An Angel's Torment

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by Valerie Twombly

  An Angel’s Torment

  Eternally Mated Series Prequel

  Valerie Twombly



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  About the Author

  Also by Valerie Twombly

  Copyright © 2016 by Valerie Twombly

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

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  Now you can purchase book 1 and 2 as a set!

  Chapter 1

  Tegan stood unseen under a maple, its leaves twisted green and silver in the pending storm’s breeze. He’d managed to hold off the rain as he watched, while the humans wept for their loss.

  Several family and friends gathered close to the woman who clutched a tiny baby in her arms. The infant, no more than a few days old slept unaware of events that unfolded. Tegan pushed off the tree. Wanting to get a closer look, he kept his wings wrapped around him, cloaking him from prying eyes. How fitting that an angel, a leader in the Maker’s army would show up on this day. If they could see him, many here would think he’d come to bless the deceased, take them to the afterlife. Nothing could be further from the truth. They were lucky fire didn’t rain down on them with the mood he was in. Only the safety of the baby kept him partially sane.

  Fourteen months earlier

  Following his normal morning routine. Tegan slipped into a run, the scent of pine thick in the air. He didn’t know why, but he’d been drawn to this small town in Maine long ago. Running the forests well before the town was even built, he had enjoyed watching the growth and advancement of the people here. At some point though, it had become a hotbed for demon activity. A fissure appeared deep in the woods, and the evil of Hell had leaked through. He’d stationed several of his best hunters in the area to keep a watchful eye and dispose of any demons who managed to gain access. So far, they’d been successful at shutting down the evil before it caused too much havoc.

  As he rounded the bend in the path, he saw her. She’d been there every morning for the past month, feeding the squirrels. When he ran by he always nodded a hello, but today he told himself he would stop and talk to her. Something about the girl intrigued him, and he was desperate to learn her name.

  He slowed to a jog. As usual, she looked up, ready to wave as he passed. This time he stopped and surprise lit up her pretty face. She pushed a strand of blonde hair from her eyes and pulled her sweatshirt tighter around her. While it wasn’t cold, the air was crisp on this August morning.

  “Hello,” he called as he approached the bench.

  “Good morning.”

  He stopped in front of her but still far enough away to be non-threatening. “I thought it was time to make a formal introduction. I mean we’ve been waving at each other for weeks now.”

  A wide smile curled her pink lips. “You’re welcome to join me. Oh...unless you have someplace you need to be.”

  He accepted her invitation, and took a seat next to her, yet kept an acceptable distance. “My name’s Tegan.”

  Her hazel eyes sparkled like rare jewels. “I’m Ana. Pleased to meet you, Tegan.” She held out her hand and he accepted, noting the softness of her skin. He gave a firm quick shake before letting go.

  “So, you’re a runner. Do you run marathons?” She tossed a handful of nuts out to the waiting squirrels.

  “No, I just enjoy the freedom and solitude of running in the forest. It helps me think.” He watched the furry creatures grab their food and scatter to a safe distance. “And you? I see you here every morning with your entourage.” He waved to the band of squirrels, and she let out a soft, carefree laugh that he found delightful.

  “I also love the solitude of the forest. It makes me forget my problems.” She shoved her hands into her pockets and looked to the sky. The morning sun filtered through the trees and kissed her face, making her look angelic. Every time he passed her on his morning run, he contemplated choosing her to father his daughter. He sensed she would be a good mother, loving and nurturing. But did she believe in angels?

  “It’s like a slice of heaven here,” he replied.

  She didn’t look at him but continued to stare upward. “It is. I often think angels play here.” She smiled then brought her gaze to his. “You probably think I’m crazy.”

  She was perfect. “Not at all. I believe in angels and know for a fact they’d love this place.”

  “Is that so?” She delighted him with a chuckle.

  “It is.” He dug for his courage. “Ana, would you like to have coffee sometime?” Her smile stopped for a moment, and he worried she’d say no, but then it returned.

  “I’d like that very much.” Her eyes widened. “Oh, I could bring us a picnic breakfast. Would you like that? We could enjoy our favorite place and have coffee at the same time.”

  He wondered how it was this woman wasn’t claimed by another. No matter, he would enjoy getting to know more about her. “I can’t think of a better place.” He stood. “I’ll meet you here tomorrow. Until then, enjoy your day.” He jogged away, his step much lighter than before.

  Chapter 2

  Tegan spread a blanket across the grass, and they both settled in. “It’s a beautiful morning.”

  “It is, though I can’t remember September being this cool. Not that I’m complaining.” She snuggled into him. They’d been meeting in the same place, every morning for a month. At least a couple of days a week, she packed a picnic with a thermos of coffee and pastries. She’d learned quickly that his favorite was the raspberry danish and always made sure to have one for him. Sometimes, she’d have mason jars layered with fruit and yogurt; other times, she managed a hot pastry filled with eggs and bacon or ham. Ana always surprised him, and he loved everything she brought.

  “Thank you for breakfast.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “You’re welcome.” She tipped her chin up so she was looking at him. He leaned in closer. Desperate to taste her lips, he closed his eyes and brushed a light kiss on hers. She responded, kissing him back. Before he knew it, she’d parted her lips and he swept his tongue in. Slow and sensual, he wanted to savor every moment. Tegan had intentionally kept his divine energy hidden. He wanted Ana to desire him for who he was and not what he was. He’d have to tell her soon enough.

  He broke the kiss with a light nip and gazed into her hazel eyes. The color of caramel, he could drift away in them.

  “That was nice,” she whispered.

  It was indeed. Time to take the next step. “Ana, have dinner with me.” He could already hear the disapproval of the Tribunal, or as they were also referred to, The Seven: seven women who dictated the laws of the Maker. They would much prefer he turn on his charm and impregnate the female then be on his way. Tegan liked to break the rules whenever he could. Being an elite of the Maker’s army, he didn’t get the chance to be a rebel very often.

  “I’d love to have dinner. I could whip some––”

  He touched a finger to her lips. “No. Not to say that I wouldn’t love to have some home cooking, but I want to spoil you. I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

  “Okay, but promise you’ll let me cook for you soon.”

  He brushed a
stray piece of blonde hair from her eyes. “I promise.”

  Tegan had been summoned before the Tribunal. While it wasn’t unusual for the Seven to seek him out, he had a feeling this wasn’t the lawmakers calling him in for an update. Yes, there was an increase in the number of angels falling into the darkness, and he had several of his men out hunting them. His best hunter, Eli, had already brought one in for questioning, but so far they’d learned nothing. No, Tegan was positive this had something to do with Ana.

  “Tegan.” One of the Seven called out his name, and he approached the bench, giving a bow. Seven pairs of female eyes stared at him, but the redhead in the center spoke.

  “Have you impregnated the human, Ana, yet?”


  Heavy sigh. “Why? It’s a simple enough task. Need I remind you that at our current rate of births, there will be a future shortage of females for our angels to bond with?”

  He knew how to do the math. There had been a great loss in the angel population several years back. A war with Lucifer had taken many lives. Since all pure angels born were male, it posed a bit of a problem. As far back as time could go, it had been deemed that angels would mate with human females. Such unions created a female child known as Nephilim. Half-human, half-angel. These daughters bore a special birthmark, a single wing somewhere on their body. When an angel decided to choose an eternal mate, he would take a Nephilim. Upon their completed bonding, she would become an angel and bear male children. The process had worked, and now Tegan was expected to do his part. Not all angels were asked to produce these daughters. Only a select few—the best of the best—and many considered it an honor. Funny, it didn’t feel like an honor to him. Especially since after the deed was completed, he was expected to walk away and leave a human female to care for a gifted child on her own.

  “I will see that it happens, I’m just taking my time.”

  The redhead leaned forward. “Is there something wrong? Does the female not wish to carry your child? We can find another if she has declined.”

  “No. I haven’t told her who I am yet. I was waiting.”

  “Well enough. Tonight you will reveal yourself to her and let her make the choice.” The Seven rose and exited the room. It was all he could do to hold his composure. He’d procreate when he was damn good and ready. No one was going to command him otherwise, unless it was the Maker herself.

  Chapter 3

  The wind howled outside with a November storm, and the temperatures plummeted. Ana curled up in Tegan’s arms; they both watched the roaring fire. They had been together for three months and tensions were building. There was the Seven, the angels who were falling, and then the sexual tension growing between Tegan and Ana. He sensed she was close to giving in to her desire, so tonight he’d reveal his true identity.

  Ana lifted her head off his chest and looked at him. “Tegan, we’ve been together a few months now.” She licked her lips and swallowed. He knew where this was going. “I’d love it if you spent the night. Unless of course you don’t want to,” she quickly added.

  He brushed his thumb across her cheek. “Sweetheart, I’d love nothing more than to stay here with you.” He loved it when she smiled. She closed the distance between them and nipped his bottom lip. He let out a growl and cupped her ass, pressing his growing erection into her. “You make me crazy with desire for you.”

  She giggled and kissed him again, her desperation evident as she rocked against his cock. Damn, he was going to have a difficult time keeping his shit together. He’d not been with a woman in months, not since he’d first laid eyes on Ana. Somehow, it just didn’t feel right to be with someone else. If anyone believed in fate, it was the angels. Tegan had witnessed the hand of fate on several occasions, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Ana was meant for him.

  She pulled free. “God, Tegan I need you so badly.” She started to lift her sweater, but he grabbed her hands to stop her.

  “Sweetie, I need you too, but there’s something I have to tell you first.”

  She stiffened. “You’re married.”

  “No, nothing like that. I swear.”

  Appearing unconvinced, she moved off him and to the end of the couch. Damn it. Would she understand? He swung into a sitting position. “I’m not what I seem.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand.” Hugging herself, she said, “I thought you cared about me.”

  Shit. He more than cared about her, but how did he explain that when an angel fell in love, it happened practically overnight. It wasn’t common or even accepted to love a pure human. The Tribunal believed it could become complicated. In ancient times, it had been allowed on the few occasions it had happened. The Seven held the power to brand a human with a mate’s marking and had done so once or twice.

  “I love you, Ana.” Damn, nothing like blurting it out. “Before you say anything, please let me finish.” Her eyes were wide, but she gave a nod and he continued. “When I say I’m not what I seem... Well, I think showing you may be best.” He stood, pulled his sweatshirt over his head, and hid a grin when she licked her lips. She should be thankful he still hadn’t turned on his divine energy. They’d have been naked and fucking like rabbits already.

  In a split second, they emerged. His golden wings spread out several feet before he tucked them next to his body.

  “Holy Mother of Mary.”

  Speechless. Ana was utterly speechless. She blinked several times, yet the glorious wings were still attached to Tegan. “Is this a joke?”

  “No joke.” He gave them a wiggle. “I’m as real as it gets.”

  She rose to her feet, ever cautious, and approached him like a skittish cat. Not sure what to do or where to start, she reached out her hand then jerked back. “Can I touch them?” She barely heard herself, her tone so hushed.

  “Of course.” He smiled. She always loved his smile, and how his green eyes lit up. He had the most amazing eyes. If he truly were an angel, she understood why. Things made sense now. Tegan had always seemed bigger than life to her, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous.

  She touched a downy feather with the tip of her finger and looked at him.

  “You won’t hurt me. Touching my wings brings great pleasure.” His lids slid half closed. “We don’t let just anyone touch them.”

  She felt special and smoothed her hand over the feathers, the downy texture like nothing she’d ever touched. “They are so soft.” And real, or she was hallucinating? “Why are you here?” And why is he here with me? She caught herself moving her hand to his chest then jerked away. It was wrong to touch him like that.

  He grabbed her hands and placed her palms on his chest. “I love your touch. I’m here for several reasons.”

  His voice had her suddenly remembering what he’d said a few minutes ago. Of course he loves me, he’s supposed to. Disappointment had her wanting to run. She loved him too, but in a way that seemed inappropriate now. Maybe her love wasn’t real. She’d always thought love had to grow over time and insta-love was only infatuation. However, over the last several weeks, this man had her questioning everything she’d ever believed. She tried to pull away, but he held fast.

  “Ana, are you frightened of me? I would never hurt you.”

  “No.” She shook her head and again tried to free herself. This time he released her. “I... It’s wrong to touch you this way.”

  He rolled his shoulders and his wings vanished. “It’s not wrong.” He gestured toward the couch. “Can we sit?”

  She nodded and took a seat; he sat next to her. “Where do your wings go?”

  “Magic allows us to absorb them into our body and call them back at will.” He smiled.


  “You know the first time I saw you on that bench feeding the squirrels, I knew I had to find out your name.”

  Ana shifted in her seat. “Why were you jogging through the woods?” She remembered the first time he ran by her. He had given a nod of his head, and she returned it with a smile.
How could she not? He was so handsome with his dark, brown hair tied back. The scruff that covered his jaw and chin gave him a sexy, dangerous look, and he’d not been wearing a shirt. It had been hard not to stare at his naked chest; sweat glistened off every muscle. She’d thought then he looked too good to be real.

  “I’ve been running those woods for a very long time. Way before any town was ever built here.”

  She could hardly breathe. “How old are you?”

  “Old.” He shifted his gaze to the fire. “Several hundred years.” He brought his deep, green gaze back to hers. “Okay, a thousand. I’m a few thousand years old.”

  Her mouth opened involuntarily. “Ohh.”

  He held his hand out, palm open and facing up. “Can I hold your hand, Ana? Please?”

  Her nerves twitched. They’d held hands lots of times, but knowing what he was changed everything. She didn’t feel worthy. Still, she didn’t want to reject him. Truth be told, she didn’t want to deny herself either, so she slipped her hand in his. Warmth spread through her fingers and up her arm, until her entire body felt as if it were snuggled into a downy blanket.

  “I didn’t lie when I said I love you,” he whispered.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and forced back the tears. “Of course not, you love all of God’s children.”

  “Look at me.” His voice was a command she dared not disobey. She focused on him. The green of his eyes so pure she wanted to drown in them.

  “I don’t mean in that way. Yes, I love all humans, but you Ana are special. I love you in the way a man loves a woman.” His gaze darkened. “My desire for you is pure. It’s raw and it knows no bounds. It’s the desire a man holds for a woman he wants to make love to.”

  Her pulse increased and her breath quickened. “I love you as well, but is it real?” She had to look away. “How am I to be sure you’re not doing something to make me feel like this?”


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