Sheltering Abby

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Sheltering Abby Page 3

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Abby turned her warm brown gaze on him and laughed outright. Then she said something that completely surprised him. “It’s not a game. And if it were, I know you and Trevor would take the lead. I have some things to tell you, some things to admit about myself and some things to warn you all about.”

  Her gaze left his and searched all the others seated at the table. He mimicked her, trying to see what she hunted for in each of them, what sign she needed to see to go on with the reason she gathered them all together. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Trevor doing the same.

  Seconds passed, then eventually the rigid tension in Abby’s shoulders lessened just a bit. “I have been hiding things, things about my past, things I’m sometimes ashamed of, things I’m usually proud of.”

  “Why, Abby, girl? You had to know we wouldn’t have judged you, no matter what you might tell us.”

  “I know, Gloria, but Serenity called to me, gave me my first sense of homecoming I’d ever experienced. I didn’t want to lose it and someone like me, the things I’ve had to do to survive, I might not be welcome here once you hear what I have to say.”

  Hearing the wariness in her voice, Ben reached for her right hand with his left while Trevor ran his right hand over the back of her head in long smooth strokes, soothing her as he would a fractious cub. She leaned into their touch for just a moment, allowing her pleasure to show before pulling back into herself.

  Zoe reached across the table and took Abby’s hand in hers. “Tell us what you need. We promise to listen to everything before making any decisions. How does that sound?”

  Ben could have leaned forward and kissed Zoe for offering Abby comfort, but then Conn and Marcel would deck him. No one kissed another’s mate unless it was agreed on beforehand.

  “Fine. But if you want me to leave afterward, I won’t put up a fight about it.”

  Ben gave Abby’s hand a squeeze before taking her chin in his other hand, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Nothing you have to say will make Trevor or I turn you away, Abby. You belong here in Serenity and with us. Don’t forget that while you’re busy confessing your secrets.”

  When Abby licked her lips and slowly nodded, his dick jerked behind his zipper. By the Gods and Goddesses, he needed to have her soon before he came in his pants like a virgin seeing his first pair of naked breasts up close and personal.

  Through their bond, he could feel Trevor’s desire ratchet up a notch at the verbal claim he’d made and Abby’s lack of denial.

  “Go ahead,” Trevor murmured. “No one is going anywhere. What possible secret could you have that you think we’ll run you out of town because of it?”

  Nodding, Abby took a deep breath, then lifted her head defiantly. “I’m a Destruidor do Mal, the last of a very long line of hunters.”

  Chapter Four

  Conn and Marcel sat back, their jaws hanging slack. Gloria and Twila gasped in either horror or surprise, Trevor didn’t know. Zoe just looked completely confused, still not used to everything associated with having shifters as mates. But he and Ben relaxed.

  Now they knew why they were so drawn to her as a woman. They, too, were considered a Destruidor of their community though that term is an ancient term for Hunter of Evil. It’s why Ben became Serenity’s Sheriff and he, the town’s Judge, each doing their best to use Human laws when necessary and not-so human laws when it came to the supernatural.

  But the Destruidor were also teachers and councilors, known to possess wisdom and compassion far surpassing others. They were someone the pack would go to for council. A Destruidor only came second in rank in pride or pack hierarchy to the Alpha and his or her Beta.

  But if all that were true, why could he detect nothing supernatural about her? Only one way to find out—ask. “Why do I not sense shifter in you, Abigail? Destruidors are always shifters. Always.”

  Abigail’s shoulders stiffened, and too late he realized he insulted her integrity.

  “Obviously, that’s not so in this case. And how do you know what a Destruidor is or anything about shifters at all? You shouldn’t know that.”

  On the other side of her, Ben shifted, looked to the others at the table, then slowly stood. “We know,” he said, “because other than Zoe, who is human, we’re all shifters.” As if to prove his words, he slowly let the magic inside loose, just a little, allowing his hand to shift, his human fingers to grow into feline claws.

  Abigail began to tremble, then quickly regained control. Her voice grew cold and hard. “You must think me a fool then.”

  Trevor and Ben both shook their heads in disagreement. The others were quick to follow suit. “Not at all. This town is under a veil of magic. No one unable to shift can tell who or what we are, and we like it that way. It’s kept us relatively safe from Human hunters that have targeted our kind for millennia,” Trevor explained, while Ben once again took his seat beside her.

  He would not lose this woman because of her doubts, but he needed to know why she stated she lived as a Destruidor when she obviously couldn’t shift. It was important to all of them, to their entire community, to know if they’d been infiltrated by a human spy, though in his heart, he truly didn’t believe that was the case here. He couldn’t believe it. There had to be another explanation.

  “I may not shift,” she admitted, “but I was born to shifters. They died before they could help me through my first transformation, and without a blood bond or mate bond, my beast will always slumber inside me. I made the most out of it, became my pride’s Destruidor. It’s what I am, what I do. It’s enough for me and I’m happy. I’m damn good at what I do.”

  Trevor could hear her pain, despite her adamant denial that her inability to shift didn’t bother her. Though now wasn’t the time, he wanted to comfort her, to pull her onto his lap and cuddle her against his chest.

  Focusing his thoughts, he spoke to Ben using their telepathic link, now understanding the reason he reacted so strongly whenever he scented her. So that’s why we’ve been drawn to her. She is like us, but unlike us. Her beast still slumbers inside her, waiting for her mate to call it forth.

  Mates, Ben corrected.

  Mates, Trevor agreed. Knowing what she was to them, what courage and strength she must have to act as a Destruidor, made his gut clench. He had to touch her. No way could he not now that he knew they were meant for her and she for them. Reaching out, he placed his arm across the back of her chair, embracing her without actually touching her flesh.

  Rather than tense or jerk away from him, she relaxed against his arm. Something inside him eased. Perhaps on some level she, too, felt the connection between them. But did she feel the same for Ben? They’d find out soon enough because once this meeting ended the brothers had every intention on bringing her to their home, to their bed.

  When her lips quirked up—maybe guessing just where his thoughts had wandered—he wanted to lean forward and kiss her senseless, stroking her tongue with his until she surrendered to their touch, begging to be fucked long and hard and all through the night. Instead, he turned, facing her more fully as he casually dropped a napkin over his lap, hiding his obvious erection.

  “Why tell us now?” Marcel asked.

  Trevor could feel the man’s suspicion like a living, breathing entity. He, too, wanted answers, but he had faith in his mate. He didn’t doubt that she came forth for a valid reason. No Destruidor voluntarily exposed who and what they were unless something life altering forced them to do so.

  “You must have some reason to tell us this,” he continued, doubt and wariness tingeing his voice, insinuating the opposite.

  Trevor wanted to reach over the table and beat the man senseless, despite the fact they were good friends.

  Tension infused her frame. She grimaced, then anger darkened her features. She looked like she wanted to rip Marcel’s face off. Just as quickly as the rage appeared, her face went blank. She sneered at Marcel, then turned her attention to Twila and Gloria before moving on to Zoe. It was to her she sp
oke next. “Something is in this town…hunting. Something evil. And it’s stalking several of your citizens, including everyone in this room right now. I thought you’d appreciate the warning and be on guard. Apparently, I was mistaken in that belief.”

  As she looked at Zoe and her sleeping babes still bundled in their infant seats, compassion softened her features. “Be careful of Donaldson. He’s planning something and it’s targeted to you and yours. I can sense the evil inside him building, waiting, gloating.”

  On the other side of her, Ben laid his hand on Abby’s shoulder. “Is Donaldson the root of the evil you sense?”

  It was a valid question. One Trevor would like an answer to as well. Though he and Ben were their pride’s Destruidors, they hadn’t acted in that capacity in far too long. A Destruidor had to fight not only physically against evil, but on the spiritual and magical planes as well. He and Ben had not kept up their training, something that would have come in handy right now. Until they began training again, they had to depend on Abby and her skills. That didn’t sit right with his beast. Not at all. Never again would he and his brother fail to prepare for just such eventualities, leaving others exposed to a danger that they should have the ability to destroy.

  Shaking her head, Abby once again met Zoe’s gaze. “Honestly, I believe his hatred has only grown since your abduction. His plans are only a small part of what’s going on in this town.”

  Up until now, Conn had been silent. “Are you sure?” he asked. When she grimaced, then nodded, Conn turned his head away and looked out the diner window. “Then we’ll take your words to heart. We’ll allow nothing to harm our mate and children, and you can hunt down whatever is stalking Serenity’s citizens.”

  Unwilling to stay silent while others made plans around him, Trevor reached for Abby’s hand. Grasping it between his, he looked around the table, meeting everyone’s gaze before staring into his mate’s eyes. “While you hunt down this evil…whatever…Ben and I will investigate Donaldson and his associates. It’s our job as the law in this town, and this way, you will have a better chance at completing your mission. More than likely, he’ll try to escape and we’ll be prepared for that eventuality.”

  Nodding, Abby squeezed his hand, then stood. “Sounds like a plan. Meanwhile, Gloria and Twila, if you see anything suspicious, anyone acting out of the ordinary when they come in here, give me a call at my office or on my cell.”

  Twila stood, walked around to Abby’s side of the table and pulled her into her arms. Abby looked stunned, but quickly returned Twila’s embrace. “Take care of yourself, Abby. I’ve grown fond of you.”

  Abby lips quirked up into a smile and, once again, Trevor’s gut clenched. By the Gods, he couldn’t wait until they could get her alone. For months, he lusted after her and, even though their town was under threat, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything until he and Ben created the mate-bond with Abby, forcing her inner beast to come out. Until she shifted for the first time, she’d be vulnerable against whatever stalked their town. If her destiny meant she needed to fight against evil, then they’d do whatever necessary to ensure she survived to make a life with them.

  If he hadn’t been watching Abby closely, he would have missed the sudden rigidity in her spine, the smile that turned grim and determined. He would have missed the Destruidor slip into her roll of protector. But because he couldn’t take his gaze off of her, he knew the moment she sensed trouble brewing. So when she turned to look out the diner window, it didn’t surprise him to see the mob that gathered out front. At least ten of Serenity’s citizens stood outside the diner—rifles, handguns and, even in one case, a chain saw—in their hands.

  Abby’s eyes turned impossibly dark, almost midnight black. Her expression grew fierce. “Conn, Marcel…get Zoe and the children out of here,” Abby ordered. “Go out the back and take everyone else with you.”

  Trevor grunted in surprise. Did she just expect him and Ben to run for cover while she took on nearly a dozen armed men and women? Well, she had a lot to learn. Trevor turned to Conn, anxious now for the women and children to leave the diner.

  “Conn, do what Abby says. The three of us will keep them occupied until you guys can get out of the way.”

  Conn nodded as he and Marcel guided the others toward the kitchen, which led to the back door. Trevor looked toward Ben and Abby and watched their faces grow hard as they focused on preparing for the upcoming battle. As Abby led the way to the front door, Trevor met Ben’s gaze. Without words, they knew they'd fight by their mate’s side until the crowd dispersed—by whatever means necessary.

  Chapter Five

  As Abby led the way out of the diner, she couldn't help but wonder if she were doing the right thing, allowing Ben and Trevor to fight by her side. She had a job to do and she couldn't do that if she allowed their presence to distract her. She could only hope the pair knew what they were doing, that they knew how to fight. Shaking her head, she wondered how this had come to pass. As she watched, more of Serenity’s criminals joined those already awaiting her. Battling more than a dozen armed people would be tough, but doable. She trained for just such an event. It had been a long, long time since she’d fought by another’s side, but she had faith that if anything happened to her, Ben and Trevor would see to it that the survivors paid with their lives.

  But now wasn’t the time to think. Now was the time to act. As she faced the angry mob, her gaze scanned the crowd, seeing many familiar faces—too many. It couldn’t be coincidence that the majority of those here were men and women that she’d reported to various government agencies for abuse of their loved ones. As she looked into the crowd, it didn’t take her long to notice that, though these people weren’t upstanding citizens before, now they were downright evil.

  She could feel their vile hatred, smell the darkness invading their souls. The hair on the nape of her neck stood on end. She’d have to disarm as many of these people as she could as quickly as possible. Thanks to the Gods, she always carried several weapons on her person, including throwing stars, knives, even a couple handguns. She never left home without her weapons. Never before was she more grateful for that than now while the two men she wanted to get naked with were exposed to the evil she hunted on a daily basis.

  With a man on either side of her, she faced the mob who’d grown eerily quiet as though waiting for someone or something to give them the go ahead to attack. She could feel the malevolence swirling in the air, choking her with its noxious and suffocating presence. Her skin felt dirty, her mind almost sluggish. Slowly, almost as one, the crowd spread out and made to circle the threesome.

  Without having to say a word, the threesome arranged themselves back to back to back so that none of their backs faced the encroaching mob. Keeping her gaze on the crowd, she picked out the ones she sensed would be the most dangerous. Tomas Brandt, a rancher who abused his wife and daughter—and the man currently holding a wicked sharp ax, and Peter Matheson, an accused date rapist who’d threatened her on more than one occasion for convincing his girlfriend to file charges against him. He, more than any of the abusers she’d met in this town thus far, seemed to enjoy hurting those weaker than him. And by the look of the shotgun in his hand, and the evil glee in his otherwise dead black eyes, he meant to take her down.

  When Peter’s lips twisted up into a cruel smile, she knew the time to attack had arrived. Bracing herself, she pitched her voice low. “Now,” she ordered, knowing the men would come out swinging so to speak. Whipping her hand behind her, she pulled out the Sig-Sauer P229 holstered at the small of her back. In one smooth movement, she dropped to one knee, released the safety and fired at Peter who’d raised the shotgun to his shoulder. She didn’t even blink before firing three rounds into his chest, aiming for the biggest target. Sure, she could have gone for a head shot, but she could have missed, causing her more time before she could move on to the next assailant. Quickly she fired off several more rounds, dropping several of the attackers to the grou

  Behind her, Trevor grunted as flesh met flesh. She winced, knowing he’d just taken a hit from someone. She turned, ready to defend him. Before she could aid Ben and Trevor, pain sliced down her back between her shoulders. She cried out, couldn’t help it. Warm blood soaked the back of her T-shirt and she knew without looking who’d managed to catch her unawares. Her right arm went numb, and within seconds, she could no longer hold onto her weapon.

  More grunts, muffled curses and shouts of pain sounded behind her, followed by a rapid tattoo of gunshots. With her left hand, she reached beneath her pant leg, pulling the hunting knife she had strapped to her calf. When more shots sounded into the evening air, she thanked the Gods that Ben hadn’t ventured out tonight without his weapon. At the rate she was losing blood, she didn’t know how much more help she’d be, but she’d damn sure take out a few more of her attackers before succumbing to her injuries.

  With one hand completely useless and the other clutching her knife, Abby swung around, sinking her blade into the ax-wielder’s gut. Blood coated her hand, dripped down her arm and she twisted the weapon, wanting to gut him for daring to attack her and her men. Unfortunately, all that did was piss Tomas off even more. So intent on eviscerating the ass who thought to take off her head, Abby didn’t sense another closing in on her, not until a vicious blast of pain erupted at the base of her skull. As the world grew dark around her and her consciousness began to fade, she could have sworn she heard someone screaming her name, begging her not to die. But why would he call her mate? No one would take her for a mate. No one.

  * * * *

  Ben could smell blood. Lots of blood. He whipped around, knowing in his soul that Abby had been injured, but before he could get to her, before he could protect her, Mary Hansen, a known prostitute who tried to pimp out her child for dope money, slammed a baseball bat into the base of Abby’s skull.


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