Ashram 51,52,54,55,57,58
Ashtadhyayi [Panini] 277
Asian Development Bank 56,210
Assemblages 118,280
A Testament [Wright, Frank Lloyd] 43
Athens Charter [CIAM] 204
Athens, Greece 44,204,291
Avatar 259,263,304
Ayer, Freddie 52
Azim Premji Foundation 128
Bacon, Edmond 51
Bajaj, Rajiv 58,126
Baker House, Cambridge, Massachusetts 49
Baker, Laurie 49,54,253
Baldevji 54
Bank of China 145
Bannister, Turpin C. 14,49
Baroque 120,134
Barthes, Roland 281,290
Basaldella, Mirko 14,52
CCTV Tower, China 165
Central Place Theory 189
Centre for Development Studies and Activities [CDSA] 48,56,94,105,190,222
Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology [CEPT] 185
Ceremonial Plaza, Bhutan 58
Cervantes 137,142
Chandigarh 13,49,52,83,126,171,174,177,320
Charles River, Cambridge, Massachusetts 51
Charter of the New Urbanism [Congress for the New Urbanism] 207
Chauhan, Muktiraj 269
Chennai, Tamil Nadu 13,42,53,56,81,211,232
Chicago School 100,133,138,163,165,174,176
Child, Julia 50
Chocolate [Vanita, Ruth Mona] 301
Choksi, Daraius 15
Chorten 154,307
Church Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 51,
CIAM 26,138,147,162,171,175,204
City of Arts and Sciences, Valencia 165
Civilization 44,47,73,74,100,137,175,210,277,283,287,293,294,307
Cladding 168,170
Collage 280,281,283,288,289
College of Engineering, Pune 58,102
Combines 280
Community Development Programmes 219
Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture [Venturi, Robert] 290
Conviviality 25,82,141,154,243,247,294,297
Cooper, Thomas 52
Correa, Charles 14,46,54,171,253
Creager, Bruce 52
Credo 39,42,43,122,123,242
Bateson, Gregory 156
Bauhaus, Germany 26,99,138,173,175
Bawa, Geoffrey 253
Beautiful Velvet Box 11,167
Behrens, Peter 172
Berkeley, California 44
Berlage, Hendrik 171,174
Bharat 209
Bhathena, Adi 64
Bhavnagar, Gujarat 53,105
Bhutan 56,58,62,85,126,144,181,234,235,236,237,247,248,296,301,305
Biblio [journal] 291,300
Bilbao, Guggenheim 165
Bird’s Nest 161
Blake, Peter 145
Bohr, Kenneth 53
Boston, Massachusetts 44,290,302
Bourgeois, Victor 173
Brahmachari 48,49,51,307
Braque, Georges 280
Breuer, Marcel 171
Broad Acre City [Wright, Frank Lloyd] 203
Brown, Denise Scott 147
Buddha 115
Buddhism 247
Buddhist 62,289,296,307,308
Busti Improvement Programme, Kolkata 211
Butler, Christopher 164,282,290
Cambridge, Massachusetts 17,48,50,51,52,55,289,290,291
Candilis-Josic-Woods 146
Cantonment model 288
Carpenter Center, Harvard University 49,289
Cartier-Bresson 45
Crystal Palace 138,139
Cummings, E. E. 50
Dattatreya 15
Deconstruction 162
Delirious New York 145
Delos Symposium 51
Derrida, Jacques 140,164
Desai, Miki 269
Descartes 136,137,142
Deutscher Werkbund 26
Development Control Regulations 212
Dewey Decimal System 284
Dhun House 267
Dickens, Charles 172
Dilli haat, New Delhi 102,307
Disney, Walt 106,118,148,149,152,205,8,301
Don Quixote [Cervantes] 137
Doshi, Balkrishna V. 10,15,22,43,46,52,54,171,185,253,264
Doshi, Girish 84
Doxiadis, Constantinos 14,45
Drew, Jane 14,45,52
Duchamp 164
Dulles International Airport 49
Eagles, The 280
Eames, Charles 14,45,49,175
Eames, Ray 14,45,49,175
Earth Charter 229
École des Beaux-Arts 133,140,167
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 231
Effete 11,133,176,282
Effetism 100,138,140,163,165,174,176,254
Eiffel Tower 29,139
Einstein, Albert 76
Ekistics [journal] 183,291
Emblematic 144,277
Empirical 21,23,136,137,226,278,285
Employment Guarantee Scheme 162
English Channel 44
Erzurum, Turkey 44
Ethical 253
European Biennale 62,157
Eyck, Aldo van 146,162
Falling water 83
Femina [magazine] 300
Five Year Plans 209,219
Ford Foundation 54
Ford Foundation Building, New York 49
Formative 48,145,284,287
Foucault, Michel 290
Free University 146
French Academy 139
Friedman, Yona 14,45
Fry, Maxwell 14,45,52
Fulbright Fellowship 17,53
Fuller, Buckminster 14,45,51,171
Functional Linkage Matrix 189
Gainesville Florida 206
Galbraith, John Kenneth 14,51
Galileo 136,283
Galleries des Machines 139
Gandhi, Mohandas 26
Gans, Herbert 14,51
Garden Cities Movement 203,8,234
Garden City 287
Gehry, Frank 164
General Motors 147
Generation X 287
Gharana 13,18,26,43,48,52,86,308
Global Shelter Strategy 229
Gloucester Place, London 52
God’s Own Junkyard [Blake, Peter] 145
Graham Foundation 17
Grameen Bank 222
Granada, Spain 101,141
Great Man Theory 146,176,257
Greece 44,45,51
Gropius, Walter 14,18,50,51,52,99,171,173,289, 305
Gross National Happiness 247
Grove Hall, Gainesville, Florida 49,50
Guggenheim Museum, New York 49
Gujarat 214,232,232,237,267,268
Gujarat Housing Board 56
Gurus 13,14,22,25,43,48,52,54,58,99,241
Harvard Science Center 51
Harvard University 289
Heterosexual Construct 286
Herat, Afghanistan 44
Hieroglyphics 276
Hilton, Paris 161
Himalayas 153,157,302,304
Hotel California [song] 280
Housing and Urban Development Corporati
on 56,209,216,231,232
Howard, Ebenezer 204
HUDCO 209,211,231,232
Hungarian 51
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 8,55,223,232,233
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority 55,232
Hypothesis 87
Ideal City [Leonardo da Vinci] 143
Image of the City [Lynch, Kevin] 150,281,290
Imagineering 11,142,145,146,148,156,291
Imperial Hotel, Tokyo 41
Indian Institute of Management 58,126,248,263
Input-Output 189
International Exhibition, Chicago 133,163,176
Irving Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 50
Jaali 169
Jain, Kulbhushan 269
Jain, Prem Chand 44
Jambudweepa 107
Jameson, Frederic 164
James, William 50
Jamnagar, Gujarat 53,231,232,233
Jensen, Norman 14,49,50
Johnson, Philip 45,49
Joshi, Madhav 15,84
Kabul, Afghanistan 44
Kahn, Louis 14,17,18,46,56,107,126,157,257,258,259,263,268,269
Kakuzo, Okakura 41
Kallmann, Gerhard 14,52
Kamuben 263,267
Kanade, Navnath 84,268
Kanade, Shankar 84,268
Kandahar, Afghanistan 44
Kanvinde, Achyut 15,22,46,54,171,253
Khadpekar, Vivek 15,270
Khakkar, Bupen 300
Khyber Pass, Afghanistan 45
Kirloskar Family 126
Kiszonak, Louis 52
Koenigsberger, Otto 15,45
Kolkata, West Bengal 13,53,54,58,81,85,94,102,105,126,197,2,211,255
Kolonaki Square, Athens, Greece 51
Koolhaas, Rem 145,148
Krishnayya, Jaswant 54
Kundera, Milan 142,156,255,290,291,299,301
kund-like 105–111,105
Kundu, Amitabh 223
La Cité Industrielle [Garnier, Tony] 173
La Cité Moderne [Bourgeois, Victor] 173
La Città Nuova [Sant'Elia, Antonio] 173
Lakhangs 154
Land Tenure 211,227,232
La Tourette, France 49
Learning from Las Vegas [Venturi, Robert, et. al.] 151
Le Corbusier 11,17,18,49,50,51,56,83,107,126,144,162,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,204,8,257,258,263,268
Lefaivre, Liane 14,42
Leonardo da Vinci 142,143
Le Plan Voisin [Le Corbusier] 173
Lever House 49
Levittowns 148,152
Liberal Humanism 162
License Raj 216
Lima, Peru 195
Linnaeus, Carl 284
London, United Kingdom 44,45,52,81,168,172,244,246,263,291,302
Loos, Adolf 172
Los Angeles 44,45
Love at the Time of Cholera [Marquez, Gabriel Garcia] 299
Low Cost Housing 53,55,269
Lutyens, Edwin 203
Lynch, Kevin 14,51,150,154,254,281,290
Lyonchen Jigme Thinley 22,296
Mackintosh, Charles Rennie 26,173
Madras Metropolitan Urban Development Authority 232
Mahadwara 107,108
Maharashtra 64,84,214,216
Mahindra, Anand 126
Mahindra, Harish 57,126,238
Mahindra United World College of India 10,57,75,77,105,111,126
Maki, Fumihiko 14,18,45,52,254
Mandala 107,155
Mangaldas, Kamal 46
Mangin, William 198
mani 154
Maratha 285
Marin County Civic Center, California 49,
Marxist 164
Marx, Karl 172,245,290
Mashhad, Iran 44
Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] 49,50,51,57,242,289,290,291
McNulty, Thomas 49
Mead, Margaret 14,51,291
Mehta, Anuradhaben 46
Mehta, Sanat 46,232
Memories of my Melancholy Whores [Marquez, Gabriel Garcia] 299
Merritt, Harry 14
Metabolist Group 175
Metropolitan Regional Plan 212
Michelangelo 142
Mickey Mouse 148
Minimum Needs Programme, India 88
Mistry, Keshuvbhai 269
Models of Habitat Mobility 199
Modern 23,26,50,51,52,55,57,98,100,107,116,118,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,161,163,165,167,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,189,204,8,225,246,254,255,269,281
Modern Architecture Research Society [MARS] 175
Modern Project 134
Mojave Desert, California 44
Montage 281
Montgomery, Roger 14,52
Montreal, Quebec 44
Morse Code 285
Mount Abu, Rajasthan 21
Moussavi, Farshid 167
Mumbai, India 31,44,58,69,211,214,215,216,217,220,233,263,302,307,308
Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority [MMRDA] 233
Nairobi, Kenya 56,269
National Capitol Complex 296
National Housing Bank, India 56,209,216
National Institute of Design, India 99,175
National Organization of Students of Planning [NOSPLAN] 191
Nemo 165
Neotia, Harsh 102
Neutra, Richard 44
Nervi, Pier Luigi 171
New Canaan, Connecticut 45
New Delhi 54,102,105,203,8,208,239,289,291
New Imperialism 284,285
New Man 172,173,175,176
New Society 172,177
New Urbanism 147,148,149,151
New York 49,79,84,145,148,155,168,244,246,289,290,291
Niemeyer, Oscar 18,49
Nip the Bud; Shoot the Kids [Oe, Kenzaburo] 299
Norton, Elliot 50
Ocean Empires 284
Oe, Kenzaburo 277,289,299,300
Ong Giao Ki 40
Order 276,278,279,286,290
Ordering 288
Ordering Project 275,276,276,278,278,281,281,283,283,284,284,285,285,287,287,288,288
Oswal, Dr. Gunvant 83,113,114,115
Otta 82
Oxford Mississippi 152
Pandya, Kiran 269
Panini 277
Parekh, Dr. Bhanuben 53,105
Paris, France 44,45,280,280
Patel, C. Hasmukh 15,22,46,54
Patil, Sanjay 84
Pattern 105
Paxton, Joseph 138,139
Penjor, Dasho Lam 15,22
Periodic Table of Elements 284
Perkins Hall, Harvard University 50
Perlman, Janice 223
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 17,46,25
Picasso, Pablo 258,280
Pictography 276
Planning Commission, Government of India 56
Pluraform 301
Postmodern 11,128,133,134,140,141,143,165
Poverty 18,51,56,59,73,152,185,187,191,219,223,226,227,229
Prague 163
Principles of Intelligent Urbanism [PIU] 11,144,181,207,8,234,235,247,321
Problematique 296
Prototypes 86,97,241,278,286
Psomopoulos, Panayis 14,51
Pune, Maharashtra 5,8,48,56,58,61,64,79,81,84,94,102,105,113,212,217,236,237,244,263,285,290,291,303,320,321
Pyatok, Michael 52
Queer Words [Benninger, Christopher C.] 300
Rahman, Habib 46
Raje, Anant 11,14,22,46,54,257,258,259,260,269
Rand, Ayn 204,8,205
Rao, Raj R. 300
Rauschenberg, Robert 280,290
Reeves, Blaire 14,49,50
Replicability 221
Richardson, H. H. 167
Rishi 48,57,308
Rockefeller Center 145
Rohe, Mies Van der 49,171,172,174
Ronchamp, France 49
Rotis 45
Row, Arthur 15
Royal Government of Bhutan 126
Rudofsky, Bernard 287,290,291
Rudolph, Paul 49
Ruskin, John 26,173
Sagara, Piraji 14,22
Sahyadri Mountains 74,105
Salvadori, Vieri 270
Samsara [Benninger, Christopher C., unpublished] 300
Samskara 279
Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies [SIMS] 58,126
San Simeon, California 44
Sant’Elia, Antonio 173
Sarabhai, Mrinaliniben 46
Sarabhai, Vikram 14,22,46,126
Sathe, Rahul 15
Schnebli, Dolf 14,18,44,45,52
School of Architecture, Ahmedabad 17,49,171,185,263
School of Planning, Ahmedabad 27,53,54,55,57,185,188,190,194,232,238
Semantic Analysis 162
Sert, Jose Lluis 14,17,18,50,51,52,107,144,162,171,254,305
Seth, Vikram 300
Shah, R. I. 222
Shastras 203
Shishya 18
Signifiers 280,281,282,287
Sivaramakrishnan, K. C. 54
Sixteen Emptinesses 62
Slowness [Kundera, Milan] 156
Slum Improvement Scheme 211
Smart Growth 147
Social Net 24,190,227,228
Socrates 50,283
Socratic Method 31
Soleri, Paolo 14,45,49
Soltan, Jerzy 14,51,253
SOS Children’s Village 53
Spanish Steps, Rome 108
Sparoza, Attica, Greece 51
Special Area Development Programmes 219
Special Economic Zones [SEZ] 237
Special Habitat Zones 237
Letters To A Young Architect Page 29