The Billionaire and the Cleaner

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The Billionaire and the Cleaner Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “No one has ever looked at me there.”

  He stroked up her thighs. “That’s their problem. You’re mine now.”

  She shivered.

  Running his hands up the inside of her thighs, he watched as she tensed under his hands. Kent waited until she calmed down before leaning in a bit closer. Using the tip of his finger, he teased her outer lips.

  Lana gasped.

  “I’m not going any further until you relax, Lana. You’re going to enjoy this,” Kent said.

  “I’ve never enjoyed … this.” She pointed between her thighs.



  “Then the guys you were with weren’t doing it right. Don’t worry, baby. I’ll do it right and have you screaming in no time.”

  After some time she finally relaxed under his touch. Kent waited a little longer and eased a finger through her pussy. When she didn’t tense, he eased a finger inside her pussy as the other teased her clit.

  She moaned. Her pussy was tight around his finger. He held one finger inside her while his thumb stroked her nub.

  “You’re tight, baby.”

  “It has been a while,” she said.

  He’d bet money the last man she’d been with was Frank. That fucker didn’t look like the sort to take care of his woman’s needs. Kent made himself a promise to never allow her to leave his bed unless she’d reached climax at least twice. His new mission in life was to see pleasure on her face.

  She started to thrust on his finger. He began to pump his finger inside her dripping wet cunt.

  Adding a second finger, he worked her clit. Her pussy contracted around his finger with each stroke. Removing his fingers, Kent licked her glorious cream off his digits.

  “Um, you taste so damn good, Lana.”

  Lana lifted on her elbows. Kent leaned forward, his gaze on her as he pressed his tongue inside her body.

  When he’d gotten enough of her cream, he glided his tongue up to swirl around her clit and then went back down to her cunt.

  He kept the movement, drawing out her pleasure as he went.

  Kent stroked her thighs while he used his tongue between her thighs.

  She gasped, moaned and cried out under his attention. The sounds she made went straight to his cock. Her noises were filled with her startled pleasure.

  “More,” she said, begging.

  Spreading her thighs wider, he moved his hands to pump two fingers into her cunt, and he licked her clit. With his other hand, he stroked her breasts.

  She moved against him. Her pelvis moved onto his face.

  Kent pulled away. She growled in frustration.

  “Grab my hair and show me how much you want it.”

  Lana looked at him dazed. He went back to licking her clit. Kent made sure to keep the pressure light so she’d have no choice but to hold onto him in some way.

  Her fingers sank into his hair. She tightened her grip and ground her pussy onto his face.

  “That’s right. Give me your pussy. Make me lick you clean.”

  Her ass lifted off the bed. He grabbed her ass and pushed her against his face. Kent was drowning in her scent and loving every second of it. Her cream was the tastiest thing he’d ever eaten.

  “I’m going to come,” she said, screaming out the last word.

  He grinned against her cunt. “That’s right, baby. Come all over my face.”

  Pressing fingers into her pussy, Kent rode her body bringing her to the pinnacle. He catapulted her over the edge.

  Kent watched her body come apart under his skilled fingers. Her orgasm was a beauty to witness.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lana cried out as pleasure washed over her in a giant wave. She’d never experienced anything like it. The intensity of the pleasure startled her. Her fists tightened in the bed sheets as Kent brought her to climax with his tongue and hands. The grip he had on her ass would leave bruises, but she didn’t care.

  When her release fell away she lay on his bed staring at the ceiling, panting for breath.

  Kent kissed her pussy before climbing up the bed.

  “You taste amazing,” he said. She blushed as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His face was glistening from her release.

  She groaned and covered her face.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked, pushing her hands away.

  “How embarrassing,” she said.

  “What is?”

  “Your face is covered in…” She couldn’t even say the word.

  Kent laughed. He licked his lips and bent down to kiss her. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You’ve got a sexy pussy, and I loved licking it. I intend to spend a lot of time down there. You better get used to it.”

  She stared up at him and saw the seriousness on his face. Kent intended to give her oral sex often. Did this mean their encounter was going to last longer than one night?

  His finger tips ran down the length of her body. Her gaze never left his face as he touched her.

  “You’ve got such a beautiful body.”

  Lana felt her blush deepen. Her cheeks must be on fire with how hot they felt.

  “You’re not used to compliments, are you?” he asked.

  She shook her head. Words abandoned her at that moment.

  “Get used to them. I’m going to be complimenting you more often.”

  He leaned down and took her lips under his. Kent pulled her up the bed along with him until they lay with their heads on the pillows.

  For the longest time, he kissed her lips and stroked her body. Lana knew he must be needing release. The hot length of his cock lay against her thigh. The long shaft made her nervous. None of her previous boyfriends had ever been so long.

  When he moved over her, she opened her legs and tensed waiting.

  “What did I tell you about not relaxing?” he asked.

  She stared up at him. Her mind went blank.

  “I’m not doing anything until you relax enough for me. This is about pleasure, Lana. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Lana kept her arms by her sides as he touched and stroked her.

  After some time, Kent let out a sigh, picked up her hand and pressed her palm against his chest. She stared at her hand and couldn’t help noticing her fat, pudgy fingers against the hard, muscular chest her hand was pressed against.

  “Touch me,” he said.

  Kent seemed desperate for her to put her hands on his body. She didn’t understand why. Lana ran her hands all over his body relishing the sounds he made.

  He grabbed her hand and wrapped her fingers around the thick length of his shaft.

  They were really doing this. They were going to have sex.

  She stared up into his gaze to see him watching her.

  “Feel what you do to me,” he said.

  Lana pumped the shaft in her fist. Moving her gaze down, she watched as the tip leaked copious amounts of pre-cum. She’d never seen a cock release so much liquid.

  “That’s it, baby.”

  After several more minutes of working him with her hand, Kent pushed her hand away.

  “I’m going to take you now,” he said.

  She opened her thighs wider.

  “Watch me.”

  Dropping her gaze to his cock, she watched as he ran the tip through her slit. She gasped as he caressed over her clit.

  She was unable to contain the sound of her moan.

  Kent ran the tip down to her entrance. The head of him slid inside. She tensed as the tip of him stretched her opening. From the tip of his cock alone, Kent was already bigger than any man she’d ever known.

  “Fuck, you’re squeezing me,” he said.

  Lana closed her eyes and quickly opened them as Kent started to pump the tip of his cock inside her. He worked the head going inch by glorious inch until he was more than halfway inside.

  “Almost there, baby,” he said. “Look at me.”

  Lifting her gaze to his, she stared into intens
e blue depths as he plunged the last way inside her. Kent was seated to the top with nowhere else for him to go.

  “No condom,” she said, gasping.

  “I don’t want there to be anything between us, Lana. You’re mine.” He stroked her cheek. Her head pounded as his words registered in her mind.

  What did it all mean? Was he meaning for life or for this moment? How long was she to be his woman?

  She shoved the negative thoughts aside and concentrated on the man above and inside her.

  “I’m clean,” he said.

  “So am I.”

  He dropped his lips claiming her mouth as expertly as he was claiming her pussy. Kent encouraged her to open her mouth and accept his invasion.

  His tongue caressed over her lips and plunged inside to stroke her own.

  She moaned as his cock jerked inside her pussy.

  Hands dropped down to her hips. Kent pulled all the way out of her and then plunged inside her over and over again.

  The grip on her hips tightened as he rode her body hard.

  “I’m not going to last,” he said.

  Lana gripped his arms as he went to his knees changing the angle. Her ass rested on his thighs, and his cock was still deep inside her body.

  “So fucking tight and sweet,” he said.

  She cried out as her climax started to build. The tightening began in her stomach and started to spread out over her body. Her nipples tingled from the pleasure.

  In three hard thrusts, Lana had her release as Kent cried out. His cock jerked inside her as his seed filled her womb.


  Collapsing on the bed, Kent pulled Lana against him. Her wonderful soft body moulded to his like it was always supposed to. Their bodies were dotted with perspiration. She curled up against his side without saying a word.

  “Our relationship has changed now, you know that right?” he asked.

  She tensed beside him. “Please, don’t spoil it,” she said.

  He gripped her chin and forced her to look at him. “I’m not spoiling anything, Lana. You’re my woman, and your place is by my side. You are mine.”

  “You keep saying those words, Kent, and none of them make sense to me. Why am I yours? What is going to change?” She tried to pull away from him, but Kent stopped her.

  Pulling her on top of him, Kent seated her over his cock, which was still inside her. His fingers sank into her hair. The length fanned out around her. Her breasts hung in front of her, and the red tips of her nipples tempted him to suck.

  “Everything is going to change. For one, you’ll be moving in here. I won’t take no for an answer. You’re going to make this place your home, and we’re going to have pictures of our life together.” When she made to argue, he pressed his lips against hers, silencing her. “We’re going to tell my family about our relationship.”

  “What relationship?” she asked. He silenced her again with a kiss.

  “We’re in a relationship. You’re my girlfriend.” She rolled her eyes, and he slapped her ass. “I don’t care if the world knows about us. You’ll still keep your cleaning job because I know how important your work is. No more jobs other than cleaning. I’ll be at the office every night to make sure you’re working. I like my office clean and tidy.”

  “This is not going to work. You’re a billionaire womaniser, and I’m a cleaner.”

  He rolled over and thrust inside her. His semi-hard cock was once again hard to claim her. Pulling out of her body, he slammed back inside.

  She gasped. Her nails sank into the flesh of his back.

  “That’s right, baby. I’m the one in charge, and just for your information I was a womaniser. Past tense. It’s not going to happen again. You being a cleaner, I don’t give a fuck. The world needs cleaners, and the world needs billionaires. I want you, Lana. You can’t tell me you don’t want me.”

  Kent slammed inside her, gripping her thigh over his hip as he deepened the penetration.

  She cried out.

  “Tell me, Lana. Tell me you don’t want me, and I’ll stop. I know you have feelings for me, baby. Are you woman enough to admit them?” he asked.

  Biting her lip she stared up at him refusing to speak. Kent paused inside her waiting for an answer.

  “You won’t be fucked until you tell me the truth.”

  “You’re the devil.”

  “And you’re my servant,” Kent said.

  She growled at him, slapping his arm. “Yes, I care about you. I care way too much.”

  Tonya’s words echoed through his mind. He’d wait for Lana to admit her love for him.

  He spent the day making love to her. Lana’s body was his to love, and he showed every inch of her body his attention. She opened up underneath him like a flower, accepting everything he gave her. Only when their stomachs growled in protest did he let her leave his bed, and only then did he let her wear one of his shirts with no underwear. She padded into the kitchen in nothing but a work shirt.

  “You look sexy in my clothes,” he said.

  “The boob area is a little tight.”

  “I haven’t got your tits, baby. Believe me, I have no problems with your assets in my shirt.” She slapped his arm.

  “That’s a sexist thing to say.”

  Kent cupped her breasts in his palms and ran his thumb over the tips of her nipples. They were so full and perfect. He was addicted to the feel of them in his hands.

  “No, I’m speaking the truth.”

  He lifted her onto a chair and then moved toward the counter. Picking up the cold coffee they hadn’t drunk, he tipped the contents down the sink and started on making another.

  “Aren’t you worried about what the press will think?”

  “Why would I care what the press think?”

  “You’re a billionaire, Kent. Your reputation has been related to supermodels, actresses, and whatnot. I can’t compete with them.”

  He moved to her. Stroking her cheek, Kent felt an answering pulse in his groin. “They were for fun and sex. This is way more than you think, Lana. I’m not giving you up. You’re real. They’re not.”

  Going to the fridge he selected several leftovers for their meal.

  “You’re turning your back on being in the limelight, aren’t you?” she asked.

  Kent mixed together the remains of the salad to go with some chicken. “Being with my family over Christmas and seeing how my siblings are with their kids have reminded me of everything I gave up. I love my work, but it’s not the be all and end all of me.”

  He handed her a plate of food and took a place next to her. While he ate, Kent caressed her thigh.

  “We’ll move your stuff into my place. I’m not kidding, Lana. We’re doing this. You’re staying with me, and I won’t have any arguments about this.”

  She pushed the hair off her face. “This is insane. We’ve gone from friends to lovers.”

  “This is where our relationship has been heading. You should know that, baby. I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

  “So I was a woman you wanted to fuck.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “You said you didn’t befriend women. The only women in your life were for fucking. I’ve become one of those women.”

  Lana stood and moved around to dump her meal in the trash bin.

  Kent followed her. He grabbed her around the waist and pressed her against the fridge.

  “You’re not one of those women. You never were.” He lifted her in his arms and proceeded to show her how much more she was.

  Chapter Eighteen

  One month later

  After Kent fucked her against the fridge that day in his apartment, Lana’s life dramatically changed. Kent didn’t accept no for an answer at all. When she returned to her apartment she found Seth, Eric, and his father and Penny waiting to help move her stuff into Kent’s place. Penny embraced her like a daughter.

  “You’re part of the family now,” Penny said. The words had filled her eyes with tears.
Lana had never been part of a real family in the way the Andersons were.

  They spent the entire day moving her stuff to the cars where they drove to Kent’s place and unloaded. All of her stuff actually fit into four cars.

  When she unloaded her possession next to Kent’s she’d been shocked by how little she owned. In her small apartment she’d felt success on a large scale at what she owned. The truth was pitiful. She’d gained more than her old life allowed but less than Kent.

  Kent’s a billionaire. You can’t compare to him.

  She kept to her cleaning job at night. Kent tried to distract her from cleaning. She refused to bite. He’d given her a credit card, which she refused to use. Cleaning was something she loved doing, and Kent wasn’t going to take that away from her. Lana figured if she worked elsewhere instead of inside his building, he would have encouraged her to quit. There was no way she’d rely on Kent. His money had nothing to do with why she loved him. Nor did his body have anything to do with her feelings. She loved his body, but it wasn’t everything about him.

  Kent’s mind was what appealed to her. She loved the man he was when no one else was around. His never ending teasing and humour reeled her in like a fish on a hook every time. When his arms surrounded her she really thought she could fight the world.

  There was only one problem … her past. She still hadn’t told him about the demons that plagued her. Frank had backed down from trying to blackmail her. She found out from Mitch that he’d been prosecuted by the police after he assaulted an ex-partner. Lana shivered whenever she thought about her ex. The danger he once posed her was now gone, but her past was there.

  Sometimes in the middle of night she’d wake up in a cold sweat expecting her mother to come knocking on the door. The fear was so acute it made her feel sick.

  Kent would find her looking over the city. His hands would rub her arms, and they’d go back to bed where for a few hours the fear would disappear. Each day, the fear kept intensifying.

  He had a right to know about her past. The guilt she felt at not speaking grew every day.

  She changed for work and made her way to the Anderson Corporation building. Mitch drove her each night she worked.

  “You look a little glum today, Lana. Are you all right?” Mitch asked.


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