What Happens In Vegas... Doesn't Always Stay There

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What Happens In Vegas... Doesn't Always Stay There Page 16

by Terry Towers

  didn’t even consider it was you, I automatically assumed it was true.”

  He gave her hand another squeeze. “It wasn’t. I have no interest in being with her.”

  “I left and was so hurt and confused. It was like, ‘here we go again,’ It was almost like all the feelings of being left at the altar came to the surface again. The pain and humiliation and feelings that I’m not good enough for someone, because why would men keep choosing other women

  over me?” She lifted her eyes to catch his gaze, sorrow in her emerald green depths. “You


  He knew, he knew all too well. “After the divorce I felt many of those feelings, Ginny. I felt

  like I failed somehow. But it’s not your fault. The only fault you have is trusting and loving the wrong person.”

  She nodded. “So I didn’t know where to go or who to talk to and I found myself at Dane’s


  His body stiffened at the mention of his brother, despite hoping she’d admit she’d seen him.


  “I’m not sure why I went there, I guess I was hoping he’d reassure me that it wasn’t true.”

  “Did he?” The image of her being embraced by his brother, their limbs entwined, came back

  to his mind, sending a surge of jealousy through him.

  “Well, I got there and I started crying and I’m sure babbling like an idiot, I don’t really

  remember. And I fell to sleep on the sofa with him and when I woke up, we talked and he made

  me see the truth.”

  “How did he do that?” He could see she was telling the truth. She had no interest in Dane.

  The issues he was having were his problem, not hers. If it was Dane she wanted she’d be there,

  but she wasn’t, she was there with him. Where she wanted to be.

  “He told me you worked all night last night. But more than that he made me realize how

  perfect we are for each other. And how I need to trust you, because that’s what you deserve.”

  Chapter 17

  ~ Genevieve ~

  Genevieve waited on bated breath, waiting for him to say something – anything. She didn’t

  expect for this to go down like it was. He was much more standoffish, as if he were angry with

  her. But she hadn’t done anything wrong. Well, not really.

  The memory of being cuddled tight to Dane and the mysterious thump that had woken her

  came to mind and it all became clear. He’d gone to Dane’s house hoping to figure out where she

  was and discovered her sleeping on the sofa with Dane.

  “You went to Dane’s house this morning looking for me, didn’t you?”

  He took a deep breath in and slowly released it. “I did.”

  “And you saw us sleeping together.”


  “It wasn’t what you think. I was up all last night planning an incredible day for us and after

  seeing Emma all these emotions came to the surface. By the time I got to Dane’s I was just…

  spent... Next thing I know I’m waking up to you slamming the door as you left – at least I

  assume that was you.”

  “I’m not sure what I think it was, or how I feel about it.” Despite his words she could see his

  features softening.

  “I made a mistake of going to Dane, but he’s the only one I know who knows you and…”

  She chewed at her lower lip, not sure what to say to make it right. “But, I can’t not be friends

  with Dane. He’s your brother, he’s going to be around so we have to move on. I know now what

  happened in Vegas doesn’t matter anymore. He may look like you, but he’s not you.”

  His stony expression broke and he smiled at her, sending a wave of warmth through her.

  “Come here.”

  With a sigh, she slipped into his arms, pressing herself against him. But as soon as her arms

  closed around his neck the fact he’d been working all night and she’d interrupted him in the

  middle of an intense workout came rushing to her.

  She cringed as she pulled away from him.

  “What?” Despite his question, she could tell he knew what her issue was.

  “I think you need a shower.”

  He laughed as he stood. “What you smell, baby, is 100 percent man.”

  She grinned at him in response. “It’s nasty. Like you’ve run a marathon.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet and back into his arms. She squealed and

  pushed at his chest, but was seriously overpowered. “Yes, I did just finish a pretty intense


  Giving in, she laughed. “Shower and I’ll give you anything you want.”

  He cocked a brow up at her and grinned. “Anything?”

  “Anything. Today my intention was to make this the perfect day for you, just like you do

  every day for me. Emma may have ruined the morning, so I’ll have to make up for it this


  He released her and his grin widened. “Then by all means, who am I to get in the way of your



  ~ Genevieve ~

  “Oh my God, this is incredible!” Genevieve rushed to the small two-person table, which was

  set with two place settings but the food had yet to arrive, all set up on the rooftop of one of the highest buildings in Manhattan. The table was surrounded by electric floor lamps, which looked

  like little lanterns suspended four feet in the air from iron holders that gave off a soft golden glow, although they really didn’t need the extra light. The night sky was clear, the stars

  challenging the full moon to be the most beautiful element in the sky.

  She slowly spun around, her face tilted upward admiring the sky and attempting to pick out

  the individual constellations. She was able to pick out a number of them, but her curiosity over

  the rest of the rooftop overrode her desire to peer up into the sky.

  “How did you manage this?” she asked as she rushed over to the edge of the building. There

  was a three-foot concrete barrier that surrounded the perimeter of the rooftop, with another foot of iron railing atop the concrete.

  “The owner of the building had some issues with break-ins and I managed to catch them in

  the act. He allowed me access to the rooftop and the kitchen as a thank you.”

  Laughing, she leaned her forearms against the cool iron railing and leaned forward,

  attempting to peer down the dozens of stories to the ground. Graham’s arms wrapped around her

  from behind and his lips brushed across her ear. He felt so good, the warmth of his body

  beckoning her to relax back into him. He felt so right.

  “Look straight ahead.”

  She lifted her gaze and looked straight out and gasped, waving her finger out into the

  darkness. “It’s the Statue of Liberty! Wow, you can see straight out into the water.” As she

  further inspected the area, she noticed dozens of tiny lights out into the water, presumably boats.

  He chuckled softly and kissed her temple. “That’s why I pointed it out.”

  “This has to be one of the best views in Manhattan. I’m speechless.” She felt so special at

  that moment, special and cherished.

  “You’re saying a lot for being speechless.”

  She groaned, rolling her eyes and nudging him in the ribs with her elbow. “Smart ass. You

  know what I mean.” She turned in his arms, smiling. “Thank you.”

  “Do you want me to send up dinner?”


  Stepping back from her, he pulled his mobile phone out of the inner pocket of his black

  leather jacket and he dialled. “One minute,” he mouthed to h

  Nodding she turned away from him to look back out onto the Manhattan skyline. She’d been

  in a few buildings that had taken her up to the twentieth floor or so, but she was always behind a window. There was nothing like feeling the breeze tickle her skin as she took in the view.

  “They’ll be up in a few minutes.”

  She spun around. “It’s already cooked?”

  He nodded. “And was just waiting for me to call.” He extended his hand to her. “Come on. I

  have something I want to give to you.”

  “Something to give to me?” She accepted his hand and allowed herself to be led over to the

  table. He pulled out her chair and once she was seated he reached into the inner pocket of his

  jacket and pulled out a long narrow jewelry case.

  “Now, it’s nothing special. But I wanted to get you a little something.”

  Her eyes widened as she stared at the box and accepted it with trembling hands. Alex rarely

  bought her anything. And certainly never surprised her with presents. It made this extra special.

  She gingerly opened the case and her grin became so wide it almost hurt her face as she looked

  down on a sweet gold necklace with two entwined hearts.

  “I’m not sure if your taste…”

  “I love it!” She lifted her hair and waited for him to remove the necklace and carefully place

  it around her neck. Once on she fingered the delicate gold chain. “Thank you.” Grabbing the

  lapels of his jacket she pulled him down and in for a kiss.

  Just when the kiss began to get heated, the sound of a door opening interrupted them. She

  pulled back from him, but wasn’t quite ready to leave the warm circle of his arms. A waiter

  appeared with a large silver platter hoisted on his shoulder.

  “Good evening.”

  “Evening.” She sat down as she watched the waiter set up the table. The delicious smell of

  salmon drifted to her nose. It looked and smelled amazing. She could barely wait to dig in. The

  only thing she’d had to eat all day was the partial ham and cheese sandwich Dane had given her

  earlier in the day.


  ~ Graham ~

  Graham could feel her eyes on him as he looked down at his salmon and speared the last

  piece. She’d been looking at him when she thought he wouldn’t notice for close to ten minutes. It appeared she had something to say, but was mulling over the best way to say it.

  He couldn’t wait any longer. Lifting his gaze, he kept his stare on her until she was forced to

  lift her eyes to meet his. “What’s on your mind?”

  She caught her glossed lower lip between her teeth and a rosy blush touched her cheeks.


  He cocked a brow up at her and smiled. “Oh, come on. It can’t be that bad.” He hoped now

  that they’d spent the day talking – among other things, and getting things straight between them.

  There shouldn’t be any insecurities on either side.

  She lifted her eyes again, to meet his. “It’s not bad. It’s good.”

  He chuckled softly and leaned forward, bracing his elbows on the table edge. “Then I think

  you have to tell me, I can always use some good.”

  “It’s just…” She looked around and out toward the Statue of Liberty and shrugged. “This is

  so perfect. I’ve never had anyone do anything like this for me before. How can you be such a

  perfect man?”

  He laughed. “Years of doing everything wrong with everyone else.”

  The rosy hue of her cheeks deepened. “I’m glad you got it right for me.”

  “Besides, I would hardly say perfect. I did marry a woman who really didn’t want to be

  married to me, what idiot does that?”

  She tentatively raised her hand. “Does being in your wedding dress a half-hour before your

  wedding compare?”

  He laughed again. “That’s close.”

  “Uh-huh. It wasn’t until I met you that I realized just how many things were wrong.”

  “He was your first boyfriend, give yourself a little slack.”

  She sat back in her chair and tapped her lower lip with her index finger. “Yeah, that’s right. If I hold off, the next one might be even better.” A saucy grin spread across her lips and a

  mischievous gleam emerged in her eyes.

  Placing his fork on his plate he pushed his chair back from the table and sat back, crossing his

  arms over his chest and eyeing her, attempting to paste a serious look on his face. “Is that so?”

  “Perhaps. They do say three times a charm.”

  “May I interject that you did go on a date with Dane in Vegas.”

  “But that was a date, nothing serious.” She leaned forward, waiting for a response. He could

  see the delight she was getting from the banter.

  He waved his hands out and shrugged. “Guess that means I might as well be going so you can

  move on to number three.” It was getting harder to force the smile from his face. He made a

  show of getting out of his chair. She was out of hers like a bolt of lightning and urging him back down.

  Sitting, he grabbed her by the waist and lifted her onto his lap so she was straddling him. As

  she moved to reposition herself, her short black skirt inched up until it was bunched up around

  her waist.

  “I was just teasing.” She slipped her arms over his shoulders, lacing her fingers behind his


  He allowed himself to grin. “I know.” Sliding his hand up and around her neck he gave the

  tie holding the top up a tug and the fabric slid down her body, exposing her bare breasts. The

  cool air caused a shiver to race through her body and her nipples immediately tightened into

  hardened peaks.

  “What if someone comes?” She leaned into him and rubbed her pelvis against his groin, and

  was rewarded by a low groan as his dick began to thicken under her.

  “No one is allowed up here. The waiter will come once I call him. We’re perfectly alone.”

  She leaned into him, kissing the side of his neck and placing a string of kisses up his neck

  until she reached his lips. “I’ve never done it on the roof of a skyscraper before.”

  He chuckled, slipping his hand to the back of her head and urging her lips closer. “Then I

  think we need to fix that.”

  She smiled as their lips touched. The taste of wine was still fresh and sweet on his lips.

  Nipping at his lip, she tugged and then sighed as he kissed her with more force and passion. His

  tongue slipped past her parted lips in search of hers as her hands slid down his chest to his belt buckle, undoing it. As her fingers began to work on his pants, his lips pulled away from hers and he began kissing his way down her neck and across her collarbone.

  “This is going to be awkward.”

  “What’s the fun if it’s always easy?”

  Smiling, she pulled his pants open. His lips captured her first nipple, nipping and tugging at

  the rock hard tip and sending jolts of pleasure through her, while his free hand palmed her other breast, pinching the tip just hard enough to send more delicious waves of pleasure through her.

  Genevieve yanked his pants down as best she could, releasing his shaft. Grasping his cock in

  her hand, she closed her eyes and arched her back, her long dark hair cascading down her back

  and blowing freely in the breeze, and began stroking him.

  He inhaled sharply, releasing her nipple and kissing his way to the other one. His tongue

  swirled around her second nipple, swirling closer and closer until he sucked it into his mouth.

  The arousal within her increased from a low simmer to an inferno, dampening the thin strip of

  material of her thong.

  Graham’s hands slid down her back and to her ass, squeezing both cheeks gently, before

  moving inward until they reached her pussy lips. One of his fingers hooked into the thin strip of lace and gave it a yank; a ripping sounded as the material split apart, leaving her fully exposed to him.

  “Oh fuck. Nice and wet already.”

  She opened her eyes and looked at him, smiling. “Always for you.”

  Not waiting for his reply she covered his lips with hers. She didn’t want to wait, wasn’t

  interested in sweet lovemaking, they had time for that later tonight. Lifting up, she released his cock and Graham lined himself up to her. When she felt the head of his cock poking at her

  entrance she sank down onto him, slowly, her pussy stretching and inviting his cock with every

  inch. They moaned in unison as their bodies united until he was fully planted within her

  welcoming core.

  She pulled back slightly from him, watching his eyes and expression as she began to move on

  him. There was a mixture of hunger and caring in his dark blue eyes – it both aroused and pulled

  at her. He was hers, body and mind.

  His hands moved to her ass again and began to move under her, urging her to move on him.

  Holding onto his shoulders she began to gyrate on his lap. She began swivelling her hips in a

  circular motion, as she moved up and down, savouring the feel of the head of his dick as it

  stroked her inner wall.

  She started to close her eyes, so she could focus on the pleasure that was radiating throughout

  every inch of her body, but Graham stopped her.

  “No baby, I want you focused on me.”

  She lowered her forehead to his as she forced her emerald green eyes to remain open to stare

  deep into his. She became lost in his eyes and his body. The only sounds around them were their

  mutual moans and the distant sounds of traffic that was so dim it felt like it was a world away.

  Eventually even the traffic dimmed and it was just them.

  The waves of pleasure began to come more rapidly, each one more intense. Her movements

  became frenzied, her fingernails digging into his shoulders as she held on. He didn’t seem to

  notice. Each movement he pulled her down harder and tighter to him.


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