by John Panella
“Yes I believe so.”
“Your DNA is a code that replicates everything about you in the system. Meaning you are nothing but a code inside a computer.”
“How can a computer be that powerful to remember so much information? Our best computers today are like only 256K memory?”
“In your future within 25 years from your time, your computers will advance from KB, to MB to GB to TB to PB and it would have continued if the shift didn’t take place.”
“I know what KB is, what do those other letters mean?”
“KB is kilobyte representing 1000 bits of information in the hard drive as you know. The computer can hold up to 1000 times its capacity, as your system might be 256K it means it has 256,000 bits of capable information that it can store.
Now MB is megabytes, it is one thousand times more than kilobytes. And it represents one million byte memory. Then there are GB, or gigabytes, which is one-thousand times even more, or one billion bytes. The TB, are terabytes or one trillion bits of information, and then it increases to PB or petabytes, which is a quadrillion bits of information.
Now understand, this is just the hard drive faculty of what can be stored. This is not the memory that is needed to allow a program to function. That is different, that is called memory speed, and this is what drives the computer, like a person driving an automobile. This is what generates the active pixels to form during operation of movement.
So the stored memory can create the driver and the automobile, but the RAM (Random Access Memory) speed is what allows it to go virtual, where the driver can actually begin driving the vehicle.
The RAM speed is called RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. It references how much power can be given to the virtual drive. By 2017 the fastest RM speed will be so powerful that it will be very close within a few years to actually creating a virtual reality game that could appear as real as your life, in this world and in the universe.”
“Wow that is magnificent, something that powerful to produce a fake reality, whoa!”
“If this world were to continue and not get stuck in the time-loop where everything is reversed backwards. Then this world would come to the place by 2022AD, where you could make a virtually reality of your very own universe inside a computer and then link your consciousness awareness up to it creating your own virtual universe.
You could then create computers that were so powerful it could recreate a virtual world and everything in it would simply be a program where one could use to experience this other awareness.”
“Just a second chief, are you telling me these centers have such a computer where it can visually store memory from all ages. Wouldn’t that imply that someone has the capability of building such a universal operating machine where it is all a virtual reality right now?”
“Impressive, I do believe you are really beginning to understand. This is what I am trying to convey, that the world we appear to live in is a simulated computer program. We are already inside a virtual reality because someone already has this technology and they are using it, and we are the rats in their lab. I am going to allow you to access these virtual controls to witness your past lives and existence that is linked with your soul energy.”
“Do you mean that you know where these energy centers are that have this computer access?”
“Well yes and no, I do know where some of them are, but we will not be going there, YET. We do not even need to go to these places to locate these controls.”
“Why not?”
“Because why go to the machine when we already have the information stored within our soul?”
“We have all of this stored within us?”
“Oui mon ami!
Everything that you have ever done is stored within you for all times. If the machine can access your history’s past by interlinking the DNA of your program to your soul energy, then why use the DNA at all? Just use the soul energy. Come with me.”
(23) Past Lives
The Reunion Day Nineteen – Alternate Realities
The chief then began to lead me somewhere and I was extremely apprehensive, yet excited. I wanted to see my past and what history was like. He led me to this hut, it was rectangular fortress made from trees, probably about 10’ X 8’. It appeared to be big enough to allow for 5 maybe 10 people inside.
The bottom was rectangular, and as you peered up the walls it began to shape into sort of like a Teepee. They used tree branches, and they were positioned toward the center about 15 feet high from the side of the walls.
As I walked in I could see an opening at the top about a foot in diameter. There were several beds made out of trees and branches. A leather pillow with pine needles were stuffed inside, as I could see some of them were protruding out of it.
There was a round area in the center on the ground, and inside the center of it was a remnant of burnt logs and ash for a fire. Upon which new wood had been placed on top of the old ashes and it was set aflame. Smoke was rising through the vent at the top of the roof, and it became very warm in there.
The chief then referred to a cup that had some type of a mixture of plants and herbs inside, I think it had been boiling for quite some time as it really had to go through a process, it was like a thick tea. The chief then asked one of his people if the brew was ready. He had to tell me that is what was conveyed. The other one replied in the affirmative that it was ready.
The chief asked me to sit down, and prepare myself. He said, you are about to go on a journey of the soul, you may become frightened at times, you may even become thrilled or mystified by what you are about to witness.
Remember this is your past and future reality along with portions of this illusory world. I must warn you what you are about to drink may cause great discomfort, and you might not be able to hold it down. Do whatever it takes to hold it down. And then lie back on the table and place your head on the pillow.
After you do this, some strange things are going to occur. However, I have perfected how to use this mixture to allow you to tap into your soul and then I can guide you in the experience. It is sort of like regression therapy but a thousand fold more powerful.
The mixture we are using is from the Ayahuasca plant found in Brazil. I was preparing it earlier on one of our first sessions, I was preparing it all for you. Most do not realize that properly prepared, it becomes, ‘soul oil.’”
“Soul oil?”
Yes this plant is neither in this dimension or the other, it sits between worlds. And when properly brewed the plant has the ability to lubricate the soul connection linked with your specific mind-body and to engage the memory of that soul.
So my friend, you will be leaving me for a while, but I will be here asking you questions along the way, not to create your experience, but to steer you to what you need to learn. Everything that you will experience is an event that your soul has gone through. However, what the energy centers on earth cannot do, we can do.”
“What is that Chief?”
We can now go beyond the programming into the dimensions that you came from, although it will be limited. I am going to direct you back before you came to this universe and before you got trapped into the program. Only your soul can remember this. It will guide you to what it thinks you can handle at this level of awareness, your guide will be with you. So are you ready?”
“Um, not sure, but hey, why not… My guide?”
“Don’t worry, OK drink this, drink it all, and do your best to hold it down. Your guide is your soul assistant, or better understood your guide is ‘YOU’ at another level of awareness.”
“I am not being possessed or becoming some channel to evil spirits, am I?”
Laughter, “No of course not, it is harmless because it is you helping you.”
I began to drink this thick fluid and I wanted to heave my guts out. Oh my god, this is horrible. I have never tasted anything like this. I did my very best to hold it down, but I wanted to release it. The chief told me if I did not hold it down, I had to d
rink it again. That thought was so reprehensible I decided, once is enough.
I then slowly began to lie down on the bed provided. My abdomen felt like snakes were crawling all through. It was like my intestines were nothing but worms trying to escape.
I then closed my eyes and began to wonder what will happen, if anything. I felt like I was in deep space, like I was no longer alive, or even among the living. I wondered if the chief had made a mistake and gave me poison, because I began to think I had passed on.
I even thought of opening my eyes, but I was so far gone into this deep sleep, I stopped caring anymore. I don’t know how long I have been here, or where I am anymore, but I don’t think I am home, I don’t think I am anywhere, like between worlds. As soon as I said that my eyes began to observe what appeared to be outer space.
I was on some world, I don’t know where, but I was looking into space and before me appeared several planets of magnificent sizes that were just hanging directly in space, over my head.
The colors, the awesome beauty, the resonance, I could even hear sound as if they were singing. I just said, “Oh my God this is awesome!”
I then heard this voice that seemed to come from nowhere, deep inside of me. It was a female voice, like an angel, beautiful, tender, and compassionate.
It asked me, “Do you know where you are?”
I replied, “No I do not, where is this place?”
“Your consciousness is visiting a beautiful realm where you can witness the beauty of creation itself before it became into a decaying and dying state.”
I was in total astonishment.
“This was you millions of years ago before you fell into the dimension of matter, when all things were just consciousness observations.”
“I feel like I can touch these planets, how can they just sit there like that?”
“You can touch them if you desire, just feel them in your mind, you can do so many things.”
I then stuck my hand out and I could feel the energy. It was so amazing, as it vibrated, changing a little and then it re-formed before my observation.
The voice then said, “Are you ready for your next visit?”
At this time I didn’t want to leave I was at such peace, I just wanted to remain there forever. I reluctantly told the guide that I would be willing to move on. Everything went black, I could see nothing. I could feel nothing, I had no sensations about anything, other than I could think, I was in the void.
It brought to mind what Rene Descartes said, “I think therefore I AM.” At no other time in my life had I ever realized this more than right now. My thoughts, my consciousness is who I really am; everything else is dress wear.
Then as quickly as everything faded to black, I began to see light. It reminded me of when I was sitting outside the cave by the tree with the Agents, and everything turned black. I began to wonder is this what happened?
Did the turning of darkness represent my transition in dimensions? As I was thinking these thoughts, I heard this old familiar voice say, “Yes, it is the same principle.”
I asked, knowing this was the chief, “How did you know I was thinking this, I did not speak it out loud?”
“I hear your every thought, they are coming to me as mental pictures.”
As I was able to awaken from this blackness of the void, I began to see before me waters of an ocean, as I was sitting upon a rock bench. I was staring out to sea, and then I looked, and sitting beside me was my wife, Annie May, the same wife I have in this world, it is my wife indeed, she even sort of looked the same.
Her short black hair, and kind eyes, and the optimistic smile. I could tell we were happy. I felt like we had known each other forever. I wondered why she was there, have we always been together?
Again this familiar voice brought reason into confusion. It said with complete confidence, “This is a soul mate, a part of you that has been together for a very long time. A friend, a deep association between two souls. And often when you participate in something, the other one wants to be right there along for the ride.”
As I sat there on the bench looking out to the beach and water. I began to watch the sun. I thought I was seeing things at first. But the sun started to turn a dark deep orange color. And I began to see black protrusions forming all over the sun’s surface.
I then brought my wife’s attention to it, saying, ‘what is happening to the sun?’ I remember saying, ‘Oh this is not good!’
As I sat there watching the sun, it began to appear as if it was losing its energy, black dot like protrusions were growing bigger and expanding in size and quantity and they began to fill the entire surface.
The sun began to grow darker and darker as if it was burning out, I then grabbed my wife’s hand, and we began to run away from the direction of the beach and the sun. It was even in my mind, ‘what am I doing, we can’t run from this?’
The Sun then went completely black, and everything turned black and icy cold. We continued to run but the cold air was so cold we actually froze in full stride, it felt like we vanished into nothingness. And then everything faded to black, having only my thoughts to contend with.
I asked myself, what happened? And then the female voice said to me, “This was a world you used to live upon, prior to coming to earth. The sun that burned out eventually became a brown dwarf, and it was in type like a binary star system which is linked to a secondary sun, like that of your system that you have with your sun.”
Even though you were spirits enjoying the entertainments of the matter universe, things happened that spirits never had to deal with until they decided to play in these worlds. This is before darkness took over the soul and sacrificed the light.”
Again I blacked out and all of a sudden I am flying in space, I am free, like a bird with no ties. I was flying with two other friends. We were not in ships, we were flying like birds throughout space. It is so real, I feel like I am really there…”
“Not that long ago, you were really there.” the voice spoke. “Please continue to tell me what is happening with you and your friends.”
We are just soaring through space without a care in the universe. “OH WOW?”
“What, did something happen?”
“The planets, we are flying by planets, but they are not round; they appear to be alive.”
“Tell me more.”
“The planets, they are shaped like dolphins and whales, sea creatures, but they are alive. The planet is living, they are moving through space like swimming in the ocean. WOW!”
“Yes in the true spirit world all things are alive and have consciousness. These are not matter worlds but living energy worlds.”
As we kept soaring, I then looked far in front of me and I saw this white chalky substance filling part of the space. I began asking; “What is it?”
“Continue to move forward, you already know what it is.” The chief replied in my thoughts. I am looking towards my friends, while a deep sadness comes over me. We spoke of it while we were flying towards this white chalky substance.
One of friends conveyed to me, ‘this is the dimension of the prison galaxy. We have lost many friends into this realm, and they have never come back out.’ Deep sadness and gloom filled our hearts. We all remembered our friends, but now they are prisoners to this fallen dimension.
“Chief, can you hear me, what is this?”
“I can hear you and know your thoughts as if they were my own. This is the universe you call the Milky Way Galaxy. It indeed is a prison for souls.”
“Yes I can remember now, many have fallen and are down there, and they are lost. And they don’t even remember who they were. I feel terrible for them. I cannot understand how they were trapped. They had great and glorious powers like we all do, but now all memory is lost.
My friends that are flying with me, reminded me that we were not supposed to go into this realm, or we would be sucked in. If we are sucked in then we will lose all memory of who we are and forever be missing.
That didn’t set well with me, why would be become lost? We have all of these powers, we are not prisoners. We remember everything. And even if we enter matter worlds and experience that which is called death, we are not trapped we just awaken unto our soul’s journey.
Again my friends assured me that we were warned not to go into this realm. I then asked the chief, “Is this true, is this realm a trap for spirits?”
“Yes it is, to those who decided not to honor the will of truth, they were indeed sucked in, but there are still many that did not follow.”
As we continued to fly forward, I kept thinking to myself, I have this power, I have this glory, why can’t I go into this realm and awaken my friends and bring them back to the fold? I felt it was wrong to leave them there, that if we had this kind of supremacy and we do not use it to help, are we not worse than those who have enslaved our friends?