Trusting the Dragon Prince

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Trusting the Dragon Prince Page 13

by Rinelle Grey

  “I don’t know. No one has ever done anything like that before,” Calrian said, shaking his head. “I appreciate you wanting to help, but it’s not worth the risk. I’m sorry, Rylee.”

  Rylee’s shoulders slumped. “What are we going to do then? We can’t get past the dragon, and you can’t fight him, what other options are there?”

  Calrian took a deep breath. “There aren’t any. Not for waking my brothers and sisters anyway. I’m just going to have to wait until I’ve recovered, and then begin searching for my clan. If I can find them, perhaps with their combined power, I can begin to wake the others.”

  Rylee nodded, a little disappointed that she couldn’t help, even though Calrian’s suggestion seemed like a far more sensible solution. Then an idea occurred to her. “Why do you have to wait to find them?” she asked. “Can’t we start searching now?”

  Calrian hesitated. “Maybe,” he conceded. “I was planning on flying around at night, calling out to them in the telepathic dragon speech, but perhaps, in the interim, you could drive while I called.”

  The fact that there was something she could do to help made Rylee feel a little better. But only a little.

  Deep down, she knew there was one way she could really help. One she was hiding from.

  And her reasons for hiding were becoming weaker and weaker in her mind.

  Yes, getting into another relationship right now would be a mistake. She knew she still needed to work on becoming a stronger person before she could trust herself to make that sort of commitment. But the idea that she needed to do all that before she could sleep with Calrian didn’t hold water.

  This wasn’t about a relationship. This was about helping him.

  They could have a… well, a one night stand… so to speak. She could help him with his problem, and perhaps he could teach her a thing or two that she needed to learn about being with someone who respected her and considered her needs as well as his own.

  And she wouldn’t be tempted to pretend it was anything more than that with him, because she’d probably never see him again. Once she’d helped him, he’d have no need to stay. He’d be out looking for his clan. She wouldn’t even see him around town since he was a dragon and didn’t go into town.

  It really was the perfect situation, in a lot of ways.

  Rylee stared into his eyes, her heart wavering. Could she do this? She wanted to, more than she’d wanted anything in a long time.

  “I don’t want to take up all your time though. Surely you have plenty of things of your own to do?”

  Calrian’s words confused Rylee for a moment. Surely he wasn’t reading her mind? And even if he was, the conversation made no sense. Then she realised, he was talking about her earlier suggestion of driving around.

  “You know, I’ve been thinking, maybe we need to just… well… do this, so that you can get back to full strength and find your clan.” Rylee blushed as soon as the words were out of her mouth and ducked her head, too embarrassed to look into his eyes.

  But her heart was beating at a thousand times a minute, and her body felt like it was on fire.

  “Rylee?” Calrian’s enquiry was soft, and when she didn’t look up, he gently lifted her chin with one finger. “You don’t need to do this. I know you’re not comfortable with it.”

  His eyes were warm and caring, and any embarrassment Rylee felt fled. She might have only known him for a few days, but she trusted Calrian. He cared about her in some strange way. He would be kind and gentle.

  And she needed that.

  “I want to,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I want to… to know what it’s like to be with someone who… who… isn’t like Eric. Don’t worry, I know that once we’re done, you’ll have to leave to find your clan. I’m not expecting this will be forever.”

  Calrian searched her eyes, his own narrowed to dragon slits. “Are you sure?” he sounded uncertain. “I do not wish you to do anything you are unsure about.”

  His breathing was uneven, as though he were holding himself back with great effort.

  The sound cut through any remaining uncertainties Rylee had, tugging at her heart and setting her body flaming with desire. He wanted this as much as she did. Oh, she knew it was because of the Mesmer bond, not what he really felt, but it still felt good to be wanted. It still set her heart beating rapidly.

  She’d never felt like this before. This level of excitement and anticipation was beyond what she’d ever expected.

  She nodded, not sure her voice would even work. “I’m sure,” she managed to force out. “I want this.”

  It was as though her words had freed the last lock holding Calrian back. He gave a low growl and bent his head towards her. His mouth crushed against hers, several days pent up desire overflowing and melting over both of them.

  As soon as his lips touched hers, Rylee felt herself melting as well.

  Why had she denied this for so long? How could there be anything wrong with it when it felt so right? She couldn’t even remember what her objections had been.

  Calrian cupped her cheek gently, and his lips grew more gentle. Teasing, tasting, licking, sucking.

  Rylee would have shouted at him to hurry up, except she didn’t want him to stop. Her whole body tensed, feeling the urge to have him now, to complete this unfinished business that had hung over their head since the moment they had met.

  But she forced herself to relax. To accept that there was no rush. That they could take their time and savour each moment.

  That she could let herself enjoy this.

  And it was more than enjoyable. It was exquisite, agonising, and exhilarating all at the same time. She felt the pull of the magic, of the Mesmer bond, but she didn’t resent it. It was the reason she was about to have this wonderful experience.

  It had brought her and Calrian together.

  And once it was done, it would be over.

  She’d better enjoy it while she could.

  Chapter 24

  Calrian’s whole body ached to mate with Rylee. He couldn’t believe she had agreed to do it.

  He wanted to pull back and ask her again if she were sure, but he didn’t want to take his lips from hers. He wanted to taste every part of her, to pleasure her like she’d never been pleasured before. He wanted to treat her like a princess.

  His princess.

  The trouble was, she wasn’t.

  She’d agreed to this because he needed to regain his energy, not because she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. The pull of the Mesmer bond was probably affecting her decision too, but she’d resisted it this long, he was sure it wasn’t the deciding factor.

  No, Rylee was stronger than that. Even in agreeing, she’d said that this was a one off, because he needed it, not because she loved him. And he would respect that. Even if he did want to cling to her.

  Even if he did hope they both still felt the same way after the ritual was finished.

  But even if he did, once this was done, he needed to commit everything he had to finding his clan, even if it meant taking on one of those Trima dragons guarding his brothers’ and sisters’ Mesmer chambers. It was his duty. One he wouldn’t shirk.

  But knowing what was coming only served to make this moment even sweeter. He dipped his tongue into Rylee’s delicious mouth, revelling in the way she opened for him, the way she moaned against his lips and pressed her body up against his.

  This would give him strength for what was ahead. In more ways than one.

  He slipped his arms around her and pulled her back on top of him on the couch. For a few moments, they were tangled together, her full weight on him. Then she rearranged herself slightly, and their bodies fitted together perfectly.

  Calrian let himself sink into the moment, let all his worries and uncertainties fade away to be picked up again later when he had the strength.

  Only to be interrupted by a loud, insistent knocking on the door.

  Rylee’s body froze against his, her lips sudd
enly still.

  Calrian held her tightly, not wanting to let her go. “They’ll go away if you don’t answer,” he said into her mind using dragon speech.

  Rylee detached her lips from his with the breath of a sigh. “Dad will see the car, and he won’t give up until I answer.”

  Calrian could see the reluctance in every muscle of her body, and it gave him the strength to release her and help her sit up. He wanted to tell her to get rid of her father quickly so that they could return to mating, but he didn’t have the right. So instead he slipped quietly into the other room, out of sight, and tried to pretend that every cell in his body wasn’t throbbing for her.

  He heard the door open then Rylee’s sharp intake of breath.

  Calrian’s own breath caught in his throat. Something was wrong.

  “Now just hear me out,” he heard Rylee’s father say. “You wouldn’t listen to me earlier when I said you should talk to Eric, but I think the two of you have things that need to be said.”

  “Just give me a chance, Rylee, please?”

  This voice was different. Younger, a little rougher. Not Rylee’s father. Meaning…

  Adrenaline flooded through Calrian, along with the urge to rush out of the room and throw that man out of the house. He had upset Rylee. Bullied her. Made her cry when he wasn’t even there. He didn’t deserve to be here talking to her.

  Calrian couldn’t bear him being near her. Every bone in his body urged him to go out there and defend his mate.

  But she wasn’t his mate. She had, in fact, been this man’s mate. And borne his child.

  Calrian had no right to interfere. Not unless Rylee asked him to.

  So instead of flying out of the room, Calrian moved a little, trying to catch a glimpse of the front door, and the people standing there, through the gap in the hinges.

  The man’s expression was suitably penitent. He wrung his hands together and made no attempt to even reach for Rylee.

  But something about him gave Calrian a bad feeling.

  And he knew, mate or not, that he would do anything he could to prevent this man hurting her ever again.


  Chapter 25

  Rylee’s heart pounded in her chest as she stared at Eric standing so innocently next to her father. Her whole body felt weak and trembly. This couldn’t be happening. She couldn’t believe it.

  Except, she could. She could imagine the sob story Eric had given her father about how lonely he was and how much he missed her. And from there it was a small step to imagining her father ignoring her wishes and bringing him here.

  None of this should have surprised her.

  She should have been prepared for it. And a few days ago, she might have been. While she’d hoped that being so far away would mean Eric wouldn’t bother her again, she’d been expecting him to show up eventually. One of the reasons she’d moved away from the city had been to escape his constant attempts to convince her to come home, alternatively begging and threatening.

  Which strategy would he try today?

  “Just give me a chance, Rylee, please?” Eric repeated, his voice sounding desperate. “I promise, whatever I did to hurt you, I’ll fix it. I miss you and Rowan so much.”

  He was going with begging apparently. But Rylee wasn’t fooled. She saw the hard glint in his eye and the sideways glance he gave her father, as if hoping he might come to his aid and convince her to back down.

  Every move Eric made was carefully calculated to achieve his aim—control over her again.

  “I’ll leave you two kids alone to talk,” her father said. “I’m sure you have a lot to say to each other.”

  “I have nothing to say to him,” Rylee said flatly. “And I can’t believe you ignored my wishes like this, Dad. You knew I didn’t want to speak to him.”

  “Come on, Rylee. Can’t you give me a chance,” Eric begged. “At least give me an explanation. You left without even telling me why.”

  Of course she had. If she’d openly told him she was leaving him, she never would have been able to escape. But it wasn’t as if she hadn’t discussed her feelings with him on several occasions since then. Eric was well aware she considered their relationship over.

  “You hear him out, Rylee,” her father ordered. “You can’t refuse that. He deserves a chance to tell his side of the story.” Then he turned and walked away, leaving Rylee staring at Eric, painfully conscious of Calrian’s presence somewhere behind her.

  Her link to him was strong, probably because they’d been on the verge of making love. She could almost feel his closeness throbbing through her body. But instead of concerning her, the connection gave her the strength to straighten her back and repeat herself. “I have no wish to discuss anything with you. Please leave.”

  She shouldn’t have added please. She knew from experience that he’d jump on any sign of weakness. Which he did.

  “You don’t really mean that, Rylee,” he said, his voice wheedling. “I just want to talk. Can’t I come in?”

  The very thought of him inside her home made Rylee’s skin crawl. “Not a chance. The only reason I’m even listening to you is because I’ll never hear the end of it from Dad if I don’t, but this is the last time. Say what you came here to say, then leave, and don’t come back.”

  Standing up to Eric to his face felt both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. The emotions heightened when Eric’s polite exterior slipped, and his words became demanding. “You can’t do this, Rylee. I deserve to see my son. You can’t take him from me.”

  “Rowan has no wish to see you,” Rylee said firmly. “I won’t let you bully him any longer. This is over, so you might as well just accept it.”

  Her bold statement destroyed the last pretence of calm Eric had managed to maintain. “You have no hope of keeping him from me. You can’t offer him anything. You have no job and no real home. He’ll be much better off with me. Anyone can see that.”

  His threat turned Rylee’s blood cold. She wanted to believe that if this went to court she would be able to explain the emotional damage being with Eric would cause for Rowan. The emotional damage it had already caused. But the truth was, she had no proof of that. No one else would back her up. It was clear her father wouldn’t.

  It would be her word against Eric’s, and she knew how good he was at lying. She was scared he’d convince a judge as easily as he’d convinced her father.

  For a moment, she felt like giving up. Could she really maintain this? Had she really thought she’d be able to escape from Eric?

  But giving up wasn’t an option. Giving up meant going back, and that was about the worst outcome she could imagine, for both her and Rowan. She refused to be intimidated. She would find a way to do this, to make it work. It was true, she had no job, but she was working on that.

  Money wasn’t what was most important. “Money and fancy houses mean nothing. Rowan’s happy here. Happier than he’s been in a long time. And I’m his mother. He wants to be here. If this goes to court, that will count.”

  Eric’s face reddened at her defiance, and she could see his jaw moving and clenching. The expression sent a shiver up her spine. She knew from experience that meant he was close to losing it.

  He took a step closer to Rylee, and his voice dropped low. “And what about the fact this his mother has hooked up with a virtual stranger and invited him into her house? That’s not going to look good for you, Rylee.”

  Rylee’s heartbeat ratcheted up another notch at Eric’s words, and her face heated. How could he possibly know?

  In her heart, she knew it wasn’t any of his business. There was nothing wrong with her being with someone. But in reality, her father would agree with Eric. If he found out about Calrian…

  “What are you talking about?” she demanded, but her voice shook.

  “I saw him, Rylee, in your house last night. And the night before. I know you’re hiding it from your dad. What is he going to think when I tell him?”

  For a mom
ent fear blinded Rylee. Her father would be furious. He wouldn’t even begin to understand. If Eric told him…

  The fact that he was once again threatening her, determined to get his own way, made her feel helpless for a moment.

  “Do you wish me to rid you of this nuisance?” Calrian’s voice in her head was calm, as though getting rid of Eric would be a simple matter. Which for a dragon, it probably was.

  Even though Rylee couldn’t answer him, his words and presence gave her courage. She knew there was nothing wrong with their relationship. It was beautiful, and she wouldn’t let Eric damage that memory.

  She straightened her back and stared defiantly at Eric. “My father will know you’re making things up. You have no way of knowing what I’ve been doing. Unless you’ve been spying on me…”

  Even as she said the words, Rylee realised the truth of them. She didn’t need the self-satisfied smirk on Eric’s face to put two and two together.

  The man who’d been sneaking around the trees her father had warned her about, that hadn’t been Calrian. She should have realised it earlier. Calrian had been too weak to move that much.

  It had been Eric.

  “I have photos, Rylee. I’m pretty sure your dad will have no problem believing me. He knows how deceptive you can be. We’ve had a nice little talk about you this morning. I haven’t told him about your visitor yet, but I will if I have to. You can’t escape from me that easily.”

  His words sent a shiver up Rylee’s spine.

  Eric’s threat had the ability to destroy everything she’d been working towards. She’d hoped that staying here with her father would give her the chance to save up some money, but if she had to find another place to live, it would be impossible. The few hundred dollars she’d saved would all be gone.

  But giving in to Eric would be no different. She had no hope of creating a new life for herself and Rowan if she let him blackmail her.

  What did it matter if she could never afford the bed and breakfast she’d been dreaming of? That didn’t even remotely compare to Rowan growing up in a happy home. They’d get by without much money. There was no way she was going back to him.


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