the cold shower rained down on their bodies…washing away the blood and bodily fluids of the two killers. A powerful sense of relief came over Tyce as he exited the murder scene. In the room, Angelique and Dallas were busy wiping the room down getting rid of any evidence. Even though everyone made sure not to leave a single fingerprint, they left nothing to chance concentrating on every nook and cranny. They picked up hairs and clothing fibers off the carpet and bed spread like a crime crew from CSI.

  Walking calmly back into the room Tyce asked, “You two ok?”

  The ladies both looked up from their cleaning duties, “Were fine…are you ok?” They questioned showing concern.

  “Yeah, I’m straight now. I wanna thank ya’ll for helping me out tonight. It can be a little shocking to witness some shit like that; I jus’ wanted to make sure you two were alright.” He asked putting his arms around them.

  “Yeeaahh we good Tyce. We jus’ happy this

  shit is over with and them grimy niggas are dead. I can’t believe they was tryna kill my girl! Fuck them niggas…I’m glad you clipped em Tyce!” Dallas confessed.

  “I can’t thank you enough,” Angelique said holding up an old picture of her she’d found on the nightstand.

  Tyce looked at the photo and kissed her reassuringly on the forehead. He was happy to take care of Lincoln and TJ, he didn’t care so much about his safety; but the fact that Angelique was in danger and Flash died; he didn’t have a choice. The trio left the room and quickly walked to Tyce’s Benz parked around the corner from the hotel. They got in and sped off, Angelique rode shotgun as Dallas occupied the back seat. His plan was executed perfectly, thanks to Angelique and Dallas. They worked their pussy power on Lincoln and TJ expertly. They had no idea they were being set up or followed to their room the whole time. Tyce was sorry about one thing though-he didn’t get a chance to celebrate his little brother’s life with his family and friends.

  As the Benz cruised down the highway, Angelique stared out the window while little butterflies fluttered inside her stomach. Her heart was dancing the waltz in her chest. She replayed the entire night in her head, especially the part where Tyce said “she was his woman” That particular part she replayed over and over again.

  What’s Really Goin On?

  Omar was getting restless. All this sitting around not doing shit was starting to get on his nerves. He’d noticed that Tyce wasn’t acting the same since Angelique showed up. He just didn’t trust that pretty bitch at all, and it seemed that his boy was falling under her spell. He’d expected to see Tyce at the party for Flash but he was a no show, he wished he was there to witness firsthand how that bitch was hanging all over niggas at the club that night. She was wearing colored contacts and a wig but that didn’t fool him, he’d know her fake ass anywhere. He started to snatch her ass up but he stopped because he didn’t feel like hearing Tasha’s mouth. She was tripping at the party and was already not feeling Angelique, she was just itching for a fight that night and it wasn’t about to be with him. Shit he’d fuck around and get locked up over that crazy woman. So he chose to play the background...again; and sat back watching her hoe ass flirt and flaunt her titties all around the pool table-n-shit. Damn he wished his boy was there to see that shit, but as usual, he was nowhere to be found. Omar finished waxing his truck and grabbed a cold beer from the fridge. His baldhead was gleaming in the hot sun so he decided to sit in the cool shade of the garage. Tasha suddenly appeared from the house carrying a phone in her hand, she was grinning extra wide as she practically forced it in his hand,

  “It’s Biz!” She said excitedly.

  Omar looked a little confused as he took the phone from her. Why was he calling him? What the fuck did he want?

  “What up?” Omar asked dryly.

  “Nuthin' much young blood…jus’ wanted to check in on

  “Look nigga, I aint helping you get up on Tyce aight. I got money to make and I aint about to let you fuck it up.” Omar said taking a sip of his Heineken.

  “Whoa Whoa Whoa. Slow up, I didn’t call for that. I know you won’t flip on your boy…unless you wanna go broke; I mean we all know he’s the brains behind the operation.” Biz instigated.

  “Fuck you nigga! You tryna to call me dumb muthafucka!” Omar shouted.

  “Calm down. I don’t think that O. I’m jus’ sayin’…that’s what everyone else thinks…not me. Personally, I think he’s been holding you back for all these years. It was him who kept you from really makin’ money; not me. I knew it was him that fucked up that night…that’s why I didn’t fuck with you. I put the hit out on him and left you out of it.” Biz informed.

  Omar stood up and really started to listen to the voice in his ear. It was like he could see into his thoughts and feelings. Biz was speaking a language he could understand.

  Biz continued, “I heard through a friend of mine that Tyce is makin’ a few moves. Maybe we could both get what we want. That is if you’re ready to go solo?”

  Omar took a long swig of his beer and rubbed his head, “Keep talkin’.”

  “Well naturally I wouldn’t run it to you over the phone; if you got a little time this evening we could meet up at my house. Why don’t you come by about seven?”

  The timing couldn’t have been better for this phone call. Omar accepted the invitation from his former boss with a new curiosity. Tasha, who never left the garage, was on pins and needles as she waited to be briefed on the conversation. Omar barely hung up the phone before Tasha put her hands in the air,

  “Well, what he say?”

  “He said he wanna talk some business. I’ma go

  to his house later and see wasup.” Omar

  reported trying to remain calm and cool.

  “Baby this is what you been waiting on, Biz aint blind baby, he sees your potential!” Tasha said tapping his ass playfully.

  Omar returned the favor and smacked her ass just a little harder than she did. This business talk was like an aphrodisiac for both of them; before he left to see Biz, they celebrated the good news with a mid afternoon fuck in the chair…with the garage still wide open.


  It was a Friday night, two weeks after the hotel hit. The crew met up at the warehouse spot before the first job. Everyone showed up on time: Omar, Dallas, Sway, and Angelique were more than ready to get it in. They’d been patiently waiting and Tyce was thoroughly impressed with everyone’s poise. He went over the plan for the first job in detail making sure the whole team was on the same page. There was an intense feeling in the dusty air of the warehouse. When Tyce was satisfied each person knew their jobs inside and out they divided into two teams and left the warehouse in separate cars. Tyce secured all the cars and one van for the hits, he stole license plates from other cars and put them on the vehicles they’d be using over the next few days. Tyce, Angelique, and Sway lead the way, followed by Omar and Dallas. Tyce purposely put Dallas in the car with Omar; he knew his friend was anxious and he had no doubt that Dallas could handle his temper and keep him in line. It was ten o’clock on the dot when they pulled up to the Catholic Church. Tyce swooped the car around to the back

  of the enormous cathedral looking building. All the lights were off in the parking lot but dim lights glowed from inside. Tyce cautiously scanned the parking lot, searching for any uninvited guests. Right on cue, Dallas and her partner in crime exited their car, walked around to the front of the church, and went in. Dallas looked different wearing a “Tina Turner” wig and sporting professor style prescription glasses. Omar had a dark blue baseball cap on coupled with black shades. When they entered; Dallas and Omar split up and checked the back room for any unseen people; next, they moved toward the front of the vast room by the confessional booths. Omar opened the door to the side the priest normally occupies and found him sitting on a small bench taking a late night nap.

  “Time to wake up Pope!” Omar nudged him in the ribs with his gun.

  The gray haired priest looked like he’d seen a ghost as his drowsy brain registered what was happening. With his red eyes wide with fear he stammered,

  “Wha wha what’s going on, what do you want!”

  “Don’t have a heart attack on me pops…jus’

  get your ass up and walk slowly to that back room in the corner.”

  The gun remained snuggled in his rib cage as he obeyed orders and stood up real slow. Omar backed up a bit so his new prisoner could step out the undersized booth. He made sure to grab his Bible before he left the booth; his hands began to shake slightly when he saw Dallas leaning against the door of the other booth holding a silver gun by her thigh. No doubt his legs were shaking as well, but they weren’t visible under his huge black robe.

  “In the name of God, please don’t hurt me! What do you want…we have no money here!”

  “Keep walking pops. We want the key to the basement door.” Omar told the confused man.

  “What key…what door?”

  Omar and Dallas steadily ushered him toward the back room, once inside Dallas got real serious,

  “Look granddaddy, playin’ fuckin’ dumb is gonna get your ass speeding down the highway to heaven! Come up off the key nigga!” She put the barrel of her gun in his hairy ear and glared at him.

  He lost his breath for a second before he answered,

  “Ok, ok, ok…just stay calm, stay calm.”

  The elderly priest started to put his hand inside his robe, Omar and Dallas tightened the grip on their guns in reaction to his sudden movement.

  “Easy easy…I’m just retrieving my keys from

  my pocket.” He said holding very still.

  “Move real slow.” Dallas pushed the barrel further into his eardrum.

  Their captive put his bony hand inside his robe and fumbled around; he produced a key ring crowded with ancient keys. He pointed to a key that had the letters “B D” scratched into it.

  “Was that so hard old timer?” Omar joked, snatching the key ring from him, “Now get your ass in the closet, and kneel down.”

  The priest did exactly as he was told walking inside the coat closet and getting down on his knees like he was saying his bedtime prayers. Omar put the gun to the back of his head as Dallas searched him for a cell phone; not finding one, she pulled out duct tape and some rope from her backpack. She quickly tied his wrist to his ankles and playfully kissed him on the top of his balding head. Omar moved the gun from the back of his head, turned off the light in the closet, closed, and locked the door. Omar put his gun away; he grabbed a walkie-talkie from his back pocket and signaled Tyce,

  “We got it.”

  “Good, open the back door…we ready.” Tyce signaled back.

  Moments later, Dallas and Omar appeared at the back door to the church and let Tyce and Sway in. Angelique remained in the car; she drove gradually to the corner intersection and parked, posting look out. Tyce unlocked the basement door and the three men quickly made their way down the old dusty stairs. Dallas stayed upstairs in the church; she locked the gigantic front doors from the inside and stood by the window spotting Angelique outside. Angelique met her gaze and gave the thumbs up sign silently telling her everything was cool; they exchanged flashy smiles and went back to focusing on their jobs.

  Tyce approached one of the dozens of storage rooms in the basement. It was an old room with a thick metal door. This church was over a hundred years old and whoever built this room built it to last. Through Tyce’s relationship with Simone not to mention the twenty five thousand in cash he paid her the day he and Angelique dropped by, he’d found out that this is where Diego Alverez hid most of his money and the bulk of his product. Diego chose this incredibly low-key spot because in the constitution there was a separation between church and state. The feds would have to jump through a few hoops before they could organize a raid on this place and by that time
, he’d know what was up and move the shit. He’d been hiding his shit here for years, the old heads who ran the church didn’t mind; especially since Diego’s generous donations kept this place open. They didn’t even have a key to the storage room.

  Tyce looked at Sway, “Do ya thing boy!”

  Sway dropped his heavy ass duffle bag in front of the door and examined the locks and hinges carefully. He studied the construction and determined where the weak points were located. This was his specialty in the military…they’d basically trained him how to bypass alarms and get into places that regular people couldn’t. He was a member of an elite team in the marines a lot of the shit his unit did was off the record and classified; which made him perfect for this type of shit. Sway put on a pair of black welding glasses and broke out a blowtorch. He hit a switch on the handle while flicking the tip and a bright blue light lit up the dark room. Omar and Tyce stepped back to avoid the flying sparks as Sway began to burn through the thick hinges. Tyce was cool as a fan on high while Sway worked on the door. He pulled out a fresh pack of “skittles” and poured himself a handful; he passed the bag to Omar who did the

  same. The two friends snacked in silence waiting

  patiently for Sway to finish. The last of the four hinges hit the ground and Sway turned his attention to the locks. He sprayed some sort of chemical inside.


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