Daemons Are Forever

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Daemons Are Forever Page 2

by Suzy Shearer

  My legs felt weak. Oh my!

  I was officially in lust. Amazing light blue eyes stared down at me. The smile on those lips, well, let’s just say that those lips looked like they could do anything you asked. I know I was staring but I couldn’t help myself.



  “You are here safely.”

  “Um…yes, I am.”

  I still didn’t move.

  “Would you like me to unlock your door for you?”

  What did he just ask? I actually was concentrating on those lips and almost missed his question. The lips quirked a little and smiled.

  “Your keys?”

  I handed them over. What the fuck? Oh shit! I was in big trouble. I had just freely given my keys to my gorgeous attacker.

  He unlocked the door for me and moved to let me in. He gave me my keys. I took a step, then another, and made it inside. I turned around and he was just standing on the step. I could very easily slam the door.

  Guess what? I didn’t. Madness had definitely struck me.

  “Thank you.”

  “You are very welcome. I wonder if you’d like to invite me inside?”

  Oh yeah, like I was going to say, “hey Mr. Murdering Rapist, please come in.”

  No, I was very sensible, I said, “Would you like to come inside?”

  Oh double fuck! Where the hell did that come from?

  He didn’t move. He looked at me with smouldering eyes and said, “May I enter your home?”

  In the back of my mind I thought that was a very strange way to ask, but I was like a moth caught in a flame.

  I just said, “Yes.”

  I stepped back a few paces as he entered and closed the door behind him. It was dark inside as I backed down the hall. I moved into my kitchen-slash-family room, feeling the light switch with my right hand as I entered and I switched it on.

  I was still backing up, bang— right into the kitchen bench.

  He followed me. He got closer. He was about an arm’s length away from me. I finally got a really good look.

  Oh hell, at least if I was going to die, I was going to die looking at a gorgeous creature. He half turned and I noticed he had very long hair that almost reached his waist, tied back with a leather thong. He looked around, probably sizing up where the knives were in case he had forgotten his or needed an extra one or two. I wondered if I should tell him which were the sharpest?

  Then those eyes turned back to me. They went straight through to my heart.

  “Thank you for allowing me entry.”

  He reached out a hand and while my brain was saying “run fool run,” my body disagreed and I felt like I had no control. Something was guiding me, urging me to accept him. I saw my hand move toward his.

  He took it and pulled me closer to him. Oh god, he smelt delicious, all sex, masculinity and sweetness. Not bad for a murderer.

  I looked up toward that face, my eyes wide, as he moved his head down toward me. My stupid body was still in control. I felt my lips part as his got closer.

  With the gentlest touch, his lips brushed mine and I felt my knees go weak. Thank goodness his arms went around me. He deepened the kiss. I felt his tongue push against my mouth, against my teeth, demanding entry.

  I did what any smart woman would do, I let him.

  His tongue wrestled with mine, his kiss more demanding, I moaned in the back of my throat. His arms tightened on me, so I reached my arms up and pulled his head down toward me. The kiss took us somewhere, I have no idea where, but I felt like I was on another world. That kiss tasted like heaven. It seemed to last forever, until gradually it lessened and we broke apart. I dropped my hands to my sides, he took a step back.

  I just looked at him. My heart was pounding so loudly I am sure he could hear it. I was gasping for breath.

  “I want you,” he purred huskily, “And I need you.”

  Oh bugger! What was I doing? My heart was racing, my head was screaming at me to get out, my body was thinking about going back in for another kiss. He looked like sex incarnate. I ran my hands through my hair. I shook my head. I tried to gather my brain and override my body. He took a step toward me again, I held up my hands to his chest and shook my head.

  “Baby, please. I want you so badly.”

  He sounded earnest, he sounded like he really wanted me. My body was reacting like crazy. I could feel my nipples growing, and I know I was wet.

  “I know you want me as much, too. I can smell how much you want me.”


  He took my hands from his chest and pulled me to him again. This time his hands ran up and down my arms, I went all goose-bumpy. His head rested on the top of mine as I heard him murmur, “I want to make love to you all night.”

  Right, make love all night, murder me in the morning. Yes, that sounded perfectly fine according to my body. It had thrown a gag across my brain. I actually felt myself trying to mould against him.

  Oh oh! That was no gun in his pocket!

  There was proof he wanted me and my body rubbed against it in delight. He lifted me easily and sat me on the kitchen bench. My head was level with his. He kissed my eyes, one at a time, my cheeks, working his way down to my mouth again. I felt his hands on my shirt, felt them lift it and undo my brassiere. He broke the kiss to lift them over my head. Then his lips were back on mine.

  I felt him at the zipper of my jeans, let him push me back without breaking the kiss. Those jeans just slid off until I was half lying on the bench in my skimpy panties.

  He stopped kissing me and raised his head to look at my body.

  Shit, maybe he would murder me now before I had one last fuck. Let’s face it, in clothes I might look fifty, but naked, not so. But, wonder of wonders, he smiled and drew in a breath.

  “Gorgeous. You are so beautiful!”

  At that moment, I felt it.

  He lowered his head to kiss each breast. The feeling of his mouth near my nipples was doing funny things to my pussy. I was dripping, there was no doubt of that, and it was twitching.

  He pushed me backed onto the bench, my legs hanging over the side. He lowered his head and began to suck and tease my nipple. With one hand, he was pulling and rubbing the other while his other hand was venturing south.

  I was panting.

  I felt a hand brush across my mound then move my panties aside as a finger rubbed my wet pussy. In the back of my mind was a little piece of sanity saying “run,” and my stupid brain was shouting in anger “stop enjoying this!” but it was fighting against my body and my arousal and it was losing badly.

  He kissed me again, another one of those deep, never-ending ones that made my toes curl. The fingers of that southward hand were now pushing a little deeper and I was loving it. I felt them move and had a tiny sense of loss, then I felt him draw my panties down until they were dangling off one foot.

  He stood and admired the view, then rubbed his fingers up and down my slit. I was watching him through lidded eyes, still panting, still wanting more.

  My eyes widened as he unzipped and took a very large, hard cock in hand. He held it against my clit and moved it up and down a few times.

  I was in heaven.

  Without warning, he thrust into me.

  Oh, wrong!

  Now I was in heaven, that was just at the gates before.

  He began to stroke in and out and I discovered my hips liked to keep time. Matching him, we began to dance. It was wonderful, that hard cock filled me and I grabbed as tight as I could with my muscles.

  He was playing with my nipples with one hand, then the other began to rub my clit. It was as if he had flicked a switch on my body. I felt my muscles tense then grab tight onto his dick as a hard orgasm rolled across me. I think I might have screamed, not really sure, because at the same time as I came so did he, and he shouted, loudly!

  He sort of fell forward, his head on my stomach, but he took his weight on his arms. For some weird reason I felt like giggling. Here
I was—naked, lying on the kitchen bench with a half-naked stranger on top of me who I was sure was going to murder me sometime in the next few hours. I mean it was either laugh or start screaming. Mr. Amazing lifted his head to look at me trying to stop laughing. He looked quizzically, one eyebrow raised. That did it.

  I am sure I was hysterical.

  He stood and picked up my scattered clothing, I could feel my panties still dangling off my foot and that set me off again.

  Maybe he thought I was laughing at his prowess or perceived lack of it. I wanted to reassure him, but then what do you say to a stranger who is probably going to murder you now that you have had sex?

  I stopped laughing immediately.

  Funny how the thought of death can sober you in an instance.

  Mr. Amazing meanwhile, had re-dressed, well, all he needed to do was zip up, and was carefully pulling me into a sitting position. He helped me pull my shirt over my head, I have no idea where my bra was. He kindly lifted me off the bench and I quickly pulled up my knickers and grabbed my jeans from him. I dragged them on and stood there.

  I wasn’t sure what one does after having amazing sex while waiting to have one’s throat cut or whatever means he was going to use to kill me.

  “Are you going to kill me now?”

  “I have no intention of killing you, why would you think that?”

  “Oh gee, let me guess! Maybe it’s because you’re a stranger that I foolishly let into my house and then insanely had sex with after five minutes.”

  “Killing you is the furthest thing from my mind.”

  I looked up at him. He looked kind of hurt that I would think that.

  “Okay. If you aren’t going to kill me, what the hell do you want? Apart from having mind-blowing sex.”

  He grinned. “You thought it was mind-blowing?”

  I blushed and looked everywhere but him. He put a finger under my chin and lifted my head.

  “What I want is you.”

  I know I looked startled.

  “Why?” I was really puzzled. “I’m in my sixties, you are, what? Thirty? You just had me on the kitchen bench.” I think I tittered at that. “What do you really want? Robbery? Rape, well that sort of happened with my body’s consent.”

  He looked frustrated, “You.”

  “Okay, let’s start again. You tell me exactly what is going on and I will…um…I will listen. I’ll promise not to scream or think you are a murderer.”

  “You are what I want. I was made for you. You wanted, and I quote, ‘a sexy hunk, someone really tall and handsome who will love me forever. Let the sparks fly and the attraction go way off the scale and let me fall in love with him. My perfect match.’ Well, I am here, and I’m in love with you and want you forever.”

  Now, upon hearing these words, I reacted the correct way.

  I fainted.

  Chapter Three

  I came round to see those amazing blue eyes peering into my face, full of concern. I was lying on the couch, my head on Mr. Amazing’s lap with his arms around me.

  “Hi, welcome back.”

  “Um…I did hear you right, didn’t I?”

  He grinned down at me. I noticed those lips looked even sexier when he smiled, he also had cute dimples.

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Okay. Um…er…What the fuck are you?”

  With that question, he burst out laughing.

  “Straight to the point, aren’t you? I am what you asked for. You put it out to the Universe, they found me and sent me to you.”

  “This is so weird. So let me see if I have this right. I asked for someone and somehow, it, the Universe, decided of all the humans out there, you were the man for me. Then miraculously you arrived beside my car and the rest is history.”

  “Technically that is correct.”


  I was bemused by his choice of words.

  “There may be a slight problem with the word human.”

  I sat up and tried to scramble off Mr. Amazing’s lap, but he kept a tight hold.

  My voice shook as I asked, “Why is there a problem with that word?”

  “Technically I’m not human.”

  I started to laugh again. I know, yes, hysterically, but only a little. “What are you? A vampire? A werewolf?”


  “Well that’s a relief. I don’t think I could handle bloodsucking sex, and all that fur? Gets everywhere.”

  “No, I am a Daemon.”

  “A demon?”

  “A Daemon, a Greek Daemon, it is spelt d-a-e, not d-e.”

  “Daemon, okay got it, but, no, you’re not.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Can’t be.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you don’t look like one.”

  “Oh. And just what do Daemons look like?”

  “You know, tail, hoofed feet, big, pointy ears, sharp teeth, and green, scaly skin.”

  “Interesting. When was the last time you saw a Daemon?”

  “Mmm. Technically?”

  He nodded with a smirk.

  “Well, I actually haven’t seen one.”

  “Now you have. I’m a Daemon and, to be honest, I can’t remember ever seeing one like you described and I have met a lot of Daemons, maybe all there are. Of course, if you mean a demon, they do have pointed ears and a tail.”

  “Right, you’re a Daemon. That’s okay.” I tried to sound calm and in agreement. I think I rolled my eyes.

  Great! First, I thought he was a murderer or a rapist but no, instead I get a whacko! How do I do it? How on earth did I manage to attract the most gorgeous man on earth only to discover he is certifiable?

  I was trying to figure out how I could get off his lap and get him out the front door when I saw just how much he was trying not to laugh. I squinted at him.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m sorry, but the things you are thinking, they’re so funny. I am definitely not certifiable.”

  Oh great! Things were going downhill really fast.

  “So now you know what I’m thinking?”

  “Actually, I have been able to ever since I first saw you.”

  “Fuck! Okay what am I thinking now?”

  I screwed up my face, I started thinking about how I was going to throw him out on his rear but somehow I started thinking about his rear. I mean, I hadn’t actually seen it naked, but the front of him looked pretty good so I think maybe the back would, too. Of course, the only naked part I had seen was his dick and that was yummy looking. I wonder what it would taste like?

  Hell, I was supposed to be thinking bad things, not sexy things. I looked up at him and he was still laughing.

  “Would you like me to strip off and turn around?”

  “Double fuck!”

  Maybe the guy was a Daemon. Maybe this was all too real. Maybe I was dreaming. I pinched my arm and it hurt!

  I took a deep breath. “This is all true, isn’t it?”

  Suddenly I was very scared, more scared than when I thought he was a murdering rapist. He hugged me tight, and I could feel his breath on my neck as he spoke.

  “Very true. I’m exactly what I said I am. I’m a Daemon. When you made your wish, the Gods chose who it would land on and it was me, and so here I am.”

  “Why you?”

  “I imagine it’s because I fit the description perfectly. The Gods could see into your mind when you made your wish. They selected the Daemon they thought would be a perfect match.”

  I honestly didn’t know what to say. This was so way out, so weird. I rested my head against his chest. For once, my brain had no ideas at all.

  “What happens now? Do you just disappear or what?”

  “I’m here till you no longer want me. If you want me forever then I here till the end of time.”

  “Well, that might be a slight problem because I won’t be around for it unless it is going to happen in the next twenty or thirty years.”
r />   He gave a snort, actually, I think he was going to laugh again but tried to stop.

  “I’m immortal and no, it isn’t going to happen in the next thirty years.”

  “Immortal? Great! Guess what, you’ll be living without me, then.”

  “I can make you immortal, too. We can spend eternity together, learning more and more about each other, making love, enjoying life.”

  I decided I would ignore that statement. Instead, I asked him something mundane.

  “Do you have a name?”

  He smirked. “Of course I have a name. It is Dorian, it’s Greek and means ‘from the sea’.”

  I am sorry. It was rude and I should never have done it but I opened my mouth and shoved a foot in as I replied.

  I laughed, “Dorian the Daemon, thank goodness it wasn’t Damon.”

  I twisted my head to look at his face, his eyes seemed to burn into to me, they actually looked, well, red!

  “Oops, sorry.” I tried to sound contrite. “So Dorian, were you named that because you lived near the sea?”

  “My forefathers came from the sea. They came to Crete around 1100BCE. I was born on Crete in 1009BCE.”

  “What!” I shook my head. “You expect me to believe that you are over three thousand years old?”

  “Well, technically I suppose you could say that.”

  “Great. Another one of those technically things. Okay, let me have it.”

  “I was born in 1009, but I was killed in 980BCE when I was thirty-five.”

  “I’m sorry, I must be missing something. If you were killed, how can you be an immortal, Daemon?”

  “I was killed defending a group of children. I managed to save them but I was killed in the process. I was considered a hero for my efforts and so when I died, I was made a Daemon by the Gods.”

  “The Gods?”

  “The Greek Gods, surely you know there are Greek Gods.”

  “Well only what I learnt at school. Not that sure who they all are, I can only remember the main ones like Zeus and Aphrodite.” That was twice now he had mentioned Gods, I decided to move on. “So you’ve been hanging around wherever for over three thousand years waiting for someone to wish for you?”


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