Love Lost in Time (Victorian Time-Travel)

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Love Lost in Time (Victorian Time-Travel) Page 15

by Marie Higgins

  Andrew studied the woman in his arms. There was something about Miss Chapman that made him want to laugh and enjoy her company one moment, and the next, feel like she was someone he should be wary of.

  “How do you know about Lady Agnes?” he whispered. He shook his head slowly, his eyes not leaving hers. “The only people to know about Edward and Lady Agnes are my brother, Father, and Mother. Even Lady Agnes doesn’t know Edward is going to propose.”

  The color from her face slowly faded. She licked her lips before gulping nosily. “Uh…was I not supposed to know about their engagement?”

  “Considering there is no engagement, yes, you are not supposed to know.”

  “Why is there not an engagement?” she asked with hesitation.

  “Something has come up and my father asked Edward not to propose to Lady Agnes yet.”

  “Oh,” she answered in a quiet voice.

  “Tell me, Miss Chapman, how do you know about it? My father, mother, and especially Edward, have not told anyone. So it’s most curious to how you were able to obtain this information.”

  “Uh…well, you see, my lord…”

  She looked away from him as her gaze moved around the room. Her cheeks were still void of color, and now panic highlighted her green eyes. Suspicion bore deep within his heart. Something was definitely not right!

  “Yes, Miss Chapman?” he urged.

  “Well, you see…there is a rational explanation. Really there is.” Her focus came back to him for a brief moment. “Although, you might not think it’s that rational at all,” she added softly before looking elsewhere once again.

  “I would certainly like to hear it, nonetheless.”

  She chuckled, and it sounded forced. “Yes, I’m sure you would…as much as I would love to give it to you...but—” She stopped mid-sentence and stared in one direction. Her eyes widened and shock registered on her face. “Oh, my gosh! What is he doing here?”

  He glanced in the route her gaze had taken, but he didn’t know to whom she questioned.

  “No freakin’ way!” she said, but louder. “Holy crap, I don’t believe what I’m seeing!”

  The people around them slowed in their dancing to stare agape at Miss Chapman. Inwardly, he groaned. The little tart was making a spectacle of herself, and the language she used was most bizarre. “Miss Chapman, please lower you voice.”

  “But…it’s him!”

  He jerked his head back toward the corner of the room where she was looking. “Who? One of the men you saw before?”

  “No, not them. This guy…well, he’s from the bed and breakfast! What’s he doing here in this time?”

  Confusion filled Andrew’s head. “Miss Chapman, I fear I don’t understand.”

  The dance finally ended, and he pulled on her arm and led her toward the side door. “Will you accompany me outside so we can discuss this in private?”

  Finally, she tore her gaze away from the person she’d been staring at and looked at Andrew. “You don’t understand…he shouldn’t be here.”

  “Please, Miss Chapman, refrain from saying anymore until we are outside and nobody else can overhear our conversation,” he urged quietly.

  He tried not to draw undue attention to them as he ushered her out the door. A few couples strolled the lighted pathway, so he slowed his steps and acted as if he were outside enjoying the moonlight with a woman…which he probably would have been if not for the doubt rushing through his head mixed with the bewilderment from her words.

  Glancing at her, he noticed she wrung her hands against her middle. Confusion marred her expression, but he knew it was for different reasons. She appeared as if she was trying to figure out something.

  “It’s certainly a lovely night,” he said only because he didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t want ask her about the outburst she had inside until he was sure nobody else was around to listen.

  “Hmm…yes, it is.” She peeked at him before dropping her gaze back to the path they walked.

  “I must say, Miss Chapman, I’m surprised at your loss for words.”

  Laughing, she met his gaze again. “You’re surprised? I’m completely floored!”

  He shook his head. “Your choice of words certainly makes you more interesting.”

  She grinned. “Which I suppose can only be a good thing, correct?”

  He didn’t answer, just continued walking. They headed for a cluster of trees. He scanned the area around them, and when nobody was nearby, he grasped her hand and pulled her back into an alcove. Shadows surrounded them, making them much more secluded. She stood in front of him with downcast eyes, still wringing her hands. Even though she confused him greatly, she was still a very beautiful woman. Breathtaking, in fact.

  “Will you now tell me who the man is that you saw? And why, pray tell, did you cause such an embarrassing scene in there?” He lifted her chin with his finger until her eyes met his.

  “It surprised me to see Nigel…” She paused and then shrugged. “Actually, I’m not sure if Nigel is his first name or last.”

  “How do you know him?” Andrew asked.

  “He was the front desk clerk at the bed and breakfast…the inn where I was staying before I came here.”

  “Why were you so surprised to see him here?”

  “Well…” She took another noisy swallow. “Because I didn’t expect to see him here. I mean, I thought he was from my time—not yours.”

  A slight pound knocked against Andrew’s skull. What in the blazes was Miss Chapman talking about? “Why do you say that? I’ve heard you say it that way a few occasions. Pray tell, what does time have to do with it?”

  “Believe it or not, time has everything to do with it. I wouldn’t be here if not for time. I would have never met you if not for time.”

  Andrew rubbed his forehead, baffled.

  She reached up and took hold of his hand, moving it away from his head. She kept it in her grasp as she ran her thumb across his knuckles. She was a bold woman to touch him in such a personal way. Yet it amazed him to think this small gesture softened his heart, and eased his headache slightly.

  “My words are going to become very confusing here shortly. I just want to make sure you are prepared for what I have to tell you. I desperately want you to understand what I’m about to say. It would kill me if you don’t understand or believe me.”

  The pleading in her eyes let him know how important this was. Whatever she had to say, she struggled with it, yet she acted as if she wanted to deliver the news to him in a calm, gentle manner.

  “Tell me.”

  Softly, her fingers stroked his hand. Her touch was so very tender. So soothing. Affectionate. And so very personal. A different emotion leapt inside of him, and once again, he received the impression they had known each other before, but he knew not where. Now as she touched him, peace settled inside him. He was not as confused as he’d been moments earlier, and it really didn’t matter what explanation she gave about her confusing actions. As long as she continued to gaze into his eyes and stroke his hand…he was fine.

  Little by little, he became mesmerized by the passion in her green eyes—the way her gaze slid over his face slowly from the top of his head, to his eyes, his nose, and to rest of his mouth. The lovely color of her eyes darkened, which made the desire he had for this incredible, interesting woman kick up a notch. For a fleeting moment, nothing else mattered but holding her. This woman made his thoughts jumbled, yet all he wanted to do was close his eyes and enjoy her touch.

  The moonlight peeked through the leaves and highlighted her hair, making the golden strands in her locks stand out more. It took all of his willpower not to pull the pins from her hair and admire the way her length tumbled over her shoulders in a seductive manner.

  With his free hand, he cupped her face. She gasped, but then a dreamy sigh quickly followed as she stared deeply into his eyes. She even snuggled closer to his touch.

  Never before had a woman’s reaction to his caress been
so rattling, but he knew without a doubt Miss Chapman was attracted to him…nearly as much as he was attracted to her. He wouldn’t stop to question why things were happening so quickly. There was time for that later. Now, all he wanted to do was…

  He moved his hands in a different direction as he circled them around her and pulled her up against is body. Her palms rested comfortably on his chest, and he was certain she could feel the quick beat of his heart. When her attention dropped to his mouth once again, his breathing became ragged.

  “What are you doing to me?” he whispered, lowering his head. “And more importantly, why do I not want to stop this from happening?”

  “Then let it happen,” she muttered before his lips silenced hers.

  She slid her arms up to link behind his neck. They kissed with gentleness at first, hesitantly, before growing bolder. Excitement rushed through him, knowing she was enjoying this as well.

  He yanked her against him and tightened her in his embrace, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. She didn’t kiss like a mere maid, yet he knew in his heart she wasn’t an experienced harlot, either. Her passionate kiss shocked his system as warmth spread through every nerve in his body. Desire strummed inside him, and he realized kissing her felt…right. Perfect. And he never wanted this to end.

  The thundering footfalls on the nearby path warned Andrew that their private moment would soon be ruined.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Andrew? Miss Chapman? Where are you?”

  The sound of Edward’s voice jerked Halle out of her dream-like state and she quickly broke the kiss. Andrew appeared as disoriented as she felt. Her cheeks heated from the tender moment they’d shared, and her lips tingled with awareness.

  Breathless, she placed her fingers on her mouth, enjoying the spark of energy still flowing through her.

  Swallowing hard, Andrew smoothed out the wrinkles of his waistcoat before clearing his voice. “We are over here, Edward.”

  Blowing out a ragged breath, Andrew raked his fingers through his hair, his gaze still on her. She dropped her hand by her side as she gave him a soft smile, and within seconds, the worried lines in his face relaxed and returned the gesture.

  “Oh, there you are.” Edward squeezed through the bushes to join them. His gaze bounced from Andrew back to her, then to Andrew again. “Why did you two disappear?”

  Silently, she groaned. Could Edward really be that obtuse? Then again…he hadn’t made a very good impression on her since they met.

  “Miss Chapman saw someone at the party that upset her greatly,” Andrew quickly answered.

  I did? Then it hit her… She’d seen Nigel! What could he be doing in this century? Did he really belong here, or by chance did Nigel somehow follow her back in time? Yet, if he’d followed her, wouldn’t he have been by the tree? All of this was so confusing, but the only way to know was to go talk to him.

  “Indeed?” Edward asked, swinging his attention to her. “Who was it?”

  Oh yeah…like she was going to tell Edward what was really going on! She kept from rolling her eyes as she prepared some kind of explanation.

  “It was a former beau,” Andrew replied hastily. “He’d broken Miss Chapman’s heart a few months ago, and seeing him tonight upset her greatly, so I took her out for some fresh air.”

  She stared agape at Andrew for a split second before realizing she needed to close her mouth. Apparently, he was more prepared for awkward situations like this than she was. She had to hand it to him, though…he was quick to think, especially after her mind was still numb due to that earth-rattling kiss. So, perhaps the kiss hadn’t meant anything to Andrew since he was the one coming up with the replies.

  She looked at Edward and nodded. “Uh, yah, that’s who it was…a former beau.”

  Edward gave her a sympathetic expression and stepped closer to her. “Will you let me know if this man causes anymore problems? I will certainly put him in his place.” He lifted his chin, trying to give the impression that he was her rescuer.

  Halle wanted to roll her eyes again, and tried really hard not to do it this time…at least in front of him. Instead, she forced herself to smile. From the first moment of meeting him, she hadn’t liked—or trusted him. So why in the world was he acting like he was her protector now? “I thank you, my lord. That is very gallant of you to offer.”

  He bowed slightly. “Miss Chapman, would you accompany me inside and allow me the privilege of having the next dance with you?”

  In silence, she groaned. It would be terribly rude to turn him down, but she really didn’t want to dance with Edward. More than anything, she wanted to tell Andrew about the future…and if a kiss followed, that would be even better. The kiss they had shared a few moments ago was still fresh on her mind—and tingled on her lips—and she’d love nothing more than to pick up where they’d left off. Unfortunately, she didn’t have that option right now.

  Swallowing hard, she nodded. “Yes, I would love to dance with you,” she answered quietly, wishing she could have said it differently.

  Edward offered his arm, and she hesitantly took it. Before leaving, she peeked over her shoulder at Andrew. The scowl on his face as he watched her walk away with his brother made her realize that Andrew didn’t want her to leave, either. She supposed he wanted to hear more about Nigel, and especially how she knew about Edward and Agnes’s engagement when apparently Agnes didn’t even know.

  Yet wasn’t he going to propose soon? When Andrew had told her about the events leading up to their family being attacked, he really didn’t give a time frame, but she figured by now Edward would have popped the question, mainly because that was when the stable fire had happened. So had she somehow altered time by coming here?

  Halle received no suspicious stares when she entered the ballroom with Edward. For a moment, she thought that there might be some curious people, especially since she left the ballroom with Andrew, but so far nobody seemed to pay her any mind.

  Right away, she noticed Edward didn’t dance as well as his younger brother. They resembled each other with the dark hair and similar facial features, but Andrew’s shoulders were so much wider, and he was slightly taller.

  Edward smiled at her, and it was hard to return the gesture. He really hadn’t been very polite to her since they met, and curiosity nudged her mind, making her wonder why he was being overly friendly now.

  “I must say, Miss Chapman, for being an American, you dance rather well.”

  She wanted to laugh, but she refrained. “I thank you, my lord. I take it you have danced with many American women, then?”

  “Only a few, but I certainly notice the difference with you. And might I add, you are much lovelier than the other American women I have met.”

  She could have sworn his eyes twinkled. Okay…something definitely wasn’t right. Why was he acting this way? “What a flatterer you are, my lord.”

  He shrugged. “I’m only telling the truth.”

  For some reason, she didn’t believe him. “Well, I have your sister to thank for allowing me to borrow one of her gowns—and her maid for fixing my hair.”

  He chuckled. “My sister’s maid isn’t that good, I assure you. If you were not a lovely woman, the maid wouldn’t be able to make you any prettier.”

  She cocked her head. “My lord, I wonder why you are being so kind. Pray, what have I done to deserve this attention?”

  His eyes widened as panic etched on his expression. She’d definitely hit the nail on the head with that question. Now she knew he wasn’t being honest. But what was his game?

  “I have come to see you in a different light, Miss Chapman. Because of your help with the stable fire yesterday, and because my mother and sister adore you and constantly speak of how kind you are, I have realized I had judged you wrongly when we first met.”

  He might have judged her wrongly, but she knew Edward was the same as she first thought. “That is very kind of you, my lord.”

  A few awkward moments passed and
during this silence, she swept her gaze around the room, looking for Andrew. He stood out like a beacon thanks to his towering height, his wide shoulders, and his incredibly good looks. His attention was on her and Edward, and a scowl marred Andrew’s face. He stood against a wall with his arms folded.

  Hesitantly, she offered a smile, and within seconds, his scowl relaxed as the hint of a smile touched his expression. She wanted to sigh aloud from the knowledge that she had the power to make him do this, but didn’t dare in case Edward asked her about it…or heaven forbid, he thought she sighed for his sake!

  “So tell me, Miss Chapman,” Edward interrupted, “do you have a beau back home where you live?”

  Not really wanting to tear her focus away from Andrew, she grudgingly looked back at Edward. “Actually, no, my lord. I was too busy—” She quickly snapped her mouth shut. Could she tell him she’d been going to college? Good heavens, what would Edward think of her then? And what would Andrew think?

  “Too busy what?” Edward prompted.

  “Um…well, for a while I was in mourning because of my mother’s death, and then when I went to stay with my cousin, I helped her quite a bit because she was with child and had another small child to care for.” She shrugged. “I just never found time to make it to social events to meet eligible men.” Good grief, she had never lied so much in her life! Hopefully, she wouldn’t go to hell for doing it now.

  “So then how did you meet this other man…the one who is here tonight?”

  “Uh, well, you see, he was friends with my cousin’s husband, Colin Firth. Colin is the one who tried to get us together, and although I came to care for this man, he had done some inexcusable things that I shall never forget, and I would rather not talk about him any longer.”

  “That is understandable. I shall let you forget about this other man because I’m quite certain that during your stay with us, you will get the attention needed to land yourself a good husband. My family will look out for you and make certain you will not get your heart broken this time.”

  “I thank you, but for now, I’m not interested in marriage.”


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