A Royal Romance

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A Royal Romance Page 28

by Jenny Frame

  George’s eyes never left Bea’s when she said, “Perhaps, Granny, perhaps.”


  After spending a wonderful dinner and entertaining family evening together, the Queen escorted Bea to her room. “Have you enjoyed your evening, my darling?” George asked as they approached Bea’s room.

  “Enjoyed it? I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much. You have a very surprising family, Georgie.”

  They came to a stop outside the room. George quirked an eyebrow as she said, “We do? How so?”

  Bea took George’s hand in her own and caressed it as they talked. “Well, you’re all very formal and particular about how you act and behave to each other, yet you couldn’t be a more loving family. I mean, I never thought we’d be playing cards and parlour games after dinner. Theo, Vicki, Max, and you together are so funny, always cheating and trying to beat each other. I saw Queen Sofia and Queen Adrianna beam with happiness at you all getting on so well.”

  “We always have got on well, especially because we are not the type of family who like to sit around watching TV. We see each other less often than a normal family, so when we do get together, we like to be doing things as a family and have a giggle.”

  “It certainly was great fun,” Bea said.

  There was a silence between them, and George was unsure of what to do next. She wondered if Bea would want her to stay tonight, or whether she should take it slowly. Just ask her, George. You know you want to stay with her.

  She looked down at an expectant-looking Bea and took a breath. “Well, goodnight, darling.” She mentally chastised herself. What did I say that for?

  Bea looked disappointed and said, “Oh. Goodnight then, Georgie. I love you. Give the dogs a kiss from me.”

  George felt like an absolute idiot for wasting this opportunity. “I will. I love you too. Sleep well.” She leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. She savoured the taste and again was furious with herself that she wouldn’t get another chance till tomorrow.

  Bea opened her door and went in. George stood unmoving, cursing her cowardice, when the door opened up again.

  Bea grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her into the room. “Get in here.” She shut the door and made sure it was locked. “If you want to spend the night together, just say so. I thought we were a couple now.”

  “We are, but I didn’t want to assume—” She was silenced by her girlfriend’s lips claiming her.

  “Hmm. You are sweet, Georgie, but now I want you to be the Bully that you are and make love to me.”

  George mimed horns on her head.

  Bea giggled and laughed at her antics, but then let out a squeal when George lifted her over her shoulder and carried her towards the bed. Bea smacked her on her behind. “Giddy-up!”

  She stopped by the bed and eased Bea down slowly. When they stood looking at each other in the quiet of the room, George felt a nervousness creep into her body. When they’d made love before, they were both caught up in the high emotion of situation, self doubt didn’t have time to get hold of her, and Bea had gently guided her until her confidence grew.

  But today, thoughts and worries had started to creep into her head. Bea had two lovers before in her life, two lovers who were probably experienced in making love to a woman, and she worried that she would look like an idiot compared to them, after a while.

  Tonight there would be no interruptions, just Bea waiting for her to make love to her. She felt the pressure building.

  Bea reached up for a kiss and whispered, “Give me a minute to change into something I hope you’ll like. I promised you earlier that you would have all of my attention, and you’re going to get it.”

  George gulped hard as she watched Bea walk away with a gentle sway to her hips, and she prayed she could be all that Bea needed and wanted.

  George didn’t know what to do with herself while she waited for Bea. She’d gone from sitting on the bed to standing and back again. The passing of time was doing nothing for her nerves.

  She got up, took off her jacket, and started undoing her bow tie as she walked over to the mirror on the bedroom wall. She left the bow tie hanging loose around her neck and ran her hand through her hair. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she heard a little voice in her head say, She’s going to find out how boring you are, George.

  She shook her head, trying to get rid of the voice making her more nervous, and as she looked up she saw, reflected in the mirror, Bea walking out of the bathroom.

  George gulped hard and for some reason couldn’t get her legs to move to turn around. Bea was wearing a fine black see-through kimono, and matching bra and panties. George had never seen a sexier or more erotic sight in her life, and her arousal was instantaneous.

  Bea walked up behind her slowly and ran her fingers down the back of her shirt. The simple touch was enough to help her gather her courage to turn around.

  “Do you like this, Your Majesty?” Bea asked innocently.

  George nearly laughed at the ridiculousness of the question. Like was not a word she would use to describe what she felt about what Bea was wearing. The bra especially was doing insane things to her mind. She had the overwhelming desire to suck on the nipples peeping through the material.

  “No, I don’t like, I love it, and I want you so much right now, it’s scary,” George said with almost a growl.

  Bea laughed softly and batted away George’s hand when she reached out to touch her. “Wait, no touching yet. I want to talk to you first.”

  “You want to talk, now?” George thought she’d never heard a more ludicrous statement in her life.

  Bea started to undo George’s shirt buttons slowly, agonizingly slowly. “Just for a few minutes, please?”

  Even a few minutes sounded like hours to George, when all she could think of was having Bea under her, but she would do anything for her lover. She felt like a beast in a cage, snarling through the bars, held back and getting more riled up by the second, and Bea was the only one who had the key to her freedom.

  When Bea finished unbuttoning her shirt, she kept hold of the bow tie and shrugged the shirt off George’s shoulders.

  Making short work of the compression T-shirt she wore beneath, George was now bare-chested, and Bea slipped the bow tie loosely back around her neck.

  “You wanted to talk?” George croaked, eager to move the pace faster.

  Bea ran a manicured fingernail down the front of George’s chest and swirled over her hard abs.

  The steady beat of arousal was now an incessant throb. George’s body demanded she take her lover, and it was so hard to stay in control. “Please, darling, or I may explode.”

  “I know that you’ve been tense, perhaps a little nervous about making love, and I want you to tell me why.” Bea started to place small kisses on her chest as she waited on an answer.

  God, am I that transparent? George was convinced this was part of Bea’s plot. Under normal circumstances she would never admit what she was about to say, but she was so turned on that she was convinced her brain had short-circuited. “I’ve always been scared of being intimate with anyone, until you. I’m nervous with you, but not scared.”

  Bea caressed her neck and looked deeply into her eyes. “Why?”

  “Because they would see my weaknesses and I would look foolish.” She felt exposed as soon as she said it, but Bea reassured her by pulling her down by the loose bow tie around her neck and gave her a kiss on the lips.

  “Georgie, you’re safe with me. I will never betray what is between us. When we’re alone, together like this, you’re safe. There are no judgements, no expectations, just two people who accept each other for both their strengths and weaknesses.”

  George rested her forehead on Bea’s, closed her eyes, and took a moment to absorb her lover’s words.

  She wondered how on earth she could have been lucky enough to not only find this woman, but have her love. She couldn’t speak but simply nodded her acceptance. “You are everything
I’ve ever dreamed of. Your strong body, to take care of me”—Bea placed kisses on both her biceps and in the middle her chest—“and the biggest heart, to love me the way I’ve always wanted. I want you to express yourself without fear.”

  George felt so much emotion at that moment, she had to gulp hard to keep in control. She reached out a shaky hand and caressed Bea’s soft skin.

  Bea turned her face into George’s hand and kissed it. “There’s only you and only me, and”—Bea stepped back and loosened the tie to her kimono, opening it and letting it fall at her feet—“I am yours.”

  George felt her emotional shackles fall away forever. She stepped forward and lifted Bea into her arms and kissed her more passionately than she ever had. Her passion ran deep, and long and felt like a rush of fever that threatened to devour them. The energy that she had held at bay when she was talking to Bea came out like a torrent.

  She walked them back to the bed and quickly pulled off her trousers and underwear, before lying on top of her lover. Her mouth went immediately to one of Bea’s hard nipples that taunted her through the see-through bra, while her hand pushed under the lace cup and squeezed Bea’s other breast. Sucking on her breast felt even better than she’d imagined, the lace creating a little teasing barrier that was driving her wild.

  Bea moaned loudly and entwined her fingers through George’s hair, pulling at it in desperate need.

  George was hungry. She wanted Bea and wanted her everywhere. She repositioned herself on Bea’s thigh and started to thrust. When she tried to slip her hand down to touch Bea, Bea grasped her wrist.

  “No, just you. It’s just for you this time. I want to watch you come on me.”

  George could’ve come that second after hearing Bea say those words. She groaned and thrust faster. Her orgasm was seconds away and racing towards her like an unstoppable force.


  Bea held her gently and whispered in her ear, “Come on me, Georgie, I’m yours, all for you.”

  That was it for George. She thrust into Bea a few more times before her orgasm exploded and drained all the tension, the doubts, and worries that she’d felt since she had woken up alone after their first night together. She collapsed onto Bea, gasping. “I love you, I love you.”

  Bea stroked her back tenderly, until George calmed. She raised up on her elbows and looked down at Bea, smiling. “You are a bad woman, Miss Elliot. You wound me up so tight I thought my head was going to explode.”

  Bea giggled and pulled her down into a kiss. “I hope I always can, Your Majesty.”

  When Bea talked to her that way, it made her want to make her moan and scream her name.

  Bea reached up to touch her, but George grasped her wrists and held them above her head.

  Bea wriggled for a few seconds, and then her cheeky smile was back. “You have me then. What would you do with me, oh mighty Queen?”

  George grinned, full of confidence and liberation. She was finally able to be who she was and trust that her lover would always support and never betray her. She lowered her head until her lips were inches from Bea’s lips and said, “Everything.”


  Bea lay on her back, tantalizingly close to an orgasm that was just out of reach. Her plan to get George to talk and get rid of those last insecurities had worked well. George had been an energetic lover before, but since their talk, it was as if she had thrown off the last of her chains and was revelling in her newfound freedom of expression. The focus of that expression was thankfully…Bea.

  George thrust two fingers inside her, while her tongue lapped at her clit, building up her orgasm. But having come a few times already, Bea wasn’t sure if she could again.

  “I’m so close.”

  George crawled back up her body and slowed her thrusts to a gentle swirl. “Bea, do you remember when we had dinner in France?”

  Oh God, yes. Bea held on to George’s head and looked into her eyes. “Yes, tell me.”

  “I said, Ti amo, la mia regina Beatrice. I love you my Queen Beatrice.” That was it, she needed to hear George’s voice. She remembered how aroused she’d felt that night, as George spoke to her in Italian.

  Bea dug her nails into George’s shoulders. “Again…”

  “La mia regina Beatrice. Ti amo, ti amo.”

  This time the wave of pleasure didn’t stop. George gave her a deep kiss, as her orgasm crashed over her. “Oh God, I love you,” Bea said breathlessly.

  George rolled off and pulled Bea into her arms.

  “For someone who is new to this, Georgie, you’re certainly good at it and have a lot of stamina. I think I might die if I have one more orgasm.” She heard and felt George’s laughter rumble in her chest below her.

  “I like to please you, my darling.”

  “You certainly do that, but I like to please you just as much, Your Majesty.” Bea saw George close her eyes and felt her stomach clench beneath her fingers. “Oh, I think you have one more left in you.”

  George nodded and, feeling emotional, said, “I was so lonely without you. I can’t believe you chose to come back to me.”

  Her heart ached. The time they spent apart had been awful, but now they were together, and Bea vowed to herself that she would never let George feel that way again.

  “Let me kiss away the loneliness, so you never feel it again.” Bea kissed her way down her chest and stomach, until she disappeared under the covers.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Bea became aware of a loud droning noise, rudely waking her from sleep. “Argh.” Her eyes popped open to find she was lying on top of George, who was wide awake and smiling.

  “Good morning, my darling.”

  “Morning, Georgie. What is that dreadful noise?”

  George looked a bit confused. “What noise…? Oh, you mean the piper? He plays below my window every morning to signal the start of the day.”

  “You mean, I’ve got to put up with that every morning for the rest of my life?” Bea said with a mock frown.

  George smiled broadly realizing what that meant. “Yes, for as long as you’re willing to share my bed, Miss Elliot.”

  Bea lowered her lips closer to George’s and said, “Oh, I think you can safely say that I will willingly share your bed for the rest of my life. In fact, after last night, I may force you to stay here in bed forever.”

  George tickled her ribs mercilessly. “Oh, you think a little thing like you can keep me here?”

  They laughed, talked, and held each other, as they should have been able to do after their first morning together.

  Bea popped her head up from George’s chest suddenly and said, “Am I keeping you from your work?”

  “One morning won’t hurt—besides I’m on holiday. I’ll do my boxes later, while you get dressed.”

  They lay in silence, just holding each other and enjoying the quiet. “Balmoral looks magical from what I’ve seen so far.”

  George kissed her head. “You haven’t seen half of it yet. I can’t wait to show you around.”

  “It seems more like a castle than a palace, and the tartan curtains, carpet, it’s everywhere, and gives it an ancient atmosphere.”

  “Hmm. Nothing has really changed since Queen Victoria and Prince Albert’s time. We try to keep it the same, traditional. We like it that way.”

  Bea remembered she’d brought Georgie a gift and jumped up to rummage through her bags.

  George grinned broadly. “I think this is the best view of the day.”

  A very naked Bea walked back to the bed, clutching a gift box. “Behave, Your Majesty, or you won’t get your gift.”

  “I’m sorry. Can I have my gift? Pretty please?”

  “All right, since you’ve been so good. Here.” She handed over the box, and George opened it quickly.

  “I thought we could build it together, while we’re here at Balmoral. I hope you don’t have this boat…ship…thing, whatever it is. I asked Cammy, but—”

  Bea was tackle
d down to the bed and found herself underneath George.

  “You are just a dream, my darling. I don’t know how I was lucky enough to find you, but I promise I’m never going to let you go. You are just perfect, and I love you more than life.”

  “I love you too.”


  Later that morning, while George attended to her morning paperwork, Bea took her time having a leisurely bath and getting ready for the day. George had told her the family planned a lunchtime picnic. She looked down at Rexie, who had decided to stay on with her, rather than follow the Queen and other dogs, and said, “Will I do, Rexie?”

  Before Rex had a chance to pass his opinion, there was a knock at the door. She opened it to find Cammy waiting there.


  “Morning, Cammy. Oh, my, that’s a unique outfit.”

  Cammy appeared to be wearing full Highland dress, although Bea wasn’t quite sure. It was a colourful sight. The kilt was red, bottle green, and yellow, and on top she wore a brown tweed jacket and a brown cap with a small pom-pom.

  “Morning. Yes, thank you. It’s traditional to wear Highland dress at Balmoral,” Cammy said.

  Bea had noticed the previous evening that all the pages were in kilts, unlike their counterparts at the English palaces.

  “The Queen and the family are waiting for you downstairs. I’ll escort you if you’re ready, ma’am.”

  “Since when do you call me ma’am, Captain?” she teased.

  Cammy gave her a charming smile back. “Since you are the Queen’s—”

  “What am I, Captain?” Bea asked with amusement.

  Without missing a beat Cammy said, “The Queen’s lassie.”

  Bea laughed out loud. “My, my, Captain. Lali is right in thinking you are charming.”

  Cammy seemed surprised by that comment. “She does?”

  “Uh-huh, but don’t tell her I told you.”

  “Oh, I won’t. Thank you for telling me.”

  “So, will I do for the picnic? I wasn’t sure what was appropriate to wear.” She indicated a figure-hugging wool jumper, jeans, and designer wellington boots that her mother had advised her to buy before going. She’d explained the royals’ country style was always practical.


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