Midnight Blood (Born Immortal)

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Midnight Blood (Born Immortal) Page 2

by Yanski, Nicole

  Melina showed up around 3:30, late as always, and Shayna realized that Cain’s BMW was already gone. When had he left? Was his car there when she came outside? She couldn’t remember, and she was too busy thinking about him, to even think to see if he had left.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Melina apologized and unlocked the door, “The girls and I had to exchange notes.”

  “What did you find out?” Shayna asked to fulfill her own curiosity, and climbed into the car.

  “Nothing really,” Melina plopped into the driver seat and threw her bag in the back seat. “He really didn’t talk to anyone but Noah, I heard he lives with his aunt though.”

  Melina had caught Shayna’s attention, “Noah? Why was he talking to Noah?” she asked her.

  Noah was the one person that didn’t totally repulse Shayna, at the Art Academy. He was the only person that she was close to, and trusted.

  “I don’t know,” Melina responded. “Delany saw them talking in Gym. She couldn’t hear them.”

  Shayna looked out the window, “Oh,” she said.

  “Why do you care?” Melina asked.

  “I don’t,” Shayna said, turning her head quickly back to face Melina. “I was just wondering why he was talking to Noah is all.”

  “Why not Noah, everyone talks to Noah. Shay are you okay?” Melina looked at Shayna quizzically.

  “I’m fine,” she laughed, “I was just curious.”

  “Well anyways,” Melina went on. “I’m not sure what to do. I don’t know anything about him, so I don’t know where to start, and Maria said I can have him, she said it would be pointless, and wished me luck.” Melina laughed, and ran her fingers through her golden locks. “Like I need it.”

  “Oh brother,” Shayna rolled her eyes. “Just give him time and space, it’s his first day of school, maybe he’s shy.”

  “Did you see him?” Shayna nodded in response to Melina’s question, and Melina continued. “Did you see those eyes?” Melina didn’t wait for the answer, “He is definitely not shy!”

  Shayna thought about those eyes. She couldn’t stop thinking about them. So green and captivating. She’d only seen eyes that beautiful, in her dreams. Did they have the same eyes? No, his were blue. She shook the thought out of her head.

  When they pulled onto Melody Lane, Shayna saw their mothers Jeep in their driveway before Melina did, and smiled.

  “Oh crap,” Melina blurted out, and turned around in her seat while driving, and looked in the backseat for something to change into fast, but for the first time, the Honda had nothing, Shayna had cleaned it out the weekend before. She looked at Shayna pleadingly, “Tell mom I’m going back, to hang out with Delany’s, and I’ll be back for dinner.”

  “Going to change your clothes?” Shayna asked grinning.

  “She wasn’t supposed to be here tonight,” Melina told her, “I checked the chart.”

  “Tell Delany ‘Hi’ for me,” Shayna said sarcastically and got out of the car.

  “Thanks Shay.”

  Shayna winked at her, “You owe me.” She closed the car door, and bound up the walkway to the house and opened front door.

  “Mom,” she shouted. She was concerned, she hoped she wasn’t ill. “Where are you?”

  “In the kitchen Shay”, she heard her mother answer. Shayna walked into the kitchen.

  “I thought you were working today,” she said to her mother.

  “I’m on call, I just put it on the fridge chart so you girls weren’t expecting me home,” Sarah Verona works nights at Munson Medical Center as a phlebotomist. She had been there since she graduated twenty years ago. Their father Marcus had supported their mother, and had taken care of the girls so that she could go back to work. “So far no call,” she smiled at her daughter, “So how was the new boy? Was he worth all the fuss?”

  Shayna smiled and said, “Probably. He seems to be keeping to himself, and I think that’s causing a bigger fuss.”

  “What do you mean?” Sarah asked.

  “I don’t know, he hasn’t really talked to anyone, and I think it’s driving some of the girls crazy. Most of them aren’t used to being ignored.” Shayna twisted the ends of her hair.

  “Ah, I see,” Sarah put her hands on Shayna’s, “I bet he didn’t ignore you.”

  Shayna looked at her mom, her eyes were tired and full of love for her daughter. “How do you know?” she shook her head, and narrowed her eyes.

  “You’re beautiful Shayna,” she squeezed her hand, “You don’t need blonde hair dye, and gobs of make up. You’re naturally beautiful. Do I have to tell you that everyday?”

  “No, I guess not,” she sighed.

  She did know she was beautiful. She just didn’t care. She knew that every boy at school wanted her, and she knew that it drove them crazy that she wouldn’t have them.

  “He only asked me for directions to his next class, no big deal,” she smiled at Sarah, “I love you Mom.”

  “I love you too Shayna,” she gave Shayna a hug, kissed her forehead and said, “I’m going upstairs to take a nap in case I do get called in.”

  “Okay,” Shayna said and grabbed her backpack. “I’m going to go for a walk.”

  “Just be back by seven for dinner,” Sarah said, heading up the stairs.

  Shayna grabbed an apple off the counter, and headed upstairs herself, eating as she walked. She went into her room, and threw her backpack on her bed, grabbed her art bag, and headed back down. She threw the apple in the garbage on her way out the door, and walked towards the edge of the forest where their path was. The path had been there for years. Permanantly beaten into the ground by Melina and Shayna over time.

  Shayna felt so at peace in the woods, away from the house and the town. She only had to walk about a mile in, until she got to the river. This time of year their favorite summer time creek was a raging torrent, and the waterfall was amazing. She entered the clearing and found her spot. Shayna was in the middle of a personal art project. She was drawing the waterfall in different stages of the seasons. Although there wasn’t any snow to draw at the time, the waterfall still raged. She was mezmerized by how it could go from something so calm and peaceful, to a raging killer, in just a few months. She felt one with the waterfall. She was changing too.

  High up in a very large maple tree, a silent, dark figure watched Shayna drawing. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was the most magnificent creature he had ever seen. Her scent was so sweet and powerful. He licked his lips and ran his tongue over his teeth feeling the sharpness extend.

  Shayna had an eerie feeling come over her. A feeling like she was being watched. She looked up to the trees, the dark figure hugged the big tree, to hide himself, and Shayna saw nothing. She remembered something her father had told her about cougars, or mountain lions, or whatever. Something about being able to feel them hunting you. The hairs on the back of her neck began to stand up, and she shivered. The DNR had confirmed Mountain Lions were in fact inhabiting Northern Michigan. She decided it was time to go. She had never had that feeling here before….or anywhere for that matter.

  It was dark when Shayna emerged from the woods. She could hear music coming from Melina’s bedroom, she was already home. She opened the back door and an aroma of tomatoes, and basils, and her mother’s secret ingredient filled her nostrils. Sarah kept the secret ingredient locked in an icebox in the basement. Shayna knew what was inside, but she never told her mother’s secret, it was her secret too. Sarah didn’t even know she knew.

  “Smells good,” she told Sarah as she entered the kitchen.

  “Thank you,” Sarah smiled at her, “Will you call down Mel, it’s almost done.”

  Shayna went to the back stairs. “Mel,” she yelled, “Dinner!”

  “Coming!” was the response that was yelled back.

  Shayna went to the cupboard, and got the plates to set the table.

  “How is your project coming Shay?” Sarah inquired.

  “Good.” Shayna answered. “Beside
the fact, of not much snow this year, but I can still capture the waterfall. I can’t wait until spring is over and I can draw the final stage.

  “Mmm, I can’t wait to see it,” Sarah replied.

  Shayna never showed anyone an unfinished project. She felt it was bad luck.

  “Smells great mom,” Melina said as she thundered down the stairs.

  The two girls sat down at the table in the dining room and Sarah brought the food in. She placed the spaghetti and garlic bread on the table and headed back to the kitchen. The smells of the food seemed overpowering to Shayna, it smelled so delicious.

  “Is your registration for NYU completed and ready for this fall?” Sarah asked when she returned.

  “Almost,” Shayna swallowed a bite of spaghetti, “I still have to send in my transcripts.”

  “And when are you doing that?”

  “Mrs.Wade in the office told me she would have everything ready for me by the end of the week,” Shayna smiled.

  “Just can’t wait to get out of here can you?” Melina accused.

  “Like you would miss me!” Shayna said teasingly.

  “Shay,” Melina looked at her sister. “Just because you’re boring and we don’t hang out, doesn’t mean I won’t miss you.”

  “Awe shucks, Mel,” Shayna pretended to be embarassed, and smiled, “You’re a peach.”

  They talked about the girls plans for college the rest of dinner. Melina had plans to go to Michigan State University to major in Journalism. She loved gossip. Shayna was going to New York University to major in art. She wanted to illustrate novel covers. They weren’t like most students at the Art Acadamy, most of the students weren’t even from Michigan, let alone the US. They never understood why they had to attend the academy, but their father had insisted.

  When dinner was over, Melina went to the living room, and sprawled out on the couch, remote control in hand. Shayna helped Sarah clean up the kitchen. They worked in silence, Shayna too busy thinking about Cain to start a conversation, and Sarah sensing Shayna in deep thought, and not wanting to interrupt.

  When they were done, Shayna went upstairs to run herself a bath. She went to her room, and grabbed Utopia out of her backpack and her robe and went to the bathroom. She turned on the water and poured some vanilla oil in the water, and lit an inscent stick. The inscent seemed stronger than ever to her tonight, everything smelled stronger to her tonight. Was the change already happening? She thought. Is this part of it? Shayna took off her clothes and slid into the big clawfoot tub. She left Utopia on her robe on the bathroom floor, and sank back, closing her eyes.

  The creek babbled over the waterfall, splashing onto the rocks below. It was spring. Shayna had come to the waterfall to be alone and think about her father. He was missing everything. Her eighteenth birthday, graduation, everything. A tear fell down her cheek. He had written in the letter she found, in Utopia two years ago, that he would return to her before her eighteenth birthday. If he didn’t that he was truly dead. She would be in this alone.

  Suddenly a familiar feeling swept through her. She looked up to the top of the waterfall. There he was, not her father, but her dream boy, standing at the top of the waterfall smiling down at her. She stepped towards him, and he started to walk down the jagged path next to the waterfall, toward her. As he got closer he held out his hand to her, he was so beautiful. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She slowly reached her hand out to him waiting for the touch.

  “Shayna,” she heard from above, right as their fingertips were about to touch. She recognized that voice, a different voice, a soft and musical voice. She looked up again to the waterfall. It was Cain. What was he doing here? What was going on? With his eyes, he smiled down at her. Her heart melted, and her stomach swam. “Shayna,” he said once again. Her name sounded beautiful when he said it. She remembered the other boy and looked back to him. To her dismay, he was gone. She couldn’t believe she lost her opportunity to to feel his touch. She had waited so long. She didn’t care if it was just a dream. Why had she been getting so close to him now? She thought. She returned her gaze up to Cain. He smiled at her and whispered, “I’m here for you now.” She could not look away from his eyes, she almost felt like she was in a trance, they were so mezmerizing. He said her name again, but it was another voice that came out of his lips.

  “Shayna,” it was Sarah, “Are you alive in there?”

  Her eyes slowly opened. She had fallen asleep, and the water was freezing, she shivered.

  “I’m alive,” she said through the door. “Barely,” she added.

  She heard her mom laugh on the other side of the door. “Good night. I’m going to bed.”

  “I’m out,” Shayna told her, and pushed herself up and out of the cold water. “Good night.” Shayna wrapped herself in a towel and stepped out of the bathtub, careful not to drip water on Utopia. She dried off and put on her robe, and brushed her teeth, and went to her room. She stuffed Utopia into her backpack and put her pajamas on, which consisted of, a pair of flannel pants, and a t-shirt.

  She grabbed her brush and started brushing her long thick hair. As she brushed she couldn't stop thinking about what Cain had said. “I’m here for you now.” What did that mean? Shayna put the brush back on the vanity and turned off the light and went to bed. She slept dreamless all night.

  Chapter 2


  When Cain entered the meadow that morning as dawn broke, he was not surprised to see the huge hawk, on a downed tree on the otherside. He knew it was already there.

  Cain glared. Well, well. He projected. Definitely not surprised to see you, just surprised it’s so soon

  He heard the hawk’s voice in his head, it was a familiar voice. She’s stronger and more pure than the rest, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you away from her.

  She will be mine fool! Cain slowly took a step forward. You won’t stop me.

  Then so be it. The hawk yelled in Cain’s head. I will stop you. The huge hawk outstretched his wings, and lifted off the ground, and into the sky towards Cain. Cain watched as the hawk headed right towards him. He ducked as it swooped down towards him, then lifted higher and was gone over the tall trees.

  Crap, this isn’t going to be easy. Cain told himself.


  Shayna felt different when she woke up. She was anxious to get to school, and she couldn’t believe why. Cain. Cain was the first thing she thought about when she woke up, and for the first time in three years she wanted to stay awake. There was a different boy she wanted to see today.

  Shayna had a hard time accepting that she could not stop thinking about Cain. There was only one boy she ever wanted to know so much about, and he wasn’t real. Cain was. She still had thoughts of her dream, in the bathtub, and what he had said. I’m here for you now. He was here now. He was real, and she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  She went to her closet and pulled out a brand new pair of jeans she got for Christmas, and put them on, she loved the way they made her butt look, which is why she never wore them. She put on a red camisole, and pulled a red silken blouse over it. She looked in the mirror that was on the back of her bedroom door.

  Sarah was right, she was beautiful. She had her father’s strong Roman features. His mouth, and eyes, and thick curly chocolate hair.

  Why was she so stubborn? She could have any boy she wanted. She refused to be like the other girls at the academy, and use her looks, instead of talent, to get her through life. She wanted to be herself, as long as she was still herself. The exact opposite of the other girls. But yet she found herself in front of the mirror examining her outfit and hair.

  She wanted to be disgusted with herself, but only saw Cain’s face. She wanted to tell him she was sorry for being so rude to him. She wanted to pour her heart out to him, and tell him all of her secrets that she never told anyone else. This did disgust her! She didn’t know anything about him. She wondered how she could feel this way about a stranger. Could he ever accept what
I am? She thought. Anxiety swept through her again. She needed to see him. She grabbed her backpack, and ran downstairs, expecting Melina to be waiting in the kitchen for her. No Melina. Shayna looked out the living room window, and saw the Honda sitting in the driveway.

  Weird. Shayna thought. She ran back upstairs, and knocked on Melina’s door, “Mel,” she said, “Are you coming?”

  She could hear Melina moving around on the other side of the door, and then she opened the door, “What?”

  “Are you coming?” Shayna asked again.

  “No,” she said, “Take the car.”

  Shayna hated driving, “Nah, it’s not bad outside, I think I’ll walk.” Most of the students that attended the Interlochen Center for the Arts lived at the academy, and we’re not from Interlochen, or Northern Michigan, Shayna enjoyed walking to school.

  “Whatever,” Melina looked at her twin, “You’re really going to walk?”

  “Sure,” Shayna replied, “I better enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.”

  “Won’t be long,” Melina told her, and closed the door.

  She went downtairs and put her boots on. She couldn’t let her secrets keep her from being happy anymore. She wanted to know more about Cain, he intrigued her. She was anxious again.

  She left the house, and clouds covered the sun, casting a shadow over Melody Lane. So much for a decent day. She turned onto Innwood, and an eerie feeling crept through her. The feeling from the previous night, when she felt like she was being watched. A branch broke high above her. Startled, she jumped, and looked up. A massive hawk flapped his wings in the tree above.


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