The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards

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The Time-Loop Chronicles: The Day the Earth Fell Backwards Page 18

by John Panella

  “How is it that we have telescopes that can see, Jupiter, Saturn etc…? These planets are a billion or more miles away? If moon was that close our telescopes could see much more of the surface couldn’t they?”

  “It is all perspective, the distance between these objects is all scientific Gobbledygook. Our telescopes are not really that effective as you may think. There is no such thing as time and space. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are but a thought away. If your world is a holograph. And you are a holograph that means the telescope is part of the holograph. Think about it. So what they are seeing in the telescope is a projection and it is not way out there, it is actually inside of you.”


  “Let’s continue to take this one step at a time.”

  “I don’t understand Chief, can’t people go to these planets; we went to the moon right?”

  “Yes you could go to these planets just like you can walk on earth, but none of it is real, not even what you perceive of you. Your mind linked with the programmed computerized body can facilitate this operation as a virtual reality simulation. As for going to the moon, most everything you saw with your eyes was an elaborate hoax via a sound stage.”

  “So our astronauts didn’t go to the moon?”

  “Yes they did, but what they discovered could not be released to the world. They had reached the moon long before the first Apollo mission. In 1969 they took their live feed from a previous flight mission in 1959, and tried to reduplicate it by editing out the anomalies that existed upon the moon. By 63, they went to Mars.”

  “Now that is amazing, we have already been to Mars?”

  “Well ‘we’ is subjective don’t you think?” Laughter ensues. Yes, some have even gone to Mars and many are still there, but all of that is hidden information.

  It would have been obvious to everyone, if they had live lunar shots that there were things on the surface of the moon that directly lead inside its hollow realm that should not have been there according to our controlled knowledge, like massive antennas being used to control the people, pointing to the earth as well certain flying objects that should not be there.”

  “Holy smokes, what a bombshell. But chief you are losing me. If the holograph is what we are seeing, and that is where the astronauts went to, then why would there be these anomalies on the surface or internally. Wouldn’t the hologram controllers be wise enough not to show these things?”

  “Yes, now learn the secret. In 1959, the astronauts went to the holographic moon. As to why there are anomalies on the holographic moon, it is because that is where the control center is now operating from.”

  “I thought you said it is the ship that is hidden in the other dimension.”

  “The ship that is hidden is where the holographic projection of our moon came from. This holographic projection is like a holodeck, it is so real, it is a virtual reality. The controls are being used on the holographic moon. They are not coming from the ship per say, only by stealth.

  Now hold on to your hat, as is the vernacular, the moon is just one of several holographic space stations controlling the earth’s occupants, it is controlling the mind and emotions as well as the program itself.”

  “There are more space stations?”

  “Yes, quite a few, the number one home-base station is Saturn. It is time we conclude this by getting back on track. When the earth finished the grand cycle in 2017, it did not return back 25,920 years ago or what is called the 1st Age of Aquarius, nor did it return back to any of the other ages. It only fell back a little over one-thousand years, back to Pisces.

  It is interesting how Pisces is symbolized as a dual fish, one going one way the other going the other, like a continuous loop that never ends. Sometimes the symbol appears as a i with the symbol of two curvatures back to back with a dual spiral line running through it. These are the symbols for the time-loop.”

  “This is crazy, there are those that really know about this and understand about the time-loop, remarkable?”

  “Yes indeed the rulers of this world know all about it. That is why at the end of the last age, they give up, they throw all caution to the wind, and allow the last-days to accelerate to its devastating end, because they know it doesn’t matter, the time is short and everything is about to end and begin again. Remember the Phoenix?

  Now based on the new moon which was placed exactly where it is right now as the holographic light show, it is preventing the earth time machine to fulfil its cycle due to the wobble using a life-threatening technology that most of us know nothing about.

  So those controlling earth from the moon are using this technology to keep the earth out of its proper alignment to make sure the planet relocates back in the loop 1080 years and thus remaining in Pisces.”

  “There are really entities inside the holographic moon controlling our earth?”

  “Actually it is more horrifying than that. Have you heard of the tunnel of light? It is a legend and myth some speak about what happens after one dies. People are grabbed by this vacuum that creates the feeling of being sucked up and being pulled through this light that has the appearance of a tunnel.

  Some speak of it as where you meet long lost loved ones, masters, guides, and even gods. They also report experiencing love and light, and joy like nothing they could have ever imagined. It is so taunting few if anyone are able to avoid this attraction.”

  “Why would anyone want to avoid it, if it is as wonderful as you say?”

  “Because it is a trap, it is all an illusion. The light in the tunnel is coming from a 4th dimensional ship. In fact it is the same ship that came from our past and created the moon, which sends out cruisers, i.e. smaller transport ships, to pick up the dead.

  When souls are released from their bodies, the ship coordinates where they are via the silver cord that was connected to the machine and to the soul, and through a light source from underneath the center of the spacecraft, using holographic technology to get them to see what is not there, these people are picked up and transported.

  “Why don’t people see the ship? And why would their loved ones be there? And where are they being transported?”

  “Obviously when souls leave their bodies, they are no longer in the 3rd dimension. So it takes a 4th dimensional ship to greet them, which those who remain cannot detect, but those who have died can see perfectly. The light coming from the bottom center of the spacecraft is the tunnel of light that people speak of. And the people they see are holographic masks being portrayed to appear as loved ones, but are aliens in drag.”

  “You mean people are being abducted by aliens after death?”

  “Tragic isn’t it? At this point in time most are transported to the holographic moon where all of the controls exist that operate this program. They remain there but only a short time before they are recycled back to earth at another time without memory. Thus your loved ones have been recycled, they are not there waiting for you at the tunnel of light.

  So the moon is not only controlling earth it is controlling the inhabitants of the planet both here and on the other side of life. And thus it is using technology that is causing distortions in the time field. Remember it is all a computerized program.

  Once you grasp this then none of what I am saying will baffle you. But if you still believe this world is authentic, then nothing will ever convince you otherwise.

  This is all that is needed to take place to cause the earth to malfunction in its cycles. This tiny little pull removed the North and South Pole out of its 360˚ alignment, which also severely impaired the time-machine. Instead of the earth being able to return back to the Age of Aquarius or the 1st age, it is stuck in an eternal loop.

  The problem is, when the Earth was in the original time-loop, it allowed the occupants of the planet to see the truth about who they really are. And what has taken place for them to even be here. At one time these holographic worlds were used for entertainment parks for spirits, until Sol Malum had other plans.

; This is why Atlantis came into being and also why it was destroyed. Atlantis had the crystal to create time-travel and dimensional warp fields. However, even though earth was still in a loop, albeit a much larger one, it once upon a time was a ship that could maneuver by will, as is Nibiru.”

  “I don’t know what to say, it is like we are being controlled against our own soul, and we are prisoners of a war that happened long ago.”

  “My friend, why do you think it is so important that I awaken you and everyone else? You are prisoners of the Great War in heaven. The key is the moon is now in control of your emotions, and it is what is allowing all of the dark natures to excel in super-fast speed.

  The moon magnifies fear, egos, dread, loss of hope, insecurity, failure, hurt, personal complexes. The moon is your adversary of your internal light. It also penetrates your dreams, and leads people into darkness of night, turning them from innocent sheep into devious wolves.”

  “Are all of our dreams negative moon creations?”

  “No, there are dreams from the divine realm to help aid us, but the moon often interferes and removes the memory from your mind. Thus I took your notepad and kept it so I could return it back into your dream at another time.”

  “Ah, you lost me there… return it to my dream?”

  “Of course haven’t you figured it out by now? Everyone is dreaming, but not everyone is in the same dream?”

  (21) The Holographic Sun Projector

  The Reunion Day Seventeen – The Cold Sun

  After tonight I am left with my head spinning as to the knowledge that was being presented. I am still freaked out by the information given about the moon.

  I asked the chief as we were walking back to our places of rest and contemplation one last question. “If the moon is really a holograph, then is the light source that we see from the moon coming from the sun?”

  His eyes brightened a tad and then he verified what I had been thinking. “No, the light source is internal created by the holograph itself, the moon is too close to be reflecting the sun light to create its myriad of phases, so the light is internal yet it duplicates exactly what would happen if the sun could be able to reflect upon it. However the source of the holograph itself is the original moon ship using advanced technology to create the artificial orb.”

  That evening when I went to sleep, all of a sudden reality took a hike very fast as I was floating up while talking to the chief, I began to experience the same thing when I was sitting in front of the door of the cave. Everything went from light to black…

  “Where are we Chief?”

  “We are now floating in space, we are on the dark side of the moon. We are going to move around the surface and launch towards the sun. Are you ready?”

  “OH no not really!”

  “Do not fear, nothing can hurt you here.”

  “Where is here Chief?”

  “You are in another dream, and I am inside your dream and directing it. What you are about to experience will make you question everything.”

  As we began to fly around the surface from beyond the back of the moon, I was waiting for the sun and all of its brilliance to illuminate everything and nearly blind us, but that is not what happened.

  “Amazing isn’t it? Where is the sun?” The Chief continued… “Where is the great ball of fire that can consume whole worlds?”

  “You got me Chief? I have no clue where it is, is it hiding, is it being blocked by something?”

  “No, the truth is, in space we cannot see the projector, you can’t see light in space due to it being a vacuum of nothingness.”

  Instantly we were moving towards earth and before you knew it we were standing on the hot sands of the plains of the Sahara.

  “Now what we are going to do is allow our physical senses to enter the dream world. I want you not only to witness this amazing phenomenon, but feel it also. Now as your senses are coming into the mind, what is it that you feel?”

  “I am extremely hot, the temperature is blazing out here, and I would not want to be here in reality, the sun is powerful and now I can see it clear as a bell.”

  “Notice how hot that blazing ball of fire in the sky really is while we are standing on the surface of the earth in Northern Africa just 2000+ feet above sea level. And yet we couldn’t even see the sun while in space.”

  “It is strange that in space we couldn’t see this powerful light but here we can, and let me tell you, it is scorching. But I would like to move on.”

  We instantly began to soar into the air and landed upon another earth landmark, Mt. Everest, which is 29,000+ feet above sea level.

  “Where are we now Chief?”

  “We are standing on the highest mountain, at its uppermost peak. We are erect on top of the world. Again let us feel the sensations of our external ecosphere.”

  We both began to freeze in the super low temperature climate. And yet as we stood there the chief was simply pointing to the sun in the same sky, and the same place that we witnessed it prior while standing in the desert.

  “Do you realize a strange anomaly based on our two different experiences?”

  “Yes Chief, it is freezing here and yet in the Sahara it was hot as hell.”

  “What is wrong with this picture?” the chief asked.

  “Well, I am standing here wondering, why is it bone chilling ice cold freezing here, when we are on the top of the world being much closer to the sun. And yet in the desert, we were frying like eggs for breakfast and it was miles further from the sun.

  How is this possible?” I wondered.

  “That is an interesting question that few ever ask. Why is it the closer you get to the sun the colder it becomes? Scientists will give all sorts of impressive answers as to why this occurs, but logically it makes no sense. If you get closer to the object of the source of heat, then it only stands to reason, the heat would intensify.”

  “Yea if I was camping on a winter evening, and we built a fire, the closer we got to the fire the warmer it would become, likewise the further we were away from the fire the cooler it would be. So yea, this makes no sense.”

  The chief clamors, “Yet we are witnessing that the closer we get to the object the colder it becomes; how is this possible?”

  “You got me chief, I never thought about that before, I just assumed the higher as one climbed above sea-level it just got colder, but that makes no sense. If we are closer to the sun, as the heat source, the land at sea level should be colder and all of the mountain tops should be arid deserts.”

  “Ok, let’s try one more experiment.”

  Immediately we began to fly towards space until we were past the outer atmosphere of earth still heading towards the sun.

  “How does it feel out here now that we are even closer to the sun?”

  “Chief it is ice cold freezing, a block of ice could sit out here forever and not lose one droplet of water, and amazingly again, there is no sun.”

  “Exactly, but how is all of this possible, if the sun is the source of heat then the closer we get to the sun, the intensity of heat should magnify, but it doesn’t? It is obvious the sun is a source of something, but what really is the source?”

  “Yes I understand chief, but it is obvious that when the sun is shining it brings with it great heat, it can even burn the skin. So something is happening that is producing heat.”

  “We have what is called an atmosphere on this world. When space shuttles have come back through the earth’s atmosphere they need special protection as they return towards the ground, as they move through the outer atmosphere, the shuttle begins to burn red hot.

  The atmosphere is a blanket covering the earth. This blanket appears to shield out much of the source of energy coming from the sun. If we did not have this blanket covering earth then nothing could survive on the surface. So our first clue is there is something in the atmosphere that is creating great heat and it is not the sun.

  And yet we just proved, the higher we go into the heaven
s the colder it gets and the sun seems to be missing also. So the very notion that the sun is giving off heat as a furnace obviously is not accurate, yet something is happening. It is called, Holographic radiation.

  So even if we were able to block out the sun light then why wouldn’t the world simply freeze? Every night the sunlight is blocked out on one side of the earth, but we do not freeze, in fact at different places it can be still quite warm.

  Now what is ironic, they tell us that Mercury can get to about 170˚ Celsius facing toward the sun. However on the other side it can get down to as low as -147˚ Celsius.

  Does that make sense? And Mercury is much closer to the sun, you would think the heat of the day would last deep into the night. Why doesn’t earth react the same? When the sun is on the other side of the planet, we should enter an ice age every night.”


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