Billionaire Baby Daddy (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story)

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Billionaire Baby Daddy (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story) Page 52

by Claire Adams

  When I saw Ally and Jackson as they walked out of the private room, I couldn’t help the anger that built up inside of me. Who did he think he was? A woman was missing and he was just fucking around with that whore. It was absolutely and totally uncalled for and I wasn’t going to keep working with a guy like that.

  “Get in that room,” I said as I walked straight up to Jackson and pointed to the empty room he had just left.

  “Ralph, I’m about to go a little dominatrix on this guy. No worries, though, you don’t need to step in.”

  Ralph was my favorite bouncer, and he knew me better than anyone in the club. He was a normal guy who happened to get stuck in the world of strip clubs just like I had. He liked the pretty girls and the excitement of the nights. Plus, the girls always gave him extra tips for keeping the scumbags away from them during the night.

  “Wait a second, Roxanne, I don’t know why you’re so pissed, but I was just trying to get some information about Ana,” Jackson said calmly as he sat down on the couch in the room.

  His constant calm demeanor was annoying as hell. Didn’t anything get him worked up? But purely the fact that he felt the need to tell me what he was doing showed that he knew it wasn’t a good idea.

  Anytime a guy got so defensive right away, I knew it was a sign that they were telling me a story. A guy who didn’t need to tell a story didn’t get defensive. Jackson had seemed like he was different than other guys the night before. I even felt like I liked him. But seeing as he liked girls like Ally, it was obvious he wouldn’t like someone like me anyways. We were totally different.

  “You didn’t need to take that whore back to a private room to ask her a question. You could have just handed her a hundred-dollar bill. She’s a cheap trick.”

  “Dance for me, Roxanne.”

  “What? I’m not going to dance for you. You’re a jerk.”

  “There are cameras in here, remember? If someone’s watching, they will think it’s odd that we are just talking and you aren’t dancing.”

  He was right, and I absolutely hated him for that. I had worked so hard to blend in throughout the night it would be irresponsible for me to not dance and, at least, make it look like I was putting on a show for the man I had in my private room.

  Most of the time, one of Stephano’s goons was watching the video, but sometimes Stephano himself was around. He would know something was up already just because of how I was talking to Jackson when he first came into the room. Normally, when I brought a guy back to the room, I would be super sweet to him, trying to butter him up. I certainly hadn’t been sweet to Jackson when I brought him back into the room.

  “I’ll dance, but there will be no touching tonight,” I said firmly.

  “No touching by you either then,” Jackson said with a sly smile.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean? I don’t want to touch you.”

  “Well, you were singing a different tune last night when you reached into my pants and started to stroke my cock.”

  I continued my dance for Jackson, but it was purely for the cameras. I had no idea what he was talking about and felt like he was just trying to get me all worked up. I would remember if I had wrapped my hand around his cock. I doubted it would be something I could have forgotten so quickly.

  “What are you even talking about? That never happened,” I said.

  I turned my back to him as I tried to remember what had happened the night before. I remembered having a nightmare and asking him to stay. But we both turned in opposite directions and went back to sleep.

  It had been actually one of the best nights of sleep I had had in a very long time. Having him there with me had finally given my body the safety it needed to fall asleep. But what was he talking about? I hadn’t stroked his cock. I would have remembered if my hand had been around his throbbing member.

  Then just as the thought crossed my mind, I remembered the dream I had woken up from earlier in the morning. I had been dreaming about Jackson being naked in my bed. I had dreamt that my hand was stroking him as I got ready to slide on top of him and ride him like a horse.

  Oh, shit!

  It hadn’t all been a dream. The feeling of his smooth cock in my hands rushed back through my memory and I knew he was speaking the truth. But there was no way in hell I was going to admit to that. No way was I going to give him the satisfaction of knowing I remembered the delicious feel of his hard body between my fingers.

  As I danced for Jackson, I felt the need to torture him a little. My anger about Ally had died down, but I did still want to torture him.

  “I found out some good information about Ana,” Jackson said.

  “Really? What did you find out?”

  I turned around and removed my top as I moved in front of him. The look on his face was one of a man using all his energy not to look at my tits. I straddled him and forced my breasts to be right in his vision as I thrust my hips on top of his cock.

  “What happened to no touching?” Jackson said as he kept his hands on the couch.

  “I changed my mind.”

  He was hard, of course, but he tried his best not to move his hips against me. He tried, but he wasn’t going to win this battle.

  I wondered if he had been hard from Ally dancing for him or if it was just for me?

  “Well…” he said as he tried to keep his train of thought. “Um, I found out that she is probably at Stephano’s home.”

  I reached down and grabbed Jackson’s cock and adjusted it through his pants so he could feel me as I glided on top of him. I couldn’t stop myself. It felt good to be on him. It was fun to see his face as he tried to keep things professional while his cock was hard as could be.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s what I heard, as well. I also heard she was drugged up and Stephano wasn’t letting her leave his side.”

  I grabbed hold of the back of the bench and thrust my hips hard against Jackson. The music was loud, and I knew the bouncer wasn’t going to come in. I didn’t know if anyone was watching on the security cameras, but it didn’t really matter. Plenty of girls fucked their clients in the back rooms. I was just playing with my client; it wasn’t anything unusual.

  “All right, you can back off a little.”

  Jackson had started to look pretty damn uncomfortable as I straddled him. He wanted to stay strong, but his body’s reaction to me was too much for him. It was fun to torture the poor guy, especially after finding him with Ally.

  “What do you mean? I thought you liked it when giant breasts were in your face?” I joked.

  “I only came back here so I could ask her questions about Ana.”

  “Oh, so she didn’t do this to you?” I said as I pressed his face in between my breasts.

  Jackson didn’t respond to me and instead grabbed my breasts to hold them tight around his face. He shook his face and made a motor boat noise as his lips vibrated. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of him motor-boating my tits.

  “I did that,” he said as he pulled away for a second.

  Then he grabbed my nipple in his mouth and sucked on it hard. Instantly, I let out a moan as my body reacted to the feeling of his warm lips wrapped around me. He pulled my nipple tight into his mouth and I arched my back in pleasure as he did so. I didn’t think he would up the ante and actually suck on my tit. But I was oh so glad he did.

  “Oh, well…that isn’t allowed here,” I said as I reached my hand between my legs and unzipped his pants.

  I wrapped my fingers around his cock and pulled him out of his pants. The harder he sucked on my nipple, the firmer I stroked him. Two could play this game.

  “Did Ally do this?” I asked as I rubbed him.


  “She did not!” I protested.

  Jackson broke out into laughter. It was nice seeing him smile. He was so serious all the time. I could deal with him much better if he would just smile more often. I knew our job was serious and I was taking it seriously, but it was all right to show yo
ur teeth and smile when something was funny.

  I wanted to slip my body on top of his engorged cock so badly. I just wanted to feel the sweet relief of an orgasm. It had been so long and I had a huge cock only inches away from me, just waiting to make me moan.

  I really had never spent that much time with a guy in recent years. Well, not with a guy who wasn’t gay. Most men I came into contact with were clients and I never saw them outside of the club. I felt a weird connection with Jackson. I still hated that he had brought Ally into the back room, though. I could almost guarantee that she put her tits up to his face and she probably tried to get him to pay for sex, as well. She was a damn whore and Jackson could stay away from her, that was for sure.

  “Your fingers seem to be doing something else that isn’t allowed,” Jackson said as he grunted with the pleasure of my hand around his throbbing cock.

  “I don’t follow rules very well,” I told him as I leaned in and kissed him.

  His lips were hungry for me and our mouths moved together in unison as we passionately kissed. It felt good to kiss a man like Jackson. His firm muscles wrapped around me, and I felt the desire in every move of our bodies. He wrapped his hands around my back and pressed me down onto him. I was only inches away from having his cock inside of me. The decision to take him on was running back and forth through my head. My body certainly wanted Jackson badly. I could feel the wetness of my desire. But my brain kept telling me it was a bad idea and we shouldn’t take things any further.

  His tongue dove into my mouth and took it as his own as he grabbed my hair. His hands were firm with me, yet gentle enough to bring desire out. Jackson alternated between sweet and soft kisses, before he kissed rough and hard. It was the perfect combination.

  I pressed my hips up against him and could feel his hard cock through my wet G-string. There was only a tiny piece of fabric separating the two of us from being together. It was up to me and I knew that. Jackson wasn’t going to make the next move. He wasn’t going to force things to move further along. If I wanted to feel him inside of me, I would have to take the necessary steps to make it happen.

  I agonized over what to do. My body wanted to feel him inside of me so desperately that I almost didn’t care that we were at the club. But deep down, I knew I wouldn’t want to make love to any man in the scuzzy hell hole that was the strip club. It wasn’t my type of thing. If I did decide to make love to Jackson, it was going to be in a bed. A wonderful, fluffy hotel bed.

  Slowly, I stopped kissing Jackson and slid up off of his lap. I gave him time to put his throbbing cock back into his pants as I danced in front of the camera to prevent him from being too exposed. He had by far been the best lap dance I had ever given in that club.

  “Meet me out back in thirty minutes. I’ll wrap things up here and then we can go.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said with a mischievous smile.

  I turned and left the room and walked toward the back dressing area. I couldn’t believe what had just happened between us. Had it all been a show for the cameras? I didn’t think so. I felt a passion between us. I felt his desire for me.

  Jackson was so reserved outside of the club, but in that room he had been passionate. In that room, he had wanted me and I felt that. I was giddy with excitement as I made my way into the back room. I couldn’t wait to get changed and go back to the hotel with Jackson. I wondered if we would continue our make out session or if we would both go back to pretending like we weren’t getting along.

  “Get the fuck into my office!” screamed Stephano as I walked into the dressing room. “Who the fuck do you think you are?

  My heart pounded as I tried to think of a reason for Stephano to be angry with me. He couldn’t have known that I met with Chase and Jackson, or maybe he did? He could have found a totally unrelated reason to be pissed off with me. I had no idea, but what I did know was that I needed to just follow his directions and do whatever he asked of me.

  Then I remembered that I was supposed to give Stephano half of the money I got from having a John at my house. I had totally forgotten about that. I had some cash from my tips that night, though, and it would cover the $500 I had told Stephano I would give him.

  I walked into his office and sat down in the chair across from his desk.

  “Stephano, I’ve got your money,” I said as I tried to calm him down.

  “I don’t want you fucking money, what were you doing with that guy? Was that the John from the other night? Did he pay you to fuck him in the back room? I don’t know what’s come over you lately. You use to be one of my best girls.”

  “I’m sorry, Stephano.”

  I learned a long time before that arguing with Stephano was never a good idea. The best possible way to get him to calm down was to admit that I had done something wrong and then promise to never do it again.

  He continued to rage on about the importance of a woman’s virtue and how I didn’t have any. He talked for nearly a twenty minutes before he asked one of his goons to take me out of the building.

  “You need to think about what you’re doing. A guy like that is only using you. He doesn’t want to marry you. If you’re going to start turning tricks, that’s fine. But you are the one who told me you were above all of that.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry,” I said as his goon walked me out the back door of the club.


  Chapter Seven


  Roxanne was a smart woman. I could tell it had pissed her off that I didn’t trust her to get the information we needed. But did she really expect me to leave Ana’s fate in her hands? I was the trained professional. I was the one who Chase and Jordan had hired to get the job done. If we didn’t come back to Atlanta with Ana, it was going to be my fault.

  Roxanne knew how to use her body to get what she wanted, but our interaction seemed much more than just a ploy. She wanted me. There was no way she could pretend as well as she had. But I had to admit, I wanted her, too.

  If she had started to fuck me right there in the lap dance room, I wouldn’t have argued. The moment was hot, it was primal, and it left me wanting to bring Roxanne back to the hotel and fuck her until she couldn’t take any more. It was weird how she drove me absolutely crazy, and yet I wanted to have her naked in bed. I had never been around a woman who had such an effect on me.

  I did as Roxanne had instructed me to and I waited thirty minutes and then drove around to the back of the club. But she wasn’t there. I pulled off to the side of the building and walked up to the back entrance to see if I could get a look inside.

  My gut said that something was wrong. I didn’t know what it was just yet, but my senses were on high alert. I looked back and forth around the area to see what was going on. I didn’t want to get jumped by some security guard of Stephano’s or anything like that. I wasn’t going to go inside, and I wasn’t going to confront anyone. Part of being a good investigator was staying out of the eyesight of people so you could take note of what was going on.

  Then, I saw something that made my blood go cold. A man had his hand around Roxanne’s throat and she was pinned up against the building. It must have been Stephano. He probably figured out that she was feeding information to someone and he flipped out. I didn’t have time to figure out who it was for sure or what was going on. I needed to neutralize the situation.

  I came up behind the man and wrapped my arm tight around his throat. I held onto him as tight as I could as I pried his fingers away from Roxanne’s throat. She crumbled to the ground and gasped for air, but at least she was trying to breathe. The man I held onto was about 30 seconds away from passing out because I had his oxygen supply totally cut off.

  Although I currently worked as a private investigator, I had many years of experience in a Special Forces unit. My training had taught me how to deal with men like that in a hand-to-hand combat arena. There was nothing he could do at that point; my grip was perfect and he didn’t have the skills necessary to free himse

  “Are you all right?” I asked Roxanne as she stood up and started to punch the man I was holding.

  “You fucker! You goddamn motherfucker! You tried to kill me,” she screamed at the man.

  But within seconds, his body went limp and I let him slide down to the ground. For a second, I saw a look of concern in Roxanne’s eyes. I assumed she thought I had killed the man. If you hadn’t seen a man pass out before, it was quiet concerning. But I wasn’t about to get in trouble for killing a man. I just wanted him to sleep it off until we were long gone.

  “He’s just unconscious,” I said as I grabbed her to bring her to the car.

  She pulled away from me and started to kick him in the stomach before I was finally able to pull her away. There appeared to be a lot of pent up anger toward that man and as much as I didn’t mind her kicking him, we really did need to get out of there.

  “You should have killed him,” Roxanne said as we climbed into the car.

  “Who was he?”

  “One of Stephano’s goons. He’s a lowlife. Stephano was pissed that I had brought a John back to my house and that the same guy had been in my private room with me. He thought I was whoring myself out.”

  “Oh, he saw us?”

  “Yeah, he saw that you didn’t pay me anything when we were done, and he was pissed. But I think he was more concerned that I had said I wouldn’t do anything like that and now he thinks I’m doing it. Or at the very least, he thought I was making very poor decisions. Stephano didn’t make it sound like his goon was supposed to hurt me, though. He just told him to escort me out.”

  “Well, that’s good.”

  “What are you talking about, Jackson? That is not good. He had that goon strangling me out back to teach me a lesson. I don’t see how any of this is good.”


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