Take Down (Steel Infidels)

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Take Down (Steel Infidels) Page 27

by Dez Burke

  Maggie is close to coming again. I can see it in her eyes and feel it in the way her body is tensing up. She closes her eyes and cries out as she climaxes around me. I hold her steady, driving into her deeper, as wave after wave of her orgasm ripples throughout her body.

  Watching her cum causes something primal and untamed to snap inside me. Losing my last remaining shred of self-restraint, I quickly flip her over onto her back, still buried deep inside her. Propping her up with one arm underneath to protect her tender skin from splinters, I thrust into her hard and fast. When I know I’m about to cum, I cup the back of her head and draw her up to meet my lips in a hot, breathless kiss. I drive into her harder and deeper. The friction and angle prove to be too much to endure.

  “Damn…” I grit out, straining inside her as I cum.

  I bury my face in the soft spot of her neck and stay there until my breathing finally begins to slow. Rolling over onto my back again, I drag her on top of me where she collapses in an exhausted heap. Reaching up with a gentle hand, I push back the hair that has fallen across her face.

  “Are you sure you can handle me every day of your life?” I ask in genuine worry. “I’m a rough and rowdy beast.”

  “If not, I’ll gladly die trying,” she says with a sigh against my chest.

  “Maggie?” I say after several more minutes of bliss, lying with her in my arms. “Were those slices of red velvet cake I saw in the picnic basket?”

  She raises her head to kiss my lips. “Why? Did you work up a beastly appetite?”

  “Afraid so,” I say.

  She reaches over a hand without moving from my chest and drags the picnic basket closer. After taking out a piece of cake, she unwraps it halfway and holds it up to my mouth. I take a big bite, and she leans down to slowly lick the cream cheese frosting off the side of my lips.

  “Heaven couldn’t be any sweeter than this,” I say. “What we have right here, right now, is just the beginning for us. We’re blessed, and we can’t ever forget it.”

  “I swear I never will,” she promises.



  “Do you still have the rings?” I ask Sam. “Show me.”

  Sam rolls his eyes in irritation and pats the pocket of his black leather jacket. “Right here, buddy. For the last time, I won’t forget the rings. Or lose them on the way to the wedding. Or drop them in the water. Trust me, okay? I’ve got this.”

  “Alright, if you say so.”

  “Here’s your tie,” Flint says.

  He tries to hand me a dark blue necktie. When I don’t take it, he steps closer and starts to loop it around the back of my neck. I grab his wrist.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I ask. “I’m not wearing a tie. I thought we already discussed this.”

  “Maggie asked me to try one last time with the tie, so I told her I would.” Flint shrugs and grins. “I tried and you said no. I did my part.”

  He tosses the tie onto my kitchen table. It lands among the empty beer bottles and paper chip bags from last night’s party.

  “Personally, I think we’re all stunningly handsome in our boots, black pants, and white shirts,” Sam jokes. “We don’t need ties. What girl wouldn’t want to marry us fine-looking gents?”

  “Every woman in the world except the four who were crazy enough to say yes,” Jesse says from the open doorway. He walks over and claps me on the shoulder. “How are you holding up, Toby? Any last-minute regrets? It’s never too late to back out. All you have to do is say the word and we’ll ride out of here together. Right now.”

  He’s joking.

  The Steel Infidels know how I feel about Maggie, and they’ve been supportive of our upcoming marriage.

  “No…I’m not backing out,” I say. “Marrying Maggie is something I want to do.” I wave my hand at the three Mason brothers. “I want what you have. An Old Lady, kids, a family of my own. You’re all lucky sons of bitches. Now I am too.”

  “I hear you,” Jesse says. “We hit the jackpot of this thing called life. Do you have everything you need for the wedding? Who has the rings?”

  “Damn!” Sam says, throwing up his hands. “For the love of God! Would everyone please stop asking about the rings! For the last time, I’ve got them.”

  “Are you sure you trust Flint to officiate the service?” Jesse asks. “I’m finding it hard to see my VP and little brother as an ordained minister.”

  “It’s not as if I’ve suddenly become a Baptist preacher overnight,” Flint explains. “It’s merely a legal formality. For only this one special occasion.”

  “It is legal though, right?” I ask, suddenly worried.

  “One hundred percent,” Flint assures me.

  My nerves are acting up again. When Flint volunteered to become an ordained minister to marry us, I felt honored that he would be willing to go to all that trouble just for me. I couldn’t imagine anyone else that I would want to perform our ceremony.

  Plus, Flint has an uncanny way of keeping everyone’s shit together. He’s calm under pressure. He won’t let me down and even more importantly, he won’t let me screw up either.

  The other Mason brothers will be right there with me too. When I walk up to take Maggie’s hand at the wedding, Sam will be beside me as my best man. Jesse will be my groomsman. I might not be a Mason brother by blood, but I’m their brother in every other way that counts.

  They’re the family I never had, along with the rest of the Steel Infidels. Our bond is stronger than any blood brothers could ever be. I would lay down my life for them and they would do the same for me.

  No questions asked.

  Flint glances at his watch. “The ceremony starts in an hour. The rest of the crew should be here soon so we can ride over to the lake together.”

  He’d no more than gotten the words out of his mouth when we hear the roar of motorcycles coming up the road to my house.

  “That’s our signal, boys,” Jesse says. “Let’s ride, Toby. Enjoy it, brother. This is your final trip as a single man.”

  I take a deep breath and blow it out. When he puts it that way, it makes a man stop and think for a second.

  Only for a second though.

  “Now or never,” I say.

  I grab my Steel Infidels jacket from the back of the dining room chair and slide it on. When Maggie and I talked about wedding attire, I assumed she knew my black leather jacket with the Steel Infidels patches was always part of the plan. If not, she’ll know when we show up at the wedding.

  The rest of the Steel Infidels crew are sitting on their bikes in the driveway waiting for us. I walk over and shake each man’s hand individually to thank him for being there. I’m trying my best not to get too emotional, but it’s getting harder with each passing minute. Especially when I reach Donny and Rocco at the end of the line.

  Rocco acts like a tough, bearded badass biker who doesn’t take any shit from anyone. Underneath it all, he’s a big old softie who gave me a job when nobody else would hire an ex-Marine that was fucked up in the head. Donny brought me into the shop and patiently taught me everything he knew. I owe them for giving me a chance at a real life.

  “Don’t fuck up today and embarrass us all,” Rocco says gruffly when he shakes my hand.

  “I’ll try my best,” I reply.

  They wait until I climb onto my bike and buckle up my helmet before starting their engines. Jesse nods at me then holds up one hand in the air and makes a circular motion.

  “Let’s ride,” he says.

  A chorus of loud whoops and hollers fills the air, and then we’re off to a wedding.



  When the Steel Infidels arrive at the lake in our typical noisy fashion, a large crowd of wedding guests are already waiting for us. Instead of filing in and parking in our normal order, Jesse motions for me to ride to the front of the line and park my bike first.

  I’m shocked and pleasantly surprised at how different the lake looks today in prep
aration for the wedding. Rented white plastic chairs are lined up in two sections on either side of the long wooden dock. On one side, I see the MC’s large extended family along with several members of other friendly motorcycle clubs in the area. On the other is Maggie’s family and friends.

  I notice Brad is not among them. Maggie told me he made a lame excuse about an out-of-town tax conference he needed to attend. Something tells me I won’t be seeing much of him in the future, and that’s okay by me.

  Maggie’s guests are dressed in pretty, pastel-colored wedding attire while my guests are wearing motorcycle club jackets, jeans, and boots. There won’t be any need for an usher to ask anyone if they’re guests of the bride or the groom because one look will give them the correct answer.

  The Sweet Butts, under the strict guidance of Aunt Leona, have been working hard all week on wedding decorations and food for the reception. When Aunt Leona volunteered her catering services, Maggie graciously accepted her help on the one condition that her special oatmeal cookies would not be served.

  I search for Maggie and can’t find her in the crowd. She told me it was bad luck to see her in her wedding dress before the big day, so I don’t have a clue what she’ll be wearing. I’m pleased that she wanted to keep to tradition since I’m a big old sucker for it myself.

  A man near the front row of chairs begins strumming softly on a guitar to signal the wedding is about to begin. His long blond hair is pulled back into a man-bun and both arms are covered in tattoos. I recognize him as a regular client of Sam’s tattoo parlor. The country music song he’s playing is one of my favorites. I know Maggie chose it just for me.

  Like most men, I’ve stayed out of the wedding plans and let Maggie handle everything. Whatever makes her happy, makes me happy. As soon as we announced our engagement to the members of the MC, the other wives and Old Ladies gathered around her and accepted her immediately as one of their own.

  Just as I hoped and knew they would.

  They’re a fine group of gals, and I love them all as the sisters I never had. If I step out of line with Maggie, they’ll be the first to slap me right back into shape.

  Sam steps up beside me and pats his jacket pocket. “Before you ask me again, the rings are right here,” he says with a grin. “Are you ready? Your feet aren’t getting cold in those black boots, are they?”

  “I’m ready,” I say. “I hope Maggie shows up.” I look around anxiously for her again.

  “Don’t worry,” Sam reassures me. “She’s hiding around here somewhere. Lila and the rest of the girls are with her. If she tried to run out on you now, they would drag her back by her hair if they had to.”

  Flint squeezes my shoulder in a sign of support. “It’s almost time for the wedding to start. They’re waiting on you, buddy. The first move is all yours. Maggie won’t be coming down the aisle unless you’re standing at the other end.”

  I take a deep breath. “Okay, let’s do it.”

  When we start walking toward the dock, the wedding guests stand up and turn toward us. I make my way slowly between the two groups of guests with Sam, Flint, and Jesse right behind me. So many familiar faces are here to wish us well. Half the town has turned out for our wedding.

  I wish my buddies in the Marines could’ve been here too. My eyes water when I think about them. I touch the photo I always carry with me in my pocket.

  They’re here.

  In spirit, if not in physical body.

  They would’ve been happy that I finally found peace in my life. I’ll keep trying to live a full life the best I can to honor their sacrifice.

  When I reach the front row, I reach over and shake hands with Maggie’s dad. It’s taken a while, but he’s slowly warming up to me. It means a lot to know that Maggie’s parents and Nicole showed up to support her today, especially since things started out so rocky in the beginning. Her mom reaches up to hug my neck, then impulsively kisses my cheek.

  At the entrance to the dock, I hesitate for just a second under the wooden arch one of the MC members built as a wedding present for us. The Sweet Butts have carefully wrapped blue and purple hydrangea blossoms through the lattice work. I believe they’ve enjoyed putting this wedding together as much or more than Maggie.

  My life will be changing in a huge way in a few minutes’ time. I need to take a moment alone to let it all sink in.

  Suddenly I feel a wet tongue lick my hand.


  Where did she come from? I sink down eye level to her and scratch behind her ears. Maggie must’ve sent someone back to the house to pick her up and bring her over to surprise me.

  Knowing she’s here with me makes everything complete. I couldn’t do this without my faithful girl.

  I take a step up on the wooden dock and walk to the end with Sadie trotting along beside me. When we get there, I turn around to watch for Maggie.

  “Sit, Sadie,” I say.

  I’m surprised when she listens and minds me for once. I hope the ceremony is short because she won’t behave for long.

  Flint moves over to stand on one side of me to perform the ceremony while Sam and Jesse line up on the other.

  My heart is beating so fast.

  But in a good way this time.

  Not in a PTSD panicked way.

  Hopefully not like that ever again.

  When I catch sight of Maggie stepping up on the dock in her long, ivory wedding dress, I’m overwhelmed by emotion.

  How did I ever get so lucky?

  A country boy biker with a truckload of issues marrying the most gorgeous, sweetest girl in the world.

  I’m truly blessed.

  Maggie walks slowly toward me, carrying a big bouquet of colorful wildflowers. Her long brown hair is curled in ringlets and flowing free the way I love it.

  She smiles at me and I know.

  I’m finally home.


  Author’s Note From Dez

  Don’t worry! You’ll see the Steel Infidels again when you least expect them. I love these men too much to let them go forever. I’m already working on a new series with a very interesting group of characters set in Las Vegas so don’t miss it! If you have any questions about my books please email me at [email protected] or find me on Facebook at Dez Burke. I’m on there every day and love hearing from my readers! Please sign up for my newsletter to receive updates about new releases. I only send out newsletters 4-5 times per year when I have something important to announce so don’t worry about being flooded with emails. Go here for the newsletter: http://eepurl.com/wxERT

  Check out the other books in the Steel Infidels Series:

  Safe House


  Steel Justice





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