When Love Leads to Scandal

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When Love Leads to Scandal Page 8

by Sophie Barnes

  “I need a bath,” he told the butler while peeling off his gloves in the foyer. His clothes were filthy and he equally so.

  “I shall see to it straight away, sir.”

  The parlor door opened and his mother appeared. “Charles!” She came toward him as if meaning to embrace him, but halted as she scanned his ruffled appearance.

  He grinned. “I wouldn’t come any closer, Mama, but it’s good to see you too.”

  She smiled briefly before turning serious. “The papers have not been kind to any of us.”

  He wasn’t surprised. “How is Athena coping?”

  “She’s unrepentant, completely convinced she did what was right and that it’s the rest of the world who is in the wrong.”

  The edge of Charles’s mouth lifted. “I can’t say I don’t agree with her.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “I hope she hasn’t been punished too severely for what she did?”

  “Your father has asked her to re-read her book on proper etiquette and decorum. She will write an essay on this and be denied the pleasure of enjoying Cook’s éclairs for a full month.”

  “Oh dear.” Charles grinned. “I will go and look in on her briefly before I take my bath.”

  “I’ll let everyone else know that you have returned.” She smiled at him. “Will you be calling on Lady Bethany later?”

  “Yes. I have to reassure her of my intentions.”

  “Which are to court her, I presume?” When he nodded, she answered with warmth in her eyes. “You have our full support, Charles. Lady Bethany will make a fine addition to this family.

  He barely managed a “Thank you” before his throat closed up with raw emotion. It meant the world to him that his family was willing to back him and face the additional gossip he would likely incur.

  Parting ways with his mother, Charles climbed the stairs and turned right at the top of the landing. After passing his own bedchamber, he arrived at Athena’s. He entered after a quick rap on the door and her permission to do so.

  “How are you?” he asked when she stared at him mutely from her position on the bed. Stretched out on top of the counterpane, she held the book of etiquette in her hands.

  “All right, as long as you don’t hate me for what I did.”

  “I could never hate you, Athena.”

  She drew in a breath. “You said you would never forgive me if I interfered. You looked so angry in the church, and then Papa dragged me out. He yelled at me and said I’d ruined my chance of ever finding a husband.”

  “You’re still young so there’s plenty of time for that. I believe Papa was in shock. Indeed I know I was.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “What you did... It wasn’t what I wanted at the time.”

  “Only because your conscience wouldn’t allow it.” She gave a thin smile. “I knew this, which is why I decided to act in your stead. You and Bethany love each other. To live with the knowledge that neither of you would be happy, your lives ruined for the sake of avoiding a bit of scandal—impossible for me to accept. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you.” Charles opened the door, turned slightly, and prepared to leave. “Robert said you’re courageous and I quite agree.”

  “Will the two of you be able to work things out and save your friendship?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  She said nothing further and Charles left her room so he could go take his bath. He was clean, dressed, and freshly shaved one hour later when he left to call on Bethany. But when he arrived at her home, he was told that she and her parents had gone to the Westbrook ball. Charles hesitated briefly. He hadn’t thought to put on his evening attire for the sake of a social call. He also had no invitation.

  Deciding that neither issue would stop him from seeing Bethany this evening and assuring her of his devotion, he gave his driver new instructions and climbed back into his carriage.

  HAVING HEARD SEVERAL people whispering about her and being acutely aware of how quickly they moved away as she walked through the ballroom, Bethany found a chair near the wall and sat down, intent on remaining there for the rest of the evening. Her parents were both busy telling everyone who cared to listen about their version of the events that had unfolded. Bethany loved them for making the effort even though she knew it was likely in vain.

  “Are the rumors true?” A low voice murmured. “Did you and Charles Townsbridge conduct a secret affair behind Langdon’s back?”

  Bethany stared up at the man who’d spoken, every nerve in her body on instant alert at the sight of Mr. Cavendish, the most notorious rake London had to offer.

  Brilliant. This was going to improve things for her.

  She clenched her jaw. “You ought to know better than to listen to gossip, sir. Most of it is false or at the very least grossly exaggerated.”

  “So you're still an innocent then?” Her mouth dropped open as his reason for seeking her out became clear. Heat scorched her cheeks. He nodded as if her expression said it all. “I shall leave you be then. Enjoy the rest of your evening, my lady.”

  He strode away, leaving Bethany alone once more, this time with the awareness of just how thoroughly she had been ruined. She glanced at the dance floor, at all the hopeful young ladies with perfect reputations. Her heart clenched. At least if Mr. Townsbridge were here, she might not look quite so pitiful.

  The music slowed and gradually faded. The dancers bowed and curtsied to each other before quitting the dance floor. A moment of silence passed and then the prelude to a new set started. A waltz. The most risqué of dances but also the most romantic.

  Unable to stay and watch courting couples gaze into each other's eyes while spinning about the floor, Bethany stood and prepared to go ask her mother if they could leave. She'd use Lord Cavendish's approach as incentive.

  But as she did so, a disruption occurred near the entrance. It swept toward her, carrying with it the man who'd captured her heart.


  His stride was determined, his expression intense. Dressed in beige buckskin breeches and a navy blue jacket, he looked out of place amidst all the evening attire, and yet there was no doubt in Bethany’s mind that he was the handsomest man in the room.

  Coming to a halt before her, he held out his hand. “Dance with me, Bethany.”

  Conscious of everyone's stares and the fact that the music was no longer playing, she focused on Charles, accepted his escort, and allowed him to lead her out onto the dance floor. But rather than release her so they could take their positions for the waltz, he turned to address the rest of the guests with her by his side.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” he began, his voice clear and steady. “I know most of you disapprove of us being here, that some will never forgive the way Lady Bethany's attachment to the Earl of Langdon ended. Our situation was a difficult one, for it pitched duty against the yearnings of the heart. And yet, we were prepared to sacrifice our love for each other in favor of avoiding scandal. But then my sister spoke up and opened everyone's eyes to the truth, namely that Lady Bethany and the Earl of Langdon don't care for each other, while she and I do. Which is why I intend to court her, marry her, and spend the rest of my life being thankful for the fact that my sister was braver than I was able to be.”

  Nobody moved or uttered a word. They simply stared as if unsure of how best to respond. Bethany held her breath in anticipation, and then Charles spun her around, releasing her in the process.

  Her skirt swooshed around her legs as she came to a halt, dazzled by his declaration and the promise of what was to come. Her gaze met his, steadying her even as it caused sparks of awareness to spiral through her. He gestured for the musicians to recommence playing, and as they did, he executed an elegant bow before sweeping her into his arms.

  The moment he touched her, one hand holding hers, the other at her back, she felt the rest of the world slip away. It was just the two of them now, twirling around in the glow from a thousand candles.

  “I'm so relieved that you're finally here,”
she confessed.

  His hand tightened against her waist, heating the skin beneath her gown. “It was not my intention to keep you waiting, and I want you to know that I came as quickly as I could.” He gave a quick outline of his conversation with Robert and the difficult return trip to London that had followed.

  “As much as I regret the way things ended with Robert, I don't regret not marrying him,” she said, even as guilt's painful hold on her conscience tightened. It was constantly present, reminding her that her happiness now came at another's expense. “I love you, Charles. You are the man with whom I want to spend the rest of my life, the man with whom—”

  She wasn't allowed to finish, for he drew her so roughly against him that she gasped, one second before he captured her mouth with a kiss.

  Heedless of the additional gossip they were going to incur, she kissed him back with fervor. It didn't matter that they were in the middle of a ballroom or that London's elite was watching. All that mattered at that moment was them and their need to convey how they felt for each other.

  “You taste so damn good,” he murmured against her lips as he drew away slightly. His nose nudged hers, causing her to smile.

  “So do you.” They'd stopped dancing at some point, even though the music still played and a few other couples continued to waltz around them.

  Charles inhaled deeply. His eyes sparkled as they gazed into hers. “Marry me, Bethany. Let me give you the life you deserve. Let me champion your dream of designing houses. Let me bask in your beauty and rejoice in your laughter while loving you every day for the rest of my life.”

  She could scarcely breathe, let alone speak, so she nodded instead even though she knew it wasn't enough. After what he'd just said, he deserved to hear her. So she took a deep breath.

  “Yes,” she gasped as her lungs filled with air. “I will be your wife, your friend, your lifelong companion, and I shall love you until I draw my last breath.”

  Chapter Six

  AFTER SOME DELIBERATION, Bethany and Charles decided to have a small wedding with only their closest family present. Even so, Bethany’s heart picked up its pace when the priest asked if anyone opposed their union. She almost expected Robert to burst through the door and shame her just as he had been shamed four weeks earlier. But he didn’t, allowing her and Charles to bind themselves to each other without interruption.

  They returned to Pratchard House after the ceremony to enjoy the wedding breakfast Bethany’s mother had prepared in conjunction with Charles’s mother. This lasted longer than Bethany had expected it to, but even as she longed to depart and begin her new life with Charles, she savored the joy she found with both of their families.

  “Happy?” Charles asked when they finally headed toward their new home. Since proposing to her, he’d bought a townhouse – a temporary solution until she designed the perfect home for them, and they arranged to have it built.

  “Ecstatic.” She leaned in to him, loving how secure she felt in his arms. Tilting her chin up, she curled one hand around the back of his neck and drew him down for a kiss.

  He nipped at her lips, gently at first and then with increased fervor as she twisted around in order to face him more fully. His arm tightened around her, drawing her closer. A rumbling sound rose from his throat, humming through her body, and causing her to sigh with extreme pleasure.

  “Bethany.” Her name whispered across her skin in the sweetest caress.

  Sparks danced through her limbs as she grew increasingly eager for more.

  The coach rocked to a halt, and Charles kissed her hard, conveying the urgent need he felt and a promise of what was to come. Slightly dazed, Bethany clasped his hand so he could help her alight. He escorted her up the front steps of the house, opened the door, and guided her into the foyer.

  The door closed behind them, and Charles leaned against it, studying her like a wolf salivating over a lamb. Eyes blazing with desire, he watched intensely as she peeled off her gloves and removed her bonnet.

  “Christ, Bethany. The things I want to do to you...”

  Heat flared to life in her belly before dipping lower. Her lips parted and he grinned, not with humor but with sinful intent. He came toward her then, so he could whisper close to her ear. “Would you like me to show you the stars?”

  Breathless, she could only murmur, “Yes.”

  With a rough, throaty sound, he swept her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. The bedchamber was sparsely furnished and still bore signs of a new room in need of a personal touch. But there would be time for that later. For now, the only thing on Bethany’s mind was the fact that she was about to make love to her husband. And while she wasn’t precisely nervous, she wanted to get it right.

  This concern, however, was pushed right out of her head when, upon setting her down, Charles immediately shrugged off his jacket. Eyes holding hers from beneath hooded eyelids, he removed his waistcoat next and then went to work on untying his cravat. Bethany watched, her mouth going dry as the long piece of linen came loose. Exhilaration charged through her as it slowly slipped away to reveal the bare skin beneath.

  She licked her lips and his eyes darkened. “Would you like me to take off my shirt?” he asked in the wickedest voice she had ever heard.


  A low chuckle escaped him as he pulled his shirt loose from his trousers. “Your wish is my command.” And then he drew the garment over his head and tossed it aside.

  Bethany sucked in a breath and unwittingly stepped toward him, her hand already seeking to explore the hard planes of his chest and the muscles that flexed in his arms. Her fingertips touched him, drawing a hiss from within his chest.

  Swallowing, she allowed her palm to settle more firmly against him, to slide over his skin in a hungry attempt to map every rise and fall of his gorgeous physique. Leaning in, she pressed a spontaneous kiss to his chest and was instantly caught in his arms. The embrace was rough, the kiss he gave her more so. His hands were suddenly everywhere, tugging and pulling at her gown while he plundered her mouth with his.

  Cool air breathed over her skin as her clothes fell away, each item discarded until she was utterly naked. She wasn’t as shy about that as she’d thought she might be. Least of all when Charles sought the more intimate parts of her body. Wanton that she was, she pressed herself into his touch. There was something she craved, and she sensed he would make sure she got it.

  “You drive me mad, you know.” His hands drifted over her skin, leaving gooseflesh in its wake. A gasp escaped her and he chuckled, low and seductive. “So beautiful and responsive.”

  Stepping back, he guided her to the bed and waited for her to get settled against the pillows before removing his shoes. His hose followed and then his hands went to the fall of his trousers, undoing the buttons. “You have a glorious body,” he said as he pushed his trousers and smalls down over his hips and legs, kicking them aside so that he was as naked as she. “The effect you have on me...” He grinned with roguish abandon. A mixture of love and desire flashed in his eyes. “You can see it for yourself.”

  Trepidation swept through her as she beheld his virility, his strength, his pure masculinity. It must have shown, for the hunger in his gaze dimmed a little and adoration rose to the surface. “Don’t worry. You and I will fit together perfectly.” He climbed up onto the bed and nudged his knee between her thighs. “I’ll be gentle with you. I promise. Though there might be a little discomfort the first time, it will pass, and after that all you’ll know is pleasure.”

  As if to remind her of how much she’d liked his touch earlier, he caressed her until she was practically begging for him to claim her. Distracting her with soothing kisses, he carefully joined his body with hers. She gasped when he breached her maidenhead, causing him to pause until she relaxed. And then a new sensation took over – a restless desire to move.

  As soon as she pulled him closer, he responded, guiding her in a timeless rhythm reserved exclusively for lovers while showing
her how to reach for the stars. She raced toward them while shouting his name, and he responded with a groan of pleasure as a shudder ripped through him. Breathing heavily, he braced himself above her and smiled with pure adoration. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she said with a smile. Withdrawing from her, Charles settled on the bed beside her and drew her into his arms. The tender kisses he placed on her shoulder expanded her heart and filled it with warmth, reminding her just how right they were for each other and of how lucky they were to be husband and wife.

  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR taking the time to read the first book in my Townsbridge novella series. If you enjoyed When Love Leads To Scandal, you’ll definitely enjoy The Honorable Scoundrels novella series as well, starting with The Governess Who Captured His Heart. These books are only $0.99 each, so grab your copy today!

  And don’t miss No Ordinary Duke! This is the first book in The Crawfords series and features a duke who just wants to live a normal life and a woman who despises the aristocracy. When sparks fly between them and she discovers his true identity, compromises must be made if they’re to stand a chance of a happily ever after together.

  Or if you’re looking for a longer read with a rags to riches trope, you might consider trying my Diamonds In The Rough series, starting with A Most Unlikely Duke.

  You can find out more about my new releases, backlist deals and giveaways by signing up for my newsletter here: www.sophiebarnes.com And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for even more updates and fun book related posts.

  Once again, I thank you for your interest in my books. Please take a moment to leave a review since this can help other readers discover my books.

  And please continue reading for an excerpt of No Ordinary Duke

  No Ordinary Duke

  Chapter One


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