The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards

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The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards Page 11

by John Panella

  Thus the people are already being prepared for the slaughter by conditioning them to accept everything that is erroneous. It is not that way because anyone else says it is right or wrong, it is right or wrong because the heart and soul knows the difference already, from an internal point of view. So they are allowing themselves to be duped on purpose to serve their own desires.

  The generation you live in no longer trusts the heart, instead it feeds on the mind linked with emotion. As it bypasses the heart, people become diseased in the mind and can no longer operate as a civilization, and thus they will help to destroy themselves. The rulers that be, allow it because they know the outcome. If you follow this direction you will be buried in its lies and deceptions.”

  I considered every word of what the chief was saying, I could see it in my mind’s eye, as the world did seem to be falling for the great ploy. There is a great lack of respect for the elders, children have become perverted in their imaginations. People all over have no moral base anymore, and the world is indeed falling apart. Greed and avarice rule the hearts, and people are more interested in the lie rather than truth.

  We see the fruits of this world, it is obvious. And therefore the outcome also seems obvious. After a worldwide cataclysm, it only makes sense that the people will fall back in time under the new order of things, where one religion, one way, one dynamic rules the entire world again, albeit like before in different cultures and lands all being seduced to believe the same lie.

  (15) The Kingdom on Earth

  Day Thirteen – Future Kingdom or Past Hell.

  As the next day arrived, the Chief stood up and said he had to take care of a few things. My mind was racing and I didn’t want to leave, so I sat there still in my crouched position, wondering how the people are so easily deceived.

  It seemed quite obvious that the time-loop has allowed for one religion, one belief, and it must indeed be what they believe is the Kingdom on Earth, before it splinters into thousands of pieces. It was the chief that reminded me that the Roman Catholic Church said during the Renaissance era that we were already in the Kingdom of God.

  And this was all during the last one-thousand year time-loop. It seems likely they knew something most were not aware of. The only problem was, who was this GOD?

  I was then reminded by the chief. That the true kingdom of Caelestus Pater was encoded within one. It all began to start making sense, how to decipher the lie versus the truth. The true encoding was not external like these gods are telling us, it was within us. It brought back memory of the key and the Panem Vitae.

  And this is what the chief said, that we must tap back into the soul, and there we will have everything we need. And thus it remains a fact, if the true kingdom is already within us, then our soul is the connection not our flesh and blood bodies, nor the external world around us.

  (16) Multi-dimensional Awareness

  Day Fourteen – Mystery of Dimensions

  The Chief returned again this night to discuss important matters, and it led us into a direction most would never want to follow. I knew the chief was uncomfortable about revealing this next story, but it had to be done, we must know the truth.

  “Chief why is it so easy to manipulate the people, why can’t they understand they are stuck in a time-loop. You would think out of the billions of people, that more than a few would come into agreement that something is very wrong here. But no, it doesn’t seem to develop into the mass consciousness. People just accept things as normal.

  Granted there are those who see that something is indeed wrong with this world, however, only the few ever really adapt an in-depth approach to the realization that one needs to break free.”

  The chief pondered for a while considering my thoughts on the issue as he was preparing this very pungent drink, he called it the Ayahuasca of truth, and that he would share it with me later. He looked to his fellow tribesman and asked them to leave.

  I began to wonder if the conversation was going to get more serious. I couldn’t fathom how it was possible that there could be anymore to add to what was already stated. But I sat their quietly waiting for the chief to speak.

  “It is time now I reveal the secret of this operation and how it is that Sol Malum under his flag of many colors always deceives the people in the world time and time again.

  First of all, change the word God to Alien. Note that the word Alien actually comes from the Hebrew, Aramaic and Sumerian tongue, it is defined as Lord God ‘ALI-EN’.

  In the Bible it reveals there is what is called the, ‘Most High God’, but oddly enough it comes from the Hebrew word, ‘Elyon’, or pronounced ALE-EE-ON.

  These potentates are aliens from other dimensions, and they are not human, but they can also live inside the same flesh and blood bodies as you and I do via the simulation.

  This may be difficult for you to understand, but it is true. I have asked my friends to leave because I wanted your complete attention. When the earth sheds its garments and billions fall to their death. The garments are simply coverings. That which is operating the body is an electrical force of energy whether programmed within or operating from some other source.

  Now obviously the billions that perish would never be able to come back right away, for there are not enough bodies to handle them in the time-loop.”

  “Yes that is what I was wondering prior, speaking of being reinserted into bodies, you have stated that we all incarnate many times, so how can billions of people incarnate over and over again within the last thousand years, the numbers just don’t add up?”

  “Yes indeed and therefore it is now important I explain the most difficult part of this message, it will not be easy to accept, and in fact it might be impossible to wrap your mind around it.”

  The chief took a deep breath and great concern came over his face and then he began to speak again.

  “Have you ever heard of past life regressions or also near death experiences? Now some claim amazing things while revealing they have lived before, as well as have seen amazing things in the after-life.

  However, others claim they have seen nothing, it is just utter blackness. So why is it some have these experiences of times and places beyond life, and others have nothing happen?”

  “Why is that Chief?”

  “Because not everyone can peer beyond the body, let me try to help you understand. As you look at the sea of humanity in your time, and you count five billion people, you must understand, bodies do not reincarnate, only souls or spirit essences do. The vast numbers of humanoid bodies are meaningless.

  The first and most difficult thing to understand is the body is an energy machine. It is complete, it has its own mind, and it has its own hearing and sight. It can learn, it can grow, and it can exist among others without anyone ever knowing there is a problem. By the time the world comes to its transition there will be close eight billion people.”

  “My god, three billion more people and it grows that fast in a little over 30 short years?”

  “Yes indeed, it nearly doubles. This is unsustainable, but the rulers do not care because they are encouraging mass growth using sexual freedom as one of the amoral attitudes, which will lead to mass death, of which they eat this energy of death like vampires at a blood feast.

  The mind also has the arc of light triggering the cells every second, tick tock. This is the electrical force based on your DNA triggering all the cells in the body to all react accordingly, based on the holographic light waves. The body is aligned with the time machine. If the earth stopped ticking the body you wear would cease to exist; poof, vanish!

  So the internal clock of the earth is also part of your shell. Remember how I told you how all times are occurring at the same time. That we are the ones that maneuver through time. Time itself doesn’t really move per say, it is more like a flowing river.

  It appears to move each and every second, but if you jump out of the river you can then go anywhere in time you desire from the side of the banks, and back in
to the water and visit any period you wish, and yet the same time is still there, only you moved in another part of the river.

  Now listen closely, the world you are sitting in right now is not in the same dimension as the world you left. If my time is occurring exactly at the same time your time is occurring, then we are no longer in the same dimension.”

  “What! How is that possible?”

  “Well ask yourself in your time, do I exist?”

  “No, you are nowhere to be found.”

  “And yet you are speaking to me, this is because I exist in another dimension of time that once was part of the flow of the river. And yet I am still here, because my program remembers who and what I am.

  Remember I said the earth is a time machine. It is able to traverse time. However every single event that occurs brings with it a new dimension. Try to look at it like a photograph how all pictures are simply pixels. Tiny little square pixels all placed together to give you a picture.

  Now consider a motion picture. This is when movement is added and detected. For a picture to allow for motion, new pixels must be added. Every new pixel is a new dimension of time. If you were to watch it occur very slowly, the pixels would be created right before your eyes, one at a time.

  Have you ever taken a notepad and drawn pictures in it, all of them the same but slightly different. Maybe the hand is in a different position, maybe the arms or legs are. Maybe the facial expression changes. Each piece of paper in the notepad is a single dimension.

  Now if you take that entire notepad and begin to flip through the pictures quickly, you will see movement as if the character or thing you drew has come to life. Each picture is its own dimension, but when flipping through them it appears to be a motion picture of movement through time.

  So from my time to your time is one long motion picture and as every event materializes new pixels/dimensions were added to complete the motion. The entire picture is one single and complete compilation of events, just like the notepad, but each pixel is its own single event. And no matter when it happened, it is always there, it never leaves.

  It is like a fingerprint of time, unless it was changed by those who interact with it again or they discontinue interacting with it. Meaning someone redrew one of the dimensional pictures giving it now a slightly different motion.”

  “So time can be altered and then reflect that change in the future?”

  “Not only can it be, it has happened many times and it still occurs all the time, as the rulers are constantly changing the scenes in the movie when they get the opportunity so as to serve their needs even greater. They are able to travel back and forth through time and make changes to suit their needs.

  We can even alter time, there are several ways. Soon you will understand. Now every pixel is identified by its own unique piece of the puzzle. But there is something even more amazing when considering quantum physics. Each pixel or piece of the puzzle can also contain the entire whole picture. This is how a holograph functions.

  Now the soul is the observer. The soul can look down upon the picture and witness all events from beginning to end. All things remain static and are always there as the soul recognizes the complete picture.

  However, when the soul decides to interact within the picture, the soul becomes locked in time or locked into a pixel or a piece of the puzzle and then it begins the slow methodical movement like the seconds ticking on a clock.

  The soul becomes locked within a slow moving motion picture of new dimensions evolving from old ones, but all are still there at one time. Yet the soul no longer knows this, it has forgotten.

  As an example, the land of America is about 3500 miles from coast to coast. If you were to travel this from one end as point A to the other end as point B, it would take time depending on the speed you are traveling.

  Now if you were able to jump above, and looked down on the country to where you can see the entire land coast to coast. You would see the entire picture in one view. This is the program.

  Along the way the traveler is interactive, every movement they make is recreating the picture for them to see at a limited level. Just like watching from above one can see all of it and even beyond what the interactive traveler will ever witness while only being part of the picture.

  So as the traveler maneuvers the pixilation of the scenes only come into view as they move towards them. This is all they can access from being interactive. However from the watcher’s point of view, they see everything, and time is completely different.

  A body does not need a soul to operate it, any more than a computer needs additional software to function. Of itself it can become human, living amongst all other humans, because it is already preprogrammed in the hard drive. The body can be taught to learn and think, because it has its own internal brain, or computer processing system.

  It can learn to exercise limited judgment, because it can think. It can weigh matters between two ideas and then choose. But at its core it is not connected to the divine, it is simply a computerized programmed body, known as the Avatar.

  However, a body without a soul is static. Let me repeat, a body without a soul is static. It has no connection to the divine ancestry, nor does it have any connection to life beyond, it is in-effect empty, a robotic jar or doll that is programmed to mimic humanity. When a soulless body dies, it is over for that body until the program produces a similar one again in whatever age it manifests.”

  (17) The Three Races of People

  Day Fifteen – Mystery of soul, spirit and body

  The chief told me yesterday that I need to take some time to hypothesize what he just revealed and we would return tomorrow. As the evening came upon us in the new day, both the chief and I were alone again, and he began to speak with a very sullen demeanor. I then realized this subject was not only going to be important, it will be nearly intolerable to accept.

  Without hesitation the chief began... “There are three races of people on this planet, the divine race, the soulless race and the angelus genus, which are the children or followers of Sol Malum.

  The soulless race is made up of soulless bodies, it functions only by the holographic body programmed computer. As well there are bodies who have been taken over by the angelus genus.

  The divine race is made up of children of Caelestus Pater and Caelestus Mater. However their children are not the bodies, they are the souls which reside inside body template program.

  What happens is a war occurs between two forces, a programmed force and an intelligent consciousness force, the body and the soul. In the Bible Paul spoke of the war within the members of the body, now you know what he meant.

  This is a real war. As the body is programmed a certain way and it follows that way, the soul must not follow in the same direction, it must overcome the lusts and desires that which is programmed in the body. If it allows the body to fulfill its mission you will have fulfilled prophecy, because this is the program.

  So unless a soul from the Divinum spiritus inhabits a body it is not from the Caelestus Pater. Therefore if there are billions of bodies, rest assured only a small percentage are Divinum spiritus soul filled.

  We do not know the exact number but the percentage is vastly lower than the world’s population especially during your time. Obviously as you track back that percentage rises comparably to the time and its population.

  What this means is, all Divinum spiritus souls can incarnate over and over again within this one-thousand year period no matter how many bodies there are.

  There is always enough room for incarnated Divinum spiritus. Remember a selected body, in whatever generation has always been chosen for each soul. And a body has been prepared for each soul accordingly during whatever dimensional time they choose.”

  “Do we then come back as the same people all the time?”

  “Yes because that is your container it is like clothing you have in your own personal closet, and this is where Déjà vu comes from. Here is the problem though, if all ti
me is occurring at once, then how can a soul be in multiple bodies at the same time? This is due to the fact that all souls are multi-dimensional. You can be in many different bodies at once during many different times.”

  “If Déjà vu is a recollection of past events that one is repeating over again, then why don’t we have them all the time? And just what does it mean multi-dimensional?”

  “It depends on the person, if a person is making changes in their interactive state, the changes will interfere with the memory and the life plan will also change incrementally. Being multi-dimensional reveals like the pixels forming a motion picture, every thought a soul has can participate in that specific dimension of the mind as being unique.


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