Love Lost in Time (Victorian Time-Travel)

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Love Lost in Time (Victorian Time-Travel) Page 27

by Marie Higgins

  She squeezed his arm. “I’ll support whatever decision you make.”

  He knew she would. But was tonight the right time for an engagement? Yet, if he didn’t do something now, he feared any other time would be too late.

  * * * *

  Halle looked at herself in the full-length mirror and pinched her cheeks. For tonight’s special dinner, which Andrew had requested his mother arrange for the family, Halle chose to wear the same gown Andrew had given her—in the future. The Merrick’s maid must have worked remove the mud and stains. It looked nearly new. She’s chosen to wear this gown because it meant so much to her.

  Smiling, she ran her palms down the deep gold satin material. The waist was still tight on her, making her bosom appear fuller. She absolutely adored the mid-length sleeves with the white under-sleeve. Indeed, she felt like a Queen.

  When she moved to collect her wrist fan—something that every woman just had to wear for some stupid reason—the petticoats underneath swished against the full skirt of the poofy dress. She stopped and glanced over her shoulder that the mirror again, to look at the small train dragging behind the gown. So beautiful…and magical.

  Now, if the evening could go smoothly—and if his family could accept their engagement—then this would definitely be a magical night.

  Moisture gathered in the palms of her hands as she stepped toward her door. Anticipation ran rapid through her, as well as nervousness. Had she impressed Andrew’s family? She did love them all…although she still had qualms about Edward. Still, she wanted him to accept her as the woman who would be married to his brother.

  She opened the door and stepped out, but when hard footsteps marched toward her, she snapped her gaze down the hall. Edward narrowed his gaze on her. His mouth stretched in a tight, thin line. His face red with fury, and it only took her a second to become afraid. By the time he stood in front of her, she smelled alcohol on him. Somehow, he’d consumed so much that his clothes even reeked.

  “I need a word with you, Miss Chapman,” he snarled and pushed her back into her bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  “I beg your pardon, Lord Brimwall, but I did not invite you into my room.”

  “This is not your room…or have you forgotten you are only a guest here?”

  Okay, so he had a point. “Forgive my slip of the tongue, but regardless of whose room it is, I did not invite you in. Please leave.” She folded her arms smartly across her chest, keeping her chin erect and meeting his alcohol glazed eyes.

  He smirked and shook his head. “You may have fooled everyone in this house, but you haven’t fooled me. I don’t trust you. Since your arrival, you have only brought mayhem and deceit to our lives.”

  “My lord, you are drunk, and I demand you leave at once.”

  He stepped closer, peering down at her with a narrowed gaze. “Demand all you want, but I’ll leave when I’m ready to leave.”

  Halle wasn’t sure if she could scream or just slap the drunkard across the face. For the moment, she’d do nothing and hear him out. Maybe all he wanted to do was vent.

  “I don’t know what I have ever done to you,” he continued. “Why do you feel you need to ruin my life?”

  “My lord, what are you talking about? Pray tell, how am I ruining your life?”

  “Since your first day here nothing has gone as planned.” He leaned slightly closer. “Nothing!”

  She quickly backed away and fanned her face, trying to remove his alcohol scent. Good grief, if she remained standing so close, she could get drunk from the fumes. “I still don’t understand.” She stepped farther away.

  “You don’t know my life. You don’t know what I have gone through…and what I’ve had to do in order to get what I want.”

  “True, I don’t know your life.” She shrugged. “Do you care to tell me about it?” Not that she wanted to hear, but if this was what it would take to get him to leave, she’d do it.

  “I’m the oldest…the one who will take over my father’s title one day. Do you have any idea how I have struggled my whole life to be good enough for his approval?”

  She scrunched her forehead, feeling disoriented. What in the blazes was he rambling on about? “You don’t have his approval? That’s news to me.”

  “Only these past few months have I felt worthy to walk in his footsteps.”

  “How sad.” What else could she say? “Why haven’t you received his approval before now?”

  “Because Andrew was always the perfect son.”

  She hitched a breath, her eyes grew wide. “He was? Andrew always thought you were the perfect son.”

  “No, he was. Our mother doted on Andrew constantly. He could do no wrong in her eyes. And my father…while growing up, he was always telling me how I should be more like my younger brother.” He raked his fingers through his already mussed-up hair. “Do you know how annoying that gets hearing it all the time?”

  “I can only imagine…”

  “Well, imagine it, because it’s true!” He threw his hands in the air. “But these past few months, my father has finally thought of me as the good son, and I have finally earned his respect.” His scowl darkened. “And then you enter our lives and make me look like the fool again.”

  She gasped. “And how, pray tell, did I do that?”

  “You convinced Andrew that I foolishly went behind my father’s back and proposed to Lady Agnes. You and Andrew convinced my father that she was the woman I’d met at the cottage when you were kidnapped. And for some reason, my father seems to think I haven’t been very polite to you—which I have.”

  Apparently, Andrew had that talk with his father and Edward. Now she had to be the one to smooth his frazzled feathers…if she could.

  “My lord, I’m sorry you are so upset, but I have it on good authority that Lady Agnes was the woman you met at the cottage. Not only that, but she has been going through town today announcing to all the shops that she will be Lady Brimhall shortly.”

  He growled and fisted his hand by his sides. “She’s lying!”

  “Then it sounds to me like that is an argument you will have to take up with her.”

  “Indeed, I plan to do just that. And I can assure you that she’ll not become the next Lady Brimhall!”

  “Forgive me for saying this, my lord, but it seems I am not the villain here. I think you are blaming me when you should be talking to her.”

  His jaw hardened and he came toward her again. She quickly retreated, but he kept moving forward. The wall stopped her, and she realized she had no place to run now.

  He moved his gaze over her face slowly before it dropped to her neck and bosom. He stroked her neck softly, and she held her breath.

  “If only you had picked me,” he said. “I would have made you happy.” His expression hardened and he shook his head. “But once again, my brother became the victor. I cannot allow that to happen.” His touch turned harder as he wrapped his fingers around her throat. “I expect an apology from you. You need to tell my father that you lied and I did not do all those things. I don’t care how you do it, but by tonight, my father better be apologizing to me!”

  She whimpered and tugged at his fingers to loosen them. The hatred pouring from his eyes and the pressure on her throat warned her that this was not a man to be trifled with. When had Edward turned into such a beast?

  “Please, let me go,” she said brokenly. “I’ll talk with your father tonight.”

  “And you’ll take the blame for everything!”

  Over my dead body! Yet, if he didn’t release his hold, this may indeed be the end of her life, because slowly it was getting harder to breathe, and the pounding in her head felt like her skull would explode.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Halle gasped for air. “I will…get your father…to understand. I…assure you.”

  A satisfied grin touched Edward’s mouth and he released her. She took in deep breaths as she cradled her neck in her hands. How could the brother she thought dim-wit
ted when she first met him be this cruel? Was it just the alcohol making him this way? It didn’t matter. He wasn’t a very good person if he had the ability to hurt a woman in such a way.

  “Then I shall take my leave and see you downstairs.” Wearing a self-assured smile, he strolled out of her room and softly closed the door behind him.

  Tears stung her eyes and she kept herself from crying. What a brutal, uncaring man! Yet, his words were most confusing. There were always two sides to a story, and certainly he had a different opinion from his brother about how their father felt.

  Wearily, she stepped to the full-length mirror again to check her neck. Strange to think there weren’t any red marks. She thought for sure he’d leave a bruise or two. Perhaps they’d show up tomorrow.

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, she took a deep breath and left the bedroom, taking slow steps on unsettled legs. Her mind whirled around Edward’s angry words. Yet other words entered her mind—those from the future about what she’d heard of the tragic story about the Merrick Family.

  She had always wondered why Andrew was painted as the bad son—the one who’d gotten his family killed. The rumors over the years had to have come from some source, especially since Agnes and Georgiana were the only survivors of the attack. Halle wouldn’t put it past Agnes to spread those false rumors, but sweet Georgiana adored her brother and would never say a bad word about anyone.

  Halle began her descent down the staircase as another thought struck her. She paused, gripping the railing as realization slammed into her head. There was only one way Agnes could have remained in the Harrington’s Manor… Edward was still alive!

  He was the reason false rumors were spread about Andrew. He was angry at Andrew for being the favored son. What were the odds that Edward had a purpose in telling Agnes about the treasure…so Nigel would form a mob and attack?

  She tightened her fingers around the railing as anger pumped through her. Edward probably paid Nigel to kill Andrew. Was the arrow that flew through the window and killed the duke meant for Andrew?

  This information throbbed in her head as she forced her legs to continue down the stairs toward the dining room. A deep ache settled behind her eyes, and she feared a migraine would soon follow. She couldn’t allow that to happen. She must tell Andrew of her suspicions even though Edward would be at the dining table expecting her to grovel in front of his father.

  She would not do that! Edward was the one at fault…not her. And if he tried to lay one finger on her again, she’d scream and fight as hard as she could to get him away from her. No, cowering was not in her blood, and she would walk tall into that room and face the impertinent jerk like a woman who had guts of steel. Right now she felt invincible, too. Put a red cape on her and some tights, and she’d fit right in with all those other superheroes.

  Andrew waited at the end of the staircase and smiled wide when he saw her. She wanted to run into his arms and sob out her fear on his shoulder for what Edward had done. Instead, she tried to remain calm and collected.

  As always, her heart tripped over a beat seeing him. Tonight he wore a dark blue velvet coat over his blue waistcoat, with a thick black collar. His white cravat appeared a brilliant color against the dark fabric. Gold buttons lined the coat and his sleeves. Black trousers fit his muscular legs, making him very resplendent this evening.

  A headache still threatened to ruin her evening, but she pushed past it and walked to him. Familiarity nudged her subconscious, but she didn’t know where she’d seen him in these clothes before. Yet it didn’t matter. He was still one gorgeous man.

  He bent his arm and offered her his elbow. “May I escort you to the sitting room while we wait for dinner to be announced, my sweet?”

  “Actually, not yet. There is something I need to discuss with you.”

  His eyebrows drew together as he studied her face. “What?”

  “Your brother came to my room not long ago.”

  Andrew’s eyes widened. “Whatever for?”

  She took his hand and pulled him away from the sitting room where the rest of the family waited. “Because he’s quite upset at me and he blames me for making his father upset at him.” She cocked her head. “I’m assuming you talked to your father about Edward and Agnes?”


  “Well, that’s what Edward was upset about.” She gently touched her neck, still sore from Edward’s hard grasp. “He wasn’t very nice, and tried to...” Her voice cracked, remembering the panic she’d felt not too long ago.

  “He tried to do what?”

  Andrew’s voice rose and she quickly grasped his arm. “Shh, I don’t think your parents should know yet—”

  Footsteps rushed from inside the sitting room out toward the corridor. Andrew’s parents and sister stopped just outside the room, all three looking at Halle with wide eyes.

  “What’s going on here?” the duke demanded.

  “Halle just informed me that Edward was in her room, being forceful.” Andrew answered his father then switched his gaze to his brother who sluggishly exited the room. In his hand, he held a glass of scotch.

  “Ah, there ye are, Miss Cha’man,” he slurred. “I wondered when ye’d grace us with yer presence.”

  Halle stiffened from hearing Edward’s sarcastic voice.

  “Edward? Were you in Miss Chapman’s room earlier?” the duke asked.

  Edward’s gaze darkened the longer he stared at Halle. Chills ran up her spine and made her stomach churn.

  He tsked and shook his head. “Miss Cha’man, what stories are ye tellin’ my family now?”

  She stiffened. “You know exactly what story I’m referring to.”

  “Ah, yes. Ye are full of surprises—our own form of entertainment.” He chuckled. “But I have a feelin’ things are only goin’ to get more entertainin’ as the night goes on.”

  “Edward,” the Duke of Harrington warned. “You obviously have had too much to drink. I suggest you retire to your room.”

  “And miss all of this?” Edward flipped his hand in the air. “What kind of brother—and son—would I be if I left?”

  An odd voice in the back of Halle’s head warned her that this was not right. Edward was being too cold-hearted to his family and saying things he probably didn’t mean. Then again, if he was anything like her mother, alcohol helped her parent overcome her fear of voicing her thoughts completely.

  Andrew pulled away from her and moved to stand directly in front of Edward. “I think you should explain yourself. What did you say to Halle?”

  “And if I don’t tell ye?” He snickered. “What, dear brother, will ye do?” Edward moved his gaze back to Halle and once again, arched a judgmental eyebrow. “Miss Cha’man? Don’t ye have anything’ to say to my family?”

  She arched her eyebrow. “About what, may I ask?”

  Edward’s scowl turned hard. “Ye know ‘xactly what, Miss Cha’man.”

  “Oh, that. Well, after our little talk earlier when you nearly choked me to death, I decided that I was not the one who was wrong. You were.”

  Gasps exploded throughout the corridor. Andrew cussed and grasped his elder brother’s collar, shaking him. “You choked her?”

  Edward chuckled drunkenly. “I didn’t choke her. Do ye see any marks on her neck?”

  Everyone’s attention moved to Halle, and she lifted her hand back to her throat. “I don’t believe you left a mark.”

  “Actually,” Georgiana said, moving closer to Halle, “your neck is red right here.” She touched a spot on the back of Halle’s neck.

  Halle sighed. Thank heavens!

  “That does it,” the duke snapped and grabbed his oldest son’s arm. “Edward, you have disgraced me for the last time. You are no longer part of our family and I will remove you from my will. You will leave immediately, and I’ll have your valet pack your belongings and take them to you on the morrow.”

  Halle’s heart sank and panic settled in her chest. No! This couldn’t be happening. This w
asn’t the way things were supposed to happen. Yet…history was being changed. That was a good thing, wasn’t it?

  Edward’s face flamed as he ripped his arms away from Andrew and his father. “You’ll rue the day—”

  “Leave now!” the Duke of Harrington demanded, pointing toward the door.

  Cussing up a storm, Edward turned sharply and marched out the front door. Nobody said a word, but all wore frowns. Tears trembled in the duchess and Georgiana’s eyes.

  “Miss Chapman,” the duchess said softly, “I apologize for that scene…and for all that Edward has inflicted upon you today.”

  Andrew moved beside her, sliding his arm around her shoulders. Gently, he touched her neck and the red spot Georgiana must have seen.

  “Are you in much pain?”

  She shook her head. “Only in my heart for what this family is going through right now.”

  “Let us return to the sitting room and await our dinner.” The duchess lifted her chin, trying to appear in control of this very bad situation. “Georgi, would you play us something on the pianoforte?”

  “Yes, Mother.” Georgi hurried back into the room and sat behind the instrument—a beautiful Viennese-style piano build with wood frame.

  They all entered and took a seat; the duke and duchess in their regular cushioned chairs, as Halle and Andrew sat next to each other on the sofa.

  Nothing was said during the first song, and as Halle glanced around at everyone, their eyes were downcast as frowns marred their expressions. Sadness tugged at her heart, knowing she had caused this. Yet, perhaps with altering time, she had erased history. With Edward gone now, then maybe…just maybe the manor wouldn’t be attacked. After all, December 20 was still two days away.

  When Georgi was finished, the duchess looked up an offered a strained smile. “Georgiana is such a gifted musician, is she not?”

  “Indeed, she plays wonderfully.” Halle smiled, even though it was forced.

  She glanced at Andrew beside her. It was so hard not to take his hand in hers, or cuddle next to him like they’d been doing this morning. But until he made the announcement to his family, she didn’t dare bring undue attention to them.


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