Ambrosia (Nectar Trilogy, Book 2)

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Ambrosia (Nectar Trilogy, Book 2) Page 17

by Prince, DD

  “Don’t. I’ll behave,” Celia stated, “I get it now…” but Adrian leaned over and thrust the dagger into her lower back and she looked confused for a split second but then went limp. Tristan released her and she sagged to the floor.

  Was she unconscious? Dead? Kyla didn’t know.

  “Get her out,” Tristan ordered and Sam got to Celia’s shoulders and Lyle got to her feet and they hefted her up and carried her out. Adrian followed.

  Only Kyla, Tristan, Claudio, and a server remained in the dining room.

  “This has been an absolute cluster fuck,” Tristan snapped at Claudio, still holding Kyla behind him with his left arm that had her plastered to his back.

  “I’d say,” Claudio looked pissed.

  “Adrian is outta control. I have no doubt that Celia being invited to the compound was a test. He’s coming.”

  “It was a test. And look at the results,” Adrian walked in, pointing out he’d heard them, “The strength that came from her, that was a surprise! A very pleasant one.” Adrian gestured to Kyla, “She’ll be strong. She already is. I’ve never seen that before turning. I heard a rumour of it happening once, in my own family in fact, but that was well before my time. I’ll need to dig into the Constantin family history.”

  Tristan still hadn’t released her. She was still clutching his jacket, feeling crushed against the wall. He spun around and held her in his arms. His hold was tender, protective, but the look in his eyes? Yikes.

  He looked absolutely pissed at her. She paled under his glare.

  “Escorts. To our suite, Adrian.”

  “Coming any minute. I’ll have the rest of dinner sent up as well.”

  Two dark-suited men stepped into the room.

  “Two?” Tristan asked.

  “That’s all I have right now. She played with the others.”

  Tristan sighed.

  “I’ll help,” Sam was coming in.

  “No,” Tristan snapped, “back up.”

  “No need. I’ve cleared the way, citing early curfew due to a security issue. We’ll move you to a private cottage tomorrow,” Adrian said.

  Tristan took Kyla’s hand and Sam side-stepped several paces away from the door so they could pass. He walked fast, holding her hand. They were flanked by the two guards and Adrian wasn’t lying, there was no one around. A few moments later they were back in their suite, alone.


  “Do you have any idea how fuckin’ stupid that was?” He roared as the door was slammed and locked.

  She backed away from him. The vibe coming off him was frightening.

  “I don’t know how…” Kyla started. She had no idea where that strength came from. It was stronger than when Liam had attacked her, even. She hadn’t calculated, only reacted.

  “Celia is the second most manipulative, strong, most vicious female vamp I know and you fuckin’ shove her, challenge her, insult her?”

  He let out a laugh, not an amused one, either, it was the sound of exasperation and disbelief. It wasn’t a good thing. Kyla swallowed hard.

  “Adrian was fucking with us, testing me. Testing you. But what you did?” Tristan moved to the bar area, poured a whiskey and thrust his hand through his hair and then downed it.

  “Can I have one?” Kyla softly asked.

  He poured her a drink and passed it to her, giving her a death glare.

  “What you did played right into his hand. He wanted to see what you were made of, test my control…what a goddamn mess! And with Claude there? He thinks I’ve got no control over this situation and that is not fucking good,” He poured more whisky and downed it.

  Kyla drank the shot that he’d poured her but it didn’t help. It never did. She put the glass down and let out a sigh.

  “I didn’t know that’d happen. When she said she wanted your cock, I just…I flew into a rage. I lost it.”

  “No shit!”

  “Who is she? Why does she think she has a claim over you?”

  “She’s the vamp who turned me. In the past, all she had to do was snap her fingers and I’d play her game. I enjoyed her game. But the last few times I saw her it started to get old. I still played for the fuck of it and she expected that to continue. She isn’t accustomed to being told No and when that rare occasion happens she does what she needs to in order to see that she gets what she wants. She mesmerizes vamps and she’s got the gift of programming so she programs people and vamps into functional trances. Good thing she has no control over you or you’d have offed yourself.”

  Kyla felt her rage rise.

  “But she can’t program you?”

  “Clearly not. Another benefit of my bloodline. She can only turn unturned people and turned vamps as well as low-level true vamps. No elders, no royals.”

  “What’s the difference between entrancing or mesmerizing and programming?”

  “Programming continues after a vamp has left. Mesmerizing has a lifespan.”

  “Why is she here?”

  “Adrian said she was here to help him with a project unrelated to us. Clearly bullshit.”

  Kyla massaged her temples.

  “You don’t know how dangerous that was. Don’t you ever fuckin’ do something like that again.”

  “Uh, I told you, it just happened. I had no control over it.”

  “Some good that excuse’d do if it ended differently, huh? You need to get a lock on it.”

  “Maybe just don’t put me in that position again, how ‘bout that? Every time you have me around other vamps it goes wrong so how about you learn from that? I’m going for a shower. You aren’t going anywhere, are you?”


  She headed for the washroom. He caught her by her bicep, “No. I mean, no, you’re not going for a shower.”

  He pulled her closer and then his lips were on her lips and then his tongue was in her mouth, forcefully, hungry, dominating. He cupped her cheek.

  She whimpered into his mouth.

  “Fuck, I want you so fuckin’ bad. That was stupid but it was also hot as fuck watching you get all possessive over me with her. When you threw her across the room? God. I wanted to fuck you on the spot. I wanted to fuck you in that room in front of all of them so they’d know you’re mine. Only mine.”

  Kyla was surprised at that reaction. She had a feeling it was more about her body chemistry right now than anything, though. Just smelling him felt like foreplay. He smelled like sex. Sugary sweet sex.

  “She’s really beautiful. She’s also a screaming bitch.”

  “She’s got nothin’ on you, princess.”

  “Am I a screaming bitch, too?”

  “No. Fuck no. You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever touched.”

  God, make a baby with me.

  “Stop it.”

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop thinking those thoughts or I won’t be able to control myself.”

  “Say things like that and how can I? What did you just read from me?”

  He stared at her, “That you want me to fuck you hard. That you want me. That you want me forever.”

  “Not exactly, but close enough. And I do.”

  “Me, too.” He ran his nose along her collar bone. Then he backed up, “What was it you were thinking if I missed the mark?”

  “Never mind. Let’s play. Like earlier?” She moved toward him.

  He grunted, “No. Too dangerous. And besides, I’m mad at you.”

  “M-A-D mad or really mad?” She touched his face.

  “Pissed, Kyla. Fuck.”

  “But I couldn’t help it! You’re crazy possessive on a good day, never mind at my ovulating. Clearly, I’m having a similar effect. I’m like… in heat… and it’s doing some seriously messed up things to me. I’m challenging vampires, for heaven sakes. And every time I get pissed at you, we fool around, so fair is fair…”

  He growled into her mouth and pinned her against the wall and then ran his nose up her throat, “In heat. Fuck.”

he reached down and grabbed for his crotch and felt that he was hard. Rock fucking hard.


  “I can’t wait for you to be inside me. When can we?”

  “Mmm. Three or four days, maybe.”

  “Goddddd!” She didn’t think she could take it.

  His nose was in her hair and then his teeth clamped down on her throat.

  “Ahh!” She felt it and the sensation extended to her clit.

  She rubbed her palm up and down his crotch while he drank and then she felt his hand rise up her leg under her dress to her hip and he dug his fingers in.

  “Touch me, babe. I need you,” she whispered.

  His hand skated upward until his index finger hooked the rhinestone-crusted spaghetti strap of her gown and pulled it down. He reached for her now-exposed breast and then his teeth released her throat and he bit into the side of her breast while doing a swipe across her hardening nipple with his thumb.

  She squealed and hooked her leg around him and started to grind her crotch against his leg. He walked her back towards the bed, threw her down roughly on it, and while she was still in mid-bounce he grabbed her ankles and pulled her down a few feet until her bottom was right at the edge, making the dress ride up.

  He got to his knees and hooked her panties with both thumbs and slid them off her legs and tossed them. He grabbed the heels of her stilettos and then hooked her legs over his shoulders and then his head descended with a fuck hot look on his face and then his mouth was on her. His tongue dipped in and he made a sexy humming sound that vibrated through his upper lip, which was right on her clit. The roof of her mouth as well as her toes tingled.

  She squirmed. He sucked. Hard. Kyla arched right up and then rested on her elbows so she could watch.

  “God, you’re sexy,” she told him and he smiled, winked, and then he dipped his tongue again and he crooked it and hit her g-spot, which made her arms give out and then she was flat on her back.

  God his tongue was strong!

  He rubbed his palms up her thighs to her hips and then let go with one hand and she heard him unzip his suit pants.

  “Are you, are you touching yourself?” she asked.

  “Mm, yeah,” he said.

  “I wanna see!” She tried to scamper back. He released her legs.

  He rose up and put a knee to the bed and climbed in as she moved back, suit jacket falling off, tie coming off, shirt being ripped off, buttons flying, and then the pants coming down further, showing his sexy V, and showing that his cock was out and way way way awake.

  “You have the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen,” she said and reached for it. “I need it.”

  “You can’t have it.” He smiled, teasingly, fisting it.

  She pouted.

  “Can my mouth have it?”

  He crawled up and laid on his back, flipping her by the hips so she was on top.

  She rubbed her very wet pussy along his shaft, coating him in her juices and he growled in frustration and then quickly flipped her, super fast, like it was a magic trick, and she was facing the other way and her bottom was against his chin. He grabbed her thighs and lifted so that he got access to her pussy and she leaned over and greedily slurped the tip of his cock into her mouth. She grabbed his hips and hungrily sucked. She tasted herself. She didn’t care.

  “Fuck, Kyla. You’re the best fuck, the sweetest blood, the most delicious pussy I’ve ever…mmmm.” He was devouring her pussy with his mouth, his hands on her ass, opening her wider.

  She started to hit the peak. She cried out his name, bucking wildly against his tongue, and when she hit it, he bit her right on her ass cheek. She squealed and tasted him as he sent a hot gush down her throat, moaning out her name.

  She rolled and collapsed.

  Woah, wow, wow, wow.

  He crawled down to the bottom of the bed and pulled her close, flicking the covers over them.

  “It is mine, isn’t it?”

  “Hm? What?”

  “Your beautiful cock.”

  “Yeah, princess. All yours,” he kissed her.


  A few minutes had passed and they were cuddling, talking about what’d happened.

  “I need to keep you segregated. No way can we put you at risk like that again.”

  “What’ll happen to her? What’s with that dagger? Why didn’t he stake her in the chest?” she nuzzled in to his shoulder and kissed it.

  “He wasn’t trying to kill her. And she didn’t know that, probably why she went down looking confused at where he jabbed her. That dagger contains a rare metal that temporarily paralyzes a vampire. Adrian’s recently discovered it. He’s having one made for me. That was what I was excited about when I called you at the hotel. We can use that to keep you safe. It should’ve been ready today. I’m told now it’ll be done by tomorrow.”

  “Sam used one of those on Liam?”

  “No. Unfortunately. If he had, Liam wouldn’t be a problem any longer. Sam went after him with it and they struggled but Liam got away. That was Adrian’s dagger. There’s only the one so far but Claudio, myself, and a few other leaders are getting them.”

  “So Celia was paralyzed with it. Now what?”

  “She’s been locked down. Adrian and I need to talk about what’ll be done. She’s a huge danger to you. Not just because you pissed her off but because she knows now that you’re a threat. She likes being what she thinks of as Queen Bee. I don’t want her uttering a thing about you to anyone. Female vamps would want you eliminated before there was a chance you’d be turned. The super she-vamps hate competition.”

  Kyla nodded.

  “Tomorrow and the next day we have to be careful. You’re hitting that peak. I don’t think I can take much more of your antics. You’ll trap me in your web and then we’ll have no choices left.”

  She nodded. He was right. Again, he was right.

  “I hate the idea of you being away from me, though.”

  He caressed her face.

  “I know. I hate the idea of not being there to protect you so I have to find a way to keep you safe from me but yet safe from others, too. If anyone got near you? Fuck. I’m meeting with Adrian and Claudio in the morning to strategize.”

  “Can I be there?”

  “No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. You shouldn’t have been there tonight. Obviously it was one of Adrian’s games. I’m not letting him get his hands on you and he can’t wait to find out more about you so he’s running these stupid experiments. I have to make decisions and I need you to trust that I’ll make the right ones.”

  “I can’t sit idle and let you make all the decisions for me. Besides, you don’t exactly have a great track record with that.”

  He cocked a brow at her, “What?”

  “Uh, dog cage, elephant tranquilizer guns, hello?”

  He got a defeated look on his face.

  She climbed to the top of the bed where all the pillows were, pulling him along.

  “Put some clothes on,” he mumbled and got out of bed, grabbed jogging shorts for himself and threw yoga pants and a t-shirt in her direction. “No way I’m sleeping beside you naked.”

  “I’m not naked,” she gestured to the dress, which she’d pulled the strap up on.

  “You stay in that dress much longer and you will be…”


  She was drifting off, feeling really sleepy, but then she heard him on the phone.


  Fine, yeah…

  Listen, can you arrange to fly my mother here tomorrow in the private jet? She needs to program Celia to forget Kyla exists.”



  Kyla slept surprisingly sound. She didn’t dream, didn’t remember any tossing and turning, and she woke up without having slit her own throat so thankfully hadn’t been ‘programmed’ by Celia. On that thought, she recalled Tristan’s phone call.

  He’d said his mother was in Montreal. He’d said he didn’t see her very o
ften and that their relationship was complicated. And then he’d asked Claudio to bring her to Arizona so she could program Celia to forget Kyla existed.

  She heard him in her mind,

  “Celia is the second most manipulative, strong, most vicious female vamp I know…”

  Did that mean that since Tristan’s mother could program that powerful vamp to forget Kyla existed that Tristan’s Mom was the most manipulative, strong, vicious female vamp he knew?


  If so, no wonder he had qualms about turning her. And it wasn’t like Kyla wanted to be a vampire and drink blood to survive and it also wasn’t like Kyla felt like, at this juncture of her life, that she was ready to be a mother or especially ready to count down nine months until death, either, but she’d been grasping for solutions to their problems, looking for a way out, a way out that didn’t include her and Tristan being apart.

  Clearly Tristan’s mother was a powerful she-vamp. What about his father? Vampire royalty, too, reportedly, but Tristan hadn’t said a word about his father.

  “I smell smoke,” she heard Tristan sleepily say.

  She sat up fast, “Oh no!” She inhaled the air but couldn’t smell anything.

  He’d been asleep beside her and was now pulling her close, “No, silly girl, those wheels are turning mighty fast.” He poked at her temple.

  She snickered, “Oh. Yeah, they’re going at about a million RPM. Definitely smoking.”

  He ran his nose along her throat, kissed her on the jaw, and then released her and got out of bed.

  “Getting a shower and then moving you. I feel that peak comin’, princess, and it’s coming on strong. I’m putting you in a cottage, there are several on the grounds, and I’m putting you behind a locked door the rest of the day. I wish I had someone I could trust here. I’d put Adrian’s dagger in my gut until this was over.”

  “Maybe we should go home. Fly home. Get me in the panic room for a day or two, then come back?”

  “I considered that. But more movement equals exposure to Liam. We’d probably be better to stay put. I don’t want to leave here without a dagger. Let’s head down. I know it’s early but I want us out of this building. Earlier means less chance of traffic in those common areas.”


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