Ambrosia (Nectar Trilogy, Book 2)

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Ambrosia (Nectar Trilogy, Book 2) Page 11

by Prince, DD

  “Your mother survive giving birth to you?”

  “Yeah, but you don’t get it…”

  “Maybe I’ll survive too. There won’t be any nectar for at least nine months so we will have that time to figure out…”

  “Kyla…” his voice was pained, “there’s shit you don’t know…”

  “And then I can give you a baby,” she whispered, her voice sounding like it had never sounded.

  She felt hope rise in her, “A baby, made from you and me. Imagine that?”

  Emotion filled her.

  A baby. Tristan’s baby.

  She felt warmth all over.

  His eyes roved her face and then they went liquid, “We would make the most beautiful baby in the world.”

  His eyes were finally light blue again.

  She nodded, tears filling up in her eyes. She’d always liked kids but hadn’t spent much time around them. She’d never really given much thought to the notion of being a mother. But right now the idea of having Tristan’s baby?


  “But no. Because there’s too good a chance you wouldn’t meet him or her. There’s too much risk that our child would never know your beauty. Your beautiful eyes, your beautiful touch. Your spunk, your sass, how crazy you can be, the sound of your laughter, how amazing you smell. He or she might never know it because you could die. Then I’d have no Kyla. If I don’t have you? I won’t risk it. I’d rather have nothing but you than everything in the world without you.”

  “So instead you risk in a little while me bleeding out nectar and you maybe killing me. Or Liam getting me and for sure killing me. Or him raping me, getting me pregnant, and then I die anyway and leave his baby in the world.”

  “If he got you and got you pregnant, I’d get you back and then we would have it aborted,” Tristan’s expression was stone cold.

  A shiver ran over her body.

  She took a deep breath,

  “If I get the chance to make a baby it can’t be with him. No way. And how powerful will he be if my period starts and he gets me then and gets that blood?”

  She felt his body tense even further.

  “If you make a baby with me, I won’t get my period. And if I’m pregnant, will it change the composition of my blood? Maybe it would. Maybe he wouldn’t even want it… maybe…”

  “Stop. You need the rest of the facts. Sleep. We’ll talk later.”

  “I won’t sleep. No way can I sleep. Just tell me the rest. I need it. Just spill it all.”

  “I need to sleep.”

  “Well I won’t be able to.”

  “Try,” he re-arranged the blankets over them and kissed her forehead.

  “If I close my eyes, I’ll keep seeing him, feeling his teeth on me, and feeling him trying to …” she shuddered.

  “I’ll help you sleep,” he said and his fingers found their way into her panties. At first she jerked in surprise and Liam’s touch flashed in her mind.

  “No. Don’t let him do that to us,” Tristan growled, “Don’t let him take this from us. Let me touch you so that you’ll only see me when you close your eyes.”

  Kyla took a breath, “Slow it down,” she pleaded.

  Tristan gently caressed her hips, her belly, her breasts, and he took his time caressing her and building the fire until finally, she wanted it. He picked up on her want and then his fingers found their way back into her panties and he rubbed her at her centre. She reached for his cock but he stopped her

  “I’m okay. Just you,” he said and she cuddled close and wove her fingers into his hair.

  “Please, honey. This has been a shitty day. Let me help you go to sleep with something happy, too.”

  “Okay, princess.”

  She put her hand on him.

  He continued until, after a really long time, she finally shuddered and moaned his name and then about thirty seconds later, he shuddered and moaned her name.

  He stroked her hair and her back and kissed her forehead and eyelids and she cuddled up closer to him.

  “Where’s your Mother, Tristan?”


  “You see her?”

  “Not much.”


  “It’s complicated.”

  “You have other family?”


  “Why don’t you see much of her? Does she know about …”

  “Kyla, let’s sleep.”

  She sighed, “I’m tired. So you get a reprieve.”

  She felt him relax.

  “But I’ll be asking more questions tomorrow,” she added.

  He kissed the top of her head. She nuzzled in and closed her eyes.

  She didn’t know that he stared at the ceiling, in agonizing pain, mulling over some gut-wrenching options and decisions until a few hours later when she started to thrash and cry in his arms in the throes of a nightmare. At that point he tried to settle her down but couldn’t comfort her with soft words or with his strength.

  He couldn’t figure out how to help until she said, “I need to feel you.” Then he knew he could settle her down with his teeth. So he bit her and he fed just a little bit. He bit at her throat over a spot where Liam Donovan had dared to take what was his and he didn’t let his hunger take over. He didn’t let her hunger for him fuel his appetite like it’d done when he’d nearly drained her a few days before. He didn’t let her know how distraught he was. Instead, he let himself feel what he felt for this girl. He let himself feel the scope of emotion he felt for Kyla Spencer.

  And she settled down and fell back to sleep on her back, his mouth found the crook of her neck. He kissed it gently. There was a peaceful little smile on her gorgeous face. He’d done that; he’d given that to her. He felt warmth settle in his bones so he closed his eyes. But he wouldn’t forget what that other vamp did. And that other vamp would pay.


  She’d again dreamt of being in that stone tunnel with a snake around her arm, squeezing, while blood ran down the walls, but this time her parents were there. She’d jolted awake and panic spread at seeing the empty space in bed beside her but it only lasted an instant because then Tristan emerged from the bathroom, showered and dressed.

  “Phew,” she said aloud and he gave her a half a smile.

  “Mornin’ baby. Get ready? We’ll get breakfast on the road.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead.

  She nodded and sat up.

  He started packing up the few things that were out of their bag and she headed for a shower.

  En route to Adrian’s, which was less than an hour away, he told her that there were others at the compound and that other than Sam, only Adrian knew about her so she needed to act mesmerized in the presence of other vamps.

  “I’ve told them back home that I’m here on business. A select few know about you.”

  “Who knows?”

  “As far as I know, Adrian, Sam, and Claudio. Liam, obviously. But I don’t think anyone else knows. Other than… well… I’ll fill you in on that shortly.”

  The look on his face made her blood run cold.

  “Other than who?”

  “Baby, just a little longer. It’s better I explain when we’re there.”

  “Claudio? When did that happen?”

  “Last night. After the Liam run-in. I called him. Well, I called him last night but he already knew. He’s known all along. I found out after my initial conversation with Adrian but I needed time to chew on that before talking to him.”

  “All along?”

  “Yeah. This was staged.” His expression hardened.

  “What was?”

  “Us.” He merged onto a highway.


  “Sam guided Joe to that bar. Joe thought he scouted you for me but that wasn’t the case. You were chosen for me. Sam made Joe think it was his idea.”

  “Uh, what?”

  “It’s better that we do this when I’m not driving. I think we’d better do this when we’re stopped.
There’s good news, too. There’s a way to keep you safe from me.”

  “Then stop so you can tell me.”

  “Kyla, let’s just---”

  “Stop the car and fucking talk to me!” she demanded, “There,” she pointed, “gas station.”

  He sighed and pulled in to a gas station and restaurant rest stop parking lot, through a drive-thru to order coffee and then he pulled over.

  “We need to get you breakfast.”

  “Fuck breakfast. Talk.”

  “Not fuck breakfast, Kyla. You need your strength. You can’t skip meals or I have to skip meals. I don’t like to fuckin’ skip meals!”

  She was staring, agape, “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose, “It’s gonna take time to catch you up. I’m sorry. That was callous.”

  “Catch me the fuck up then and, uh, now would be good.”

  She opened the tab on her coffee cup and took a small sip.

  “Pill.” He mumbled this and passed her the bottle from the duffle bag.

  “This? This is useless.”

  “We don’t know that. Take it. And while you’re at it, put this on.”

  He passed her a silver choker necklace with a tiny circular loop.

  She rolled her eyes, popped the pill in her mouth, and swallowed it down with a sip of coffee. The coffee was too hot. It took a minute to recover. She looked at the collar.

  “That’ll tell others who see you just how off limits you are. When we get there, put sunglasses on and act like you’re entranced. I’ll get you someplace safe and private. Then Adrian will sit down with us and go over things. He’s in the know.”

  “In the know?”

  “He’s involved in all of this. Deeply.”


  “Yeah. He’s the orchestrator. And he has something that can help.”

  “Care to elaborate?”

  “Not until you’re safely in there and past the other vamps. The less you know going in, the less chance of you wigging out. Remember when you and I are in there, anything we say could be being recorded, even when we think we’re alone. Don’t give anything away. I trust no one right now.”

  “Tristan, you are freaking me out.”

  “Drink your coffee; eat a muffin. We’ll be there soon. Then we’ll go from there.”

  She stared off into space.

  “I love you. I love you so much. I’m gonna figure this out. Okay? Trust me?”

  She nodded.

  “You do?” he prodded.

  She sighed.

  “I do.” She settled down.

  She wanted to ask a million questions, but it’d wait. All the weeks of wondering the truth…

  In a few short minutes it sounded like she’d get it. Finally, the truth. She put her hand on his thigh and he rested his hand on top of hers as they pulled back onto the highway.

  “Eat the muffin,” he reminded her and put the paper bag into her lap.

  “I’m really not hungry.”

  “I need you strong so I can feed so I can ensure I’m strong enough to protect you and so you are strong. I can’t afford to skip meals when someone wants you. If you weren’t weakened because I’d almost drained you the day before and because I hadn’t fed that day, it might’ve ended differently. If you were strong when Liam got to you then you might’ve been still fighting him off when Sam got there instead of being bloody and violated.”

  Well, that certainly didn’t make her feel any hungrier but she picked the muffin up and forced it down.


  Adrian’s was, indeed, a compound. As they approached a tall stone fence with black iron gates, she took in what looked like a resort with a large fieldstone mansion and a few smaller buildings.

  Tristan explained that it was, in essence, the main hospital branch in North America for vampires. A vampire hospital, vampire rehab resort slash retreat, and a research facility where experts in vampire medicine resided, did surgeries, research, and helped vampires with medical problems.

  Tristan told her this as they approached, saying that Adrian was a respected elder, a good friend of Tristan’s grandfather, and a doctor, even back in his human life. He was just out of medical school when he was turned but then he used his medical background from when he was human to help vampires with medical issues. He’d honed those skills considerably after being turned.

  He explained that yes, most vampires had healing abilities but there were illnesses that were unique to them, illnesses that took longer to recover from, depending on the health and background of the vampire, as well as the need for counselling, addiction therapy, and help with other problems. Adrian’s had a full staff with other vampire medical staff members with varying specialties, with everything from hypnotherapy to food poisoning when a vamp consumed from an unhealthy human. He said he also did research as well as offered solutions to many vamp problems. Sometimes herbal, sometimes other solutions, even surgery. Tristan didn’t elaborate any further than that and Kyla was too overwhelmed to care all that much. There was so much on her mind as they approached the gates.

  He told her he’d give her more information after they met with Adrian but reiterated that he might not be able to talk openly inside the compound buildings with her for a little while after meeting Adrian.

  Once they were inside the gated compound, which was manned with two gate guards, they drove up to the front circular driveway of the large grey fieldstone mansion, and there was a man standing outside, dressed business casual in tan cargos and a khaki button down shirt. Tristan passed her a pair of sunglasses and she put them on. The look he gave her was all business, reminding her how important it was to pretend. They certainly didn’t need any more threats.

  “Wait for me,” he told her.

  She braced herself as best as she could, hoping it would be enough, and he got out of the car, shook the man’s hand, and then he rounded the car and opened Kyla’s door, reaching for her hand. Another casually-dressed man took Tristan’s keys and got into the car to drive it away.

  Kyla met the gaze of the man, feeling like his eyes pierced hers straight through the sunglasses. He was very attractive. She quickly looked past him, straight ahead, unsure if anyone else was around, so trying to appear blank. Kyla thought he resembled James Franco a little, dark kind of curly hair, vividly bright green eyes. They were also like those Lite Brite or LED bulbs, like Tristan’s but a sparkling emerald green rather than icy blue. He was tall and fit and looked to be in his mid to late thirties, maybe.

  “Kyla,” the man greeted softly, a magnetic smile on his face, “I’m Adrian.”

  “Hi Adrian,” she answered, quietly.

  “Tristan, let’s get you and your lovely pet here inside. Follow me to my office.” The vamp had a huge smile on his face.

  The foyer had a large chandelier overhead, dripping with ruby-colored stones. There were orchids and roses in vases all around. The furnishings were sumptuous. Walls and floors were white marble, clean, palace-like. Tristan held her hand and they followed Adrian down a long hallway toward a set of large dark wooden double doors.

  Just before they hit that set of doors another door opened in the hallway and two women stepped out in front of them.

  “Trissssstan!” one of them cooed as she approached. She was a tall brunette with striking features. She was dressed in an ivory pantsuit, killer ivory high heels, and was dripping with diamonds at her ears, throat, fingers, and wrists. The woman beside her was a blonde bombshell dressed in black. She eyed Kyla up and down, with scrutiny, her eyes landing on the necklace Kyla wore.

  Kyla felt like a hobo in contrast to how these women were dressed. Kyla was wearing skinny distressed boyfriend jeans, t-strap black sandals, and a white chiffon button down that had a big cut-out in the back, making it almost backless. She had her hair loose in curls down her back as well as a little bit of make-up but she looked casual, completely casual.

  She was Walmart or Old Navy, or
maybe H&M or The Gap on a good day and they were Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus or whatever. She didn’t even know many of the expensive names and brands. Tristan was in jeans and a tee-shirt but he still looked like Armani. He didn’t even look Walmart when he’d worn Walmart!

  “Celia,” Tristan nodded but didn’t break stride.

  “Catch up later?” The dark-haired beauty blatantly flirted but glanced at their linked fingers. Kyla wanted to claw the woman’s beautiful face but held her temper in check.

  “Absolutely not,” Tristan gave her a tight smile and the woman snickered. As they passed one another, he gave Kyla’s hand a squeeze.

  Adrian opened double doors and ushered them inside.

  Kyla let out a breath. Tristan gave her hand another reassuring squeeze. Adrian motioned for them to sit down in front of the desk. It felt like a professor’s office in an old-world style university. The wall behind his desk was lined with books and the desk was adorned with antique desk accessories.

  Kyla removed her sunglasses as she sat. Adrian’s gaze met hers and their gazes locked. He gave her a warm smile. Despite its warmth, her blood ran chilly for a second as some sort of awareness prickled along her spine. She tilted her head and regarded him carefully. She almost felt like they’d met before. Something about him was familiar and unsettling.

  “Why is Celia here?” Tristan demanded, his voice harsh.

  “I needed some of her skills for a project. Unrelated to yours, not to worry. She’ll be busy.” He waved his hand dismissively and then he leaned back in his chair and said to Tristan, but kept looking at Kyla, “How much does she know?”

  “Not much,” Tristan answered.

  Kyla tore her gaze away from Adrian and looked to Tristan.

  “Why don’t you begin? I can fill in gaps where needed,” Adrian said.

  “Brace, baby,” Tristan said, “there’s a lot that’s about to come at you.”

  She nodded. But there was no way to brace for what was coming.

  Her world was about to be blown to smithereens.

  “Adrian is your grandfather.”

  Kyla’s body visibly jerked, “My what?”

  “He’s your mother’s father. Your mother? She was half royal vampire. Your father had vampire DNA as well, though not quite as much as your mother and it was from a turned vamp. They both had rare blood types. Because of that and because you’re not turned, this is what makes your blood what it is. Enchanted.”


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